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Invention Origin Enhancement Scaling

From Paragon Wiki Archive
Revision as of 22:16, 21 February 2007 by Sister Leortha (Talk | contribs) (Move scaling data to it's own article.)

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Invention Origin Enhancement bonuses are calculated by multiplying the number form the table below, based on the enhancement level and the schedule of the effected aspect, with the multiplier for the number of aspecs in the enhancements (1/0.625/0.5/0.4375 for Single/Dual/Tri/Quad-aspect enhancments).

IO Scaling.JPG IO Scaling2.JPG

Level Schedule B Schedule A Schedule C Schedule D
10 0.05 0.0833 0.1 0.15
11 0.06 0.0999 0.12 0.18
12 0.07 0.1166 0.14 0.21
13 0.08 0.1332 0.16 0.24
14 0.09 0.1499 0.18 0.27
15 0.1 0.1665 0.2 0.3
16 0.1077 0.1793 0.2154 0.3231
17 0.1154 0.1921 0.2308 0.3462
18 0.1231 0.2049 0.2462 0.3692
19 0.1308 0.2177 0.2615 0.3923
20 0.1385 0.2305 0.2769 0.4154
21 0.1462 0.2433 0.2923 0.4385
22 0.1538 0.2562 0.3077 0.4615
23 0.1615 0.269 0.3231 0.4846
24 0.1692 0.2818 0.3385 0.5077
25 0.1769 0.2946 0.3538 0.5308
26 0.1846 0.3074 0.3692 0.5538
27 0.1923 0.3202 0.3846 0.5769
28 0.2 0.333 0.4 0.6
29 0.2014 0.3353 0.4027 0.6041
30 0.2027 0.3375 0.4055 0.6082
31 0.2041 0.3398 0.4082 0.6123
32 0.2055 0.3421 0.4109 0.6164
33 0.2068 0.3444 0.4136 0.6205
34 0.2082 0.3466 0.4164 0.6245
35 0.2095 0.3489 0.4191 0.6286
36 0.2109 0.3512 0.4218 0.6327
37 0.2123 0.3534 0.4245 0.6368
38 0.2136 0.3557 0.4273 0.6409
39 0.215 0.358 0.43 0.645
40 0.2164 0.3602 0.4327 0.6491
41 0.2177 0.3625 0.4355 0.6532
42 0.2191 0.3648 0.4382 0.6573
43 0.2205 0.3671 0.4409 0.6614
44 0.2218 0.3693 0.4436 0.6655
45 0.2232 0.3716 0.4464 0.6695
46 0.2245 0.3739 0.4491 0.6736
47 0.2259 0.3761 0.4518 0.6777
48 0.2273 0.3784 0.4545 0.6818
49 0.2286 0.3807 0.4573 0.6859
50 0.23 0.3829 0.46 0.69