Yes, it's true, both you and I have no powers per se. But I've trained all my life to get to where I am. I feel as if I've pushed myself so far past what others would think of as our peak, that it makes myself question where human ends and where superhuman begins.
I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about. For as long as I can remember I've always known that only the strong survive in the ring. It doesn't matter if the ring is an old Roman gladiator pit or Cap Au Diable. We fight or we die.
Look at you standing here asking me how I got to where I was without powers. Are you trying to pity me?
I'll have you know that I've taken out half a dozen villains with more power than you before I showed up to work today. Do you know how I, a lowly human, can do that while the rest of you fly around this city like you're gods? I can take you down because I'm just that much better than you. Take away your powers and you're nothing. Nothing! I win because I want it more than you. I win because I will never give up.
Now, get out of my face, I don't have time for this.
What did you learn from Brass? Really? Huh, I would have expected him to be more forthcoming. I wonder if he's hiding something.
Talk to the Golden Roller 
You should get a kick out of this one. I was trying to find a technology contact you could talk to and the only one I came up with was Golden Roller. I hear he's been linked to the Gold Brickers and Lord Midas as well.
You up for a little chat?
Mission Acceptance
Odds are he'll try and scam you, but just get in and get any information you can and get out.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Need content.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to the Golden Roller
My associates tell me you're investigating the origins. Interesting... There any money in it for me? Didn't think so.
Well, what can I do for you in the thirty seconds I'm giving you to waste my time?
Technology, as I've always thought of it, is our intellect given form. You can tell a lot about a person by what they create. Take King Midas for example, a man who can turn anything he touches to gold, yet he's still a thief.
But technology is so much more than that. It's about pushing boundaries, scientifically, morally and socially. Today's thief is tomorrow's hero.
Have you ever heard the story of Daedalus?
(No. What is it?)
Daedalus was a guy back in ancient Rome who was commanded to build a maze for King Minos. Inside this labyrinth, Minos hid his half-son because he was embarassed by the monstrosity his wife had birthed. That monstrosity was the Minotaur.
As if this wasn't bad enough, the king would send in slaves, convicts and anyone else he didn't like, into the maze for the Minotaur to eat. Once you entered the maze you never came back.
Well, King Minos had a daughter who was in love with some poor fool and the King was going to throw him into the maze. The daughter went to Daedalus and begged him to help her - to help her lover find a way out of the maze.
Daedalus agreed to help. What he gave her was a ball of string and told her to have him tie it to a branch on his way inside. As long as he had the string, he would be able to find his way out.
Nice story. Do you understand the point of it?
(No. What is it?)
The point is that technology is merely a tool of what we are. It can be used for either good or evil. In and of itself it is literally a moral. [sic]
By the way, your thirty seconds are up.
See you soon, [character].
Technology, as I've always thought of it, is our intellect given form. You can tell a lot about a person by what they create. Take King Midas for example, a man who can turn anything he touches to gold, yet he's still a thief.
But technology is so much more than that. It's about pushing boundaries, scientifically, morally and socially. Today's thief is tomorrow's hero.
I know I said I was going to give you thirty seconds, but I have some other boundaries that need pushing. Shove off.
Like I said, the Golden Roller is an interesting character. I hope you learned something useful from him.
Talk to Dmitri Krylov 
You should really go talk to Dmitri Krylov. He's an expert in Mutants. Granted, I think he got that way from performing a number of experiments on them.
Mission Acceptance
Dmitri would know better than anyone else the history of Mutants. If you get the chance, ask him if he knows my father. That should give you a good laugh.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Need content.
Mission Objective(s)
Hello, Character. Mutants are not people born differently. They are simply... NOT human. This mutation, as the layman calls it, is not an old occurrence. My research shows no record of a mutant before 1938. Interesting, nyet?
In 1938, the first atom was split. This changed how all atoms acted within our reality. Everything changed.
However, I believe that there are many mutants that are misclassified. In fact, in my research I have discovered many sub-types of mutants that perhaps were their own origin at one point. This leads me to believe that the path of origins is an ever changing one. Interesting, nyet?
I hope you got the answers you were looking for. Give Ashley McKnight my regards. I remember her father well... Too well.
You, obviously, are not a mutant. I, obviously, am not a mutant. That building over there, is obviously not a mutant. Do you understand? Da, I knew you would see my point. Mutants are not like us and the building. I think, in fact, that mutants are not like mutants... ah, now that is something.
<p> I must get back to work. I hope you got the answers you were looking for. Give Ashley McKnight my regards. I remember her father well... Too well.
As I said, Dmitri knows a lot about mutants... What? He asked about my father? Not surprising, since my father chased him halfway across the globe a number of years ago. He never told me what it was about, but I can only guess it had to do with Dmitri's experiments.
Stop Circle of Thorns
So, I hoped we'd be able to avoid this, but it doesn't look like it. While you were off talking to the different people about their origins, the Circle of Thorns have gotten wind of what's going on. They're up to something and I'm going to need your help to stop it.
Mission Acceptance
They've unearthed some old relics and are beginning to ask the same questions we are regarding powers and their origin. Honestly, this scares the snot out of me because if these guys can get a handle on where powers come from and how to control them, then the world will be in a bad place.
Please, get in there and stop them. I know this isn't your sort of thing, but what they're doing affects all of us, hero or villain.
Mission Objective(s)
The Circle of Thorns are attempting to uncover the mysteries behind powers. If that happens there's no telling what they will do with that knowledge.
- Stop Circle of Thorns
- 10 Relics, Defeat Qelrend
You've found the relics Ashley mention and defeated Qelrend. Return to her for further instruction.
Circle of Thorns
Notable NPCs
Quelrend Dialog
Combat start: The Thorns shall ruin you all!
After completing the mission objectives you will earn the Origin of Power Badge:
Origin of Power
You gain a deeper understanding of the power and history of origins by talking to a represenative of each path.
Without those relics, the Circle will not be able to command the powers to their will.
The history books of the Midnighters talk of a time when one origin commanded all the power to themselves. That one origin reigned over all others commanded any who were without like slaves. It was really a dark day.
Thank you for taking the time to go over this history with me. I hope you found some useful information out of it.
Midnight's Hand (Story Arc)
Midnight's Hand Part One
Collect the Amulets of Corax
Hello, Character. Are you interested in helping out an organization that deals with the invisible world of the occult and arcane? A world that exists directly on top of this one with both the power and the desire to reach across the void and snuff us out like so many little wooden matches?
Before I can even begin to explain to you about our group or take your name to my keepers, I need a show of loyalty from you. I'm sure you're used to that type of thing - what with all the 'chosen one' rhetoric being thrown around these islands.
Mission Acceptance
Knowledge is the currency of the mind. Without it we are left broke and destitute along the path of life. You don't like being broke do you? That's likely why you took up this life of crime in the first place.
Well, my group needs a withdrawal from the bank of knowledge. We're willing to pay you handsomely for it as well. Currently, this bank is located in a Circle of Thorns occupied cave and is being guarded by four of their more powerful mages.
What we want is in the form of 4 amulets known as the amulets of Corax. Collect these amulets for us and bring them to me.
For your own safety, do not look upon or open the amulets in any way. I myself have never seen them, but legend speaks of men being turned to stone simply by looking upon it.
Unnecessary Solicitation
These amulets are from an ancient land known as Cimerora. It is our belief that the Origin of Power, what nomenclature refers to as a Super Being, started there. Collecting these amulets will allow us to determine the validity of this theory.
I'm sure the Circle of Thorns seek these amulets for a similar purpose. If I had to guess, they want to taint the origins to favor their path of magic, or bring back a path that has long since been lost. Either way, we can't let that happen.
Mission Objective(s)
Find the Amulets of Corax.
Be warned, nothing good can come from looking upon them.
- Collect the amulets of Corax
You've collected the amulets of Corax from the Circle of Thorns. You should give them to Ashley before they take any more of a hold over you.
Primary Enemies
Circle of Thorns
The Amulet of Corax (1 of 4)
Even though Ashley told you not to look upon the amulet, you do so anyway. Instantly you're lost in its gaze...
You feel yourself flying over a strange land on wings of black. In the distance across an ocean, a mountain of wisdom. The sea air fills your nostrils. You look down and see a strange, ancient land under attack. Before you can focus more, the darkness swells from the ground and snuffs out your life...
You snap out of your trance, not having moved from your location, the sea air still stinging your senses.
The Amulet of Corax (2 of 4)
Unafraid, you open the amulet and look inside...
A lock of deep red hair is tied to a small chain inside the locket. There's a small charm on the chain that looks either like a face or a shield or both. You look closer at the clasp and feel your senses being pulled into it.
Your eyes blur and you feel as if you're floating. All around you a single voice chanting...
...By the gods of the mountain... the blood of man... the power I am... ...Show what can not be seen... ...Reveal the destiny I command...
You realize as you pull yourself out of the trance, that it was your voice you heard saying those words.
The Amulet of Corax (3 of 4)
You see yourself within the reflective sheen of the amulet...
This is not the you of the here and now. It is you, in ancient armor fighting atop a mountain surrounded by ocean. A monster assaults you with great fury as women run away from the battle in terror. Before you can regain your focus, the monster's weapon cuts across your visor and all goes black.
You snap out of the trance with an odd sense of deja vu.
The Amulet of Corax (4 of 4)
You open the amulet and sand falls out of it. You watch it fall to the ground, swirling like tidal pools around your legs. The sand is dark, almost black. As it swirls, a face appears in the floating sand. For an instant you think it's just a trick of the light. But then the face scowls at you and explodes in a blast. It gets in your eyes and your nose and your mouth and you feel yourself suffocating. Rubbing your eyes, you try and look around, but find that you are someplace else.
An ancient cave with columns that push up to the darkness.
In the distance you feel more then see a man... no, not a man, something else, something worse, standing just inside a shadow. His eyes glow with an ancient hate.
As he looks upon you, you feel as if your body is turning to stone. You try and move, but cannot even breathe. You watch in horror as your body slowly decays into dust.
When you open your eyes again, you find all of the sand that poured out of the amulet has returned. Best to keep it there.
The amulets of Corax. With these we should be able to see into the past and discover the origin of power that still guides us today.
You seem agitated. Did you look into these amulets? I warned you against it. I hope you still have some of your sanity. There's plenty of work to be done and the last thing I need is you getting locked up in the nut house.
In the future, feel free to call me on my cell.
Midnight's Hand Part Two
Get information
You did good on that last job, but now it's time for me to level with you. I'm with the Midnight Squad. Our history is long and complex, but all you need to know is that we're going after the Rikti in a big way. We don't have the man power like the Vanguard, but with our knowledge, we don't need it. I'm personally investigating the Rikti and Lost connection. Are you up for lending me a hand? I know it's not your usual smash and grab, but something interesting might come up.
Mission Acceptance
I've gotten a coded message from one of my fellow Midnighters. The Rikti are up to something concerning the Lost and magic. This concerns us greatly. The Lost have always been the Rikti fan boys, but there's something more going on here.
I was told to send in my most disposable acolyte to gather whatever information they could find.
Honestly, that's you. But you did so well on that last mission, I'm not too worried about you getting killed by the Rikti. So, if you want to be a part of the Midnight Squad, consider this part of your initiation fee.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I still need you to track down what the Rikti are doing with the Lost. I've gotten as much information on my own as I can.
There's a Lost group holed up in a warehouse around here. Go there and 'collect' whatever information you can in whatever method you use to collect it.
Mission Objective(s)
The Rikti are using the Lost for some purpose. You have to determine what that is. Taking out Rikti is simply a side benefit.
- Get information
- 4 Pieces of Intelligence, 6 Experiments, Defeat Il'relic
You've gathered as much information as is safe to get and defeated Il'relic in the process. You should return to Ashley for further instructions.
Primary Enemies
The Lost
Il'relic's final words...
The Rikti you faced in the cave told you this before you defeated him...
The Rikti have known magic: Same as humans. Rikti found it... Lacking. Diversion of Power: Science and Technology.
Magic energy: No more...
Rikti Computer Data (1 of 3)
You pull out a handfulof crystals from inside the Rikti computer. Who knows, maybe this is what the Midnight Squad was looking for.
Rikti Computer Data (2 of 3)
You removed what can only be described as a glow net from the under carriage of the computer. There are half a dozen different sized crystals that seem to be growing out of the net.
Rikti Computer Data (3 of 3)
Reaching your hand into the translucent solution found inside this computer, you come out with a green sphere about the size of a softball. Streaks of electricity shoot around the sphere as it seems to constantly be vibrating.
I"m not sure if these crystals are exactly what we're looking for, but I'll hand them over to the Squad and see what they can make out of them.
What interests me more is the Lost being used in some sort of experiment performed by the Rikti. What were the Rikti doing to those Lost? I'll have to think about this some more.
Midnight's Hand Finale
Get Information
I just got word that the Rikti and the Circle of Thorns are fighting in one of the recently discovered ancient catacombs. The coded message I received says that the Rikti and the Thorns are looking for something. Well, the Midnight Squad wants it too.
You up for a little smash and grab?
Mission Acceptance
There are two powerful beings of magic and science fighting it out deep underground. Hal'Nort is leading the charge (against?) the Circle of Thorns and someone or something known as Elemtron is fighting back.
You're going to need to take out these two in order to get whatever it is they have found.
I've gotten confirmation from my keepers. If you complete this and get us whatever it is that they're fighting over, you will be made a member of the Midnight Squad.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You still have to take Elemtron and Hal'Nort out. You're going to have to bring back whatever it was that they were fighting over as well. Without that, there's no way you'll be brought into the fold of the Midnighters.
Mission Objective(s)
The Rikti and the Circle of Thorns are searching for something in these ancient caves. The Midnighters want whatever it is for themselves.
- Get information
- Defeat Elemtron, Defeat Hal'Nort
You've taken care of Elemtron and Hal'Nort and found the Nymphus Visage in the process. Return to Ashley McKnight for further instructions.
Primary Enemies
Circle of Thorns
Notable NPCs
- Stingrel (Boss)
- Ule'tin (Boss)
- Hal'Nort (Boss)
- Elemtron (Boss)
Nymphus Visage
As you defeat the last of the two enemies, this object drops from one of their hands. It looks like a mask, sculpted from gold. As you hold it up to your face and look through the eyes, you see the cavern you are in transform into a massive underground city. Ancient columns push up into the darkness and as you breathe in you smell the sea air. You look to a nearby rock and see a raven looking back at you. All around you are statues of heroes, caught in the midst of battle.
The Nymphus Visage... But I thought it was lost. Where did they get this from? Have you looked through it? Montague tells me that those who look through it see their own future. What did you see, Character?
With this mask you have proven yourself a worthy member of the Midnight Squad. You can now access the Midnighter Club. This door behind me is not the entrance to the club, but it will lead you there.
Meet Imperious
Have you ever heard of Cimerora, Character? Ever since Ouroboros started altering the timeline, one of our other Midnighters, a man by the name of Montague Castanella became aware of a gift he had. He can perceive the changes in a timeline, yet he is unaffected by them. This has made him aware of some other alterations throughout time. Because of this, I need you to meet someone. His name is Imperious.
He is not of this time or place, but the Midnighters feel that his need and the need of his people transcend both of those.
Mission Acceptance
To get to Cimerora, we're going to 'bypass' Ouroboros. We'd prefer them not to be involved in this particular mission.
We've procured an Aspect of the Pillar. This crystal has been attuned to take you to Cimerora and nowhere else. We've kept the crystal hidden within the Midnighter Club.
Cimerora Lore
Cimerora is an ancient land in the Mediterranean. Many believe it is the birthplace of the super powered being. Ashley McKnight notes that this is not altogether accurate. Cimerora is, however, one of the more famous locations in history where various origins of power came together in a similar way that is happening in our current timeline.
McKnight also notes that Imperious, the man you're supposed to contact, comes from an origin that has been completely absent for some time. That of the Incarnate.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You need to go into the Midnighter Club, enter the secret room and travel to Cimerora through the aspect of the crystal. Once you're there, you must meet up with Imperious. He will guide you on what to do from there.
Notable NPCs
- Midnighter
- Greetings, Character! Welcome to Cimerora!
- Now, before you leave, you might want to make a few mental adjustments. You're not, as they say, in Kansas anymore. What you will find is a shock to your senses. You are now in the ancient Mediterraniean and we have made some, ehm, 'adjustments' for your convenience. As you went through the Aspect of the Pillar, you were 'appropriated' with some very powerful spells so, with our aid, you should now have no problems understanding the citizens here and contacting certain people from afar. It's a magical coup, to be sure, and one you do not need specifics about at this time.
- Also, if you are defeated, you will re-emerge here in this cave, as we have intalled modified MediCom Teleporters. They're not fancy, but quite functional.
- Do make your way over to Senator Aquila on your way into Cimerora. He'll be able to acquaint you further with this stretch of ancient heaven.
- Imperious
- Well met, traveler. I have met with members of your clan the Midnight Squad. You are a strange, but determined lot. When you first arrived here, I thought you were of Romulus' men, disguised in some eccentric garb. I have come to understand you Midnighters for what you really are, traelers from afar, come to aid me in my time of need.
- From the look of you, I doubt you understand why you are here. But I assure you, Destined One, the Sybils tell me your path is tied to my own. If I do not return to power and that traitor Romulus remains upon my throne, your fate is doomed before it even begins. For now, our goals are shared.
- Before you go, know this: valor and justice are traits I hold above all others. However... I am a man who is willing to do whatever it takes to reach my ends. This is something others from your time seem squeamish towards. Something tells me you will not have that problem.
- Come then, let us paint the stones with the blood of our enemies!
See Also
Possible Bug Alert
I just had an issue with a teammate trying to do the Midnight's Hand mission, he was told come back at 30. He said he did the Origin of Power mission with a friend earlier, but had not done her earlier mission. So, it's possible that if you participate in the Origin of Power story arc before doing the Midnight Club arc, it might bug you.
RagabashMoon 08:59, 22 May 2008 (UTC)