Cce (Slash Command)
[hide]- 1 Slash Command
- 2 Costume Change Emotes
- 2.1 Standard Emotes
- 2.2 Unlockable Emotes
- 2.2.1 In-Game Action
- 2.2.2 Super Booster II: Magic
- 2.2.3 Super Booster III: Superscience
- 2.2.4 Super Booster IV: Martial Arts
- 2.2.5 Super Booster V: Mutant
- 2.2.6 Animal Pack
- 2.2.7 Steampunk Pack
- 2.2.8 Empyrean Michael Store
- 2.2.9 Dr. Kane's House of Horror
- 2.2.10 New Year's Costume Pack
- 2.2.11 Winter Holiday Pack
- 2.2.12 Salute to Statesman
- 2.2.13 Unknown (Datamined from pre-shutdown client, but never released)
- 3 Example
- 4 Useful Binds and Macros
- 5 Historical
- 6 See Also
Slash Command
- /cce # ccemote
Aliases: cc_emote
Where # is 0 to 9 which represents costume slots 1 to 10, and emote is one of the costume change emotes, prefixed with 'cc'. You can only change costumes every 30 seconds.
Costume Change Emotes
NOTE: Like all emotes, these may be interrupted by performing another action, and will sometimes not play at all. However, your costume will be changed regardless of any interruptions.
These emotes are designed to be used instead of /cc #, eliminating the need to time the costume change to an emote or power.
Standard Emotes
- /cce # CCBackflip: Backwards standing flip, flash of light in midair.
- /cce # CCSalute: Sharp snap salute, accompanied by a quick flash of light and puff of smoke.
- /cce # CCHowl: Throw back head as sound effect howls, flash of blue light.
- /cce # CCEvilLaugh: Clutch both fists to your chest, throw back head laughing as arms move out with a fiery blast.
Unlockable Emotes
In-Game Action
- /cce # CCPeacebringer (Peacebringer only)
- /cce # CCWarshade (Warshade only)
- /cce # CCVanguardSigil: Both hands reach down, Vanguard Sigil appears on the floor and moves up your body. (purchased for 100 Vanguard Merits at a Vanguard Crafting Table)
Super Booster II: Magic
- /cce # CCCast: Thrusts out one arm as in performing a magic trick, followed by a flash of light.
- /cce # CCLightning: Reaches one arm up, and is struck by lightning from above.
- /cce # CCPrestoChango: Reaches both arms up, and is surrounded by a cloud of smoke which fades.
- /cce # CCSpin: Winds up and spins around, creating a small tornado, followed by a flash of light.
Super Booster III: Superscience
- /cce # CCDrinkFormula: Chug an Erlenmeyer flask of green liquid, smash it on the ground, writhe as if in pain, followed by a sudden burst of yellow smoke.
- /cce # CCSuperSerum: Jab GIANT hypodermic needle into right arm, glow brightly while beating chest, glow fades.
Super Booster IV: Martial Arts
- /cce # CCSmokeBomb: Throw a smoke bomb to the ground, smoke clears to reveal new costume.
- /cce # CCNinjaLeap: Jump high in the air (out of picture) from a crouching position, return to the ground wearing new costume.
Super Booster V: Mutant
- /cce # CCEnergyMorph: Energy Morph - Crouch down in a ball of energy, followed by a flash of light.
- /cce # CCRapidBoil: Green bubbles of goo boil out of your skin, then explode.
- /cce # CCDimensionShift: False images of your character shoot out to the sides, then collapse back in a flash of light.
Animal Pack
- /cce # CCFeatherBurst: Scrunch down and shake, flash of light, and burst of feathers.
- /cce # CCFeatherSpin: Whirlwind spin, flash of light, and burst of feathers.
- /cce # CCFurBurst: Scrunch down and shake, grey cloud, and burst of fur.
- /cce # CCFurSpin: Whirlwind spin, grey cloud, and burst of fur.
Steampunk Pack
- /cce # CCOilStrike: The character summons an erruption of black liquid from below and is quickly covered completely by it.
- /cce # CCPressureRelease: The character stomps on the ground and is engulfed in a resulting cloud of steam.
Empyrean Michael Store
- /cce # CCIceBlock: Surrounds the player in a block of ice which shatters to reveal the new costume.
- /cce # CCStoneBlock: Surrounds the player in a block of stone which shatters to reveal the new costume.
- /cce # CCFireworks: Covers the character in a bright light while sparks fly around.
- /cce # CCPureEnergy: A swirl of energy builds up energy around the character and then explodes to reveal the new costume.
- /cce # CCNuke: Character explodes in a huge mushroom cloud, and reappears with the new costume.
Video of the five Incarnate Costume Change Emotes.
Dr. Kane's House of Horror
- /cce # CCMurderOfCrows: Raises arms, a murder of crows flies to the caster, then away.
New Year's Costume Pack
- /cce # CCConfettiThrow: You reach into your pocket and throw confetti into the air in a burst of light.
Winter Holiday Pack
- /cce # CCGiftBurst: You look up and a gift box lands on you, then you burst out in a shower of confetti.
Salute to Statesman
- /cce # CCInnerWill: You channel energy from deep within yourself and release it in a burst of light.
Unknown (Datamined from pre-shutdown client, but never released)
- /cce # CCLightMagic: A column of light surrounds you, and you emerge in your new costume.
- /cce # CCRainbow: A column of multi-colored light surrounds you, and you emerge in your new costume.
/cce 2 cclightning switches you to costume in slot 3 using the Lightning emote
/cce 0 ccspin switches you to costume in slot 1 using the Spin emote
Useful Binds and Macros
Because the emote does not work while one is in a combat stance, a bind that includes the command "emote none" (or "em none") will allow the costume change emote to work in most circumstances. The none emote clears all previous emotes.
Bind Examples:
- /bind <key> "emote none$$cce 0 cclightning"
- Clears any emote/combat stance, then changes to costume slot one with the Lightning CCE.
- /bind <key> "emote none$$cce 1 ccprestochango$$local Abracadabra!"
- Clears any emote/combat stance, then changes to costume slot two with the PrestoChango CCE, while saying "Abracadabra!" in local chat.
- /bind <key> "em none$$cce 2 cccast$$l Let me slip into something more uncomfortable."
- Clears any emote/combat stance, then changes to costume slot three with the Cast CCE, while saying "Let me slip into something more uncomfortable." in local chat.
- /bind <key> "em none$$cce 3 ccspin"
- Clears any emote/combat stance, then changes into costume slot four with the Spin CCE.
Macro Examples:
- /macro cc1 "em none$$cce 0 ccspin$$l Wheeee!"
- Clears any emote/combat stance, then changes into costume slot one with the Spin CCE, while saying "Wheeee!" in local chat.
- /macro cc2 "em none$$cce 1 cclightning$$l Kablam!"
- Clears any emote/combat stance, then changes into costume slot two with the Lightning CCE, while saying "Kablam!" in local chat.
- /macro cc3 "em none$$cce 2 ccprestochango"
- Clears any emote/combat stance, then changes into costume slot three with the PrestoChango CCE.
In Issue 18, CCPodPerson was changed to CCEnergyMorph, and CCNinjaJump was changed to CCNinjaLeap. The first was documented in the Patch Notes. These changes were to presumably make the slash command match what the costume change is called in the costume selection window.