Busy playing ATM, so just getting the data up. Needs more work . --StarGeek 15:49, 8 Feb 2006 (CST)
- Wow, that was fast, I linked to the article and immediately wrote it, and I got a save conflict because you'd already saved the stub. :-) I added some more information to it. I might come back later and add comments about server population and "role-playingness." I can't dig up any information yet about the Korean server(s), but if I can find something, I'll add it. ---TonyV 15:57, 8 Feb 2006 (CST)
At least you found the link to the knowledge base. I've looked for that so many times! And the only reason I was able to get it up so quickly is because Lady_Athyna had just posted it on the CoH boards and I was thinking about putting that info in the wiki anyway. --StarGeek 17:27, 8 Feb 2006 (CST)
[hide]Overview paragraph
There are currently 17 servers that run the City of Heroes and City of Villains game. 15 live servers and 2 test servers. The live servers are functionally identical, as are the test servers. However your Geographic location will be a determining factor as to which one you connect to. You must also have an active account appropriate to the server you're connecting to.
In North America, the live servers are: Champion, Freedom, Guardian, Infinity, Justice, Liberty, Pinnacle, Protector, Triumph, Victory, Virtue.
In Europe, the liver servers are: Defiant, Union, Vigilance, Zukunft (future).
The two test servers are both refered to as Training Room, one is in North America, one in Europe.
- Bleh, it still looks odd. It needs to be more concise. I also can't seem to properly word this statement. "These servers, like most servers on the internet, are accessible from anywhere in the world. The only stipulation is that you have purchased the appropriate box for the geographic region you're connecting to." That is not entirely true as tehre are export laws and such. Curse my ineolquence. --Konoko 23:49, 16 March 2006 (PST)
Server nick names
>.> can we mark Freedom as the unfriendly server? I have a heck of a time getting anyone to talk to me on it. I see tons of ppl in atlas there, but when a new player ask a question, I seem to be the only one willing to answer them at all @.@
o,o well, that and Guardian is apparently the kitty and Hami raid server.. --Sleepy Kitty 23:29, 17 January 2007 (PST)
Keep it positive
Let's keep the server nicknames friendly, folks. I just rolled back some changes where someone had inserted references to a "noob" server and a bunch of "dead" servers. I don't care if you don't like particular servers, I have my least favorites, too. But let's keep the trolling confined to the official forums, please. --TonyV 16:47, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
- Okay, since it wasn't clear the first time, I'm not going to have references to "dead" servers in this article. It's derogatory, judgmental, and completely subjective. The only "dead" server is one that literally has a population of zero, and this isn't the case for any server. Please do not add this back in again. --TonyV 05:37, 8 January 2008 (UTC)
Infinity and Protector
Neither Infinity nor Protector have entries in the "nicknames" section. Do they not have any? O.O I'm an Infinity player but I don't regular the official forums well enough to know how it's known. -- Sekoia 14:47, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
7 Day Protection
In order to prevent the "dead server" references from returning, I've put a 7-day protection on the article. If you wish to see those changes made, please discuss them here. If you have any other changes you wish to see, please request them on the talk page and an admin can make them -- or wait until the protection expires. Sorry for the inconvenience. -- Sekoia 15:25, 4 February 2008 (UTC)
- Not surprising to see in something 'anyone can edit' there's always an oligarchy whose opinions are put above everyone else and will lock down anything they can to stop dissenting views. --Shinyblcklatexkitty 09:42, 5 February 2008 (UTC)
- LOLz.--GreyDog 14:46, 5 February 2008 (UTC)
- Dissent would be arguing that Triumph is 'not friendly'. The only 'dead' servers are from City of Hero (Korea). Catwhoorg 17:58, 5 February 2008 (UTC)
- Gasp! Triumph, my dear sweet home, not friendly? Well, I did get one person recently that went in to some tirade about me having a slow computer and playing slow then wanted to 'kill' me (he was quick to say not me but my character). He was immediately ignored and I have not seen him since. It was a rather disturbing incident, especially after only a day or two before he started asking me very personal questions... some people, I guess. -Blue Orchid 18:14, 5 February 2008 (UTC)
- o.o actually, no, not "anyone can edit" we strongly discourage people who have never heard of the game and only speak piglatin from editing. Aside from that, the reason for such lock downs (temporarily too, instead of perm) is like having a camera pointed at a wall that ppl like to graffiti on. We simply require the graffitier to do complicated murals instead of just writing their name.
- Marking something as dead is an opinion, and isn't suppose to be on the page.. Putting dead on their with an explanation or as a mark for a removed server.. The complaint is that "dead" is wrong, we strive for correct information, which in this case, would be "low population level" or something similar. --Sleepy Kitty 19:04, 5 February 2008 (UTC)