Badge time.png   The Paragon Wiki Archive documents the state of City of Heroes/Villains as it existed on December 1, 2012.

User:SA-7 Grail

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Player Information
Globalchat.png This user's global chat handle is @General Teknos.
Badge vr months 018.png This user is Staunch.
Archetypeicon scrapper.png This user's main hero is a Scrapper.

V archetypeicon mastermind.png This user's main villain is a Mastermind.

CoX Game Icon.png This user plays both City of Villains and Heroes on the Guardian server.
CoV Game Icon.png This user plays City of Villains on the Freedom server.
CoV Game Icon.png This user plays City of Villains on the Infinity server.
CDT This user's time zone is CDT.

Who is this guy?

I joined CoH because of a friend, but what got me into CoH was City of Villains and I wanted to play CoH just to get an idea of what it was like. My first few months were very fun, even if the leveling way back before Issue 5 was REALLY SLOW (unlike now where I can hit 20 within a week!).

My global comes from my first character who actually doesn't exist anymore. I deleted him, like I did a lot of other characters.


All my characters are on the Guardian server. With some exceptions.



Future Force Warrior



Sgt. Devon V archetypeicon mastermind.png Paramilitary DraftArmy.png/ForceField DeflectionShield.png/Arachnos Patron RangedConeModerateDmg.png

Cyclone Cyan V archetypeicon stalker.png Katana AssassinBlade.png/Ninjitsu Hide.png/Arachnos Patron TargetedRangedModDmg.png


Forum Cartel

Schnee One

Made for the Darkness Falls superteam on Freedumb


Made for the So Strong So Pretty superteam on Infinity