- This article is about the archvillain. For the Hydra minion or Gladiator Badge, see Hydra Protean.

Anton Jaeger, also known as Protean is an archvillain that is not currently in the game. He is a shape shifter with the ability to mimic voices as well.
Protean is Manticore's nemesis. He killed Manticore's father, the original Manticore as well as his mother. Protean also killed the hero Dauntless, Galaxy Girl's sidekick in an attempt to kill everyone that Galaxy Girl had helped.
The Freedom Phalanx Book
We learn that Protean can only transform himself to look like people that he has had physical contact with. He has forgotten his own identity and sense of who he is. He is also unable to shape shift into his real form.
Top Cow City of Heroes Comic #7-9
More recently, Protean put Justin Sinclair (Manticore) in the hospital in an attempt to lure out the Back Alley Brawler. When Back Alley Brawler came looking for the villain responsible, Protean shot him the back nearly killing him. Back Alley Brawler was saved by the arrival of Sister Psyche, Numina and Manticore. Manticore apparently killed the shape shifter with an disruptor arrow designed to break down his DNA structure.
- Protean was featured in Top Cow's City of Heroes Comic #7-9 written by Dan Jurgens
- Protean was featured in the book, The Freedom Phalanx by Robin Laws