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You managed to destroy the War Walkers within the secret Praetorian warehouse before the security team could be activated.
Hades Aspirant
At the deepest point beneath Paragon City the sounds of the millions above and the machinery that support them filter down to this dark place as a mournful groan. It is not difficult to understand why this part of the Abandoned Sewer Network came to be known as the Underworld, for no where else does it feel more isolated and desolate.
Hall of Famer
You've earned the prestigious title by having one of your Architect missions entered into the Hall of Fame. This badge is awarded to all characters on your account.
Hallow Spirit
You have helped defeat a manifestation of Eochai, king of the Fir Bolg.
Hamidon's Enemy
You went back to Imperial City to find anything useful, but while you were there, you decided to send the Hamidon a message about who it shouldn't mess with.
Hamidon's Fury
The hills in this area of Founders' Falls were created almost instantly during the Devouring Earth's initial push into the city. A laboratory once stood here, but it was destroyed by the erupting earth that sprung up beneath it. If not for the intervention of the city's heroes, the rest of Founders' would have followed.
Hamidon's Ire
Apparently Hamidon hates humanity for their damage they have wrought upon the Earth's biosphere. Every city is like a festering sore, every clear cut forest is a scar, blah blah blah. You get it. But standing before this waste disposal site, with its ranks of waste barrels, you have to wonder what the people who ran this place were thinking. Do they even know what kind of world they live in? Where genocidal mega-villains like Hamidon make it a point to target places like this? The people who died here deserved what they got.
Hammer of the Rikti
When Venice was targeted by the Rikti in their initial strike, this is where their first attack was centered. The area was flattened and Rikti forces streamed into the area, slaying all they encountered. As this location was the site of the main Crey administration facility, various groups are eager to plumb the ruins in search of lost tech, but the Rikti are thick in this area and have managed to repel any attempts to survey the damage.
You have taken the hammer to the followers of Scrapyard.
Eros can bring out the beauty in any being

This cargo ship was left hanging on what is left of the war wall when Sunburst died in the huge explosion.
Happy Camper
You have landed in the heart of the Black Knight's encampment. Whether you stormed through with guns blazing or stealthily slinked past its many guards, Night Ward recognizes the bold of spirit and plays her next move accordingly.
Hard Case
You can dish it out, and you can take it. You've soaked over 500,000 points of damage.
Hardcore Gamer
You've experienced 100 player created story arcs, sometimes you find it hard to tell the difference between the artificial environment of the Mission Architect and the real world.
Hate Machine
The hatred Rularuu feels is infectious. It radiates from him in waves, and coming from such a powerful and otherworldly mind you have to struggle to keep it from overwhelming you. Rularuu's minions are thought to be extensions of his will; it is easy to understand how that could be as you feel the urge to comply with that will creeping up on you in moments of distraction or weakness. Rularuu has engineered his minions into an engine geared towards releasing him from his prison, you must be mindful you do not become a cog in that machine.
Hate of the City
Due to a glitch in the Paragon Nav System, Jose "Broken" Brogan stood here, but many heroes had trouble finding him.
You have banished hundreds of Ghosts from these lands
You followed all the fruity crumbs and peeped the 20 lessons brought to you by the letter 'Resistance.' Whether or not you chomp-a-chomp on this tasty knowing is up to you, but now you know it's time for the other half of the battle.
Headline Stealer
In your crime spree, you have acquired an Immobilizer Ray. You're not sure where it came from, but it sure is useful for stopping foes in their tracks.
You have completed a Task Force/Flashback between level 16 and 19 while under a constant Debuff.
Healing Node
The MedCom is the teleportation network that can send fallen heroes directly to the hospital for treatment. This node is the center of the network; the other nodes are on the outskirts of the city.
Heard the Call
You completed a Hero Morality Mission and then maintained your Hero alignment for 7 days earning yourself this badge.
Hearing Voices
Low voices vibrate the very air around you, issuing from no mouths that you can see. No matter where you go, you cannot escape the constant chanting of the nonsense phrase "...uuLArUUruUlaARUuaALuU..." You cover your ears but it cannot deaden the sound. You dream of earplugs, you fantasize about cotton swabs suffused with wax, you wish for an ice-pick to puncture your eardrums, anything to make the chanting stop. It is not long before you realize that the chanting is not coming from without, but from within, from you. It is your own mouth that chants this dark refrain, something commands you to speak and unless you leave now you wonder if you will ever stop.
Heart of Darkness
Through the choices made in your life, you have been cursed with a Heart of Darkness.
Heart of Hatred
You fought against Mot, the essence of hatred, and managed to win, saving the world from being devoured whole by the creature.
Heart of Light
Through the choices made in your life, you have been blessed with a Heart of Light.
Heart of the City
Due to a glitch in the Paragon Nav System, Jose "Broken" Brogan stood here, but many heroes had trouble finding him.
Heavyweight Champion
You have achieved the status of Champion in the Heavyweight division by winning your first match in this division.
The demon known as Caleb fell to your powers on Thorn Isle. The creatures of the Abyss have taken to calling you HellBane.
Hell and Back
You've endured the spells of witches, the might of misshapen abominations, the ghostly touch of spectral terrors and the schemes of the supernatural fiends, earning yourself this Accolade.
Hellenic Beauty
You have let beauty prevail by letting Camilla and Claudia go unscathed while defeating the ugly brute Cornutus.
Helping Hand
You've helped to solve the Medi-Porter crisis in Paragon and get the devices distributed to those who need them.
Hercules Titan
You have unlocked a mighty Titan for your gladiator team.
Here Be Dragons
This once was a place of amusement and adventure, a place for people to get up close and personal with real monsters. What fools. The hubris on display here is staggering and you have to suppress the urge to snicker at the fate that befell them. You deal with monsters all the time, literally and figuratively, and the last thing you'd do is treat them like some kind of side-show attraction for the kiddies. You can't help but put yourself in the monsters' place; you'd have smashed and devoured these puny little humans too.
Hero Corps Infiltrator
Hero Corps may be controversial in their methods but they can have good information for aspiring heroes.
Hero Corps Insider
Hero Corps may be controversial in their methods but they can have good information for aspiring heroes.
Hero Corps Recruit
Hero Corps is not only a Corps of people, but also a Corporation, selling their super-powered services to those willing to foot the bill.
Hero Corps Reject
Hero Corps is not only a Corps of people, but also a Corporation, selling their super-powered services to those willing to foot the bill.
Hero Slayer
Not even the best of the best can stop you!
You've earned the "Heroic" badge by playing an Architect mission marked as Heroic content.
Hidden Getaway
When things became heated between rival families, heads of the Marcones have been known to hide in this cabin, sometimes using the nearby submarine to escape to better grounds. Some say this may even be where the first monkey fight club was started.
High Pain Threshold
You've got an incredibly High Pain Threshold, an after effect of which is that your hit points are 10% greater than normal.
High Voltage!
The air crackles with electricity and the odor of ozone fills your nostrils. Power fills the air here and it draws the Freakshow like moths to a flame. Juicers and Tanks bellow and cheer as free electrons dance along their synapses, filling them with a battle lust they long to vent upon you. They challenge you to join them and dance among the volts that skitter across the ground like faerie fire.
You have learned the history of the U.N. Special Council on Superhuman Activities.
Hive Mind
The buzz of the Devouring Earth hive mind is especially powerful here. It sets one's nerves on edge. You can feel it as a pain behind your eyes, as though something were trying to worm its way into your consciousness. You wonder how long you could stay here and remain unaffected. How long you could hold out before the overpowering will of Hamidon found its way into you and made you one of them?
The Total Praetorian Network produces mounds of disposable media every minute, so much that there is precious little space to store it in or dispose of it safely. Beneath their sprawling campus they store leftover propaganda and obsolete entertainment, a treasure trove for the Hoarder such as yourself.
This is the base Malta likes to call home. Your name wasn't exactly on the welcome mat.
- Hero
- You're revered by the people of Paragon City and are considered 'Honorable' for your many good deeds. This badge has been granted to you for earning twenty two Reward Tokens.
- Villain
- The people of the Rogue Isles know to refer to you as 'Honorable' ...or else. This badge has been granted to you for earning twenty two Reward Tokens.
Honorary Bro
Dean MacArthur stood up for you when Wu Yin tried to bring you down. He was captured by the Carnival of Shadows for this, but you rescued him. Dean MacArthur declared you an Honorary Bro.
Honorary Sis
Dean MacArthur stood up for you when Wu Yin tried to bring you down. He was captured by the Carnival of Shadows for this, but you rescued him. Dean MacArthur declared you an Honorary Sis.
You've completed 25 non-required mission objectives in Architect missions. Veteran heroes often call you a Hotshot.
House Hunter
Chance holds little sway over the fate of Night Ward's visitors, and your happening upon the Midnighter Mansion was no exception. Despite the gloomy facade of this old Victorian house you feel eerily at home within its walls.
The Shiva Shard fed on the dead here, causing the trees to grow larger and stronger around the old graveyard.
You have defeated 20 of the nefarious Vampires who rose from their graves on Halloween.
Hunter of Specters
You worked together with Praetor Duncan to put an end to Diabolique, who was discovered to be working together with Mot.
Hybrid Unlocked
You unlocked your Hybrid Incarnate slot allowing you to create powerful new abilities that can be slotted there.
Hydra Stomper
You went into the depths of the sewers beneath Paragon City and took down two monstrous Hydra heads!
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