Storage Items
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Storage items are a form of Base Item that can store items for inventory and use by other members of the Super Group. They can be purchased and placed inside any Super Group Base that meets their requirements.
Types of Storage Items
Currently, there are four kinds of base storage: Enhancement Tables, Inspiration Collectors, Personal Storage Lockers and Salvage Racks.
Enhancement Tables
Main article: Enhancement Table
Enhancement Tables can store 100 Enhancements in your Super Group Base. Depending on Rank Permissions, members of the Super Group can contribute to and remove from its inventory.
Inspiration Collectors
Main article: Inspiration Collector
Inspiration Collectors can store 50 Inspirations in your Super Group Base. Depending on Rank Permissions, members of the Super Group can contribute to and remove from its inventory.
Personal Storage Lockers
Main article: Personal Storage Locker
Personal Storage Lockers can store Invention Salvage in your global storage and be accessed from your Super Group Base. The capacity of the storage is the same as your off-character storage limit, and you can only access your own inventory through this item. See main article for more information.
Salvage Racks
Main article: Salvage Racks
Salvage Racks can store 999 pieces of Salvage in your Super Group Base. Depending on Rank Permissions, members of the Super Group can contribute to and remove from its inventory.