Badge time.png   The Paragon Wiki Archive documents the state of City of Heroes/Villains as it existed on December 1, 2012.


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Zone {{{zone}}}
Level Range -

{{{name}}} is a City of ??? contact located in

[[{{{zone}}}]] at coordinates ({{{x}}}, {{{y}}}, {{{z}}}).

Dr. Trevor Seaborn
Dr. Trevor Seaborn.jpg
Zone Steel Canyon
Coordinates (-1611.5, 0, 1378)
Level Range 10 - 14
Introduced by Intro1
Introduces Intro2
Enemy groups Badge villain cot.png Circle of Thorns

Badge villain hellions.png Hellions
Badge villain skulls.png Skulls

Badges Spelunker

Dr. Trevor Seaborn is a City of Heroes contact located in the Steel Canyon Medical Center neighborhood of Steel Canyon at coordinates (-1611.5, 0, 1378). Dr. Trevor Seaborn is a Magic origin contact.