Mission:The Lords of Death - Part Three: Deep Cover
[hide]Part Three: Deep Cover
We need to find out where Veles and his Skulls are getting their Superadine and shut it down.
I'm afraid that squeezing gang bangers on the streets just isn't going to cut it this time. The Skulls have their back up against the wall here, and the only way we are going to learn who or where they're getting their supply from, is if they want to talk to you.
- So you need me to go deep under cover then...
That's the idea.
I've already talked to Paula Dempsey about outfitting you with just the right disguise to fit right in with The Skulls. She can give you more details on it.
All you need to do is get in with them and listen. If we can find Veles, then we'll find their supply. Until then, just follow your instincts.
I'll be monitoring you from afar in case you get into any trouble.
Talk to Paula Dempsey
Unnecessary Solicitation
Paula is a wiz when it comes to gadgets and things. I had her rig up a few items that should be able to keep The Skulls from recognizing you.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Paula Dempsey
Hey, Character. Eagle Eye said you'd be coming by.
Let me tell you, I've had some strange requests before, but this one takes the cake. Are you sure you want to be going undercover into The Skulls? Sounds pretty risky to me, but then again, I'm no hero.
Here's your disguise. I've fitted it with a couple of experimental odds and ends that should be able to mask even the most eccentric hero from being recognized by the average street thug, just, be careful not to let it get shot or anything, that could be bad.
I've also got your disguise hooked up with a nano-mic and earpiece so you can keep in touch with Eagle Eye on the sly. Oh, I almost forgot!
Eagle Eye told me to give you this tracking beacon, you know, just in case things go sideways and he needs to swoop in and rescue you. Let me know when you are ready to suit up.
You're all set. Are you ready to become a Skull?
- I'm ready to infiltrate The Skulls (Enter Mission)
- I'm not ready yet, I need a minute (Leave)
Infiltrate the Skulls
Unnecessary Solicitation
Talk to Paula, she'll get you all set up for your stint into deep cover. Just... Try not to kill anyone.
Mission Objective(s)
After a few days masquerading as a Skull you find out about this hideout. Someone in here is bound to know a thing or two about Veles and the Superadine Lab.
- Infiltrate the Skulls
- Listen to The Skulls' conversation for clues
The Rib Cage | |
In order for a Skull to rise from the ranks of Death Head in the Skulls one must enter a fighting competition called The Rib Cage. Those who win the fight ascend, while those who lose die. |
Mission Objective(s)
- Infiltrate the Skulls
- Talk to Shatterjaw
Hey, what's the hurry, chief? / what can I do for you, sexy?
- I want to go upstairs.
Nah, only fighters competing to become a Bone Daddy or Death Doll get to go upstairs, and you don't look like one of them.
- Not yet I don't.
Alright, alright. I'll let Bone Dust know we got some fresh meat coming upstairs...
- Head upstairs
Mission Objective(s)
- Infiltrate the Skulls
- Go upstairs and talk to Bone Dust
You overheard something about Veles | |
You overheard a Bone Daddy inviting a pair of fresh Skull recruits to a rave that Veles is hosting later. |
So, I hear you want to try and join the ranks of the Bone Daddies / Death Dolls.
- That's right, I'm ready.
Well, you sound ready, but only surviving the Rib Cage proves whether you are or not.
- I told you, I'm ready.
You know that if you lose you lose your life, right?
- A true Skull isn't afraid of Death.
Well said. Go and talk to the Fight Organizer, he'll set you up with a match.
Having second thoughts? C'mon, the Fight Organizer is waiting.
- Leave
Mission Objective(s)
- Infiltrate the Skulls
- Talk to the Fight Organizer
Bone Dust gave you his approval? Alright, I hope you kissed your girlfriend / boyfriend this morning, dude / babe, because today just might be your funeral.
- Hope makes you weak...
Easy, save some for your opponents. Step into the middle of the Rib Cage, and prepare for the fight of your life.
Mission Objective(s)
- Infiltrate the Skulls
- Enter the Rib Cage
- Defeat your opposition in the Rib Cage
- Listen to Eagle Eye
Mission Objective(s)
- Infiltrate the Skulls
- Listen to the Police
Mission Objective(s)
- Infiltrate the Skulls
- Escape to the Sewers
You escaped from the PPD raid on the hideout and have convinced The Skulls that you are one of them. Time for them to lead you to Veles.
After escaping into the sewers you find your way back up onto the street and with an invitation to meet Veles at the rave tonight.
Confront Veles
Unnecessary Solicitation
I was worried that the police raid might blow your cover, lucky for us it didn't. Now that you've got an invite to meet Veles, it is time to take him down.
Mission Objective(s)
This is where The Skulls said that Veles was hosting a Rave. Time to crash the party.
- Confront Veles
- Find Veles
- Rescue the Ravers
- Interrogate Back Breaker
Veles escaped, but you managed to plant your tracking beacon on one of The Skulls. When he regains consciousness he'll return to Veles to tell him what you told him and lead you right to him.
Heh, you're as strong as Veles. Maybe he does fear you after all...
- Where did Veles go?
He went to the lab with Atta, the leader of the Trolls. Ha ha ha ha ha... You have no idea how big this all is, do you?
- Where's the lab?
There isn't a damn thing in the world you can do to me that will make me tell you that.
- Tell me where the lab is, scumbag!
- Ha ha ha ha ha...
- Or what? You'll kill me?
- Even if you had it in you, death doesn't scare me, hero.
- Face it, you've got nothin'.
- Deliver a message to Veles for me.
- What message is that?
- When you see him in hell tell him he underestimated Character. (Knock him out)
- Wha...? Uff!
- (Plant your tracking beacon on Back Breaker)
- You're right, I'm not a killer like you and your buddies.
- You'll never change a thing in this town if you aren't willing to kill for it. Think about it, zero, if what you're fighting for ain't worth killing for, why bother?
- Not everything is about life and death.
- Of course it is. Everybody lives...
- Back Breaker reaches for a knife in his boot.
- ...and everybody dies!
- (Knock him out)
- Back Breaker collapses, the knife falling out of his hand and skittering across the floor. He's unconscious.
- (Plant your tracking beacon on Back Breaker)
Your Tracking Beacon | |
You planted your tracking beacon on one of Veles' trusted associates, a charming individual known as Back Breaker. With any luck, Back Breaker will regain consciousness and lead you right to Veles. |
Character? What the? Your tracking device shows that you're at Royal Refinery, what are you doing here?
You planted it on one of The Skulls to lead you to Veles and the Superadine lab? Damn, son / girl, that's some smart thinking.