From Paragon Wiki Archive
Servers (CoX):
This user plays both City of Heroes and Villains on the Liberty server. |
Night Remedy (Valiant and Audacious)
Level: 39
Archetype: Scrapper
Origin: Mutant
Primary Power: Dark Melee
Secondary Power: Regeneration
Travel Power: Leaping
Mr. Essen (Accomplished)
Level: 39
Archetype: Defender
Origin: Natural
Primary Power: Dark Miasma
Secondary Power: Dark Blast
Travel Power: Speed, Teleportation
This user plays both City of Heroes and Villains on the Virtue server. |
Garnet Shuriken (no title yet)
Destined One
Level: 11
Archetype: Stalker
Origin: Mutant
Primary Power: Claws
Secondary Power: Energy Aura
Travel Power: Teleportation
Cesium Keniticist (Gallant)
Level: 15
Archetype: Defender
Origin: Science
Primary Power: Kinetics
Secondary Power: Radiation Blast
Travel Power: Leaping
This user plays City of Villains on the Guardian server. |
This user plays City of Heroes on the Victory server. |
This user loves to create new characters! |