Badge time.png   The Paragon Wiki Archive documents the state of City of Heroes/Villains as it existed on December 1, 2012.

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GadgetsGagarin Space Station
Gaining Hero Badges with EffectsGaining Villain Badges with Effects
Gaining the Field Crafter BadgeGalactic Explorer Badge
Galactic Fan Badge
Galaxy CityGalaxy City (Pre-Issue 21)
Galaxy Girl
GaleGale (Disambiguation)
Gallant Badge
Galvanized BadgeGambler's Cut
Game CardsGame ClientGame Manager
Game Time CardsGame Time Cards (European)
Game Time Cards (North American)
Gamer BadgeGamereturn (Slash Command)Gamester
Gangbuster BadgeGangland Fury Badge
GanymedeGas Trap
Gas Trap Base Defense Badge
Gate Closer Badge
Gate Crasher (Disambiguation)Gate Crasher Badge
Gatekeeper Badge
GauntletGauntlet (Base Room)Gauntleted Fist
GaussianGaussian's Synchronized Fire-ControlGaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Chance for Build Up
Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Recharge/EnduranceGaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff
Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff/EnduranceGaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff/Rech/End ReductionGaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff/Recharge
Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance
Gearsmasher BadgeGeas of the Kind Ones Badge
General BadgeGeneral Bu'DekkaGeneral Costume Set
General HammondGeneral Z
GeneratorGenerator Energy CurtainGeneric Heroes
Generic Villains
Genetic RestabilizerGenetically Altered Badge
Geneticist BadgeGenevieve Sanders
Genie Costume SetGenomic Analysis Component
Genuine BadgeGenuine Badge (Vet)
Geologist BadgeGeometric Gauntlets
Georgia Fields
Germinator Terminator BadgeGet comment (Slash Command)Get global name (Slash Command)
Get local name (Slash Command)Getarenastats (Slash Command)
Gfriend (Slash Command)Gfriends (Slash Command)
Ghetto GhostingGhide (Slash Command)GhostRaptor
Ghost FalconGhost Falcon (Developer)
Ghost Hunter BadgeGhost HuntingGhost Ship
Ghost Touched BadgeGhost Widow
Ghost Widow's CapeGhost Widow's Embrace
Ghost Widow's Embrace: Accuracy/EnduranceGhost Widow's Embrace: Accuracy/Hold/RechargeGhost Widow's Embrace: Accuracy/Recharge
Ghost Widow's Embrace: Chance for Psionic DamageGhost Widow's Embrace: Endurance/HoldGhost Widow's Embrace: Hold/Range
Ghost Widow's JournalGhost Widow (Developer)Ghost of Scrapyard
Ghostslayer BombGhostslayer RifleGhoul Costume
Ghoulish BadgeGhouls
Giant Killer Badge
Giant MonsterGiant Monster Guide
Gift Getter Badge
Gift Which Keeps Giving BadgeGift of the Ancients
Gift of the Ancients: DefenseGift of the Ancients: Defense/EnduranceGift of the Ancients: Defense/Endurance/Recharge
Gift of the Ancients: Defense/Increased Run SpeedGift of the Ancients: Defense/Recharge
Gift of the Ancients: Endurance/RechargeGifted Badge
Gifted Speaker BadgeGiga Watts
Gignore (Slash Command)Gignoring (Slash Command)
GilgameshGimpGinger Yates
Giovanna Scaldi
Girdle of HeraGlacia
Gladiator's ArmorGladiator's Armor: Endurance/RechargeGladiator's Armor: Resistance
Gladiator's Armor: Resistance/EnduranceGladiator's Armor: Resistance/Endurance/RechargeGladiator's Armor: Resistance/Recharge
Gladiator's Armor: Teleportation Protection, +Def(All)Gladiator's JavelinGladiator's Javelin: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
Gladiator's Javelin: Accuracy/Endurance/RechargeGladiator's Javelin: Chance for Toxic DamageGladiator's Javelin: Damage/Accuracy
Gladiator's Javelin: Damage/Endurance/RechargeGladiator's Javelin: Damage/RechargeGladiator's Net
Gladiator's Net: Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/HoldGladiator's Net: Accuracy/HoldGladiator's Net: Accuracy/Recharge
Gladiator's Net: Chance for Lethal DamageGladiator's Net: Endurance/Recharge/HoldGladiator's Net: Recharge/Hold
Gladiator's StrikeGladiator's Strike: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeGladiator's Strike: Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
Gladiator's Strike: Chance for Smashing DamageGladiator's Strike: Damage/AccuracyGladiator's Strike: Damage/Endurance/Recharge
Gladiator's Strike: Damage/RechargeGladiator (Disambiguation)Gladiator Badge
Gladiator Badges
Glimpse of the AbyssGlimpse of the Abyss: Accuracy/Endurance
Glimpse of the Abyss: Accuracy/Fear/RechargeGlimpse of the Abyss: Accuracy/RechargeGlimpse of the Abyss: Chance for Psionic Damage
Glimpse of the Abyss: Endurance/FearGlimpse of the Abyss: Fear/Range
Glimpsed the Abyss BadgeGlobal
Global Character Slot TokenGlobal Chat Channel
Global Chat Handle
Global Defense NerfGlobal Enhancement
Global Guardian Badge
Global Threat Badge
Globetrotter BadgeGloomGlowie
Gluon Compound Component
Gmotd (Slash Command)Godmode
Going Rogue
Going Rogue (Box Set)Going Rogue Costume Sets
Going Rogue Pre-Order
Going Rouge Badge
Gold Brickers
Gold Digger BadgeGold Medalist Badge
Gold SalvageGold title
Goldbricker CostumeGoldbricker Rocket Pack
Golden DragonflyGolden Hubcap
Golden RingsGolden RollerGolden Sphinx
Golden Ticket Badge
Good Versus Evil Combined Edition
Good Versus Evil Edition
Goon Squad BadgeGordon Bower
Gordon StacyGorgeous Glenda