Rogue Isles Villains
[hide]- 1 Overview
- 2 Enemy types
- 2.1 Bosses
- 2.1.1 Ayame Higarashi
- 2.1.2 Bad Penny
- 2.1.3 Blood Thorn
- 2.1.4 Burning Daemon
- 2.1.5 Comatorium
- 2.1.6 Comrade
- 2.1.7 Contemptress
- 2.1.8 Critical Mass
- 2.1.9 Dark Sabaoth
- 2.1.10 Dr. Eva Lone
- 2.1.11 Double Tap
- 2.1.12 Echidna
- 2.1.13 Fallen From Grace
- 2.1.14 Giga Watts
- 2.1.15 Hollow Point
- 2.1.16 Icecap
- 2.1.17 Mangle
- 2.1.18 Martial Gloom
- 2.1.19 Misadventure
- 2.1.20 Miss Thystle
- 2.1.21 Pyra
- 2.1.22 Pyrelord
- 2.1.23 Sardonic
- 2.1.24 Savage Siren
- 2.1.25 Shock Treatment
- 2.1.26 Silent Blade
- 2.1.27 Stardusk
- 2.1.28 Towering Inferno
- 2.1 Bosses
The Rogue Isles Villains is an enemy group in City of Heroes, but act as allies in City of Villains. They can be found during Mayhem Missions or Safeguard Missions. During Mayhem Missions as part of a side mission, they can be found in jail waiting for help to break out. If they are rescued, they will become an ally and help you for the duration of the mission.
During Safeguard Missions, they are attempting to rob the bank and must be stopped by heroes. Also as part of a side mission, they may be found in the precinct jail where villain groups are trying to free them, if heroes don't prevent it.
During the Statesman Task Force, a full team of these villains can be found near the Thorn Tree.
Many of these villains can also be found alone or even in pairs talking among themselves in many of the Architect Entertainment buildings present in the Rogue Isles as non-aggresive NPCs.
Enemy types
Ayame Higarashi
Main Article: Ayame Higarashi
Born into a major crime family in Japan, Ayame has trained hard to become the ultimate assassin, with hopes of surpassing even Silent Blade and Silver Mantis.
Shurikens (Ranged) Cone Lethal
Three thrown daggers that can hit multiple targets.
Exploding Shuriken Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal
This small throwing star is rigged to explode on impact. You must have two other Weapon Mastery Powers before selecting this power. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate.
Sting of the Wasp Melee, Moderate damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
You perform a standard attack with your ninja blade. This attack is slower than Gambler's Cut, but deals more damage. Sting of the Wasp can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit.
Gambler's Cut Melee, Minor damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
You perform a quick slash with your ninja blade. This attack is very fast but deals only minor damage. This attack can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit.
Flashing Steel Melee (Cone), Moderate Damage (Lethal), Foe -Defense
You swing your Ninja Blade in a wide arc in front of you, slicing multiple foes with lethal damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. If executed while hidden, all affected targets have a chance to be hit with a Critical for extra damage.
Divine Avalanche Melee, Minor damage, Lethal, Self +Defense (Melee, Lethal)
You can use your ninja blade to parry incoming melee attacks, and then quickly return the favor. Divine Avalanche does minor damage, but every successful hit will increase your defense against melee and lethal attacks for a short while.
Caltrops Ranged (Location Area of Effect), Minor Damage over Time (Lethal), Foe -Speed
You toss a handful of Caltrops at a targeted location and spread the tiny metal spikes over a large area. Any enemy that passes over the Caltrops will be forced to move at a slower rate. They will also take some trivial lethal damage over time.
Bad Penny
Main Article: Bad Penny
When a Circle of Thorns ritual in Perez Park accidentally enchanted a long forgotten coin, Bad Penny was born. His mean disposition came from many years trapped in coin jars, change trays, and the fact that he could no longer be used to even purchase a gumball.
Ball Lightning Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect, Energy, Moderate Damage over Time, Energy, Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area of effect and drains some endurance from each target it hits.
Lightning Blast Ranged, High Damage (Energy), Foe -Endurance
A focused electrical blast that can travel great distancies with high Accuracy. Lightning Blast drains Endurance, and is best fired from a distance, as it can be interrupted. Damage: Extreme. Recharge: Slow.
Charged Brawl Melee, Minor Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Sleep, -Endurance
Your fists become electrically charged and deliver a powerful punch. Charged Brawl can drain some Endurance from the target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. A portion of drained Endurance may be returned to you. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.
Havoc Punch Melee, Moderate Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Sleep, -Endurance
The Havoc Punch is a slower attack than Charged Brawl, but makes up for it with a greater damage. Havoc Punch can drain some Endurance from your target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. A portion of the drained Endurance may be given back to you. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.
Jacobs Ladder (Melee, Cone, Energy) Foe -Accuracy
You are able to generate a strong current between your arms and snap a powerful bolt of electricity in an arc in front of you. This melee attack can electrocute all foes within the arc dealing High energy damage. Jacobs Ladder can drain some Endurance from your target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.
Thunder Strike Melee (Area of Effect), High Damage, Smash/Energy, Foe Disorient, Knockback
A massive attack. You smash your foes with all the power of a lightning bolt. The pummeled victim takes tremendous damage and may be Disoriented. Any nearby foes may be knocked down and take some damage from the shockwave.
Chain Induction Melee, No Damage, Foe -Endurance, +Special
This Electric Melee attack deals moderate Smashing and Energy damage and may drain some of the targets Endurance. However, this attack also induces an unstable electric charge that may jump to another enemy target. The charge will jump randomly between multiple targets, until it inevitably dissipates. Enhancements and Fury will only boost the effectiveness of the initial attacks, not the jumping charge..
Lightning Clap Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Disorient, Knockback
You can clap your hands together to release a violent Lightning Clap. The Lightning Clap can knock down most nearby foes, Disorienting many of them. Lightning Clap deals no damage.
Power Sink Point Blank Area of Effect, Self +Endurance, Foe -Endurance
Power Sink leeches energy directly from the bodies of all nearby foes, draining their endurance. Each foe you draw energy from increases your endurance. If there are no foes within range, you will not gain any endurance.
Static Shield Toggle: Self +Resistance(Psionics, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Teleport, Endurance Drain, -Recovery)
can create a field of Static Electricity around your body. This Static Shield protects you from Hold, Sleep, and Disorient effects as well as Endurance Drain, Recovery DeBuffs and enemy Teleportation. Static Shield can also help normalize your synaptic activity, granting you good resistance to Psionic Damage.
Resistance Res( S25 L25 F25 C25 E25 N25 T25 )
Auto, Self
Blood Thorn
Main Article: Blood Thorn
Born in the Brazilian rainforest where the greed from ranchers had taken her home and family at a young age. She decided that the human race needed to be destroyed before they destroy the Earth completely.
Barb Swipe Melee, Minor Damage, Lethal, Damage over Time (Toxic), Foe -Speed, -Recharge
Shred your opponent with several quick swipes from your spines. Barb Swipe deals minor damage over time. Spine poison deals adittional damage over time and Slows affected foes. Damage: Minor (Damage over Time); Recharge: Very Fast.
Lunge Melee, Moderate Damage, Lethal Damage over Time (Toxic), Foe -Speed, -Recharge
Lunge forward stabbing and poisoning a targeted foe with a large Spine on your arm. Lunge deals moderate damage. Spine poison slows affected foes.
Spine Burst Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Damage (Lethal), Damage over Time (Toxic), Foe -Speed, -Recharge
You can fling dozens of Spines in all directions. These Spines only travel a short distance, but they can deal moderate damage and poison any target close to you. Spine poison slows affected foes.
Burning Daemon
Main Article: Burning Daemon
There is nothing human about this creature. Summoned from the darkest pits, Burning Daemon seeks nothing but to cause havoc and create chaos. Many villain groups have attempted to recruit him to control his power, however, he has expressed no interest in any of their petty mortal dealings.
Fire Breath Ranged, Cone, Damage over Time (Fire)
The villain breaths forth a cone of fire that burns all foes within its narrow cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
Scorch Melee, Minor Damage (Fire), Damage over Time (Fire)
The villain's hands are engulfed in flames, igniting the target.
Fire Sword Melee, Lethal/Fire Damage, Damage over Time, Fire
The villain can summon a Sword of Fire that sets foes ablaze. Successful attacks from the fire sword will also do a slight damage over time.
Cremate Melee, High Damage (Smash/Fire)
A slow but devastating attack. Cremate clobbers your foes with a massive two-handed fiery smash that leaves your foe set on fire.
Fire Sword Circle Melee, Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Damage (Fire/Lethal)
Mastery of your Fire Sword has enabled you to make an attack on every foe within melee distance. This will slash and burn your enemies, dealing moderate damage and setting them ablaze.
Incinerate Melee, High Damage over Time (Fire)
Intense concentration can allow you to incinerate an opponent. This will set your foe ablaze, dealing very high damage over a short time.
Consume Point Blank Area of Effect, Self +Endurance
can drain body heat from all nearby foes in order to replenish your own Endurance. The more foes affected, the more Endurance is gained. Foes suffer minimal Fire damage.
Plasma Shield Toggle: Self +Resistance(Fire, Energy, Negative, Hold, Sleep)
While power is active, you are surrounded by pure plasma. The Plasma Shield gives you resistance to Energy, Negative Energy, and Fire damage. Plasma Shield also gives your protection from Sleep and Hold effects.
Resistance Res( S25 L25 F25 C25 E25 N25 T25 )
Auto, Self
Main Article: Comatorium
A shut in for most of his life, Comatorium went crazy when his appartment burnt down with his mother in it. He made the decision after the fire that everyone around him had to pay for his loss.
Power Bolt Ranged, Energy/Smash, Foe Knockdown
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.
Power Blast Ranged, Energy/Smash, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of power boltPower Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Explosive Blast (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Smash/Energy, Foe Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
Main Article: Comrade
A relic of the Cold War, the Soviet soldier who goes by the name of Comrade is a Killer-For-Hire. If you need someone to disappear forever, Comrade will do the deed, for the right price.
Burst Ranged, Lethal, Foe -Defense
Quickly fires a burst of rounds at a single target at very long distance. Damage is moderate, but the fire rate is fast. Can also reduce target's defense.
Slug Ranged, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Fires a large slug at a single target at a very long range. This very accurate weapon hits hard, and can knock down foes.
Buckshot Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Good at close range. Fires a cone of Buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Moderate.
M30 Grenade (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback
The explosion from this M30 Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.
Flamethrower (Ranged, Cone) Damage over Time, Fire
The flamethrower has set you on fire. You are taking damage over time.
Ignite Damage over Time, Fire
The flamethrower has set you on fire. You are taking damage over time.
Force Field Generator Team: +Defense +Resistance (Hold, Immobilize, Disorient)
You can build a Force Field Generator Drone. It will generate a dispersion bubble that gives all nearby allies increased defense against all attacks including psionic. The dispersion bubble also protects allies from immobilization, disorient and hold effects. The drone will follow you, can be buffed and healed or even destroyed. However, it is not a henchmen and cannot be given commands. Limited to one Force Field Generator.
Seeker Drones -Accuracy, -Damage, -Perception, Disorient
You create two Seeker Drones. These Seeker Drones follow you until they detect an enemy and then they will zero in on their targets and detonate on impact. The small explosive flash of energy does on minor damage, but the concussion can weaken foes. Affected targets will have reduced damage, accuracy and perception and may even be disoriented for a short while. You can only ever have two seeker drones out at one time and they can be destroyed by your foes.
Resistance No Resistances
Comrade does not have any special Resistances
Main Article: Contemptress
Contemptress is the girl who is as stunning as she is malevolent. She knows she's gorgeous, uses it to her advantage, and feels everything (including the law) is beneath her. This is NOT the girl you want to ask to dance at a club.
Shurikens (Ranged) Cone Lethal
Three thrown daggers that can hit multiple targets.
Exploding Shuriken Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal
This small throwing star is rigged to explode on impact. You must have two other Weapon Mastery Powers before selecting this power. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate.
Sting of the Wasp Melee, Moderate damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
You perform a standard attack with your ninja blade. This attack is slower than Gambler's Cut, but deals more damage. Sting of the Wasp can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit.
Gambler's Cut Melee, Minor damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
You perform a quick slash with your ninja blade. This attack is very fast but deals only minor damage. This attack can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit.
Flashing Steel Melee (Cone), Moderate Damage (Lethal), Foe -Defense
You swing your Ninja Blade in a wide arc in front of you, slicing multiple foes with lethal damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. If executed while hidden, all affected targets have a chance to be hit with a Critical for extra damage.
Divine Avalanche Melee, Minor damage, Lethal, Self +Defense (Melee, Lethal)
You can use your ninja blade to parry incoming melee attacks, and then quickly return the favor. Divine Avalanche does minor damage, but every successful hit will increase your defense against melee and lethal attacks for a short while.
Danger Sense Toggle, Self +Defense (Melee, Ranged, Area of Effect),+Resistance (Disorinet, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Confuse, Fear, Psionics), +Perception, +Resistance (Defense Debuff)
You become more evasive against ranged and area attacks while you have Danger Sense activated. This will increase your defense versus ranged and area of effect attacks as long as it is active. Your Danger Sense also allow you to perceive stealthy foes and resist defense debuffs.
Resistance No Resistances
Contemptress does not have any special Resistances
Critical Mass
Main Article: Critical Mass
A giant of a man, Critical Mass likes to take on his opponents in close combat. He dons a heavy suit of armor and unleashes a torrent of energy with every strike.
Laser Beam Eyes (Ranged, Smash) Foe -Defense
Your Defenses have been reduced.
Power Blast Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of Power Bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Barrage Melee, Minor Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
You perform a quick punch that deals minor damage. Coupled with other energy punches, Barrage can disorient a foe.
Energy Punch Melee, Moderate Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
You perform a powerful Energy Punch that deals moderate damage. When used with other Energy Melee attacks, Energy Punch can disorient your opponent.
Bone Smasher Melee, High Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
A Bone Smasher attack can be slow, but it compensates by dealing a good amount of damage and having a better chance to disorient than Energy Punch.
Whirling Hands Melee, Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
By focusing your energy into the muscles in your arms, you can launch a dizzying flurry of attacks against every foe in melee range. Some foes may be hit hard enough to be disoriented as well.
Total Focus Melee, Extreme Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
Total Focus is complete mastery over Energy Melee. This is a very slow, but incredibly devastating attack that can knock out most opponents, leaving them disoriented. Due to the exhausting nature of Total Focus, recharge time is very long.
Entropy Shield Toggle, Self +Defense (Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy), +Resistance (Knockback, Repel, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Teleport, DeBuff Defense)
Your defense to Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy attacks is increased. The shield also makes you resistant to Knockback, Repel, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilization, Defense debuffs and enemy Teleportation for as long as you can keep this toggle power active.
Overload Self, +Defense (All but Psionics), +Recovery, +Max Health, +Resistance (DeBuff Defense), +Special
You can Overload your Energy Aura and dramatically improve your defense to all attack types except Psionic Attacks. Overload also grants you high resistance to Defense Debuffs. This Energy Aura is so powerful, that it can even absorb some damage, effectively increasing your Max Hit Points, However, when Overload wears off, you are left drained of all Endurance and unable to Recover Endurance for a while.
Resistance Res( S25 L25 F25 C25 E25 N25 T25 )
Auto, Self
Dark Sabaoth
Main Article: Dark Sabaoth
A former angel who was stripped not only of his divinity, but his entire name as well. He now roams the Earth as Dark Sabaoth, building a new name for himself, and carving out his own place in history.
Dr. Eva Lone
Main Article: Dr. Eva Lone
Dr. Lone never did well in academics. She cheated her way through medical school, and when she found the public sector actually expected results, turned her attentions to mad science. Dr. Lone has never invented though, she only steals inventions from others who are far more creative than she is.
Double Tap
Main Article: Double Tap
A man obsessed with weaponry and guns whose sole purpose in life was to be a vigilante. A victim of mistaken identity he was banished to the dark side of the law and stayed there.
Force Field Generator Place Drone: Point Blank Area of Effect: +Defense +Resistance (Hold, Immobilize, Disorient)
The Force Field Generator will generate a dispersion bubble that gives all nearby allies increased defense against all attacks including psionic. The dispersion bubble also protects allies from immobilization, disorient and hold effects.
Burst Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Quickly fires a Burst of rounds at a single target at long range. Damage is average, but the firing rate is fast. Can also reduce the target's Defense.
Main Article: Echidna
Echidna has been cursed with a monstrous visage all her life. With few options open to her, she took up the persona of the horrific Greek goddess and unleashed her fury on the unsuspecting world.
Barb Swipe Melee, Minor Damage, Lethal, Damage over Time (Toxic), Foe -Speed, -Recharge
Shred your opponent with several quick swipes from your spines. Barb Swipe deals minor damage over time. Spine poison deals adittional damage over time and Slows affected foes. Damage: Minor (Damage over Time); Recharge: Very Fast.
Lunge Melee, Moderate Damage, Lethal, Damage over Time (Toxic), Foe -Speed, -Recharge
Lunge forward stabbing and poisoning a targeted foe with a large Spine on your arm. Lunge deals moderate damage. Spine poison slows affected foes.
Impale (Ranged, Lethal, Foe Immobilize, -Recharge, -Fly)
You can throw a single large Spine at a targeted foe. This Spine does minor damage, but carries a large amount of the Spine toxin that can completely Immobilize most foes, as well as slowing them.
Spine Burst (Point Blank Area of Effect, Lethal, Toxic Damage over Time, Foe -Speed, -Recharge)
You can fling dozens of Spines in all directions. These Spines only travel a short distance, but they can deal moderate damage and poison any target close to you. Spine poison slows affected foes.
Fallen From Grace
Main Article: Fallen From Grace
Darius was once considered akin to the Angels, however that was all brought to a halt when he was abducted by Arachnos, and transformed into the psychotic creature he is today. Arachnos scientists removed his eyes, but later imbued him with the power of fire, and unleashed upon the world to cause destruction.
Flares Ranged, Fire, Damage over Time, Fire
A quick attack that throws Flares at the target. Little damage, but very fast.
Fire Blast Ranged, Fire, Damage over Time (Fire)
Sends a Blast of Fire at a targeted foe and sets the target on fire for a short period of time. Slower recharge rate than Flares, but more damage.
Fire Ball (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Fire
A Fireball consumes a targeted foe, and any other enemy in a tight radius. Anyone in that area is burned and damaged over a short period of time.
Rain Of Fire Damage over time (Fire)
You are burning in a Rain of Fire.
Fire Breath Ranged, Cone, Damage over Time (Fire)
Fallen From Grace breaths forth a cone of fire that burns all forth within it's narrow cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
Blaze Ranged, High damage (Fire), Damage over Time (Fire)
A short range, but devastating flame attack.
Inferno Point Blank Area of Effect, Extreme damage, Fire/Smash, Damage over Time, Fire
Unleashes a massive fiery explosion to devastate all nearby enemies and set them ablaze. Inferno deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance and unable to recover Endurance for a while.
Melt Armor Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect, Foe -Damage, -Defense
The searing Heat from this power is enough to Melt the Armor and defenses of all targets in the affected area. Melt Armor significantly weakens the Defense and Damage Resistance of the affected targets.
Resistance No Resistances
Fallen From Grace does not have any special Resistances
Giga Watts
Main Article: Giga Watts
Giga Watts is a cyborg, developed by a resident scientist in Cap au Diable. After many months of testing, Giga learned that he is capable of self-control, and has since abandoned his maker. Giga seeks to join Arachnos, by any means necessary.
Lightning Blast Ranged, High Damage (Energy), Foe -Endurance
A focused electrical blast that can travel great distancies with high Accuracy. Lightning Blast drains Endurance, and is best fired from a distance, as it can be interrupted. Damage: Extreme. Recharge: Slow.
Charged Brawl Melee, Minor Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Sleep, -Endurance
Your fists become electrically charged and deliver a powerful punch. Charged Brawl can drain some Endurance from the target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. A portion of drained Endurance may be returned to you. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.
Havoc Punch Melee, Moderate Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Sleep, -Endurance
The Havoc Punch is a slower attack than Charged Brawl, but makes up for it with a greater damage. Havoc Punch can drain some Endurance from your target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. A portion of the drained Endurance may be given back to you. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.
Jacobs Ladder (Melee, Cone, Energy) Foe -Accuracy
You are able to generate a strong current between your arms and snap a powerful bolt of electricity in an arc in front of you. This melee attack can electrocute all foes within the arc dealing High energy damage. Jacobs Ladder can drain some Endurance from your target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.
Thunder Strike Melee (Area of Effect), High Damage, Smash/Energy, Foe Disorient, Knockback
A massive attack. You smash your foes with all the power of a lightning bolt. The pummeled victim takes tremendous damage and may be Disoriented. Any nearby foes may be knocked down and take some damage from the shockwave.
Chain Induction Melee, No Damage, Foe -Endurance, +Special
This Electric Melee attack deals moderate Smashing and Energy damage and may drain some of the targets Endurance. However, this attack also induces an unstable electric charge that may jump to another enemy target. The charge will jump randomly between multiple targets, until it inevitably dissipates. Enhancements and Fury will only boost the effectiveness of the initial attacks, not the jumping charge..
Lightning Clap Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Disorient, Knockback
You can clap your hands together to release a violent Lightning Clap. The Lightning Clap can knock down most nearby foes, Disorienting many of them. Lightning Clap deals no damage.
Power Sink Point Blank Area of Effect, Self +Endurance, Foe -Endurance
Power Sink leeches energy directly from the bodies of all nearby foes, draining their endurance. Each foe you draw energy from increases your endurance. If there are no foes within range, you will not gain any endurance.
Charged Armor Toggle, Self +Resistance (Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy)
When you toggle on this power, you are surrounded in a charged field that makes you highly resistant to Smashing, Lethal Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy damage.
Power Surge Self: +Resistance (All -Psionics), +Resistance (Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback, End Drain, Recovery DeBuff, Enemy Teleportation), +Endurance Recovery, Attack: Special EMP Pulse
When you activate this power, you transform your body into living Electricity and become extremely resistant to all damage but Psionics, as well as Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback, End Drain, Recovery DeBuff, and enemy Teleportation. Your Endurance recovery is also increased. As Power Surge wears off, the charge in your body explodes in a massive EMP pulse. However, expending all this energy will leave you exhausted, and drained of almost all Health and Endurance.
EM Pulse (Point Blank Area of Effect, No Damage, Foe -Endurance) Foe Hold, -Regeneration
You are held immobile by the EM Pulse and your regeneration rate is reduced.
Resistance Res( S25 L25 F25 C25 E25 N25 T25 )
Auto, Self
Hollow Point
Main Article: Hollow Point
Forgotten by his unit and left for dead behind enemy lines, for Hollow Point escaping from that hell was only the beginning of the war. One by one he is making those who abandoned him realize the scope of their mistake.
Burst Ranged, Lethal, Foe -Defense
Quickly fires a burst of rounds at a single target at very long distance. Damage is moderate, but the fire rate is fast. Can also reduce target's defense.
Slug Ranged, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Fires a large slug at a single target at a very long range. This very accurate weapon hits hard, and can knock down foes.
Buckshot Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Good at close range. Fires a cone of Buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Moderate.
M30 Grenade (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback
The explosion from this M30 Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.
Flamethrower (Ranged, Cone) Damage over Time, Fire
The flamethrower has set you on fire. You are taking damage over time.
Ignite Damage over Time, Fire
The flamethrower has set you on fire. You are taking damage over time.
Triage Beacon Place Beacon: Point Blank Area of Effect +Regen
You can plant a Triage Beacon into the ground. The Beacon is immobile, but it emits a powerful healing aura. The regeneration rate of you, or your allies, will be greatly increased as long as you are near the Triage Beacon. The Beacon is invulnerable.
Force Field Generator Team: +Defense +Resistance (Hold, Immobilize, Disorient)
You can build a Force Field Generator Drone. It will generate a dispersion bubble that gives all nearby allies increased defense against all attacks including psionic. The dispersion bubble also protects allies from immobilization, disorient and hold effects. The drone will follow you, can be buffed and healed or even destroyed. However, it is not a henchmen and cannot be given commands. Limited to one Force Field Generator.
Seeker Drones -Accuracy, -Damage, -Perception, Disorient
You create two Seeker Drones. These Seeker Drones follow you until they detect an enemy and then they will zero in on their targets and detonate on impact. The small explosive flash of energy does on minor damage, but the concussion can weaken foes. Affected targets will have reduced damage, accuracy and perception and may even be disoriented for a short while. You can only ever have two seeker drones out at one time and they can be destroyed by your foes.
Scourge Critical Damage
The Corruptor is a dastardly villain indeed. As a Corruptor's foe health wanes, the Corruptor can start to land Scourge hits with his attack powers for up to double damage. The weaker the target is, the greater chance the Corruptor has of landing Scourge. Once a foe is weak enough, ther is no escaping the Corruptors wrath. The Corruptor shows no mercy.
Main Article: Icecap
Orphaned in the bitter-cold mountains of Nepal this young man made a pact with the harsh spirits of frost and ice to bring their pain wherever he walked.
Ice Bolt Ranged, Minor Damage (Cold/Smash) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Ice Bolt quickly pelts an enemy with small icy daggers; their chill Slows a foe's attacks and movement for a time. Fast, but little damage..
Ice Blast Ranged, Moderate Damage (Cold/Smash) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Ice Blast hurls shards of ice at foes and Slows their attacks and movement for a time. Slower recharge than Ice Bolt, but more damage.
Frost Breath Close (Cone), Moderate Damage over Time (Cold), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Unleashes a cone of frosty breath that can Slow your opponents' movement and attacks. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
Main Article: Mangle
Mangle was an unwilling attraction for a travelling freak show, but the chains couldn't contain his fury forever. Once free he waited in the shadows to repay his captors' "kindness" with blood.
Swipe (Melee, Lethal)
Two quick Swipes with your claws. Does minor lethal damage, but has a quick recharge rate.
Strike (Melee, Lethal)
You perform a Strike with your claws. This is a basic attack that deals a moderate amount of lethal damage.
Slash (Melee, Lethal, Foe -Defense)
You perform a Slash with your claws, dealing a good amount of lethal damage, but with a longer recharge rate than Swipe or Strike. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit.
Focus (Ranged, Lethal, Foe Knockback)
Projects a burst of Focused power over a short distance. Focus deals high lethal damage and can possibly knock down your foe.
Shockwave (Ranged, Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockback)
Projects a Shockwave of focused power that can travel a short distance. Shockwave travels in a wide arc in front of you dealing moderate lethal damage and possibly knocking back foes.
Focused Fighting (Self +Defense (Melee), Resistance (Confuse, DeBuff Defense))
You become more evasive to melee attacks while you have Focused Fighting activated. This will increase your Defense verses melee as long as it is active. Your focus also offers you resistance to Confuse effects and Debuffs to Defense.
Martial Gloom
Main Article: Martial Gloom
Once a force to be reckoned within the Freedom Corps organization, Martial Gloom went insane after seeing innocent bystanders die in a fire fight and vowed to take the Freedom Corps down himself.
Shurikens Ranged, Cone, Lethal
Three thrown daggers that can hit multiple targets.
Thunder Kick Melee, Minor Damage (Smash), Foe Disorient (Minor)
You can perform a strong Thunder Kick that hits so hard it can disorient your target.
Storm Kick Melee, Moderate Damage (Smash)
You can unleash a roundhouse kick that pummels your foe for moderate damage.
Cobra Strike Melee, Minor Damage, Smash, Foe Disorient
This focused attack can severely Disorient most targets as well as deal some damage.
Main Article: Misadventure
Misadventure is just a girl with a lot of bad luck. She has accepted this as her fate and uses it to further her criminal career.
Levitate Ranged, Moderate Damage, Smash
You can send a single target violently into the air, then slam him to the ground for smashing damage. This power can bring flying foes to the ground.
Dominate Ranged, Foe Hold
Tear at the mind of a single target foe. Dominate renders a single victim helpless, lost in his own mind and unable to defend himself.
Mass Hypnosis Targeted Area of Effect, Foe Sleep
Hypnotizes a group of foes at a distance and puts them to Sleep. The targets will remain asleep for some time, but will awaken if attacked. This power deals no damage, but if done discretely, the targets won't even be aware of your presence.
Total Domination Ranged, Area of Effect, Foe Hold
Tears at the mind of a target foe and those near them. Total Domination renders all affected foes helpless, lost in their own minds and unable to defend themselves.
Terrify Ranged (Cone), Minor Damage (Psionic), Foe Fear
This power terrifies foes within a cone area in front of you, causing them to tremble in fear uncontrollably. The effect is so frightening and overwhelming that the target takes real damage from the physiological response to this psionic attack.
Psychic Scream Ranged, Cone, Moderate Damage (Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This howl of psionic energy resonates in the minds of all foes within its conical area of effect, inflicting moderate damage.
Subdue Ranged, Psionic, Foe Immobilize
Subdue deals moderate damage and may leave the targeted foe Immobilized for a brief time. Immobilized foes can not move but can still attack.
Psychic Shockwave Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Disorient, -Recharge
Psychic Shockwave is a devastating Psionic attack that wracks the minds of all nearby foes. Affected foes may have a reduced attack rate and may be left Disoriented.
Resistance No Resistances
Misadventure does not have any special Resistances
Miss Thystle
Main Article: Miss Thystle
This woman was just born into the wrong family. Her parents being her role model, she decided that she wanted it all in life, without the hassle of working for it. Miss Thystle doesn't care how she gets what she wants, just as long as she gets it.
Hurl Ranged, Moderate Damage, smash, Foe Knockback
You are able to tear up a chunk of ground beneath your feet and Hurl it at an enemy. This attack is close ranged, deals moderate damage and can knock foes back. Damage: Heavy. Recharge: Moderate.
Temp Invulnerability Toggle, Self +Resistances (Smash, Lethal)
When you activate this power, you become highly resistant to Smashing and Lethal damage for a short duration. Recharge: Very Long.
Unyielding Toggle, Self +Resistance (Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Slow, Knockback)
When you toggle on this power, you become Unyielding. You are resistant to all damage except Psionics, as well as Knockback, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, and Disorient effects. However, your defiant stature means you are more likely to be hit.
Main Article: Pyra
Once a beauty queen pageant winner that lost her looks when the building a pageant she was in burnt down. She vowed to make everyone suffer the way that she did that fateful day of fire.
Fire Breath Ranged, Cone, Damage over Time (Fire)
The villain breaths forth a cone of fire that burns all foes within its narrow cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
Scorch Melee, Minor Damage (Fire), Damage over Time (Fire)
The villain's hands are engulfed in flames, igniting the target.
Fire Sword Melee, Lethal/Fire Damage, Damage over Time, Fire
The villain can summon a Sword of Fire that sets foes ablaze. Successful attacks from the fire sword will also do a slight damage over time.
Cremate Melee, High Damage, Smash/Fire, Damage over Time, Fire
A slow but devastating attack. Cremate clobbers your foes with a massive two-handed fiery smash that leaves your foe set on fire.
Fire Shield Self +Resistance (Fire, Lethal, Smash, Cold)
While this power is active, Fire Shield gives you good resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Fire Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage.
Main Article: Pyrelord
Pyrelord has always been obsessed with death and fire. Every chance he gets, he uses his powers to create chaos and mayhem, watching the flames of destruction with eery fascination.
Fire Breath Ranged, Cone, Damage over Time (Fire)
The villain breaths forth a cone of fire that burns all foes within its narrow cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
Scorch Melee, Minor Damage (Fire), Damage over Time (Fire)
The villain's hands are engulfed in flames, igniting the target.
Fire Sword Melee, Lethal/Fire Damage, Damage over Time, Fire
The villain can summon a Sword of Fire that sets foes ablaze. Successful attacks from the fire sword will also do a slight damage over time.
Cremate Melee, High Damage, Smash/Fire, Damage over Time, Fire
A slow but devastating attack. Cremate clobbers your foes with a massive two-handed fiery smash that leaves your foe set on fire.
Incinerate Melee, High Damage over Time (Fire)
Intense concentration can allow you to incinerate an opponent. This will set your foe ablaze, dealing very high damage over a short time.
Greater Fire Sword Melee, Superior Damage (Fire/Lethal), Damage over Time (Fire)
Your mastery of fire allows you to create an enhanced sword of fire that can set foes ablaze. Successful attacks from the Greater Fire Sword will ignite your target, dealing damage over time.
Consume Point Blank Area of Effect, Self +Endurance
can drain body heat from all nearby foes in order to replenish your own Endurance. The more foes affected, the more Endurance is gained. Foes suffer minimal Fire damage.
Plasma Shield Toggle: Self +Resistance(Fire, Energy, Negative, Hold, Sleep)
While power is active, you are surrounded by pure plasma. The Plasma Shield gives you resistance to Energy, Negative Energy, and Fire damage. Plasma Shield also gives your protection from Sleep and Hold effects.
Resistance Res( S25 L25 F25 C25 E25 N25 T25 )
Auto, Self
Main Article: Sardonic
Always a troublemaker, Sardonic often finds himself on the wrong side of the law. He is physically incapable of keeping his acerbic sarcasm to himself and tends to make bad situations worse.
Laser Beam Eyes (Ranged, Smash) Foe -Defense
Your Defenses have been reduced.
Power Blast Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of Power Bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Barrage Melee, Minor Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
You perform a quick punch that deals minor damage. Coupled with other energy punches, Barrage can disorient a foe.
Energy Punch Melee, Moderate Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
You perform a powerful Energy Punch that deals moderate damage. When used with other Energy Melee attacks, Energy Punch can disorient your opponent.
Bone Smasher Melee, High Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
A Bone Smasher attack can be slow, but it compensates by dealing a good amount of damage and having a better chance to disorient than Energy Punch.
Whirling Hands Melee, Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
By focusing your energy into the muscles in your arms, you can launch a dizzying flurry of attacks against every foe in melee range. Some foes may be hit hard enough to be disoriented as well.
Total Focus Melee, Extreme Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
Total Focus is complete mastery over Energy Melee. This is a very slow, but incredibly devastating attack that can knock out most opponents, leaving them disoriented. Due to the exhausting nature of Total Focus, recharge time is very long.
Entropy Shield Toggle, Self +Defense (Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy), +Resistance (Knockback, Repel, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Teleport, DeBuff Defense)
Your defense to Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy attacks is increased. The shield also makes you resistant to Knockback, Repel, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilization, Defense debuffs and enemy Teleportation for as long as you can keep this toggle power active.
Resistance Res( S25 L25 F25 C25 E25 N25 T25 )
Auto, Self
Savage Siren
Main Article: Savage Siren
Savage Siren once looked up to Paragon City's heroes, until the day of the Rikti War, when one of the heroes hurled a Rikti drone into her parents' apartment, killing them instantly. Siren has vowed to destroy the Freedom Phalanx, and is seeking to join Arachnos to help in their conquest.
Levitate Ranged, Moderate Damage, Smash
You can send a single target violently into the air, then slam him to the ground for smashing damage. This power can bring flying foes to the ground.
Dominate Ranged, Foe Hold
Tear at the mind of a single target foe. Dominate renders a single victim helpless, lost in his own mind and unable to defend himself.
Terrify Ranged (Cone), Minor Damage (Psionic), Foe Fear
This power terrifies foes within a cone area in front of you, causing them to tremble in fear uncontrollably. The effect is so frightening and overwhelming that the target takes real damage from the physiological response to this psionic attack.
Mass Hypnosis Targeted Area of Effect, Foe Sleep
Hypnotizes a group of foes at a distance and puts them to Sleep. The targets will remain asleep for some time, but will awaken if attacked. This power deals no damage, but if done discretely, the targets won't even be aware of your presence.
Mind Probe Melee, Moderate Damage, Psionic, Foe -Recharge
Grip the minds of your foe with a Mind Probe. You must be in close proximity to pull off this attack that wrecks havoc on your foes synapses, dealing moderate psionic damage while reducing his attack speed.
Psychic Scream Ranged, Cone, Moderate Damage (Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This howl of psionic energy resonates in the minds of all foes within its conical area of effect, inflicting moderate damage.
Drain Psyche Point Blank Area of Effect, Self +Regen, +Recovery, Foe -Regen, -Recovery
You Drain the Psyche of your nearby foes, thusweakening their Hit Point Regeneration and Endurance Recovery and boosting your own. Recharge: Very Long.
Subdue Ranged, Psionic, Foe Immobilize
Subdue deals moderate damage and may leave the targeted foe Immobilized for a brief time. Immobilized foes can not move but can still attack.
Shock Treatment
Main Article: Shock Treatment
A demented doctor and one too many sessions of shock therapy left this unstable girl with a permanent charge. Now she walks free cackling in delight as she gives the world a taste of her torment!
Ball Lightning Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect, Energy, Moderate Damage over Time, Energy, Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area of effect and drains some endurance from each target it hits.
Lightning Blast Ranged, High Damage (Energy), Foe -Endurance
A focused electrical blast that can travel great distancies with high Accuracy. Lightning Blast drains Endurance, and is best fired from a distance, as it can be interrupted. Damage: Extreme. Recharge: Slow.
Charged Brawl Melee, Minor Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Sleep, -Endurance
Your fists become electrically charged and deliver a powerful punch. Charged Brawl can drain some Endurance from the target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. A portion of drained Endurance may be returned to you. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.
Havoc Punch Melee, Moderate Damage (Smash/Energy), Foe Sleep, -Endurance
The Havoc Punch is a slower attack than Charged Brawl, but makes up for it with a greater damage. Havoc Punch can drain some Endurance from your target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. A portion of the drained Endurance may be given back to you. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.
Jacobs Ladder (Melee, Cone, Energy) Foe -Accuracy
You are able to generate a strong current between your arms and snap a powerful bolt of electricity in an arc in front of you. This melee attack can electrocute all foes within the arc dealing High energy damage. Jacobs Ladder can drain some Endurance from your target and may overload his synapses, leaving him writhing for a moment. Disturbing an overloaded target will disperse the electrical charge and release him.
Thunder Strike Melee (Area of Effect), High Damage, Smash/Energy, Foe Disorient, Knockback
A massive attack. You smash your foes with all the power of a lightning bolt. The pummeled victim takes tremendous damage and may be Disoriented. Any nearby foes may be knocked down and take some damage from the shockwave.
Chain Induction Melee, No Damage, Foe -Endurance, +Special
This Electric Melee attack deals moderate Smashing and Energy damage and may drain some of the targets Endurance. However, this attack also induces an unstable electric charge that may jump to another enemy target. The charge will jump randomly between multiple targets, until it inevitably dissipates. Enhancements and Fury will only boost the effectiveness of the initial attacks, not the jumping charge..
Lightning Clap Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Disorient, Knockback
You can clap your hands together to release a violent Lightning Clap. The Lightning Clap can knock down most nearby foes, Disorienting many of them. Lightning Clap deals no damage.
Power Sink Point Blank Area of Effect, Self +Endurance, Foe -Endurance
Power Sink leeches energy directly from the bodies of all nearby foes, draining their endurance. Each foe you draw energy from increases your endurance. If there are no foes within range, you will not gain any endurance.
Charged Armor Toggle, Self +Resistance (Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy)
When you toggle on this power, you are surrounded in a charged field that makes you highly resistant to Smashing, Lethal Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy damage.
Power Surge Self: +Resistance (All -Psionics), +Resistance (Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback, End Drain, Recovery DeBuff, Enemy Teleportation), +Endurance Recovery, Attack: Special EMP Pulse
When you activate this power, you transform your body into living Electricity and become extremely resistant to all damage but Psionics, as well as Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback, End Drain, Recovery DeBuff, and enemy Teleportation. Your Endurance recovery is also increased. As Power Surge wears off, the charge in your body explodes in a massive EMP pulse. However, expending all this energy will leave you exhausted, and drained of almost all Health and Endurance.
EM Pulse (Point Blank Area of Effect, No Damage, Foe -Endurance) Foe Hold, -Regeneration
You are held immobile by the EM Pulse and your regeneration rate is reduced.
Silent Blade
Main Article: Silent Blade
Trained from birth to be the perfect killer, she has no name, no family and no compunctions about what she does.
Shurikens (Ranged) Cone Lethal
Three thrown daggers that can hit multiple targets.
Sting of the Wasp Melee, Moderate damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
You perform a standard attack with your ninja blade. This attack is slower than Gambler's Cut, but deals more damage. Sting of the Wasp can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit.
Gambler's Cut Melee, Minor damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
You perform a quick slash with your ninja blade. This attack is very fast but deals only minor damage. This attack can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit.
Flashing Steel Melee (Cone), Moderate Damage (Lethal), Foe -Defense
You swing your Ninja Blade in a wide arc in front of you, slicing multiple foes with lethal damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. If executed while hidden, all affected targets have a chance to be hit with a Critical for extra damage.
Divine Avalanche Melee, Minor damage, Lethal, Self +Defense (Melee, Lethal)
You can use your ninja blade to parry incoming melee attacks, and then quickly return the favor. Divine Avalanche does minor damage, but every successful hit will increase your defense against melee and lethal attacks for a short while.
Soaring Dragon Melee, High damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense, Knockup
You perform a powerful Soaring Dragon maneuver that deals a great deal of damage, and can knock a target up into the air. This attack can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit.
Golden Dragonfly Melee, Extreme Damage (Lethal), Foe Knockback, -Defense
You perform a devastating Golden Dragonfly attack that deals a massive amount of lethal damage and can even knock a foe down to the ground and reduce his Defense. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes. If executed while hidden, only some affected targets may be hit with a Critical, however, there is a chance you may land a Critical hit with Golden Dragonfly even if you are not Hidden.
Ninja Reflexes Toggle, Self +Defense (Melee, Ranged, Area of Effect), +Resistance (Defense Debuff), +Perception
Activating your Ninja Reflexes enables you to be more evasive to melee attacks. This will increase your defense versus melee as long as it is active. Ninja Reflexes also grants you resistance to defense debuffs.
Danger Sense Toggle, Self +Defense (Melee, Ranged, Area of Effect),+Resistance (Disorinet, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Confuse, Fear, Psionics), +Perception, +Resistance (Defense Debuff)
You become more evasive against ranged and area attacks while you have Danger Sense activated. This will increase your defense versus ranged and area of effect attacks as long as it is active. Your Danger Sense also allow you to perceive stealthy foes and resist defense debuffs.
Caltrops Ranged (Location Area of Effect), Minor Damage over Time (Lethal), Foe -Speed
You toss a handful of Caltrops at a targeted location and spread the tiny metal spikes over a large area. Any enemy that passes over the Caltrops will be forced to move at a slower rate. They will also take some trivial lethal damage over time.
Kuji-In Sha Self Heal, +Resistance (Toxic)
Kuji-In Sha invokes the power of Sha, or healing. Focusing your inner power, you can heal your body of its wounds and leave yourself resistant to the effects of toxic damage for a while.
Kuji-In Retsu Self, +Defense, +Speed, +Recovery, +Resistance (Defense Debuff), +Special
Kuji-In Retsu is the mastery of space and time. Focusing your power on Retsu enables you to control your own time to easily defeat your foes. Mastery of this power enables you to avoid almost any attack, be it ranged, melee, or area effect. Your running speed, jumping height and endurance recovery are also increased. Retsu also grants you high resistance to defense debuffs. When Retsu wears off, you are left drained of all endurance and unable to recover endurance for a while.
Main Article: Stardusk
With a tainted soul as dark and twisted as a dying star, this villain warps and weakens any who stands in her way.
Neutrino Bolt (Ranged, Energy, Foe -Defense)
A very quick, but low damage attack. Neutrino Blast can reduce the target's Defense.
X-Ray Beam (Ranged, Energy, Foe -Defense)
You can emit a beam of X-Ray energy from your eyes, dealing moderate Energy damage. This attack can bypass some defenses and can reduce the target's defense.
Electron Haze (Close, Cone, Energy, Foe -Defense, Knockback)
A short range conical blast of free electrons. This attack can bypass some of a target's defenses and reduce the target's Defense. It can also knock some targets down.
Cosmic Burst (Close, Energy, Foe Disorient, -Defense)
Cosmic Burst smashes the target with cosmic particles. The attack is very short range, but the damage is devastating and can leave most targets disoriented and with reduced defense.
Radiant Aura Point Blank Area of Effect, Ally Heal
You can use Radiant Aura to heal some of your wounds, and the wounds of your group. This power has a small radius, so your allies need to be near you if they wish to be affected. Recharge:Moderate.
Enervating Field (Anchor based Area of Effect, Foe -Damage, -Resistances)
While this power is active, you irradiate a targeted foe, and all foes nearby, with a deadly dose of radiation. This radiation weakens exposed targets, decreasing the damage of their attacks. It also significantly weakens their resistance, so they will take much more damage from other attacks.
Lingering Radiation Foe -Speed, -Recharge, -Regeneration
Stardusk can emit Lingering Radiation that reduces the attack rate, movement speed, and Regeneration rate of the target, and all nearby foes.
Towering Inferno
Main Article: Towering Inferno
A colossal of modern technology, the Towering Inferno sets all who oppose him ablaze!
Breath of Fire (Ranged, Cone, Damage over Time, Fire)
This allows you to spew forth fire from your mouth, burning all foes within its narrow cone. This is a very accurate attack that can deal good damage at a close range.
Cremate (Melee, Damage over Time, Fire)
A slow but devastating attack. Cremate clobbers your foes with a massive two-handed fiery smash that leaves your foe set on fire.
Fire Sword (Melee, Fire Damage over Time)
Through concentration, you can create a Sword of Fire that sets fores ablaze. Successful attacks from the fire sword will ignite your target, dealing damage over time..
Fire Shield Self +Resistance (Fire, Lethal, Smash, Cold, Disorient)
While this power is active, Fire Shield gives you good resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Fire Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage as well as protection from Disorient effects.