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Pain Specialist
Your expertise in surgery and understanding pain has earned you the Pain Specialist Day Job. Logging out in a Hospital will earn you a Regeneration Bonus, when you log back in, for a short time.
Palace of Stone Leaves
Even with every man, woman and child in Dark Astoria slaughtered, the city never ceased to be a thriving metropolis. The bonds that held Mot in its torpor also prevented the spirits of the slain from passing on. Forced to remain as ghosts among the empty remnants of their city, the citizens of Dark Astoria did their best to resume a semblance of normality. Founded by a powerful Tsoo ancestor spirit, the Palace of Stone Leaves was the nerve center of this ghostly community. Now a refuge protected vigorously by its living Tsoo guardians, it houses the few remaining spirits that were lucky enough to not be swept away and consumed when Mot first stirred from its slumber.
- Hero
- You are a Paradigm, that which all other heroes aspire to be.
- Villain
- You've spent considerable time as a boss of others.
The time spent as a mentor has earned you the right to call yourself paragon.
These hills are home to some of the Circle's most secret rites. Very few are allowed to leave after venturing here.
Park Ranger
People's Park was established as a place of peace and recreation for the citizens of Praetoria. By patrolling it you do a service to Praetoria and its people.
Most of Paragon City agrees that you've paid your debt to society. Most, but not all.
You've celebrated the one year anniversary of Pocket D by participating in DJ Zero's recreation of the inaugural Spring Fling.
Passing Fab
These underground tunnels are the only relatively safe way to get into the Fab. They are used as both an emergency exit from the Fab and as a method of sending in reinforcements straight from Grandville proper, should Longbow try to launch an offensive attack.
Your travels have taken you to mysterious and exotic places. You have faced many dangers, but now you have returned to the place you call home.

Your eye for exploration and achievement is recognized. You have earned 100 badges.
You have seen the statue of Cassiopeia, a Heroine recognized as a citizen of every country on Earth after she single-handedly saved the world from a rogue comet.
You have spent your free time making the streets of Paragon City a safer place for its citizens earning the Patroller Day Job.
I spent 1000 Mission Architect tickets and all I got was this stupid badge!
Peace Walker
You have found a place of peace and calm in a land of madness and danger. High stone walls hem you in on all sides, but they grant a feeling of security and solitude and not one of confinement. You wonder idly why none of the horrors that prowl the landscape around you ever find their way into this place of calm, and you are grateful. Even the unearthly chattering and howls of the Shadow Shard's denizens fail to penetrate here, you almost feel as though you could stay here forever, just lay down and rest, safe from all concern... but you cannot. This sense of ease is an illusion, the safety is a lie. Nowhere is safe here, and you'd best move on before this land robs you of all desire to.
No one sane lets you get anywhere close to their vehicles now.
You have taken down Lord Recluse himself, something few others have been able to accomplish. One only hopes there is a prison strong enough to contain him.
Pendragon's Ally
You were able to keep Pendragon from being defeated while he was fighting Maestro by himself.
It is all your fault. The lives you've ruined along your path to glory. That Hellion who was forced into a life of crime when all other options were spent. That lonely member of the Lost who'd been spat on all his life until he finally found people who accepted him for who he was. That Sky Raider whose daughter depended on him to pay for her dialysis. Did you ever give a thought to the people you've been "defeating" in your quest to become a "true hero?" No, of course not, they're just points to be earned on some metaphorical scorecard.

Pentad Victor
You've won your first Pentad or Septad match, you're considered a Pentad Victor.
Persephone Supplicant
There are some who can court darkness without making it a part of themselves. They walk with ease in the shadowy spaces, yet carry a portion of the light with them wherever they go. It is rare to be able to straddle these two worlds so easily, too easy is it to devote yourself completely to one side or the other. It is in a sense a reflection of one's mastery over themselves and you would not be the first to tread these sodden halls to test their resolve or to seek mastery of their own instincts. Most heroes flee the Abandoned Sewer Network before they can be tested, while people such as the Vahzilok and the Hellions give themselves over completely to the darkness.
- Hero
- You've come quite a long way and realized your potential all due to your persistence. This badge has been granted to you for earning thirty three Reward Tokens.
- Villain
- You've come quite a long way and realized your potential all due to your persistence. This badge has been granted to you for earning thirty three Reward Tokens.
Pet Project
Officials in Steel Canyon have kept secret what exactly they've been working on here. There have been many speculations as to what it could be. One of the crazier theories is that there is no true "purpose" to the construction - that all of this somehow just appeared one day and exists solely to distract the heroes of Paragon City.
Phantom Radio
Since the fall of Astoria, shortwave enthusiasts in Paragon City and beyond have occasionally happened upon strange transmissions of ghostly whispers, wailing pleas, bestial shouts of rage, and haunting voices chanting in dead languages. Those who have heard these grim transmissions nearly always suffer for it; their lives claimed by some unexpected calamity or their minds by a sudden and inexplicable mental illness. M.A.G.I. eventually traced the transmission to this radio tower.

Like some Greek Philosopher, you're approached by wannabes and questioners who want to know the secrets of Praetoria. By fighting alongside them, in a way you're revealing those secrets. That's philosophical enough.
- Hero
- Your studies at the Universities of Paragon City and work with the hospitals of Paragon have earned you the Physician Accolade. While logged out at a University or inside a Hospital you will earn charges for your Revive Ally power.
- Villain
- Your studies at the Universities of the Rogue Isles and work within the hospitals of the Rogue Isles have earned you the Physician Accolade. While logged out at a University or inside a Hospital you will earn charges for your Revive Ally Power.
You have aided Arachnos by piloting its fliers, helping Lord Recluse better mobilize his troops, earning you the Pilot Day Job. Logging out near a Black Helicopter will earn you a Speed Bonus, when you log back in, for a short time.
You have trapped 10 Ghosts. You are now an honorary Pirate.

The dread pirate Randall set up this lighthouse to lure ships to their demise.
Pit Viper
This hole is used by the locals as a makeshift arena for fighting and wagering.
Plague Carrier
The radio told you to steal the Outbreak virus and bring it back to Port Oakes.
Plague Stopper
You were key in stopping a plague from overtaking Paragon City.
Plugged In
You've experienced 25 player created story arcs, and have battled everything from aliens to fascists.
The best knowledge is knowledge acquired in secret, without the filters thrown up by outside forces to edit or alter that information. And with information comes power, the power of dominion over all that you survey. From here your influence could spread throughout the city, and away from the prying eyes of those above you could gather your power free of interference. You understand now why so many of a dark bent frequent the tunnels of the Sewer Network. There is a power here, one that will give itself to you if you have the will to take it.
Police Chief
Your time spent working with both Paragon City Hall and the Paragon Police Department has earned you a great deal of respect. While logged out in either Paragon City Hall or a Police Department you'll earn uses for your Police Chief's Baton power.

Council man John Chard announced from this location that his island would be the front lines of defense against the Rikti invasion.
Poor Impulse Control
You've clicked on your first mission objective in an Architect Mission earning yourself the Poor Impulse Control badge.
- Hero
- The citizens of Paragon City have begun a petition to make a statue in your name.
- Villain
- The citizens of the Rogue Isles have begun a petition to make a statue in your name.
Portal Hopper
Your journeys to other dimensions have earned you the Portal Hopper badge.
Portal Jockey
- Heroes
Your efforts to help Portal Corporation explore the vast multiverse have earned you the title of Portal Jockey. This perk comes with +5 Endurance and +5% Hit Points.
- Villains
Portal Corporation has disavowed your many efforts on their behalf. The energies you had received from those other worlds no longer seems to flow.
Portal Parter
This R&D facility suffered one too many accidents and has since fallen into ruin.
Positron's Betrayer
Positron himself once awarded this medal to you. Nowadays he'd probably arrest you.
Positron's Nemesis
In the past you rescued Positron from the Praetorians. Perhaps today you might not do the same.
Power Liberator
Your success at liberating items from trophy vaults has earned you the title of Liberator.
Power Walker
The Walker Energy condensate plant stands at the strategic center of the Terra Volta complex, and as such has become a hotly contested site between the Freakshow and the Sky Raiders. Gaining control of this building places one within ideal striking distance to any other location in Terra Volta and so the fighting here is especially fierce.
This power plant is the glue that holds the operation together. Without it, there would be chaos.
Even Emperor Cole would have to admit you would make a fine Praetor. You can feel the time of reckoning drawing near...
Praetor Selfish
You played through Praetor Duncan's personal story, witnessing the event where Duncan was confronted by her past and kidnapped by Diabolique and Mot.
Praetoria's Bane
In the past you rescued Statesman from the Praetorians. Perhaps today you might not do the same.
Praetorian Professional
Working your way through the ins-and-outs of Praetoria's political landscape has become second nature to you.
Praetorian of Privilege
For those who have contributed greatly to the prosperity of Praetoria, they are given the opportunity to relocate to the rarified air of Four Gables; a place of luxury and comfort.
- Heroes
You spend your free time battling villains in PvP Zones earning you the Predator Day Job. Logging out in a PvP zone will earn you a bonus to your Recharge rate, when you log back in, for a short time.
- Villains
You spend your free time battling heroes in PvP zones earning you the Predator Day Job. Logging out in a PvP zone will earn you a bonus to your Recharge rate, when you log back in, for a short time.
You've earned 100 tickets while at your ticket cap, earning yourself the Premium badge. This badge is awarded to all characters on your account.

If experience is any measure, you've accomplished enough for several lifetimes. You'd like to see any dimension, Primal or Praetorian, try to pull something you can't handle.
Preservation Specialist
The Demolition Charges sent by the IDF to take out the Underground didn't pose a threat to your league, and you were able to take all of them out without a single detonation.
Pressed the Red Button
You've clicked on 250 mission objectives during Architect missions, earning yourself the Pressed the Red Button badge.
Price Gouger
You know better than to work retail in the Rogue Isles. Logging out in a store will earn you a random enhancement, upon each mission completion, for a short time.
Primal Praetorian
Regardless of the dimension in which you find yourself, your involvement in the affairs of Primal and Praetorian Earth has allowed you to establish a well-earned reputation in both worlds.
You have put a huge dent into the pocketbooks of the Sky Raiders by destroying their most expensive equipment, the Sky Skiffs.
Probation Denied
You stopped a number of prisoners from escaping from Ziggursky prison.
Professional Liar
While you're no longer interested in spreading Arachnos lies, there doesn't seem to be many opportunities in a similar vein here in Paragon City.
Hero: Your studies at the Universities of Paragon City during your free time has earned you the Professor Day Job. Logging out in a University will earn you a random piece of Tech Salvage, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time.
Villain: Your studies at the universites of the Rogue Isles during your free time has earned you the Professor Day Job. Logging out in a University will earn you a random piece of Tech Salvage, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time.
Your masterful knowledge of the Black Market coupled with knowing where to get the best merchandise has made you a master of the Black Market. While logged out near Docks or near the Black Market you will earn tokens that will grant you discount when crafting inventions
Not one to stand idly by, you have made your opinions known. For better or for worse.
Proud Scientist
You played Anti-Matter's personal story and witnessed his last moments.
You have spent a great deal of time in the Mother of Mercy Hospital, earning you the Psychologist Day Job. Logging out in the Mother of Mercy Hospital will bolster your defenses against psionic attacks, when you log back in, for a short time.
Punch Drunk
You've suffered a fair number of defeats but keep coming back for more.
You have learned the history of the fallen hero Atlas.
- Hero
- Your drive and purpose is what keeps you going and standing up for what you believe in. This badge has been granted to you for earning twenty seven Reward Tokens.
- Villain
- Your drive and purpose is what keeps you going and crushing your foes beneath your heel. This badge has been granted to you for earning twenty seven Reward Tokens.
Villains have escaped from the Big Zig, and you have taken it upon yourself to track them down.
Locals in High Park have complained to the Pawn Store owner about fixing his sign, saying that it tends to draw the Freakshow to the neighborhood for laughs. The owner adamantly refuses to change the sign, insisting that it is "hilarious." He can be seen speaking with the residents in High Park while wearing a shirt with the words, "LOLCOPTER" on it.
You have arrested one of the higher-ranking members of the Freakshow.
You set fire to one of the nicer parts of Faultline while Penelope Yin and Penelope Mayhem were still fighting elsewhere.
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