Part Three: A Brand New Me
Visit Mirror Spirit
Unnecessary Solicitation
This is getting out of control, Character. We'll make sure to keep your other double around for questioning.
Mission Objective(s)
Mirror Spirit was able to direct you to where you need to go - now to find your double!
Character. No need to explain yourself.
I know that this is the real you.
I was able to sense something different within you from...the you that attacked me. This is all quite...odd.
I shall do whatever I can to help you, though sadly I cannot accompany you to chase after your double. I have some matters in Faultline that I need to look after.
- Which way did my double go after it attacked you?
- Your double fled to the nearby sewers - the ones that run from Faultline to Talos, I believe.
- I was able to slow your evil self down, but he/she may already be out of the sewers in Talos by now.
- Not if I have anything to say about it. Thank you, Mirror Spirit.
Chase Your Evil Double into the Sewers!
Unnecessary Solicitation
We've got your other double in questioning now, how many of you are there exactly?
Mission Objective(s)
You can hear the sound of Freakshow laughing in the sewers. It seems your evil double left behind something to keep you busy.
- Chase Your Evil Double into the Sewers!
- Defeat your evil mirror!
- Get out of the sewers and into Talos
Your evil double teleported away!
- Metal Smasher: You're crazy, Character, but you're paying well, so we'll smash you apart!
"We've got that double you fought..."
Field Agent Keith Nance:
- We've got that double you fought in custody now, Character.
- He/She says that he's/she's out looking for the evil version of himself/herself.
- You really need to keep tabs on your other selves.
- I'll let you know if anything develops.
The Game You're Playing
Combat Start:
- Metal Swiper: I don't know what game you're playing, Character, but I'm fine if it lets me smash!
Field Agent Keith Nance:
- Nance here, good news and bad news.
- Good news is your double is giving us all the information he/she has on the evil you.
- The bad news is that you're about to get ambushed by some Freakshow.
- Mad Freak Chopper: Time to make some good money on some weird people!
Before Combat:
- Enforcer Smasher: ...
- Mad Freak Gunner: So Character wants us to fight Character?
- Enforcer Smasher: Yeah, that's what we're doing.
- Mad Freak Gunner: This guy/girl some sort of pain lover or something?
Combat Start:
- Mad Freak Gunner: Alright, Character, whatever you want!
Before Combat: Alright, just about home many of Character do I have to do deal with? The 5th Column better have my base ready by now...
Combat Start: Ah, it's me. Or should I say, you? It doesn't matter, soon you'll be dead.
75% Health: Do you know how enjoyable it is, pretending to be you? All the surprised faces from those you care about!
50% Health: That other us, he/she isn't still alive, right? Hrm...another loose end to deal with.
25% Health: Well...I'll be going now. You're not the only one with a medi-porter!
Notable NPCs