Issue 15
Issue 15, unknown title, will be a major revision to City of Heroes and City of Villains. Positron has said in past interviews that Issue 15 will be more story-driven.
This article summarizes some of the major features in Issue 15. For more complete details, see the release date's patch notes.
The 8/25/2008 Massively interview with Positron and Brian Clayton included the following:
- Matt Miller: The real big storyline stuff is coming in Issue 15!
- Massively: Any hints at all about what that would be touching on?
- Matt Miller: It's hopefully going to tie up a lot of loose ends that we've had hanging out there for a while now, while at the same time creating a lot more.
- Brian Clayton: Like any good superhero story.
- Matt Miller: Like any good superhero story, or episode of LOST.
The 12/1/2008 IGN interview from Issue 13's release included a small teaser from Positron:
- Issue 15 will be centered around the Fifth... Anniversary of City of Heroes.
This was followed by a note from IGN stating the date of the anniversary. This caused speculation from the player-base that the issue would be released at that time.
However, GhostRaptor followed up on 3/5/2009, saying:
- Issue 15 does not have a release date, or even a release window, yet. Nothing has been officially stated. The rumour floating around that Issue 15 will coincide with the 5th anniversary is nothing more than that: a rumour. Most likely started by a very wild piece of speculation based on a comment made in an interview that had nothing to do with release dates at all.
The 12/3/2008 Gaming Nexus interview with Positron included the following question:
- Q. What's next for City of Heroes? Can you give us a hint about what to expect in Issue 14?
- A. Issue 14 is all about the Mission Architect. Issue 15 will bring us back into some more story-driven content. That’s all I can say for now about that though!
In-game dialog and generally accepted timeline information suggests that the Omega Team time capsule will be opened in November of 2009.
External Links
- Official Feature Update (does not exist yet)
- Massively interview
- IGN interview
- Gaming Nexus interview