[hide]- 1 Overview
- 2 Background
- 3 Villain Types
- 3.1 Subgroups
- 3.2 Elite Bosses
- 3.3 Archvillains
- 3.3.1 Arbiter Sands
- 3.3.2 Night Widow Nocturne
- 3.3.3 Dr. Quatrexin
- 3.3.4 Barracuda
- 3.3.5 Ice Mistral
- 3.3.6 Silver Mantis
- 3.3.7 Wretch
- 3.3.8 Jade Spider
- 3.3.9 Magus Mu'Drakhan
- 3.3.10 Regent Korol
- 3.3.11 Shadow Spider
- 3.3.12 Viridian
- 3.3.13 Black Scorpion
- 3.3.14 Captain Mako
- 3.3.15 Ghost Widow
- 3.3.16 Scirocco
- 3.3.17 Lord Recluse
- 3.4 Giant Monsters
- 3.5 Named Enemies
- 3.6 Special
- 3.7 Named Bosses
- 4 Other Facts/Notes
Arachnos is one of the main factions in the City of Heroes/Villains universe. This villain group of dark origins resides today more or less permanently in the Rogue Isles and is the personal tool of Lord Recluse in his neverending fight with Statesman. Having sub-divisions of specialists, immense resources and no few powerful villains in his ranks, Arachnos can be considered a true army. Despite its immense power (or perhaps because of it), life in Arachnos is not easy and the fights between the different inner factions seem to be something relatively common. Arachnos only believes in the survival of the fittest and is not friendly towards costumed villains. Sometimes allied and mostly hostile to villains, this villain group can be found in City of Villains by a player during his whole career. Arachnos soldiers feel even less love for heroes, and will attack them on sight. In City of Heroes, a Hero who wishes to fight them will have to go to Faultline, Siren's Call, Rikti War Zone or Recluse's Victory, or enter mission in Bloody Bay, Siren's Call or Warburg.
Arachnos official info ( Copied from the City of Villains official website [1]):
For young villains, their greatest ally is also their most dangerous foe. At the bidding of Lord Recluse, Arachnos has broken possible destined ones from the Zig. Once free of this prison, Arachnos agents feel no compulsion to help as these ‘Children of Fate’ make their way in the dangerous world of the Rogue Isles.
Built upon the notion that only the fittest should survive, Arachnos was formed in the early part of the 20th Century in Italy. Although the true history of Arachnos remains shrouded, this organization was around long before “Il Recluso” wrested power away from its original founder, “The Weaver”. It remains unclear exactly how Lord Recluse took over the global network of Arachnos though betrayal and murder surely played a role. After taking over, Recluse subtly shifted Arachnos’s priorities and interests to better suit his own ideological goals.
After ruling Arachnos for many years, Recluse went underground to weave his web of deceit before eventually emerging as the “legitimate” leader of the Rogue Isles. Now he controls the Isles and is, technically at least, considered a political figure—though he privately relishes the rare times he’s able to get blood on his hands. Ruling a nation has allowed Lord Recluse to create armed forces, purchase military hardware, and even research alien technology. Covertly, his agents have spread throughout the world, he has spies or contacts in every major “villain group,” and Paragon City is the juicy fly wiggling at the fringe of his growing web. Recluse will not rest until he has wrested the City of Heroes from Statesman’s grasp.
Lord Recluse now rules Arachnos with an iron fist demanding blind loyalty and unswerving devotion from those who survive long enough to serve him. Under his guidance, Arachnos has become a multi-faceted and deadly group.
While Arachnos agents will ignore minor infractions, major crimes draw immediate action. In the eyes of Lord Recluse, anyone reckless enough to commit murder, grand larceny, or acts of mass destruction is either uncontrollable or powerful enough that he wants to control them directly. Woe to the Arachnos agent that crosses the line far enough to bring the dreaded Arachnos Arbiters into the matter.
Outside the extensive military organization, every island has a civilian Governor and a military Marshal. The Governor decides the island’s domestic affairs while the Marshal rules all matters of security and defense. In a dispute, the Marshal has seniority. Both are appointed directly by Lord Recluse. Failure is not tolerated, and turnover is quite high, particularly among the Governors.
Today Lord Recluse is a tyrant, ruling all of Arachnos in order to maintain tight control over the Rogue Isles. As he protects his territory from the meddling of Longbow and other do-gooders from Paragon City, Recluse also prides himself in being one step ahead of Statesman and the Freedom Phalanx as he continues to weave his intricate web.
Arachnos' advanced and somewhat futuristic technology is put down to a menagerie of scientists, mad and otherwise, the dreaded Arbiters inventions, such as the Power Mace, and the enigmatic Orb Weavers, who create drones and robots such as the Arachnobots.
Villain Types
Elite Bosses
Arachnos Heavy Blaster
Lord Recluse discovered that Black Scorpion had built these enormous walking tanks to attack Mako in another of their inter-patron squabbles. Lord Recluse seized these monstruous war machines for his own use in Recluse's Victory. Loyalists like you will now be able to wield their destructive capabilities in battle! Their lack of speed is more than compensated for with its impressive firepower and heavy armor. The Arachnos Heavy Blaster is an awesome asset to any villain who's looking for an edge in battle.
Venom Bolt (Ranged, Energy) Damage over Time (Toxic), Foe -Damage, -Recharge, -Fly
The poison is coursing through your system, making it difficult to fly.
Venom Burst Ranged, Moderate damage, Energy, Damage over Time, Toxic, Foe Slow, -Defense
The poison on the venomous barb is slowly damaging you, slowing your attacks as well as your movement speed. Your defenses are reduced.
Cocoon Ranged, No Damage, Foe Hold
You have been encased in a cocoon of webs and cannot move!
Web Spitter Ranged, No Damage, Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge
You have been caught in a web. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.
Disruptor Bolt Ranged, High Damage (Energy), Foe -Endurance
You can send a large blast of energy at a foe, dealing heavy damage and draining some endurance. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate.
Disruptor Blast Targeted Area of Effect (Energy), Foe -Endurance
The Ball Lightning is continuing to electrocute you.
Disruptor Tesla (Ranged, Energy) Foe Sleep
The Disruptor Tesla is holding you helpless.
Static Overload AoE, Extreme Damage (Energy) -Recharge, Stun
The Psychic Wail has reduced your attack rate.
Main Article: Wrath
Taken from the ranks of the Wolf Spiders, Bane Spider Commandos are given specialized assault training. They are vicious masters of combat that relish engaging the enemies of Arachnos.
Web Grenade (Ranged) Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge
The Bane Spider has snared you in his web grenade. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.
Mace Beam Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
The Nulifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of Force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term.
Bash Melee, moderate damage, Smash, Damage over Time, Poison, Foe Disorient
You perform a Bashing attack with your mace that deals moderate damage, and can sometimes Disorient your opponent.
Pulverize Melee, High damage, Smash, Damage over Time, Poison, Foe Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time.
Main Article: Misery
Orb Weavers created the Disruptor arachnobots to capture their prey alive.
Disruptor Bolt Ranged, High Damage (Energy), Foe -Endurance
You can send a large blast of energy at a foe, dealing heavy damage and draining some endurance. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate.
Disruptor Blast Targeted Area of Effect (Energy), Foe -Endurance
The Ball Lightning is continuing to electrocute you.
Disruptor Tesla (Ranged, Energy) Foe Sleep
The Disruptor Tesla is holding you helpless.
Claw (Melee) Moderate Lethal Damage
Vicious mechanical claws which can rake your opponent.
Spiderlings Factory Summon
Arachnobot Disruptors can create Spiderlings.
Main Article: Calamity
Mu Guardians pulse with the blood of their slaughtered ancestors in their veins. They have read unholy tomes, visited other planes of existence and performed dark sacrifices too terrible to mention to become the masters of the mystic arts.
Dr. Aeon
Main Article: Dr. Aeon
An unethical scientific genius, Dr. Aeon is not a man to be trifled with. Some think he may soon become a major player within Arachnos, assuming he survives the plans of his enemies.
Power Bolt Ranged Energy, Foe Knockback
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.
Power Blast Ranged, Smash/Energy, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of power bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Energy Torrent Cone Energy/Smash, Knockback
Unleashes a cone of energy that knocks foes back.
Explosive Blast (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Smash/Energy, Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
Barrage Disorient
You have been disoriented.
Energy Punch Disorient
You have been disoriented.
Bone Smasher Disorient
You have been disoriented.
Whirling Hands Disorient
You have been disoriented.
Total Focus Melee, Extreme Damage(Energy/Smash), Foe: Disorient
You have been disoriented.
Deflection Shield Ranged, Ally: +Defense(Smash, Lethal, Melee), +Resistance(Toxic)
Main Article: Kalinda
As an Arachnos Fortunata, it is Kalinda's task to keep an eye on all new arrivals to Mercy Island. That doesn't mean she's on their side. She is evaluating each new resident for signs of greatness, and for signs of weakness. Kalinda can set you on the path to greatness, or she can make sure you're never heard from again. There are only two things she believes in: the glory of Arachnos, and the survival of the fittest.
Mental Blast Ranged, High Damage (Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does High Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Psychic Scream (Ranged) Cone, Psionic, Foe -Recharge
This howl of Psionic energy resonates in the mind of all foes within its conical area of effect, inflicting moderate damage.
Telekinetic Blast Ranged, Moderate Damage, (Smash/Psionic), Foe Knockback
You can use Telekinesis to Blast a targeted foe with the power of your mind. This attack deals Smashing and Psionic damage, and can knock your opponent back.
Will Domination Ranged, High Damage, Psionic, Foe Sleep
This powerful attack deals Psionic damage, and is so painful it usually renders its target unconscious. The victim is asleep, and will wake if disturbed.
Mind Link Team +Accuracy, +Perception. Resist: Confuse
Your Accuracy and Perception is improved due to the Fortunata Mistress' Mind Link.
No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
Fortunatas don´t have any Melee attacks at all
Main Article: Hugo
Hugo Figure was once just an innocent boy who dreamed of escaping the Rogue Isles with his girlfriend Gally Ido. Unforunately, his psychic powers drew the attention of Arachnos, and he was betrayed by Westin Phipps and forced into the Bane Spiders. Recently freed from Bane Spider mind control, now he's fighting to free the other Bane Spiders and return to the girl he loves.
Arbiter Sands
Main Article: Arbiter Sands
Arbiter Sands is considered a somewhat unconventional member of the Arachnos Arbiter Corps. Though still completely dedicated to the will of Lord Recluse, Sands is known for using unusual and effective tactics. His status as an Arbiter makes him untouchable within Arachnos, for to harm an Arbiter is to attack the will of Lord Recluse himself...
Summon Drones Summon Drone
Summons Drones to fight for you (Lieutenant-class).
- Resistance (Auto, Res to lethal, smash, psionic, vulnerable to energy)
Disintegration Beam (Ranged, energy)
Frag Grenade (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback
Launches an M30 grenade at long range from under the barrel of your Assault Rifle. The explosion of this grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.
Wide Area Web Grenade (Ranged, Area of Effect) Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge
You have been caught in a web. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.
Venom Grenade (Ranged, Damage over Time, Toxic) Foe -Damage, -Recharge
The poisonous gas has severely weakened your attacks and Slowed your attack speed.
Shotgun Ranged, Cone, Lethal damage, Foe Knockdown
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.
Rifle Butt Melee, Smash
A smash with the butt of your rifle.
Night Widow Nocturne
Main Article: Night Widow Nocturne
The Night Widows serve Arachnos as elite assassins and spies. It is whispered among their murderous ranks that a Night Widow code-named Nocturne may be the deadliest operative Arachnos has ever produced. No living soul knows any details of her history, just rumors of her ruthlessness and tales of her many victims. Some suspect that her only weakness might be her arrogant pride, but none have survived to exploit it.
Mental Blast Ranged, Moderate Damage(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Strike (Melee, Lethal) Damage over Time, Toxic, Foe Slow
The poison on the blade is slowly damaging you and slowing your attacks and movement speed.
Slash (Melee, Lethal) Damage over Time, Toxic, Foe Slow
The poison on the blade is slowly damaging you and slowing your attacks and movement speed.
Spin (Melee, Lethal) Damage over Time, Toxic, Foe Slow
The poison on the blade is slowly damaging you and slowing your attacks and movement speed.
Stealth Toggle: Self Stealth, +Defense
You blend into your environment and can only be seen at very close range. If you attack while using this power, you will be discovered. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and have a bonus to Defense. While Invisible, your movement is Slowed.
- Invisibility
Dr. Quatrexin
Main Article: Dr. Quatrexin
The original inventor of the Black Scorpion armor has made some improvements in his latest re-design. He may not be as skilled in the suit as Black Scorpion himself, but he's still an extremely lethal combatant.
Arm Blast Ranged, Smash/Energy, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of power bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Tail Blast (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Smash/Energy, Foe Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
Tail Sting (Melee) Foe Hold
Black Scorpion strikes you with the sting from his mighty tail. You are Held.
Main Article: Barracuda
Barracuda, a former treasure hunter, Kelli Forston was infected by mysterious creatures known as the Coralax. What she found in the briny deep remains a mystery, but it turned her heart as dark and cold as the depths. In combat, she is almost as quick and savage as her bloodthirtsy mentor, Captain Mako.
Wave of Cold (Ranged, Cone, Cold) Damage over Time, Cold, Foe -Recharge, -Speed
You are frozen by the Wave of Cold. You are taking damage over time and your attack speed and movement speed are reduced.
Spiny Urchins Ranged, Lethal, Moderate Damage
Shoot spiny bursts at your foes.
Super Leap Self Auto, +Jump, +Speed
Barracuda can inherently jump real high and travel very fast.
Subdue Ranged, Psionic, Foe Immobilize
Subdue deals moderate damage and may leave the targeted foe Immobilized for a brief time. Immobilized foes can not move but can still attack.
Psychic Coral Blast Ranged, Psionic, Foe -Recharge
Your attack speed has been reduced by the Psychic Coral Blast.
Urchin Spray (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Knockback
Shoots spiny bursts at your foe.
Psychic Coral Wail (Psionic) Foe -Recharge
The Psychic Wail has reduced your Attack rate.
Psychic Coral Scream (Ranged) Cone, Psionic, Foe -Recharge
This howl of Psionic energy resonates in the minds of all foes within its conical area of effect, inflicting moderate damage.
Water Spout PBAoE Smashing Damage (Smashing) Foe Knockback/Fear/Disorient
Conjures up a Water Spout at a targeted location. The Water Spout will chase down your foes, tossing them into the air and hurling them great distances. The victims are left Disoriented and with reduced Defense. The Water Spout is a menacing sight, and can even cause panic among your foes.
Resistance Auto, Self, +Resistances: Cold
Barracuda is resistant to Cold Damage but vulnerable to Fire.
Ice Mistral
Main Article: Ice Mistral
Irena Rudenko was chosen by one of the Monks of the Four Winds to become the Ice Mistral. receiving the power changed her; she retained the icy-cold aloofness and desire for mastery of the wing, but none of the control. Her own rage overrode the honor normally imbued to the Knights of the Wind and she went on a mad killing spree. Scirocco took her under his wing to protect her from the Monks - many of which have fallen trying to reclaim their lost power.
Freeze Ray Ranged, Cold, Low Damage, Foe Sleep
Although this power deals very little damage, the Freeze Ray encases your foe in a block of ice, holding him helpless in place for quite a while. The ice, however, is fragile, and the victim can break free if attacked.
Ice Storm Ranged (Area of Effect), Minor Damage over Time (Cold/Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Shred your foes with this Ice Storm. This power deals a lot of damage in a large area and can Slow all affected targets movement and attack speed.
Bitter Ice Blast Ranged, Superior Damage (Cold/Smash) Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -Accuracy
A slower yet more powerful version of Ice Blast, Bitter Ice Blast deals much more damage and can also reduce your enemy's Accuracy. Like other Ice Blast powers, Bitter Ice Blast can Slow a target's movement and attack speed.
Blizzard Ranged (Area of Effect), Extreme Damage over Time (Cold), Foe -Accuracy, -Speed, -Recharge, Knockback; Self -Recovery
The massive damage from the Blizzard can Slow the attack rate of all your opponents in a large area, reducing their Accuracy and possibly knocking them back. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance and unable to recover any Endurance for a while.
Glacier Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Hold, -Recharge, -Speed
Ice Mistral can freeze all foes around herself in blocks of Glacial ice. The targets are frozen solid, helpless, and can be attacked. Even after the victims emerge, they remain chilled and their attack and movement speed is Slowed for a while. This power can only be cast near the ground. Recharge: Very Long.
Gale Ranged (Cone), Minor Damage (Smash), Foe Knockback
Ice Mistral can call forth a tremendous gust of Gale force winds that knock down foes and deal some smashing damage in a wide cone area. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Moderate.
Snow Storm Toggle, Area of Effect, Foe -Recharge, -Speed
While active, the chill of this Snow Storm can dramatically slow the attack and movement speed of the target and all the foes near the target.
Silver Mantis
Main Article: Silver Mantis
Tamura Shirai is fascinated with the smooth, sleek feel of metal. Funding the augmentation of her body to pure metal was an expensive proposition, however, so she tuned to crime. During one of her robberies, she encountered Black Scorpion, on a job for Lord Recluse. Tamura realized an opportunity when she saw it, and rather than fighting with Arachnos over the ill-gotten loot, formed an alliance that has lasted unto this day.
Barrage of Spikes (Ranged, Damage over Time, Lethal) Foe -Defense
Your Defense has been lowered.
Burst of Spikes Foe -Defense
Your Defense has been lowered.
Fling Spikes (Ranged, Cone, Lethal) Foe -Defense
Your Defense has been lowered.
Impale (Ranged) Foe Immobilize, -Defense, -Speed, -Fly, -Jump
Your running speed is reducedand you may be immobilized and unable to run, jump or fly.
Ripper Damage over Time(Lethal), -Defense
You are wounded! You are taking lethal damage and your defense is lowered.
Skewer Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), DoT(Lethal) -DEF
You lunge forward with this melee attack and Skewer your foe with the large Blade on your arm. Deals moderate damage and wounds your foe. Wounds from the attack deal additional Lethal damage and can reduce your foes Defense. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
Spike Trap Foe -Speed, Low Lethal
All foes that walk through the Spike Trap will be Slowed and take damage.
Spiked Darts (Ranged, Lethal) Foe -Defense
Your Defense has been lowered.
Build Up Self +DMG, +ACC
Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your Accuracy.
Dull Pain Self +HP
Silver Mantis can activate this power to increase her maximum Hit Points for a short time.
Temp Invulnerability Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal)
When you activate this power, you become highly resistant to Smashing and Lethal damage for a short duration. Recharge: Very Long
Unstoppable Self, +Res(Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, All DMG but Psionics)
When you activate this power, you not only become extremely resistant to most damage, but also to most Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, Knockback and Sleep effects. Endurance recovery is also increased. Unstoppable costs very little Endurance to activate, but when it wears off you are left exhausted, and drained of almost all Health and Endurance.
Resistance Resistance
Archvillain resistance.
Main Article: Wretch
A twisted wreck of a human being, Wretch was horribly mutated in the same incident that slew Ghost Widow. He remains her loyal guardian and protector, using his immense strength and savage fury to protect her from all harm.
(Lvl 15-20)
Jab Disorient
You have been disoriented.
Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
Haymaker Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but it makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of knockback.
Hurl Ranged, Moderate Damage, smash, Foe Knockback
You are able to tear up a chunk of ground beneath your feet and Hurl it at an enemy. This attack is close ranged, deals moderate damage and can knock foes back. Damage: Heavy. Recharge: Moderate.
Temp Invulnerability Toggle, Self +Resistances (Smash, Lethal)
When you activate this power, you become highly resistant to Smashing and Lethal damage for a short duration. Recharge: Very Long.
(25% health and below, Lvl 35+)
Cry of Despair Point Blank Area of Effect, Extreme Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient, -Resistances (All but Psionics), Self -Recovery
You have been disoriented.
Knockout Blow Hold
Wretch has hit you with a Knockout Blow. You are held.
Hand Clap Area of Effect Disorient, Foe Knockback
The Longbow Warden can clap his hands together to send out a violent shockwave. The shockwave can knockdown most nearby foes and can Disorient many of those. Hand Clap deals no damage.
Foot Stomp Melee, Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Damage, Smash
Using your superior leg strength, you can Stomp your foot to the ground, quaking the earth itself. This is a localized attack against everything in melee range. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow.
Unknown buff ???
Unknown Invulnerability protective toggle.
Jade Spider
Main Article: Jade Spider
This monstrous Giant Spider is rampaging through Siren's Call!
Mind Scream (Ranged) Cone, Psionic, Foe -Recharge
The Mind Scream has reduced your attack rate.
Magus Mu'Drakhan
Main Article: Magus Mu'Drakhan
Magus Mu'Drakhan is a leading figure among the growing ranks of mystic working under the banner of Arachnos who trace their lineage to the ancient civilization know as Mu. Mu'Drakhan's main interests lie both in expanding his already formidable arcane power, and uncovering the history of the lost civilization of Mu. He also holds a bitter anger at the Circle of Thorns, who draw their magical powers from the mystic secrets of Oranbega, the ancient enemy of Mu. Some whisper that he may be more loyal to his ancient bloodlines than to Arachnos, but such whispers are often quickly silenced.
EM Pulse (Energy) Foe Hold, -Regeneration
You are Held by the EMP Pulse and your Regeneration rate is reduced.
Regent Korol
Main Article: Regent Korol
Regent Korol is one of the few Fortunatas that have chosen to devote themselves fully to Arachnos by becoming powerful Tarantula Queens. Through the process, she gained immense psychic abilities, which she uses to protect Arachnos from infiltration.
Psychic Wail Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Disorient, -Recharge
Psychic Wail is a devastating Psionic attack that wracks the minds of all nearby foes. Those that survive will have a severely reduced attack rate and may be left Disoriented. This power leaves you drained of Endurance and unable to recover Endurance for a time.
Shadow Spider
Main Article: Shadow Spider
Shadow Spider began her career as a Knife of Artemis, specializing in infiltration and intelligence jobs that no one else thought possible. Now working with Arachnos, Shadow Spider acts friendly and nice, and is usually very good to her people, but can turn cold as ice and hard as steel when she needs to be.
Stun Grenades (Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect) Foe Disorient
Shadow Spider has Disoriented you with a Stun Grenade.
Caltrops Low Lethal, Foe -Speed
All foes that walk through the Caltrops will be Slowed and take damage.
Main Article: Viridian
Viridian is a very dangerous man who works subtle deals that can change the course of world history. The core of his job is influencing other villain groups through manipulation, sabotage, deal brokering, or collaboration, as it suits the needs of Arachnos. There is some rivalry between his organization of manipulators and Shadow Spider's spies, but both know that they can only suceed at their job with the help of the other.
Black Scorpion
Main Article: Black Scorpion
Black Scorpion is a man encased in a large, bulky suit of high-tech battle armor. Huge and menacing, the armor is equipped with a functioning scorpion-like tail on the backside, and the right arm ends in an intimidating blaster cannon.
Arm Blast Ranged, Smash/Energy, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of power bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Tail Blast (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Smash/Energy, Foe Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
Tail Sting (Melee) Foe Hold
Black Scorpion strikes you with the sting from his mighty tail. You are Held.
Taunt Taunt
You have been Taunted.
Foot Stomp PBAoE Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Knockback
The Foot Stomp has damaged you.
Resistance Resistance
Archvillain resistance.
- Unknown Tail-based PBAoE
- Unknown protective toggle
- Awesome Walking Sound
Captain Mako
Main Article: Captain Mako
Gideon Ray is a savage Mutant who has evolved into what only can be described as a humanoid shark. His acts are even more terrible than his appearance, and few foes are even identifiable once Captain Mako is through with them. Mako is responsible for the death of Sharkhead Isle's most famous hero, Scrapyard.
Hide Self Stealth, Increased Defense (Melee, Ranged, Area of Effect)
Captain Mako
possesses the skill of Hide which makes him almost impossible to detect.
Strike Melee, Moderate Damage (Lethal)
Captain Mako Strikes you with his razor-sharp claws that deals a moderate amount of lethal damage.
Slash Melee, Moderate Damage (Lethal), Foe -Defense
Mako Slashes you with his claws dealing a good amount of lethal damage and weakening your defenses.
Spin Point Blank Area of Effect Melee, Moderate Lethal Damage
Mako Spins and strikes you with his claws dealing a moderate amount of lethal damage and weakening your defenses.
Mako Placate Ranged, Foe Placate, Self Stealth/Hide
From a glint in Mako's eye just as he fades from your view, you fear he is about to strike, but just like a shark, you will not see it coming. (needs to be edited)
Shark Attack Melee, Special Lethal Damage
Mako has struck you from the deep recesses of a Hide. You receive extreme lethal damage.
Elude Self +Defense, +Speed, +Recovery, Resistance to Debuff Defense)
Mako improves his reflexes, making himself so quick he can Elude almost any attack. His running speed, jumping height and Endurance Recovery are also increased. Mako's Elude also grants you high resistance to Defense Debuffs.
Circle of Sharks Cone Damage over time (Negative Energy) Foe Immobilize
Mako calls forth a circle of vicious shark Spirits that will swim out in a cone formation and will encircle his foes draining their spirit energy. The encircling shark spirits immobilize foes while they deal Negative Energy damage over time.
Chum Attack Ranged, Toxic, Damage over Time, Toxic
Mako can regurgitate his stomach acid and spew a corrosive spray of bile at a foe. Affected foes in the cone will take Toxic damage over time.
Water Spout PBAoE Smashing Damage (Smashing) Foe Knockback/Fear/Disorient
Mako can conjure up a Water Spout at a targeted foe. The Water Spout will chase down his foes, tossing them into the air and hurling them great distances. The victims are left Disoriented and with reduced Defense. The Water Spout is a menacing sight, and can even cause panic among your foes.
Spirit Shark Ranged, Moderate Damage, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Projects an ethereal Spirit Shark that deals Moderate Damage and, possibly, knocking down foes.
Bellow PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
Your Bellow is so strong that most foes will be defeated by being subjected to it. Bellow deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary.
Ghost Widow
Main Article: Ghost Widow
Beautiful, mysterious, and deadly. Ghost Widow appears to be an actual spirit from beyond the grave rather than a super with some sort of incorporeal power. Some have said she was once a rising star in the Night Widows when she was slain. Her thirst for vengeance must have been great, for she returned from the void and now serves at Recluse's side. There are rumors that her service isn't entirely voluntary, however.
Flight Self fly
Ghost Widow can Fly!
Gloom (Ranged) Damage over Time, Negative, Foe -Accuracy
Ghost Widow can launch a ranged dark energy attack that slowly drains a target of life and reduces its chances to hit.
Dark Blast (Ranged, Negative, Damage over Time, Negative) Foe -Accuracy
Ghost Widow can launch a long range blast of dark energy. Deals moderate damage and reduces the target's chance to hit.
Torrent (Ranged, Cone, Smash) Foe -Accuracy
The Torrent has reduced your Accuracy.
Life Drain Ranged, Negative, Foe -Accuracy, Self + HP
Ghost Widow taps the powers of the netherworld to steal some life from a target foe and reduce his chance to hit. Some of that life is then transferred to her.
Dark Regeneration Point Blank Area of Effect, Minor Damage(Negative), Self +Health
Ghost Widow can tap the dark essence of the Netherworld to drain a life from all nearby enemies thus healing herself. The more foes affected, the more she will be healed.
Twilight Grasp Ranged, Foe -Accuracy -Damage, Team Heal
Ghost Widow can channel Negative Energy from the Netherworld through herself to a targeted foe. Twilight Grasp drains the power from that target and slowly transfers it to her and all nearby allies.
Shadow Fall Toggle: Point blank area of effect, Team Stealth, +Defense (All), +Resistance (Energy, Negative, Psionics, Fear)
Ghost Widow taps into the Netherworld and envelops herself and her nearby teammates in a shroud of darkness. Shadow Fall does not grant Invisibility, but it does make her and her teammates harder to detect.
Fearsome Stare (Ranged, Cone) Foe Fear, -Accuracy
Ghost Widow instills tremendous Fear within a cone area in front of her, causing all affected targets to tremble in Terror uncontrollably.
Black Hole Ranged, Targeted area of effect, Foe Intangible
Ghost Widow is able to open up a Black Hole to the Netherworld that temporarily pulls in all foes within its grasp. The victims become phase shifted and are completely intangible. They are hard to see, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space.
Dark Obliteration Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect, Moderate damage, Negative, Foe -Accuracy
Ghost Widow can hurl a large blast of negative energy that violently explodes on impact, exposing the dark power of the Netherworld to all foes near the target. Dark Obliteration can reduce the Accuracy of all affected targets.
Soul Tentacles Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage(Negative), Foe Immobilize
Ghost Widow can create a cone-shaped rift to the Netherworld that allows the souls of the damned to slip into our reality. These Soul Tentacles will snare all foes within range, Immobilizing them while they drain their life.
Soul Storm Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time(Negative), Foe: Hold
Ghost Widow is able to summon the souls of her victims to do her bidding. Soul Storm enraptures a target, holding them while their life-force is drained from their body.
Note: Soul Storm as used by Ghost Widow is 100 magnitude, compared to a normal hold's magnitude of 3.
Resistance Resistance
Archvillain resistance.
Ethereal Toggle: Self Intangible
You can Phase Shift to become out of sync with normal space. Although you do not become completely Invisible, you are translucent and hard to see. You are intangible, and cannot be affected by those in normal space.
Main Article: Scirocco
Imad Malak was not always an evil man. Evil came to him from without. He was traveling in the deep desert near the Baka Valley deep in the Middle East. There he discovered an ancient tomb and stumbled inside. The tomb was that of a long-dead desert hero, and contained several objects of power including the bottle of the djinn Serafina. Also within was the hero's scimitar that granted the weilder incredible powers. Malak took the sword and donned the mantle of Scirocco. Unforunately, he fell under a curse and was driven to commit acts of great evil. He sold the other objects off to the highest bidder, the bottle ending up with the Circle of Thorns. Once a hero of the people, he is now a dark stain on their proud heritage. Imad wishes nothing more than to find some way to rid himself of the curse and find redemption.
Flight Self fly
Scirocco can Fly!
Cage of Lightning (Ranged, Energy) Foe Sleep, -Endurance
You are trapped in a cage of lightning.
Ball Lightning Targeted Area of Effect (Energy), Damage Over Time, Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area and also drains some endurance from each target it hits.
Shocking Bolt Foe: Hold
The shock of energy has locked you in place -- you are held!
EM Pulse (Energy) Foe Hold, -Endurance, -Regeneration
You are Held by the EMP Pulse and your Regeneration rate is reduced.
Dust Devils Foe Disorient, -Perception, -To Hit, -Defense
The Dust Devil winds buffet you, dealing Smashing Damage over Time, reducing your Defense, and Disorint you.
Desert Wind Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage(Smash), Foe: Knockback
You can call forth a tremendous gust of the Desert Winds that knock down foes and deal some smashing damage in a wide cone area.
Hack (Melee) Foe -Defense
Scirocco has lowered your Defense with his Sword.
Whirling Sword (Melee) Foe -Defense
Scirocco has lowered your defense with his sword.
Resistance Resistance
Archvillain resistance.
Lord Recluse
Main Article: Lord Recluse
The Master of Evil, the Count of Cruel, the Archvillain of Anarchy. Lord Recluse has been called many things. But the people of the Rogue Isles know him as their lord and ruler. Lord Recluse has a mysterious tie with Paragon City's own Statesman - some even claim they were once close companions. Their hatred for one another certainly belies a secret perhaps best left buried.
Summon Bane Spiders Summons Bane Spiders
Summons Bane Spiders to fight for you.
Channelgun Ranged, High Damage, Energy, Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Your backpack has a built-in energy Channelgun which fires bolts of energy.
Supression (Ranged) Heavy Damage, Energy
The Suppressive Fire from Lord Recluse is all around you.
Arm Lash Melee, Cone, Heavy Damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
Your Defenses have been lowered.
Slice Melee, Heavy Damage (lehtal), DoT (Toxic)
You have been poisoned.
Spider Strike PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Knockback
The Foot Stomp has damaged you.
Energy Smash Melee, Smash, Foe Knockup
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
Energy Punch Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Resistance Resistance
Archvillain resistance.
Super Leap Self Auto, +Jump, +Speed
Lord Recluse can inherently jump real high and travel very fast.
Giant Monsters
Arachnos Flier
Main Article: Arachnos Flier
The Arachnos Flyers are used primarily for troop deployment. If you see one, run.
Swarm Missile Ranged, Area of Effect, Lethal, Foe Knockback
description needed
Named Enemies
Wolf Spider Ghost (Minion)
These Wolf Spiders have discovered a method to become living ghosts. Though they are not completely used to it, they have already begun to master their new ghostly powers.
Gloom Ranged, Damage over Time (Negative), Foe -Accuracy
Gloom slowly drains a target of life and reduces his chances to hit. Slower than Dark Blast, but deals more Damaga over Time.
Ghastly Blast (Ranged, Negative, Damage Over Time) Foe -Accuracy
Your Accuracy has been reduced by a Ghastly Blast.
Shadow Punch Melee, Smash/Negative, Low Damage, Foe -Accuracy
A basic punch draws power from the netherworld. Shadow Punch deals moderate damage and reduces the target's accuracy.
Smite Melee, Smash/Negative, Medium Damage, Foe -Accuracy
More powerful version of Shadow Punch, Smite deals more damage, but takes longer to recharge. Like Shadow Punch, Smite can reduce the target's accuracy.
Wolf Spider Shade (Lieutenant)
These Wolf Spiders have discovered a method to become living ghosts. Though they are not completely used to it, they have already begun to master their new ghostly powers.
Gloom Ranged, Damage over Time (Negative), Foe -Accuracy
Gloom slowly drains a target of life and reduces his chances to hit. Slower than Dark Blast, but deals more Damage over Time.
Ghastly Blast (Ranged, Negative, Damage Over Time) Foe -Accuracy
Your Accuracy has been reduced by a Ghastly Blast.
Shadow Punch Melee, Smash/Negative, Low Damage, Foe -Accuracy
A basic punch draws power from the netherworld. Shadow Punch deals moderate damage and reduces the target's Accuracy.
Smite Melee, Smash/Negative, Medium Damage, Foe -Accuracy
More powerful version of Shadow Punch, Smite deals more damage, but takes longer to recharge. Like Shadow Punch, Smite can reduce the target's Accuracy.
Wolf Spider Phantom (Boss)
These Wolf Spiders have discovered a method to become living ghosts. Though they are not completely used to it, they have already begun to master their new ghostly powers.
Gloom Ranged, Damage over Time (Negative), Foe -Accuracy
Gloom slowly drains a target of life and reduces his chances to hit. Slower than Dark Blast, but deals more Damage over Time.
Ghastly Blast (Ranged, Negative, Damage Over Time) Foe -Accuracy
Your Accuracy has been reduced by a Ghastly Blast.
Necroplasmic Grasp (Ranged) Damage over Time (Negative), Foe Hold
The Ghost has enveloped you in it's Necroplasmic Grasp. You are Held as your life is drained.
Shadow Punch Melee, Smash/Negative, Low Damage, Foe -Accuracy
A basic punch draws power from the netherworld. Shadow Punch deals moderate damage and reduces the target's Accuracy.
Smite Melee, Smash/Negative, Medium Damage, Foe -Accuracy
More powerful version of Shadow Punch, Smite deals more damage, but takes longer to recharge. Like Shadow Punch, Smite can reduce the target's Accuracy.
Doctor Geist (Boss)
Doctor Geist is a mad scientist working for Arachnos on a project involving mutant spiders! He is also a long time rival of his former colleague, Doctor Creed.
Power Bolt Ranged, Smash/Energy, Foe Knockdown
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.
Power Blast Ranged, Smash/Energy, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of power bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Explosive Blast (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Smash/Energy, Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
White Lightning (Boss)
Main Article: White Lightning
White Lightning was a fool to think he could defect to Longbow without bringing down the wrath of Arachnos. Take him out and you will be moving up in the world.
Charged Bolts Ranged, Energy, Foe -Endurance
The Hero can quickly hurl small bolts of electricity at foes. Charged Bolts deals light damage and also drains some endurance.
Lightning Bolt Ranged, Energy, Foe -Endurance
The Hero can send a large blast of electrical energy at a foe. Lightning Bolt deals good damage and also drains some endurance.
Ball Lightning (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Energy, Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area and also drains some endurance from each target it hits.
Tesla Cage (Ranged) Foe Sleep, -Endurance
Tesla Cage confines the target in an electrical prison. The target is overwhelmed by the electrical charge and is left helpless and can be attacked. The target is drained of some endurance and some of the endurance is transferred back to you.
Gale Ranged (Cone), Minor Damage (Smash), Foe Knockback
You can call forth a tremendous gust of Gale force winds that knock down foes and deal some smashing damage in a wide cone area. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Moderate.
Snow Storm Toggle, Area of Effect, Foe -Recharge, -Speed
While active, the chill of this Snow Storm can dramatically slow the attack and movement speed of the target and all the foes near the target.
Thunder Clap Area of Effect Disorient
White Lightning can call a tremendous Thunder Clap that that will Disorient most foes in a large area around the Hero for quite a while.
Lightning Storm Summon
The Hero can summon a massive Lightning Storm overhead that will strike any foe that approaches him. Lightning Bolts from this storm can knock down and damage all foes near the strike, and can cause panic. Lightning Bolts will continue to strike for the lifetime of the storm.
Dr. Aeon (Elite Boss)
Main Article: Dr. Aeon
An unethical scientific genius, Dr. Aeon is not a man to be trifled with. Some think he may soon become a major player within Arachnos, assuming he survives the plans of his enemies.
Jade Spider (Elite Boss)
Arachnos Mini Blaster (pet)
Main Article: Arachnos Mini Blaster
The Arachnos Mini-Blaster is a miniaturized and mass produced version of the Arachnos Heavy Blaster found in Recluse's Victory
Arbiter Drone (guard)
These deadly Drones have been dispatched by the Arachnos to maintain control and order. The Drones quickly deal with any nearby threaths by simply vaporizing the target.
Guards are not immobile but can not move freely and can only move a very short distance.
Tactics +Perception
The Arachnos Drone is improving your Perception.
Named Bosses
- Arachnos Raid Leader (Several appear on the Mender Silos Task Force)
- Bane Spider Zapan (Bane Spider Executioner - Found on Find out what's happening to the Bane Spiders from Westin Phipps
- Expedition Commander (Crab Spider Longfang) - Found on Stop Dr. Aeon's unauthorized dimension hopping from Technician Naylor
- Huntsman Ohanko (Wolf Spider Huntsman)
- Jade Spider Battalion (Bane Spider Executioner) (Some appear on the final mission of the Mender Silos Task Force)
- Mistress Xirce (Tarantula Mistress)
- Mu'Jukar (Mu Adept)
- Mu'Thekesh (Mu Guardian)
- Operative Barrow (Bane Spider Executioner, Mu Guardian, Fortunata Mistress)
- Operative Beloq (Toxic Tarantula)
- Operative Bligh (Tarantula Queen, Mu Guardian)
- Operative Boddicker (Tarantula Queen)
- Operative Burns (Fortunata Mistress)
- Operative Greench (Crab Spider Longfang)
- Operative Lo Pan (Bane Spider Executioner, Mu Guardian)
- Operative Moriart (Mu Guardian)
- Operative Orrik (Crab Spider Longfang) - Found on Stop Orrik's surveillance mission from Kelly Uqua
- Operative Parker (Tarantula Queen)
- Operative Ratched (Tarantula Queen, Crab Spider Longfang)
- Operative Sark (Mu Guardian)
- Operative Scorpio (Bane Spider Executioner)
- Operative Torrance (Bane Spider Executioner)
- Operative Unger (Crab Spider Longfang)
- Operative Whorfin (Fortunata Mistress)
- Ritual Incanter (Crab Spider Webmaster) - Found on Speak with Arbiter Daos mission from Scirocco
- The Boss (Fortunata Mistress)
- The Council Spy (Wolf Spider Huntsman)
- Wren (Tarantula Mistress)
Other Facts/Notes
- Though the Archvillains in Recluse's Victory are considered to be Level 54, a Controller may stack one to two mezzes and they will usually effect. (i.e. two Mesmerizes stacked quickly may put any of the Archvillains to sleep)