Luke Larson
Luke Larson | |
File:Luke Larsen.jpg Public Official, for the people | |
Zone | Imperial City |
Coordinates | (-1884, -56, -891) |
Level Range | 8-15 |
Introduced By |
== Level 8 == Jessica Flores |
Introduces |
== Level 8 == Doctor Steffard |
Enemy Groups |
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Luke Larson is a Praetorian contact in Imperial City at coordinates (-1884, -56, -891). His level range is 8-15. He is located approximately 184 yards SW of the Hospital marker.
Contact Introduced By
Contact Introduces
You may have met Dr. Steffard before, I know that he assists Powers Division regularly what with his studies on super power origins and what not. Well, he's got a good head on his shoulders and we've discussed a lot of pretty dangerous politics lately. I want you to meet with him and talk to him. I'm sure learning that there are those in the division who sympathize with our movement will make him happy.
This contact I've introduced you to can probably move you along down the path you've chosen.
Public Official, for the people.
Luke Larson is one of the elected city officials for Imperial City. He has served his district well and is known for being tough on violent crime and a voice of reason amongst his collegues. He is at odds with the Total Praetoria Network, suggesting that their monopoly on the world news stage is a breeding ground for propaganda and biased reporting, it is no wonder then that he is somewhat of a local hero to independent news reporters around the city who are trying to tell their side of the big stories.
Prior to Introduction
I'm afraid I'm a very busy man, Character. If you could leave a message with my office I will get back to you as soon as I can, but right now the people need me to answer their questions and concerns. Imperial City is a big place, and there is a lot going on. I hope you understand.
Initial Contact
Character? Luke Larson, it's good to finally meet you.
I've been keeping tabs on the new Powers Division guys and gals coming into my city, it's a little hobby of mine, but lately, it's been really hard to keep up. So many new faces and names, I can't keep them all straight.
But, since you are here I could really use your hand. You see, there's only so much good a politician can do in a situation like this. What we need is a doer out there matching action to words. The people are searching for a hero, Character, it could be you.
Hi, how are you today?
Too Busy
Missing Too Busy Dialogue
Too Low Level
Missing Too Low Level Dialogue
No More Missions
You've done good work, Character. Imperial City is a safer place because of your actions. The Destroyers have been trounced, the Crusaders have been taught to play nice, and Tunnel Rat is no worse for wear - though I think it'll be months before she so much as comes out of the tunnels, she had such a scare.
Missing Store Unlock Dialogue
Story Arc
Who Needs Enemies?
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Merit Rewards: This activity awards 2 Reward Merits. |
Sometimes when you walk the streets of Praetoria City at night you catch the reflection of two eyes watching you from the shadows. You recognize that it's just Tunnel Rat's way of saying hello. Her skittish nature and paranoia reminds you to be mindful of who you count as your allies. It's a lesson the Crusaders still haven't learned, because with friends like the Destroyers:
Who Needs Enemies?
It began when you met Luke Larson, a public official who secretly supports the Resistance movement, well, the Wardens at least. Larson was concerned that the extreme measures the Crusaders were willing to go was jeaopardizing any chance for the Resistance to gain any following with the citizens of Praetoria. Proving his point he told you that one of his informants in the Resistance had uncovered a Crusader plot to join forces with the Destroyers. Larson wanted to know what these two violent groups were up to and so he sent you to crash one of their meetings. There you found a stockpile of high explosives that the Destroyers were getting ready to move to an even bigger gathering.
Together, you and Larson realized that so many explosives could only be used for one purpose: Large scale demolition, and downtown Imperial City was ripe with targets fitting the bill. You rushed to the meeting place, spotting dozens of Destroyer and Crusader teams arriving with tons of high explosives. It was there that you took down Paingod, the Destroyer Big Dog who at the time you thought was the running the show.
Learning that Yin Corp was the target for all this ordnance, you moved in and disabled the primary explosives and prevented a disaster of historical proportions.
Reporting back to Larson you learned that the Destroyers were not very happy with you editing them out of the history books. They turned on their Crusader allies for a little payback, and in the process caught Luke Larson's informant, Tunnel Rat.
The Destroyers hadn't forgotten about you though, and after a game of kiss the pavement on the streets of Imperial City you learned that Paingod was the man who'd kidnapped Tunnel Rat.
Unsure how long she could last getting roughed up by the Destroyers, you rushed to the rescue, busting into a Fixadine Den in Logos and delivering a second beat down to Paingod, who had falsely assumed he was prepared for your arrival. Just as you were about to get Tunnel Rat out of danger the PPD decided to show up and do their jobs for once. The look of gratitude and bewilderment on Tunnel Rat's face when you rescued her will stay with you forever. That day she learned just as valuable lesson as the Crusaders: With enemies like the Destroyers, we all need friends.
Part One: Knock Knock
It's good to talk to you, Character. Flores had a lot of good things to say about you, said you saved her boyfriend's life. We could use a lot more people like you here in Praetoria. But I didn't ask to see you just to sing your praises.
We've got a situation brewing in the Resistance, Character, and it affects Wardens and Crusaders alike. I've heard some disturbing rumors that some of the more extremist cells of the Crusaders have been stooping to all new lows in order to get an edge over Cole and the PPD. I've been hearing people talk that the Resistance is allied with the Syndicate and even the Destroyers. This is from people on the street, even on TPN.
The Crusaders doing this are going to completely undermine any semblance of support we might have amongst Praetoria's citizens. I need your help in putting an end to these dealings.
Help Luke Larson
Great! I'm glad to have you aboard.
I've had my office looking into some of these rumors and reports of alliances between the Resistance and the Destroyers. It seems to me that the biggest gain PR-wise would be in eliminating the relationship with psychopaths. At least the Syndicate operates under some semblance of morality.
We have a lot of reports surrounding this block here in Logos. I want you to check this warehouse, it might be a Destroyer hang out. If it is see if you can't find any evidence that might lead us to who is orchestrating relations between the Crusaders and the Destroyers.
Unsolicited Contact
Did you check out that warehouse in Logos? I want to know who is smearing our public image by working with the Destroyers.
Mission Objective(s)
The door guard was crushing out of his mind, he didn't even notice you until you knocked him out... the second time.
- Investigate Warehouse in Logos
- Interrogate the Destroyer Boss
You learned about a huge meeting between the Crusaders and Destroyers down in the tunnels under Imperial City.
Notable NPCs
- High Explosives x4 (Object)
- Jonny Slaughter (Destroyers Big Dog) (Boss)
Meeting in the Tunnels | |
According to Jonny Slaughter, and we all know he's trustworthy, the Crusaders and the Destroyers have set up a huge meet and greet down in the tunnels in a few hours. Slaughter was getting ready to move a bunch of barrels filled with high explosives to the meeting place when you stopped him. He didn't know what they were for, but he did know that all the others were bringing every ounce of high explosive they could muster for something big. |
High explosives and a meeting with the Resistance?
Oh, this cannot be good.
I know it's hard to be friends with a politician, Character, we've got a unique view on things and it can rub people the wrong way. Regardless, I think of you as a good friend. Here's my private number, this way you can avoid having to get a hold of me through my office.
Part Two: The Aureas TNT Party
Find the meeting place in the tunnels
I checked with one of my contacts down in the tunnels. She's a mousey little thing, but she knows the tunnels like the back of her hand.
She told me that the tunnels have been crawling with Destroyers and Crusader squads all day. They all seem to be convening under People's Park, according to her.
Character, it sounds like Pain God and his Destroyers were just one little piece of a massive puzzle, and I don't know about you, but that puzzle is starting to take frightening shape.
High explosives, a war? I think they're planning on blowing up something big...
Like a skyscraper?
Holy... You're right! If they toppled a skyscraper in the middle of downtown... The devastation would be incalcuable!
Find the meeting place in the tunnels. I'll see if Tunnel Rat can get you some help. We've got to act fast!
Unsolicited Contact
If you don't find that meeting place soon I'm afraid Imperial City's skyline is going to change dramatically.
Mission Objective(s)
You aren't sure how the PPD don't see this coming, you've spotted at least a dozen groups of Destroyers moving through the tunnels. And they're all hauling tons of high explosives.
- Find the meeting place in the tunnels
- Stop The Meeting
You busted in on and put an end to a gathering of Destroyers and Crusaders in the tunnels. Unfortunately, this wasn't the only gathering.
Notable NPCs
- High Explosives (Object)
- Rebar (The Resistance Commando) (Lieutenant)
- Hatefist (Destroyers Big Dog) (Boss)
- Paingod (Destroyers Big Dog) (Boss)
- Where Paingod walks only suffering remains
Note: Defeat Paingod, Rebar and Hatefist to complete mission.
Target: Yin Corp | |
You couldn't really understand Rebar, but Hatefist offered to give up the location of all explosives if you'd let him shut Rebar up.
Once Rebar was inconscious Hatefist let you know that Yin Corp, the tallest building in Imperial City, was targeted for demolition. |
Stop the Bomb Plot
Mission Objective(s)
The Crusaders and Destroyers are gone, but they left reprogrammed Clockwork to defend the bombs.
- Stop the Bomb Plot
- 30 bombs to disarm (Optional)
- Defeat Demolition Expert (Optional)
- Disarm the massive explosives dump
You disarmed the primary threat to Imperial City. Several smaller payloads went off further in the tunnels, but the wonder of architectural design saved the city from suffering more than a slight tremor, thanks to your quick actions.
Unsolicited Contact
Character, what are you doing here?! You need to stop the Destroyers and Crusaders before they blow up half of downtown!
You're a great man, Character. It's people like you who are going to save Praetoria from herself. I'm happy to call someone of your historical significance a good friend.
Notable NPCs
- Lots of High Explosives (Object)
- This demolition charge packs a whallop. It has a self-arming mechanism which can be disabled if destroyed before it completes the arming cycle.
- Color Blind (The Resistance Veteran) (Lieutenant)
- Color Blind isn't really color blind, she just earned the name because she can never remember which wires to cut.
You see a tangle of red, green, and black wires leading into the face of what looks to be an old calculator. This crude interface is duct taped to the side of a car battery.
(Players have the option of examining the detonator or the following if they are of Magic or Technology Origin)
1 - (Examine the detonator)
2 - (Magic Origin: Cast 'Speak with Lightning Elementals' Spell)
3 - (Technology Origin: Cut the hidden blue wire)
2 - (Magic Origin: Cast 'Speak with Lightning Elementals' Spell)
A tiny excited voice sizzles and pops from the car battery.
(Ask the elemental to leave)
The tiny voice buzzes cutely.
"Yes master."
With a pop and a wiff of ozone, the elemental is gone and the numbers counting down on the calculator fade away.
3 - (Technology Origin: Cut the hidden blue wire)
You cut the blue wire, the one hidden under black electrical tape. Oldest trick in the book, right next to installing a red light next to a mass of blue, green and brown wires.
The numbers on the calculator stop.
Report back to Luke Larson
Mission Objective(s)
- Report back to Luke Larson
Character! We don't have much time to lose. It's the Destroyers!
When they found out that someone in the Resistance had stopped the bombing they went ballistic! Destroyer squads across Imperial City have turned their fists on Resistance Crusader teams. Now the Crusaders are asking us for help. Normally I'd say they got what they deservered for trusting those maniacs, but this is life or death, Character, it's not a game.
My informant managed to call me in a panic. She was very frightened and all she managed to get out was 'they found me'. Character, she was the one who informed me about the Crusader and Destroyer meetings... I think the Destroyers caught her!
Tunnel Rat is one of the kindest people I know, if anyone were to harm her...
Please, rescue Tunnel Rat from the Destroyers before it's too late, she won't last long getting roughed up by those monsters.
Find out where the Destroyers are keeping Tunnel Rat
Mission Objective(s)
- Find out where the Destroyers are keeping Tunnel Rat
- Defeat 10 Destroyers
You learned from these Fixadine freaks that Paingod and Hatefist are holding Tunnel Rat in a Fixadine Den here in Logos.
Tunnel Rat's Whereabout | |
Luke Larson was right. Introducting Destroyers to the pavement does make them talk. It didn't take long before one of them stopped crushin' long enough to tell you that Paingod had taken Tunnel Rat to a Fixadine Den in Logos. |
Rescue Tunnel Rat from the Destroyers
Unsolicited Contact
Please Character, Tunnel Rat is very meek, if the Destroyers are beating up on her she won't last very long.
Mission Objective(s)
You can't help but wonder how many of these Fixadine dens there are in the city, but more importantly, when is the PPD going to do their job and shut them down?
- Rescue Tunnel Rat from the Destroyers
- Escape With Tunnel Rat!
You rescued Tunnel Rat and defeated Paingod, again.
Notable NPCs
- Tunnel Rat
- Tunnel Rat may look meek and skittish... Ok, yeah, she's pretty skittish, but this little mouse has the heart of a lion!
- Paingod (Destroyers Big Dog) (Boss)
- Where Paingod walks only suffering remains
- Sergeant Hastings (Praetorian Police Department Sergeant) (Boss)
You got her out safe?
Luke Larson takes off his hat and runs his hand through his hair, letting out a stiff, stress filled exhale.
Character, you have done the incredible. Not only did you save my fiesty friend and informant, Tunnel Rat, but you also put a stop to some dangerous dealings between the more extreme members of our movement and the psychotic Destroyers. Let's hope that the former learns to choose their friends and allies a little more wisely in the future. If they continue to make friends like these, the Resistance won't need enemies.