Patch Notes/2010-09-28
From Paragon Wiki Archive
[hide]09.28.10 Version 1850.201009101722.3T2
Alignment System
- Characters under level 20 can no longer be awarded credit for alignment missions before level 20.
- If you attempt to change alignment in an alignment-restricted zone (attempting to become a Villain in Atlas Park, for example), the alignment change will fail.
Game Store
- Updated links for the Going Rogue upgrade/purchase button.
- Burn (all versions) – the tick damage will now show up in combat chat as pet damage.
- Rikti Chiefs shouldn’t skate any more.
- Chance to Heal Self IO's will no longer heal enemies when slotted into Chain type powers.
- Cathedral of Pain - Fixed Merit diminishing returns. Merit rewards were dropping off too quickly when diminishing returns kicked in. This has been fixed.
- Warburg Missiles can no longer be used in the Cathedral of Pain.
- Corrected the swapped prestige costs for Small Steel Lab Tank and Steel Alembic Tank.
- Fixed a bug that prevented being awarded the Day Job Accolade Mercenary.
- Fixed a bug that prevented being awarded the Day Job Accolade Rapid Response (Hero)/Trouble Maker (Villain)
City Zones
- Someone had kidnapped all the wandering pedestrians in Paragon City. They have now been rescued to pace the streets once more.
- Force Mastery/Force of Nature - The bonus recovery of this power was marked to ignore Buffs and debuffs, including enhancements. This has been corrected and it is now enhanceable and buffable.
- Fire Manipulation/Burn – This power will no longer damage the caster on its first tick.
- Mace Mastery/Personal Force Field - This power has been replaced with Focused Accuracy.
- Power Mastery/Force of Nature - The bonus recovery of this power was marked to ignore Buffs and debuffs, including enhancements. This has been corrected and it is now enhanceable and buffable.
- Fixed a number of Patron Powers that were not unlocking properly at level 41:
- The Achievement badge for completing a Hero Morality Mission has been renamed "Gallant" from "Resolute" to correct a duplicate title with the Veteran badge "Resolute".
- Fixed a bug in the first mission of the Positron Task Force (Teleport Assault into Orenbega) which could cause critters not to move.
- Peregrine Island - Maria Jenkins - Olympian Guards now spawn at an appropriate level.
- Primal Forces Mastery/Energy Transfer - Reduced Self Damage from scale 3.0 to 2.75.
- Primal Forces Mastery/Energy Transfer - Correct IO Set Slotting -- no longer accepts Stun or Melee AoE sets, now accepts Melee IO Sets.
- Ice Mastery/Sleet - increased recharge time from 60s to 90s.
- Ancillary Power Pools: attack powers in these pools were incorrectly given a chance to crit. This chance has been removed.
- Field Mastery/Temporary Invulnerability – This power now properly accepts Resistance IO sets instead of Defense IO sets
- Robotics/Battle Drones - fixed grammar in the info text.
- Kinetic Melee/Build Up - adjusted the Cast Time from 1.93 to 1.17 to match other versions of the power.
- Destroyer Crusher bats should no longer become invisible.
- Praetorian Clockwork Dismantler - "Particle Burst" no longer automatically hits its target.
- All Praetoria Story Arcs will now give out the proper amount of completion XP, before some were giving out slightly lower XP than intended.
- Charles Monroe must now be defeated before you actually arrest him.
- Jessica Flores is clearer in her instructions for her mission to manipulate files inside Athena Labs.
- Metronome now makes an effort to stop you from rescuing Susan Beck, but less so with Alec Parson.
- Alec Parson will now really tell you important information over the micro-communicator as you are investigating the Haywire Clockwork in M.I.C.I.R.
- Dumpster, the Resistance Leader in Praetor White's "Rescue PPD in Tunnels", will now appropriately display his information.
- Clockwork in Penelope Yin's mission to "Retrieve Clockwork info for Aaron" will no longer say the word "TEXT"
- The clues for Warrant's storyarc, Guns and Money, no longer have their titles chopped off.
- The Resistance attack on Gravatech Labs now has a more 'heroic' pace to it.
- The computer desk inside Athena Labs is now correctly oriented.
- Neutropolis - On Neuron's "Help Test Neuron's Latest Experiment", the clone will use its powers as expected to fight back.
- Neutropolis - Allies will now spawn at the correct level during Calvin Scott (Praetorian)'s "Assist the Storehouse Raid" mission.
- Neutropolis - Penelope Yin: Players of opposing factions can no longer attack each other on Penelope Yin's final mission.
- Defeats of Nightstar as appearing in the Praetorian arcs now counts towards the Dimensional Warder badge.