Easter Egg
"Easter Egg" is the slang term used to describe a hidden message or feature in an object such as a movie, CD, DVD, computer program, video game, or other computer related product. The "City of" franchise has many easter eggs hidden within it.
Many of what at first seem to be Easter Eggs are infact Ingame References and can be found there.
Visual References
- A photo of the beta city of heroes design team can be found behind the nurse's counter in most hospitals.
- In the Hellforge neighborhood of Sharkhead Isle, Hellforge is a three-dimensional representation of the Cryptic Studios logo.
- In Grandville, deep in the tunnels under the zone, can be found a Developer's Dungeon, with cubes for most of the design team.
- In the Northwest part of St. Martial there is a skeleton that appears as if it is being hanged from the large tree. If the camera view gets too close, the skeleton disappears.
See Ingame References.
Sometime before April 2005, a couple of powers were added to the pigg files. Based upon Positron's post regarding the 2006 Jester badge image, they were probably just added as an April Fool's joke on the people who went looking into the pigg data files.
Toy Bat Minor Smash damage (Special)
This bat is covered with a soft foam-like material cushioning its impact. The toy bat does Trivial damage to villains, but can also be used against allies for no damage. And lets face it, some of your 'friends' deserve it. Damage (Villains Only): Trivial, Recharge: Very Fast.
The Jester badge image was added to the pigg data files around the beginning of March, 2006. The image led to much talk about the possiblility of an April Fool's event. After April had come and gone, Positron revealed the joke by saying:April's Fool never being gettable IS the joke. It was put into the files as a joke badge that was never going to be given out. There is no honest way to get this badge, and there was never anything planned, either. The only way to get the badge is to be a dev and use a special command, and even then, it doesn't last upon zoning.
The dice7 emote is unlocked by earning the Burkholder's Bane Badge for Heroes.