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You've spent so much time held, slept, immobilized, encased in goo, et cetera, that it now seems to take you two seconds to do something it takes others only one. Perhaps you should see someone about it?
Lambda Leader
You have completed the Incarnate Trial: Lambda Sector.
Lambda Looter
Perhaps you didn't know this, but the items collected in Lambda Sector can be used in the fight versus Marauder to make it easier. Your league, however, decided to collect a full set of both items and not use a single one. Kudos to you.
Land Locked
This lock holds back the waters of Eastgate Bay, and has been the target of many super criminals bent on flooding Galaxy City.
You have won your first rated creature battle in the Arena!
Last Line of Defense
During the Second Rikti War, this hill was used by heroes as a gathering point to fight off the Rikti in Talos. Despite the large Rikti numbers, the heroes managed to repel them time after time from this very spot, allowing the rest of Talos Island's citizens to get to safety.

Laughs it Off
One million damage? Nothing to you, it seems. Though you probably wouldn't want to take it in one blow...
You have no idea what that "Lucan" thing was, but he will haunt your dreams forever.
Law Enforcer
You have worked closely with the Paragon Police Department during your free time earning the Law Enforcer Day Job. Logging out in a Police Station will earn you an Experience Bonus, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time.
The laws of the afterlife both require that no living being enter and that no dead being depart. You have defied these laws by defeating those tasked with enforcing them, the Drudges.

Keeping your eyes and ears open, you've earned 10 badges. Amongst those who follow these things, this qualifies you as a Lead-Follower.
- Hero
- The citizens of Paragon City have begun a petition to make a statue in your name.
- Villain
- Your very name strikes both fear and awe into the hearts of the citizens of the Rogue Isles. You are considered a Leader.
Left Behind
Before the Rikti War, the Red Tiger, Jake Montoya, used this area to train fellow heroes. The people of Paragon would gather on the weekends to watch the exciting 'Hide Park Sparring Sessions'. After his mandatory retirement, the sparring sessions stopped all together.
You have freed the captured heroes, preventing them from becoming devoured.
It is here that the Devouring Earth nearly set off a biological bomb to infect the citizens of Founder's Falls.
Life Out of Death
Mot's hunger is insatiable and its power to feast upon life is prodigious. For sustenance, many innocent people have been spirited away into the haunted streets of Dark Astoria. Not all who have been abducted have met their end, surviving against all odds.
Life and Death
For a woman so obsessed with becoming Death Incarnate, Diabolique sure spent a lot of energy making sure that she had a ready supply of Lifegiving Essences to keep her alive during your final battle in Dilemma Diabolique. In the end, though, they proved to be little more than an inconvenience for your league, as you did not allow a single one to successfully be used to heal her.
Lightweight Champion
You have achieved the status of Champion in the Lightweight division by winning your first match in this division.
Line Holder
Arachnos stationed here are the first line of defense against any Arachnoids trying to break out of the Gutter. Arachnoids foolish enough to attempt an attack from above ground never succeed, though it's well known that most Arachnoids utilize their own underground tunnels to travel.
Liquid Memory
You look upon this pool of red fluid and your mind says "blood." But despite this another part of your mind says "drink." And you do. It tastes like the scent of green grass, of the metallic tang of an adrenaline rush, burnt rubber, your mother's blueberry pie, and on and on. You realize that it is not flavors the liquid is eliciting, but memories, and with each passing second they come on one after another until you become nauseous with the sensation overload. You spit the liquid from your mouth and vow never to taste it again. But...
You've defeated 100 custom enemies during published Architect missions earning yourself the Liquidator badge.
Living Dark
Far away from the light of civilization and the life of normal people, darkness can take on a life of its own. It flows into every corner, irresistible and tireless, as silent as death. It is the natural state of things down here where your presence is a violation. The darkness can flow into you if you let it, and standing here in the heart of it, you can feel it pressing in against your consciousness, daring you to open yourself to it as so many others down here have.

Living Legend
There is an urban legend floating around Praetoria that one day you will return, and on that day Praetoria will change forever. You're kind of flattered.
Spanky Rabinowitz' cousin Charlie 'Big Buck' Rabinowitz owned Big Bucks Casino. It is said much of Spanky's campaign money came from the take here.

Locked Out
Eventually, you will remember that you can purchase Break Free Inspirations. Eventually.
Locked and Loaded
This is the spot where many Longbow Agents have trained to take you down.
With your knowledge of safecracking, you've given the local locksmiths a few pointers.
Lone Wolf
You fought against the armies of the Banished Pantheon by yourself, choosing to have the other Incarnates support the rest of Astoria.
Long Arm of the Law
You were able to stop all of the chaos that was running rampant around the bank in Brickstown.
Long Walk
These long parking tunnels are the last thing that many who cross the Marcones see when they're asked to "come take a long walk." Those who live in Port Oakes know to steer clear - and that all of the cars in the lot belong to the Marcones.
Praetoria is perhaps the only exporter of high tech goods still standing since the rise of the Hamidon. From these docks thousands of tons of weapons, heavy equipment, and humanitarian supplies leave daily. The Imperial Defense Force provides escort security for the ships once they've left the safety of Neutropolis.
Lord of Storms
Now you stand upon the apex of the Storm Palace, at the center of a vortex of destiny and mystical energy. So few have come as far, so many have fallen in the attempt that you deserve to be recognized as a master, of a sort, of this distant and inhospitable place. By now, words of your deeds have spread to even Rularuu itself and the threat you and your fellows represent should be apparent. Go now and strike the final blow that will confirm, once and for all, that the defenders of Primal Earth are not to be trifled with.
Lord of Winter
- Hero
- You helped thwart Lord Winter's scheme to turn Paragon City into an icy wasteland.
- Villain
- You helped thwart Lord Winter's scheme to turn the Rogue Isles into an icy wasteland.
Lore Unlocked
You unlocked your Lore Incarnate slot allowing you to create powerful new abilities that can be slotted there.
You have learned much that is hidden from the eyes of mortal men.
Losing Paradise
The Devouring Earth's spread into Founders' Falls was stopped here, though it was far too late to save the city of Woodvale. Heroes fought the Devouring Earth menace for days before it was pushed back into Woodvale - for the most part. The monsters still wander through Founders' Falls, while its people live in the knowledge that should the Devouring Earth grow out of control once again, they will be the first to be consumed.
Lost Connection to Server
When you finally were able to confront Shalice Tilman within the depths of the Minds of Mayhem, you found that she would not go easily, for she was strongly connected to the Seer Network. Despite this difficulty, you found a way to sever her connections with little trouble, never allowing her to regain her strength after being chased from Malaise's broken body.
Lost the Stalwart Medallion
- Before using Respec
Fighting in the reactor in Terra Volta has affected you in strange ways... some of your powers seem to be fluctuating
- After using Respec
Your battle in the reactor of Terra Volta altered your powers in a permanent way.
Loves A Challenge
You successfully faced down Anti-Matter without losing anyone during the fight or destroying his regenerative terminal links during Keyes Island Reactor.
You stand at the lowest point in the entire Praetorian Underground network, the tunnel that dips beneath the channel separating the Behavioral Adjustment Facility from the mainland. You are now lower than any other life form in Praetoria. Congratulations!
- Hero
- Your deligent service is recognized by the government of Paragon City. This badge has been granted to you for earning five Reward Tokens.
- Villain
- After such a small amount of time your powers continue to grow. This badge has been granted to you for earning five Reward Tokens.
Loyal Customer
- Hero
- Your diligence hasn't gone without notice and is appreciated. This badge has been granted to you for earning twenty nine Reward Tokens.
- Villain
- Your diligence hasn't gone without notice and is appreciated. This badge has been granted to you for earning twenty nine Reward Tokens.
You spent some effort bolstering the Praetorian regime of Emperor Cole, or at least appeared to do so.
Lucent Legacy of Light
- Hero
The Legacy Chain respects you.
- Villain
These fools underestimated your true power!
You have helped celebrate the 7th anniversary of City of Heroes/Villains.
The Devouring Earth have chosen this spot to start bringing paradise back to a war-torn city.
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