City Representative
City Representative | |
![]() Brighid Moreira | |
Zone | Atlas Park |
Coordinates | (129, -768, -640) |
Level Range | 20+ |
Enemy Groups |
![]() |
City Representative is a hero contact in the Atlas Plaza neighborhood of Atlas Park at coordinates (129, -768, -640). She is located in the center of the main rotunda of City Hall. She will provide a hero with missions to unlock their cape and aura costume options
Contact Introduced By
- None. The City Representative is unlocked as a contact by a hero reaching level 20.
City Representative
Before the Rikti Invasion, the City Representative's tasks were largely ceremonial. Now, with many new threats on the horizon, she's charged with coordinating the efforts of the various branches of the FBSA. According to well-known mystic Azuria, the City Rep has risen to her new challenges admirably. It's often said that there is no one who knows more about the inner workings of the city than she.
Initial Contact
It's heroes like you who keep this building standing.
Not High Enough Level
My next task is only for those heroes who have attained Security Level 20 / 30.
Level requirement depends on if you have completed the Cape mission and what level you are.
- The city thanks you for your assistance.
- There is a task I'd like you to take on.
Trust Earnt
You have done well, Character. It is no wonder this city looks up to you. You can call me anytime.
Too Busy
I am sorry, but I have a strict policy against overloading heroes. You already have enough to do.
No More Missions
There is nothing you can do for me, my friend. But I am sure your other contacts would appreciate your assistance.
Level 20
Earn a cape
Talk to Paco Sanchez
Welcome, Character. I have been asked recently to devise a task in honor of the late, great Hero 1, who gave his life to seal our world off from that of the Rikti invaders. Those heroes who complete the task will be given the right to wear capes, as a living tribute to Hero 1's memory. If you are as valiant as your contacts tell me, this task should be quite easy for you. Do you wish to earn a cape?
Mission Acceptance
The task is very simple. I merely wish you to learn the history of Hero 1. I've contacted several people whose lives were touched by him. They've all agreed to meet with you, and tell you a little bit about his history.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Paco Sanchez is the first stop on your journey.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Paco Sanchez
So you're here to learn about Hero 1? I remember him well. When the first Rikti attacks came, Hero 1 took me into the most devastated neighborhoods so that I could aid the wounded. I've never been more scared in my life. But Hero 1? He never flinched. He made it possible for me to save a lot of lives back then. You should go talk to Suzanne Bernhard now. I know she's eager to talk to you.
Talk to Sgt. Suzanne Bernhard
Unnecessary Solicitation
Please go see Suzanne. She wants to tell you about Hero 1's younger days.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Sgt. Suzanne Bernhard
When I first met Hero 1, I was working as a beat cop, trying to keep a few city blocks clean and safe. No one helped me more than he. Hero 1 helped me crack down on the gangsters. There was no lead he couldn't follow. But he always made sure that the people he busted got fair treatment from the police, and the best counsel the city could supply. I respected that. You should talk to Justin Greene now. He used to be one of Hero 1's teammates; he may know more about him than anyone.
Talk to Justin Greene
Unnecessary Solicitation
You've just got one more stop to make, Character: Justin Greene, the former Green Justice.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Justin Greene
To tell you the truth, I've been carrying around a lot of guilt about not being able to accompany Omega Team on their last journey. See, Hero 1 wasn't just my teammate, he was also my best friend. He saved my life more than once, and when I lost my powers, he helped me find a new purpose, in helping our community. He told me I could still be a hero, and in the end, I guess I kind of believe him.
If you really want a cape, I think you should go on down to the Omega Team Memorial. It's nothing fancy; they wouldn't have liked that. But before Hero 1 and Omega Team left this world, they put together a time capsule. They knew they wouldn't be coming back. It's just a few things: letters to their children, old high school photos, things to help people remember who they were. The city opened it to the public on the seventh anniversary of the heroes' sacrifice. It was a hard thing for people to admit that the Omega Team was never coming back.
Visit the Omega Team Memorial
I can't think of a more fitting end to this journey than to visit the Omega Team Memorial. You shouldn't have any problem finding it. It's in the building here right down the hall.
Mission Acceptance
Remember, these people sacrificed their lives to save all of us. The memorial is a sacred place to many of the heroes in Paragon City.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I can't think of a more fitting end to this journey than to visit the Omega Team memorial.
Mission Objective(s)
The letters and photos from the Omega Team were collected before the heroes and villains left through the Rikti Portal.
- Visit the Omega Team Memorial
The Rikti have gotten away with Hero 1's letter. Thankfully, the spirit of Hero 1 arrived to help guide you to where the letter is located.
Notable NPCs
- Time Capsule (Object)
- Rikti Scout
Plaque Text
When Hero 1 and the rest of the Omega team accepted their mission to the Rikti home dimension, they knew they likely wouldn't be coming back. They put together this time capsule to hold items of personal importance to themselves. The items are simple things: letters to their children, old high school photos, things to help people remember who they were. This time capsule has been preserved as a memorial to their brave sacrifice.
The Missing Letter | |
Looking over the letters and photos in the time capsule, there is an obvious one missing. In the center of the display is a plaque that reads:
Hero 1 - To my Lady, Queen and Country, but above the plaque, there is no letter. The Rikti stole Hero 1's letter, but left the others. |
The Last Stand of Green Justice | |
Justin Greene was once a small time hero who went by the name Green Justice. Hero 1 teamed up with Justin for a number of missions that took them into the heart of the Tsoo. These battles led to one climatic stand off against Tub Ci and his forces. Ci was sick of the two getting involved and staged an ambush for Green Justice in the subway tunnels of Steel Canyon. Ci wasted no time in throwing all of his Ink Men at Justin at once. The combined assault drained the magical abilities out of Justice's body.
Previously, Ci had managed to trap Hero 1 on the astral plane with an army of Ancestor Spirits. It seemed as if Ci's planning had paid off, the two were done for. But with the help of War Witch and Hero 1's own ancestral past, the two were able to defeat the Ancestor Spirits and block Tub Ci and the rest of the Tsoo from accessing their magic powers. This turned the tide in the fight. Green Justice, drained of his own magical ability, but still a force to be reckoned with, rose up and single handedly defeated Ci and his gang in their moment of weakness. It was Green Justice's greatest victory as a super powered being and he did it all without a single power. |
Talk to The Spirit of Hero 1
Character... can you hear me?
...The Omega Team needs your help.
...I placed a protective ward on the time capsule and all of its contents before I left through the Rikti Portal...
...What you are seeing is an aspect of myself as guardian to the capsule...
Yes, I can hear you.
...The Rikti have stolen a single letter from the time capsule...
...I must ask you to retrieve this letter...
...I will show you the path, but you must be the one to reclaim it...
I'll get your letter back, Hero 1.
Thank you, Character. I do not know why they would want to steal from the capsule, nor do I have the incantations to divine such a plot. It is on you to resolve this and to return what was taken to its rightful resting place.
Stay True.
The Rikti have gotten away with Hero 1's letter. Thankfully, the spirit of Hero 1 arrived to help guide you to where the letter is located.
Hero 1's letter was stolen by the Rikti? How? I don't understand what would they want with his letter.
Please explain this to me.
Defeat the Rikti Thieves
Wait, you saw Hero 1 at the memorial? That can't be... oh, it was a magical ward he placed down before he left. This city never ceases to amaze me.
Well, the memorial needs your help and from the sounds of it the fate of the Rikti war could hang in the balance.
I know it sounds like just another day in Paragon City, but imagine what could happen if the Rikti manage to succeed at their goal, whatever it be. Good luck.
Mission Acceptance
You've got to find Hero 1's letter. We owe it to him. I can't imagine what the Rikti would want with it, but it can't be good.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You've got to find Hero 1's letter. We owe it to him. I can't imagine what the Rikti would want with it, but it can't be good.
Mission Objective(s)
The Spirit of Hero 1 has led you to this cave. You must retrieve Hero 1's letter and return it to its rightful place.
- Defeat the Rikti Thieves
- Protect Hero 1's Letter
You saved Hero 1's Letter.
Notable NPCs
- Hero 1's Letter (Object)
Hero 1's Final Letter | |
To my Lady, Queen and Country,
If you are reading this I am likely dead. I was a hero once. The name they gave me was Hero 1. There were others before me and will be others after, but this is who I am now and forever. I have been blessed with an amazing life. Ever since I found the cave and the Lake, nothing has ever been the same. I have tried my best to live up to the ideals of the Table and those who once sat around it. I draw my power from them and I've always believed that meant they have some way of knowing who I am and what I've tried to become in their shining image. Our world is under attack by an alien threat. The invaders come through portals and few can do anything to stop them. I believe I can help. I've talked with Statesman about a plan. These Rikti are vulnerable to magic and I intend to lead a team and travel into their portals to shut them down from the inside. It's a one way trip and I won't be coming back. Statesman, in true form, wants to do nothing more than to attack these creatures head on. He doesn't fully agree with my plan, nor do I agree with his brazen American approach to the problem. But, if I succeed, someone will have to stay behind to protect humanity from itself. Who better than the indomitable Statesman? We are now two teams: Alpha and Omega. Everything is always Greek with him. I have left the sword Excalibur with his granddaughter, Ms. Liberty. She reminds me the most of myself at that age and I know she'll protect it well. There was no way I was going take such a sword to an alien world so far from my Lady. I hope such a choice does not weaken me. If this is truly my last entry to this world I want to say that second chances are possible. I'm living proof of that. I had no right to enter the Lake or to speak with Her. I was angry, arrogant and upset at the course my father had laid out for me. Yet, She wasn't upset, but was calm and soothing. She saw me and saw what I could become - what I have become. When I hold that sword I know who I am... I'm a hero. The first, the last... the one. Stay True |
You have the letter? Excellent. I'll make sure it's returned to the Memorial.
I'm very proud to bestow upon you the right to wear a cape. I know Hero 1 himself would be glad to see you wearing it. You represent everything he died fighting for. Maybe we don't say it enough, Character, but this city is lucky to have you.
Level 30
Gain better control of your powers
Talk to Professor Smythe
I've been told that you would like the opportunity to gain better control of your powers. I must commend you. It is a hard task ahead of you, but if you are willing to undertake it, I can help.
The first step is to go see Professor Jonathan St. John Smythe, over at SERAPH. He's developed the most ingenious method!
Unnecessary Solicitation
needs data
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Professor Smythe
Ah! So glad you could make it! My new method of enhancing your powers involves a lot of work, a few ingredients, and just a bit of cold fusion. It's really quite fascinating. If you will help me by providing the ingredients, I can do the rest.
First I'll need a piece of cybernetic steel. I'd be surprised if you couldn't find such a thing on the Freakshow. I'll also need a particular part from a Rikti plasma weapon. Lastly, there's a strange gelatinous goo that often coats the Devouring Earth creatures. It's heavily infused with adrenaline and enzymes, and it's proved critical to this project. I'm sure you can find all three groups in Crey's Folly.
Get cybernetic steel
Unnecessary Solicitation
needs data
Mission Objective(s)
- Get cybernetic steel
- Defeat 15 Freakshow
You found the cybernetic steel.
Cybernetic steel | |
You found this piece of cybernetic steel on a Freakshow gangster. Outfitted with many small gears and outlets, this metal is perfect for constructing implants. |
Get plasma cannon charger
Unnecessary Solicitation
needs data
Mission Objective(s)
- Get plasma cannon charger
- Defeat 15 Rikti
You found the plasma cannon charger
Plasma cannon charger | |
You took this plasma cannon charger from a Rikti soldier you defeated. It hums with controlled energy. |
Get gelatinous goo
Unnecessary Solicitation
needs data
Mission Objective(s)
- Get gelatinous goo
- Defeat 15 Devouring Earth
You found the gelatinous goo.
Gelatinous goo | |
You collected this pink goo from the Devouring Earth creatures you defeated. According to Professor Smythe, the goo is filled with adrenaline. |
Take ingredients to Smythe
Unnecessary Solicitation
needs data
Mission Objective(s)
- Take ingredients to Smythe
Excellent, excellent. And in record time! I'll just pop these into the lab, and in no time at all, I'll have a brand new Smythe 032 ready for you. What's a Smythe 032? Well, I'm glad to see you're interested. It uses the hydraulic system of your heart to pump a tightly controlled adrenaline stream through your body. Quite safe, I assure you. The patent is pending even as we speak. I'll send it over the the City Representative when it's ready.
Professor Smythe sent the device over by courier. Here you are. You should visit Icon to have it properly installed.
- Upon completion of the Earn a cape mission, a new menu, Capes, will appear as an option in the Icon stores.
- Upon completion of the Gain better control of your powers mission, a new menu, Auras, will appear as an option in the Icon stores.
- If you get your Auras before you get your cape, you will be offered the Gain better control of your powers mission a second time.
- The City Representative's name is Brighid Moreira, as given in an in-depth Paragon Times profile of her.
Prior to 27th November 2009, the Omega Team time capsule was not opened yet, and thus, some of the text is different for the Cape mission. Differences start from talking to Justin Green, and ends with the next mission, Defeat all villains in memorial, with the location being chosen at random (most common in Perez Park, however).
- Talk to Justin Green
To tell you the truth, I've been carrying around a lot of guilt about not being able to accompany Omega Team on their last journey. See, Hero 1 wasn't just my teammate, he was also my best friend. He saved my life more than once, and when I lost my powers, he helped me find a new purpose, in helping our community. He told me I could still be a hero, and in the end, I guess I kind of believe him.
If you really want a cape, I think you should go on down to the Hero 1 memorial. It's nothing fancy; he wouldn't have liked that. But before Hero 1 and Omega Team left this world, they put together a time capsule. They knew they wouldn't be coming back. It's just a few things: letters to their children, old high school photos, things to help people remember who they were. The city hasn't opened it yet because, well, people don't like to admit that Omega Team is never going to make it back here. The plan is to open it on the seventh anniversary of the heroes' sacrifice.
- Defeat all villains in memorial
Unnecessary Solicitation
I can't think of a more fitting end to this journet than to visit the Omega Team memorial.
Mission Objective(s)
This old Rikti bunker has been largely unused since Hero 1 and his team used it to access the Rikti homeworld. But here and there you can see footsteps in the dust: signs that Omega Team has not been forgotten.
- Defeat all villains in memorial
- Protect the time capsule
The temptation to look inside the time capsule is almost unbearable. But you cannot bring yourself to break the seal.
You saved the time capsule!
Notable NPCs
- Time Capsule (Object)
I'm very proud to bestow upon you the right to wear a cape. I know Hero 1 himself would be glad to see you wearing it. You represent everything he died fighting for. Maybe we don't say it enough, but this city is lucky to have you.
You have impressed me. You are truly one of the best.