Aeon Corp

in Cap au Diable (night time)

in Grandville (day time)
Aeon Corporation, also known as Aeon Corp, is a company created by Dr. Thaddeus Aeon AQSA, presumably with Arachnos funding as well as providing all security personnel. Within the laboratories of Aeon Corp is where Dr. Aeon and his many employees work their brains in order to satisfy Lord Recluse. Behind the scenes, it is believed that Aeon Corp's main role is to give the man behind the name, Dr. Aeon, a public face to the world. Crey Industries is known to have a working relationship with Aeon Corp, with one of their key projects resulting in the worldwide company Architect Entertainment.
Subsidiary companies include:
- Aeon Hydroponics - a food branch which grows giant-sized food to benefit the world, but according to tabloids, is actually a cloning plant.
Inventions produced include the following:
- The Power Transfer System, which provides cheap, clean, and efficient energy for Cap au Diable
- NutriPaste, an inexhaustible and inexpensive food-source for the people of the Rogue Isles
- The technology behind Architect Entertainment
Known employees/related co-workers are the following:
- Dr. Aeon (founder)
- Dr. Forrester (lead scientist)
- Dr. Geist (assistant of Dr. Forrester)
- Martin Henri (ex-employee, leader of the Luddites)
- Operative Grillo (official Arachnos liaison)
Known branches can be found within the following zones: