Viridian | |
![]() Arachnos intelligence | |
Zone | Grandville |
Coordinates | (2778, 243, 834) |
Level Range | 45-50 |
Introduced By | None, Viridian is an unlockable contact. |
Introduces | None |
Enemy Groups |
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As enemy:
Viridian is an Archvillain working for Arachnos who can be fought during the Statesman Task Force in City of Heroes, between levels 45 and 50.
As contact:
Viridian is a villain contact in the The Tangle neighborhood of Grandville at coordinates (2778, 243, 834). Viridian's level range is 45-50.
Viridian is a very dangerous man who works subtle deals that can change the course of world history. The core of his job is influencing other villain groups through manipulation, sabotage, deal brokering, or collaboration, as it suits the needs of Arachnos. There is some rivalry between his organization of manipulators and Shadow Spider's spies, but both know that they can only succeed at their job with the help of the other.
During the mission Capture Dr. Aeon, in the Statesman Task Force, he will say the following:
At 75% Life: You're putting up a pretty decent fight. Interesting.
At 50% Life: This fight's getting a little too interesting.
At 25% Life: We've been misled! Is this a trap for you or for us?
Defeated: Now I'll never find out...
What happens next...
On my favorite soap operas...
After defeating a player: One down. I'll send for a recovery team shortly.
See also
- Viridian's Arachnos Archvillains profile for a list of his powers.
Contact Introduced By
- None, Viridian is an unlockable contact. Viridian can be unlocked by villains who have obtained the Infiltrator Badge, Tracer Badge, Tank Buster Badge, defeated 200 Crey and 200 Council, and are between levels 45 and 50.
Contact Introduces
- None
Viridian is a very dangerous man who works subtle deals that can change the course of world history. The core of his job is influencing other villain groups through manipulation, sabotage, deal brokering, or collaboration, as it suits the needs of Arachnos. There is some rivalry between his organization of manipulators and Shadow Spider's spies, but both know that they can only suceed at their job with the help of the other.
Prior to Introduction
I need to know that you've got what it takes if you're going to work with me. You want to show me you're ready? Then listen up. Do what I tell you, and maybe I'll be able to use you:
Here's what I need for proof that you're up to the job:
Get the Tracer badge. You get it by defeating Tsoo Sorcerers.
Also get the Tank Buster badge. You get it by defeating Freakshow bosses.
The Infiltrator badge, too. Fight those Paragon Protector clones of Crey's. In fact, make sure you've taken out at least 200 Crey in general.
Yeah, and make sure you've taken out at least 200 Council agents.
That should about do it. When you got all of that, then we can talk.
See you around. Hah!
Contact Unlocked
Viridian has contacted you...
Character, I don't normally do this, but I might have some work for you. Come and see me over in Grandville.
This contact has now been added to the active tab of your Contact window.
Initial Contact
Here's the deal: I don't normally work with your type. Villains, I mean. Too loud, too unstable. But I have an operation where you could be a major asset. A lot of people fear and respect you. A message delivered by you could carry far more weight to the recipient. And right now, what I need is impact. I don't explain myself, and I don't slow down, and I don't care what you have to say. Take the job or not, that's the only option.
- I don't have time. Be quiet.
- You want to know what's happening? Then shut up.
- Just listen.
Too Busy
Don't insult me. My jobs need your full attention. Finish your other work, then come back.
No More Missions
Missing No More Missions Dialogue
Missing Store Unlock Dialogue
- Inspirations
- Level 45 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
Need more info
Story Arc
The Conference of Evil
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Merit Rewards: This activity awards 13 Reward Merits. |
Souvenir: A Blank Invitation
When you were working with the Arachnos Spy-master Viridian, you had to deliver invitations like this one to some of the most notorious characters in the world of crime. And though the conference this blank invitation led to didn't go as planned, it was still a memorable escapade you recall as
The Conference of Evil
Viridian was straight and to the point. He needed someone as powerful as you to gather together the heads of several of the more tractable villainous organizations for a conference in the Rogue Isles. You went to deliver the first invitation to Sebastian Frost, the head of the Family. When you got there, you found a lot of Nemesis Army troops on the premises. Frost was there, all right, meeting with one of Nemesis's robotic duplicates. You defeated the double and delivered the invitation to Frost. Unfortunately, Nemesis assumed it was extended to him as well.
The next villain on Viridian's list was Tub Ci, the leader of the Tsoo. You found him surrounded by the Paragon Police in Paragon City, and after you delivered the message the two of you fought side by side against the law.
You next found yourself trying to hand an invitation to Dreck, the leader of the Freakshow. Dreck was interested, but had to fight you to maintain his image. You gave him the fight he was looking for, and left him with the invite.
The invitation after that went to Countess Crey, the head of the Crey Corporation. Due to the legal trouble her company is already in, she wasn't happy to see you bearing an invitation from one of Arachnos' master spies.
The last invitation went to the Center, the enigmatic master of the Council. Unfortunately, he wanted to make you work for it, and sicced his villains against you in a series, daring you to face them down one by one.
The conference itself quickly went downhill. Before Lord Recluse could arrive, Longbow attacked. Nemesis had tipped them off to the conference to help eliminate rivals. The battle was joined, and it was up to you to clear forces of good from the place.
The Conference ended up as a near disaster, but little blame fell on you. Whatever Lord Recluse had wanted to impart to the gathered criminals will just have to wait until Viridian can get someone else to do his dirty work.
Begin the gathering.
I'll give you the basics of the operation. You deserve that. It's a gathering. Gang bosses, criminal leaders, lots of big bad-guys. And that's the problem. They'll be difficult to wrangle, unless they know we're strong enough to bring them in by force if necessary. That's where you come in. Gather a group of cronies, and deliver the messages I give you to the targets I give you. Most of them won't be willing to listen until you've beaten some sense into them. So be ready. And I again suggest you bring along some more black-masks for this.
Mission Acceptance
Your first target is Sebastian Frost, the head of the Family. He's too smart to resist you, but his thugs won't be. I want him brought in as a message. Oh, and he may be meeting with others. Take some spare invitations. You never know.
A couple of invitations | |
These plain white invitations bear a short message, information about the meeting, and signatures from both Viridian and Lord Recluse himself. One is addressed to Sebastian Frost, the head of the Family. The others are left blank. |
Mission Objective(s)
According to Viridian's info, Frost should be meeting with someone here. You didn't expect it would be the Nemesis Army.
- Capture Sebastian Frost
- Abduct Sebastian Frost
- Escape with Sebastian Frost
Message delivered
Notable NPC's
- Sebastian Frost (Captive)
- Nemesis (Archvillain)
Nemesis, huh? That's good and bad. The good is that word will get out about you, and about the message. The bad is Nemesis. He works with plans inside plans inside plans. We have to assume that he knew you'd be there, and wanted to be there himself for a reason. But that's not your concern.
You did okay.
Help Tub Ci escape the law
Next up is Tub Ci, the leader of the Tsoo. Unfortunately for him, his location is about to be tipped off to the Paragon Police and Longbow. Fortunately for you, I know exactly where he is. Fortunately for me, you pulling his tattooed behind out of the fire will help him to trust the invitation, and the Tsoo don't trust easily.
Mission Acceptance
You'll travel to Paragon City by submarine, and infiltrate the place where Tub Ci is making his last stand. Tub Ci is smart, so he'll probably be willing to fight alongside you. Just worry about the PPD and Longbow, and get Tub Ci out of there.
Viridian hands you an invitation for Tub Ci.
An invitation for Tub Ci | |
This is an invitation for the Tsoo leader Tub Ci to the meeting Viridian is organizing. |
Mission Objective(s)
You snuck past groups of captured Tsoo being hauled away by the PPD. Tub Ci should be inside
- Invite Tub Ci
- Free Tub Ci
- Lead Tub Ci out
You successfully escorted Tub Ci out
Paragon Police Department
Notable NPCs
Debriefing (Mission success)
That went very well. Tub Ci contacted my agents from a safe house. He'll be there. Good work.
You did good.
'Invite' Dreck
Your next target is Dreck, the leader of the Freakshow. He's in town inspecting the troops out on Sharkhead Isle. He won't listen to reason. Beat him senseless, and leave the invitation. If he shows up, great. If not, his loss.
Mission Acceptance
Don't expect any friendly faces. Even if Dreck would like to go, he's still gotta fight you to keep his Freaks from thinking he's afraid of you.
An invitation for Dreck | |
This is an invitation for the Freakshow leader Dreck to the meeting Viridian is organizing. |
Mission Objective(s)
How do the Freakshow live in places like this?
- 'Invite' Dreck
- Defeat Dreck
You delivered the message to Dreck
Notable NPCs
- Dreck (Archvillain)
Dreck will be publicly angry for a while, but his people have already contacted me. Well done. He had to fight to save face. It's how things are in a pack of wolves like that.
Deliver an invitation to Countess Crey
Crey Industries is very large, very powerful, and very corrupt. I already attempted to invite the countess here using more diplomatic channels. Now it's time to show her what happens when she doesn't want to play nice. That's your job. She's visiting some of her holdings over in Nerva. I want you to break in and convince her to drop by the little party I'm having, or else I might send you again.
Mission Acceptance
I should warn you. The Countess has a habit of modifying herself with stolen genetic powers used in her hero-clone program. Usually mental abilities. The point is, this won't be easy.
Viridian hands you an invitation for Countess Crey.
An invitation for Countess Crey | |
This is an invitation for the Countess Crey, head of the Crey Corporation, to the meeting Viridian is organizing. |
Mission Objective(s)
Despite all the legal trouble Crey is in, Countess Crey seems to rise above it. But she won't escape you today
- Invite' Countess Crey
- Deliver invitation
You delivered Viridian's invitation
Notable NPCs
- Countess Crey (Archvillain)
The Countess is covering that little incident up. But she got the message. She'll be there.
'Invite' the Center
The next one will be difficult. Very difficult. I have an invitation for the Center, the leader of the Council. He won't fight you. He's over 90 years old, and though he's a mutant, he has no combat mutations. What he does have is an extremely devious mind, 70 years of experience, and his own army with numerous meta-human assets. He's grown conservative with age, but even more cunning. He's rebuffed every other offer to meet, but with all the others whom you've gathered already, he's let my agents know he might be interested. That is, if whoever I send can survive to deliver the invitation. That's your job.
Mission Acceptance
Some things you should know. First, the Center has the technology to keep you from teleporting out even after you've delivered the message. Second, he's sure to have some strange game cooked up for you. And don't expect an easy time. The normal Council troops are bad. Fanatically loyal. We think that might be tied into the Center's mutation, actually. But worse even than the troops are the metahuman villains who form the Council. We know of at least 6. Some or all of them may even be accompanying the Center at this time, so be prepared for the worst.
An invitation for the Center | |
This is an invitation for the Center, the enigmatic leader of the Council, to the meeting Viridian is organizing. |
Mission Objective(s)
The Center almost broadcast that he'd be here.He's got to have something nasty waiting for you
- 'Invite' The Center
- Defeat Archon Burkholder
- Defeat Maestro (Optional)
- Defeat Vandal (Optional)
- Defeat Nosferatu (Optional)
- Defeat Arakhn (Optional)
- Defeat Requiem (Optional)
- Find mission exit
You've passed the Center's Test. But how much more can you take?
Notable NPCs
- The Center (Council Leader) (NPC)
- Archon Burkholder (Archvillain)
- Maestro (Archvillain)
- Vandal (Archvillain)
- Nosferatu (Archvillain)
- Arakhn (Archvillain)
- Requiem (Archvillain)
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The Center:
Character? You're alive? Huh. Didn't expect that. Well, it's a good thing. I'm going to need to tap you for security at the conference. Rumor is that it might have leaked to Longbow.
Secure the Conference
I could really use you at this conference. I have a bad feeling that something's going to go wrong, and I want some back up there when it happens. So far you've been able to handle everything I've thrown at you. I think you at least deserve to see the end of it.
Mission Acceptance
If something happens, take care of it. The conference has to go on.
Mission Objective(s)
Somehow you have a feeling this can't go well.
- Secure the Conference
- Defeat All Longbow
The conference has been secured
Notable NPCs
- The Center (Council Leader) (NPC)
- Arakhn (Archvillain) (Neutral)
- Requiem (Archvillain) (Neutral)
- Countess Crey (Archvillain) (Neutral)
- Hopkins (Archvillain) (Neutral)
- Dreck (Archvillain) (Neutral)
- Tub Ci (Archvillain) (Neutral)
- Sebastian Frost (Citizen) (NPC)
- Nemesis (Archvillain)
- Ballista x5 (Elite Boss)
- Ascendant Archon x2 (Neutral)
- Bane Spider Scout x2 (Pet) (Ally)
- Bane Spider Executionner (Pet) (Ally)
- Longbow Officer x3 (One guarding each pet)
The conference was a disaster, Nemesis has advanced his own agenda, Longbow and the heroes nearly caught everyone, and now I have to prepare a report on this fiasco for Lord Recluse. I knew this was a bad idea from the start. But, you did fine. It would have been much worse if you hadn't been on the scene. I owe you for that. I need to develop some solid counter-strategies to handle this if I want to keep my head. We're done. But it was... productive to work with you.
- Viridian's name is a reference to two other powerful spies; Crimson, and Indigo.
- Developer Manticore revealed some background information linking Viridian, Crimson, and Indigo together: [1]
- These three covert operatives all have the reputation of being among the best in the business. Early in their careers the three went on a number of missions together. They complemented each other perfectly with Indigo’s stealth abilities, Crimson’s tracking and weapon mastery, and Viridian’s interpersonal skills and vast network of contacts. During their last mission together they were betrayed and almost captured. Viridian was seriously wounded in their escape, losing and [sic] eye in the process. He never forgave his partners and took his skills to the Rogue Isles to find the highest bidder which not surprisingly turned out to be Arachnos. Recently Crimson and Indigo have been working for Longbow but the true allegiance of covert operatives is always in question. Many experts in intelligence circles theorize that Viridian is also working undercover for Longbow. What that means regarding his relationship with his previous partners is anyone’s guess.