- This article is about Steven Sheridan's Praetorian missions. For his Primal Earth missions, see Steven Sheridan.
Steven Sheridan |
Enemy Groups |
None |
While in Praetoria, Steven Sheridan is a contact who is not located anywhere. In the Contacts window, his location is given as "???". Members of the Resistance are automaically contacted by Steven once they reach level 20. Players can call Steven once they decide to leave Praetoria.
Contact Introduced By
None. This contact automatically becomes available to Praetorian Resistance characters when they reach level 20.
- You've been sent a covert text message by Steven Sheridan, prompting you to call him.
- Character, I received your information from Calvin Scott. The Resistance needs your help with a special project. Call me and I'll explain the details.
Contact Introduces
Primal Earth Scientist
When Dr Steven 'Science' Sheridan was young, his parents thought him a brilliant child prodigy. As it turned out, they had greatly underestimated their son. Some people think he's a mutant; others suspect he's the product of genetic engineering. Either way, he's without a doubt the most knowledgeable human being who ever lived. 'Doc Science' never forgets a single fact; once he learns something, it is locked in his memory forever. His great intellect allows him to easily recall these facts and draw inferences from them; as one might imagine, this makes him one heck of a scientist.
It is because of this that the forces from Primal Earth have requested Dr. Steven Sheridan's assistance in investigating matters within Praetoria.
Prior to Introduction
Praetorian characters will have no contact with Steven Sheridan prior to the contact being unlocked.
Initial Contact
Greetings, Character! As you may or may not know, I am Dr. Steven Sheridan. I am a resident from Primal Earth, but I am here to assist you and any other member in the Resistance to get through to Primal Earth.
- Time is of the essence, Character!
Too Busy
Missing Too Busy Dialogue
Too Low Level
Missing Too Low Level Dialogue
No More Missions
Missing No More Missions Dialogue
Steven Sheridan does not sell any inspirations or enhancements.
The Rift Enclosure
Editor's Note:
This mission is available to Praetorian Resistance members who have reached level 20. A new contact for 'Doctor Steven Sheridan' will appear in your active contacts tab. Taking this mission sends you to Primal Earth; there is currently no method to return to Praetoria once you enter the door behind the Resistance Representative.
We've got everything set up for the Resistance to send operatives into Primal Earth, Character. I'm sure you're well aware of the plans Cole has for both the Resistance and Primal Earth. If the two of us do not come together, we will both be destroyed by the might of Cole! Unfortunately, many people in Primal Earth still have the stigma that all Praetorians seek to destroy what we hold dear.
That is why we are trying to send more Praetorians through to help show the people that you all aren't some mythical monsters. Oh, I forgot to mention what we're sending you through. It is called a Rift Enclosure. It is a portal that temporarily connects this world to our world.
We were able to build two portals. One that leads to Paragon City, the other to the Rogue Isles. It's a gamble having a portal to the Rogue Isles, but we'll have to take whatever help we can get, even if it's from Arachnos.
Are you ready to go through?
Completing this mission will send you out of Praetoria and into Primal Earth. If you have anything left to finish in Praetoria, now would be the time to do it.
I'm ready.
Excellent! Your journey into the Rift Enclosure may not be an easy one. We've had to work on it deep within the underground tunnels of Neutropolis. Make your way here and we shall have everything set up for you to go.
Oh! I almost forgot. Motivation. That's a good thing to have, isn't it? Yes, we would prefer that you go into Paragon City. You can do the most good there and people would get the semblance that you Praetorians are a force of good and justice. The portal to the Rogue Isles... well, it is mainly being used by the Crusader types of the Resistance. While the Rogue Isles may be a bit more, hrm, how should I say, loose when it comes to obtaining weapons and power, going there won't help our war efforts a terrible amount.
Mission Objective(s)
You stand miles beneath the surface, where the Resistance have made their very own portal to another dimension.
- Enter the Rift Enclosure (Single Player)
- Speak with the Resistance Representative
The Rift Enclosure stands ready.
Your time in Praetoria is coming to an end...
... and now, the choice of your new life in Primal Earth lays before you.
The only way for Calvin Scott and the Resistance to defeat Cole is to gain the aid of those from Primal Earth...
Will you go to Paragon City to try and earn their help and defend them from Cole's mass invasion?
Or will you go to the Rogue Isles to seek your own power and glory to use for yourself, or whatever cause you may believe in?
Moral Choice
Players are presented with a moral choice: to become a Hero and go to Paragon City, or become a villain and go to the Rogue Isles.
- Go to Paragon City. Become a Hero.
The only way the Resistance is going to bring down Cole is with the help of the supers from Primal Earth. If you can show them that there are good people in Praetoria who need their help, you can convince them to join the war effort. They'll see that their planet is the only one at risk and join together to face the might of Emperor Cole and his army. (As your own story unfolds on Primal Earth, you will have opportunities to switch sides.)
- Go to the Rogue Isles. Become a Villain.
The people of Primal Earth think everyone in Praetoria is a monster. Why would you try to convince them otherwise, when you can focus on building up your own powerbase within the Rogue Isles? There, you can do whatever you wish. Maim, destroy, blow up anyone who stands in your way, or perhaps form your own group. The possibilities there are endless. (As your own story unfolds on Primal Earth, you will have opportunities to switch sides.)
Go to Paragon City
Resistance Representative
Yo Character, what's up? Good to see you're helpin' us fight the good fight by goin' into Paragon City. I know a lot of them primes are hating on us, but if anyone is gonna convince 'em differently, it'll be you. I'll help catch you up to speed on what's going on over there in the Prime.
What should I know?
First off, you got your classic case of baddies that run around in there. Your fascist types in the 5th Column and the Council, real bad folks. Your anarchists in the Freakshow, and then the monsters in the Devouring Earth. Yeah, that's right, they got their own version of Hamidon over there. Crazy stuff, yeah?
Their Hamidon is kept in some sorta place called the Hive, while his monsters roam the city, tearin' things up. I guess their Hamidon doesn't have the same motivation ours did to go and take over the world, huh?
... I guess not. What else?
If you're ever stuck and not sure of what you can be doin' over there in Primal Earth, you can hook yourself to a sweet police scanner and check out if anyone needs a hand. It's kinda like the Static, only you don't attract a horde of monsters when you use it. Pretty nice, huh?
You help enough folks over the police band and you'll be able to hook yourself up with some names who need your help. Oh yeah, police band reminds me. You gotta be real careful over there. Their police force is also called the PPD, but it stands for Paragon Police Department. Those guys are actually gonna be on your side when you're there. Better hope you're never in a fight that involves the two of 'em, huh? Can you imagine that?
'Incoming PPD!'
'Which PPD?'
'Our PPD!'
'Which one are you!'
Could get bad, you see? Just don't freak out when you hear the PPD are comin', cause they're with you.
Right, I understand
Oh yeah, one last thing I gotta remind you about. It's a group called Arachnos. They're what you'd call the 'big bads' over there. Their leader, guy by the name of Lord Recluse, is pretty much the classic case of a 'bad guy' if I've ever heard of one. If you wanna earn yourself some big points with the folks over there, you should take the fight to them. It ain't gonna be easy, though. 'Side from being a Praetorian, you've already got another personal notch you gotta work on when you get there.
What do you mean?
Well, according to what I've heard, there's a group called SAM who is reportin' that you've been causing chaos and destruction all over the place in parts of Primal Earth. Don't ask me how that's happening, it just is. If I were you, I'd handle that whole situation as soon as you get in there. Last thing you need is some evil clone of yours walking around, huh?
I'll make sure I do that. Thanks for the help.
No problem! It's what I'm here for. Good luck, we're all gonna need it!
Players have a chance to talk to various people they have encountered before stepping through the Rift Enclosure.
Noble Savage
Character, as you can see, I've recovered from Berry's control over me. I'm sorry about what happened on Neuron's tower.
You may be wondering how I ended up back here. As I slipped in and out of consciousness on Neuron's tower, I saw two familiar figures. Jim and Jennifer. They dragged me off of Neuron's tower and into the tunnels. They risked everything to help me escape. I was able to finally speak to Jennifer, face to face. It.. helped, Character. Helped my resolve. Jim and Jennifer are going to do their best to help the Resistance. I know now... that I can never go back to my life with her. But I'm going to do everything I can to help the Resistance. Jennifer is happy with Jim now... I need to make sure that they stay happy, and that no one else suffers what I have.
You're doing a noble thing, going into Primal Earth to help us all. Perhaps one day, I too, will go through to help. Until then, Character, stay strong.
You too James.
Robert Flores
It's been a while,
Character! I uh, I'm really gonna miss you, you know? I mean, I kinda feel like you and me really started everything, right? My sis laughs at me when I tell her that I'm gonna be a big hero like you one day, but she'll see! I might not be the best journalist around, but I can get stuff done, like how we found out about Eddie and Bella! Yeah, I call her Bella, it's kinda my nickname for her. I'm totally gonna talk to her like that if I ever get to meet her.
Good luck with that, Robert.
Jessica Flores
I owe you a lot,
Character. Helping me, helping my brother... I hope we meet each other again, one day. I'll be staying here in Praetoria to help keep the people informed about what Cole is doing. As long as there's more people like you helping us over in Primal Earth, I'm sure we'll get through this!
I’ll do my best, Jessica.
Katie Douglas
Katie Douglas, the former Seer, smiles at you.
It's been some time, Character! All these women behind me are just some of my sisters that you helped rescue back in Imperial City. They all wanted to see you in person, without anything distorting their view. I tell them all about you, you know. About how you stood up against Tilman, the PPD, and Cole, all to just give us our freedom. You're a true hero to us all, Character. I'm sorry that you have to leave Praetoria to once again save us all. Maybe one day, when this is all over, you can come back here and finally rest. I hope so. Everyone deserves a chance to rest, especially you, Character.
Let’s hope so, Katie.
Tunnel Rat
Should've figured you'd make it all the way here. Smelled it on you when you walked up to me. Marino's family says hello, by the way. Not that I care too much, can't care too much, not in this situation. But maybe you proved something, proved that even if you smell like you, you can make it out of here alive. You have a lot of smells, just so you know. Maybe I'll miss you. I know I said that before, and I still mean it, still just a maybe, pondering making it more definitive but that's dangerous to do.
Tunnel Rat takes in a deep breath from her re-breather. ...
Okay, I'll say I miss you, but that's only because you're still alive. If you die, I won't miss you, no point in that. Come back and save us all, I don't want to keep getting important things shoved onto me. Alright? Alright. That's all.
Thanks, Tunnel Rat.
Surprised to see me alive,
Character? I am too. I thought I was dead yesterday, but it seems that it was just asthma. I'm... not too sure why I'm still alive. All the reports say I should've died by now. To be honest, I'm not too sure what I'm going to do. Every day should be my last, and yet, it's not.
So, to the point. I'll see you when I see you again. I get the feeling my suffering here isn't over yet. Must be why I'm still alive.
I'll see you again soon, Beholder.
There you are. Marty says hello, by the way. As you can see, I've got myself my own little army of ghouls. This, Dominic Leon, is what a man who is friends with death can do. I'm gathering more of them by the day. Soon we might even have some of the new ones from Neutropolis on our side too.
If there's one thing I can offer you for the Rogue Isles, it's to have the same face that I do when you're there. The face of a man that knows no fear. No creature, monster or human, will try to cross you when they look into your eyes and see the eyes of someone who not even death can shake.
I'll keep that in mind, Hatchet.
Ahhh, there he is!
Character! Good to see ya! I got my own little private stash of Fixadine now, had to abandon the old one that you and I found, it was getting a little too hot.
The Destroyers tapered out a bit, but we managed to get a good amount on our side to fight the fight over in Nova. Even used a few as some ghoul bait. Not too bad, for all purposes, not too bad at all. So, you go do what you gotta do in the Isles, huh? I don't believe in this whole askin' Primals for help stuff either. We got what we need here, we just gotta get more of what we need from over there. I heard they got this stuff in Primal called Superadine. If it's half as good as Fixadine, make sure to bring some of it over here huh?
I'll do what I can, Jack.
Go to the Rogue Isles
Resistance Representative
So, you're choosin' to go to the Isles? That's fine. Me, I figure the best place to go is to the Isles. Chaos, destruction, that's what gets things moving, yeah?
So listen up though, if you're gonna go to the Isles, there's a few things you gotta know about.
What is it?
First off, that group called Arachnos rules over the place. Now, they ain't like Cole too much, cause when I say rule, I say that in the smallest way possible. They let you do whatever you please, even beat the hell out of their own soldiers. Just be careful about attackin' their Arbiters, they're real stingy about that. You can do everything else under the sun and they'll be fine with it.
Oh, yeah, and there's some sorta rep from them waitin' to talk to you on the other side.
Alright. What else?
While you're in the Isles, if you're ever needin' somethin' to do and no one is around, you can peruse their papers. They keep all sorts of secret messages in there, it ain't like the papers TPN puts out. Word is they even allow open hits to be called on folks in the papers. You bust enough heads in by following the leads in the papers, you're bound to get yourself some attention, you know?
Papers, chaos, attention. Got it.
One thing you gotta keep your eye out for are groups called Wyvern, Legacy Chain, and Longbow. You probably ran into Longbow here, but them folks are the law enforcement around in Primal Earth. They don't take kindly to a lot of folks 'expressing their freedom' in the Isles. They see you, they'll probably try to take you down. Kinda like how the PPD are with us here, eh?
Do I need to maintain any sort of good will with them?
That's the beautiful thing! You got yourself full protection from 'em in the Rogue Isles, 'least as long as Arachnos is around there. So you don't gotta worry about them not knowing who you are or covering up your identity. It'll make a lot of folks in Paragon angry at you, but as long as you got the power to handle them, it's no sweat!
Sounds good. I'll make my way out now
Alright! Just don't get surprised at the Arachnos guys waitin' on the other side, they're expectin' you.
Players have a chance to talk to various people they have encountered before stepping through the Rift Enclosure.
Oohhh, it's that slammer! I knew you'd be sippin' your way to the glowie bits to take them frames of yours out and choppin' them up to answer the ringin' bell! Hah, you're all good, you know? I'm not gonna get all lense tinted on ya and give some sorta hurrah about the sepia tones and all that junk. I'll just tell ya to skip to the loo and round it out over there in the junk heap!
I… thank… you?
Jack Hammer
Ahhh, there $heshe is!
Character! Good to see ya! I got my own little private stash of
Fixadine now, had to abandon the old one that you and I found, it was getting a little too hot. The
Destroyers tapered out a bit, but we managed to get a good amount on our side to fight the fight over in
Nova. Even used a few as some ghoul bait. Not too bad, for all purposes, not too bad at all. So, you go do what you gotta do in the Isles, huh? I don't believe in this whole askin' Primals for help stuff either. We got what we need here, we just gotta get more of what we need from over there. I heard they got this stuff in Primal called Superadine. If it's half as good as Fixadine, make sure to bring some of it over here huh?
I’ll do what I can, Jack.
Impressive set up, don't you think? I had to help put it together. Get too many people in one place and they're all bound to mess everything up. Had some
Clockwork of mine finish up the finer parts of this. Can't say I'm going to miss you when you're gone,
Character, but I don't miss anyone, really. Just make sure to get us some good power over there in the Isles. We'll need it when Cole starts breathing down our necks. Me? I've got plenty of plans to hack into Cole's new army. Think I'll see just how much the people look at Cole's robots as the 'good guys' when they're smashing down buildings in Nova.
Good luck with that, Splice.
Surprised to see me alive,
Character? I am too. I thought I was dead yesterday, but it seems that it was just asthma. I'm… not too sure why I'm still alive. All the reports say I should've died by now. To be honest, I'm not too sure what I'm going to do. Every day should be my last, and yet, it's not. So, to the point. I'll see you when I see you again. I get the feeling my suffering here isn't over yet. Must be why I'm still alive.
I’ll see you again soon, Beholder.
There you are. Marty says hello, by the way. As you can see, I've got myself my own little army of
ghouls. This,
Character, is what a man who is friends with death can do. I'm gathering more of them by the day. Soon we might even have some of the new ones from
Neutropolis on our side too. If there's one thing I can offer you for the Rogue Isles, it's to have the same face that I do when you're there. The face of a man that knows no fear. No creature, monster or human, will try to cross you when they look into your eyes and see the eyes of someone who not even death can shake.
I’ll keep that in mind, Hatchet.
Speak with whoever awaits through the portal
Through the portal
Hello. You would be
Character, correct? Good to meet you.
I am Viridian, spymaster for Arachnos and the head of Project: Praetoria. Not the most creative of titles, but I'm not a man who is concerned about 'creativity'. I've been informed that you wish to enter the Rogue Isles. I am in place to help bring you in.
I'm not working for Arachnos, if that's what you're proposing.
I don't imagine you'd work for anyone, Character. I'm here to ensure that Arachnos remains a lucrative ally for you and any other Praetorian that is coming through to Primal Earth. I'm well aware of your Emperor Cole's plans for an invasion, and also about your allegiance to the Resistance. My group in Arachnos is here to do everything we can to support your cause, as long as it doesn't spill over into our neighborhood, of course.
So, what are you going to offer me?
First, the title of 'Destined One'. I've put your name into the list that Kalinda has. Not a real difficult thing for me to accomplish, as you may imagine. Being a Destined One within the Rogue Isles will grant you certain privileges and also a certain air of power. Some in Arachnos will respect you for it, though most will still be willing to bash your head in.
You can do whatever you want with this title. Ignore it, go along with it, or anything. But it is yours, should you wish to utilize the benefits that come with it.
Fair enough. What else?
I've seeded word of your name into various groups that work within the Rogue Isles. Though they may not have encountered you, they already believe you're a force to be reckoned with. It may not be the best start, but there is a man who will help you get started on your path in Sharkhead Isle. His name is Dean MacArthur. He will be able to get you whatever it is you want as you get started within the Isles.
Alright. And what about you?
Myself? I'll be working from the shadows, Character. Perhaps in the future, you and I will work together. There is a lot going on behind the scenes in this project of mine, much of which is not exactly... fully revealed to the Arbiters.
Should an opportunity arise that can benefit both you and myself, I will contact you. But for now, I shall keep your true origin a secret, so long as you agree to keep this little meeting of ours secret. Lord Recluse is not extremely happy with the idea of Praetorians in the Rogue Isles, given how Cole operates. It is best to keep your true nature a secret until you've built up enough power.
Oh, and just so we keep this formal. Welcome to the Rogue Isles.
... Thanks.