Hunt Target Macros / Binds
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To help people target specific enemies for badge hunting.
At the bottom is a few other uses for the two commands.
Guide: /Target_Name <string> and /Target_Custom_Next <string> will both get the job done. You can put in the underscores or not, as the game is blind to them. Both will attempt to match visible (on screen) targets with the <string> parameter. The problem is that there are differences you should be aware of.
/Target_Name <string> will match anything that qualifies. "Capo" will get Mook Capos as well as Marcone Capos, however "/Target_name Marcone Capo" will get the right ones. The bad is that if the search string is not correct or there is nothing that the command can "lock onto", you will start filling up your chat window with error spam.
/Target_Custom_Next (or _Prev, _Near, _Far) will generally target ANY of the terms, and defeated things as well. You can add additonal parameters for this class of slash commands, such as alive, enemy, notmypet, etc. If you use something along the lines of /target_custom_next alive "marcone capo" you should get the "right crowd". The problem comes with nested quotes. If you make a macro you can first make it without the quotes, and then edit them back in after. It is a bit more hassle, but as a personal opinion, it is worth it.
Important for making a macro: you can only have 1 parameter. Type the following: /macro Capo "targetcustomnext alive Marcone Capo$$targetcustomnext alive Marcone Consigliere"
Right click on the resulting macro button, and edit the above to: targetcustomnext alive "Marcone Capo"$$targetcustomnext alive "Marcone Consigliere"
Here is a list of "target" strings that should be able to get most, I wouldn't care about false positives as you can look and just move on if it isn't the right target.
"Regular" enemies:
Volcanic: Magmite
Banisher: Spirit
Bonecrusher: Daddy
Tankbuster: Tank
Weather man/girl: Lead
Hellspawned: Damned
Gearsmasher: Gear, Prince
Gravedigger: Embalmed
Infiltrator: Paragon
Warrior: Elite
Monkeywrencher: Zeus
Privateer: Skiff
Isolator: Contaminated
Regenerator: Caliban, Ogre
Untouchable: Underboss, Consigliere
Gangbuster: Consigliere, Capo
Silver Bullet: Nightwolf, Darkwolf, Warwolf
Slayer: Equinox
Soul Binder: mage
Tracer: Sorcerer
Spider Smasher: Wolf
MiB/WiB: shivan
Venomous: Toxic
Visionary: Overseer
Goon Squad: Consortium
Weed Whacker: Succubus, Hellfrost
Coldblooded/Coldhearted: Hellfrost, Hordeling
Dee Jay: Supa
Electrician: Gremlin
Finder: Aberrant, Pariah
Fort Knox: Rocketman, Bombardier, Boomer
Warden: Prisoner, (and far too many to name LTs and bosses.)
Event Enemies:
Chief: Suit Bomb Specialist (should also work for demolitionist): Bomb
Ghost Touched: Unseelie, Horde, Rider
Malleus: Witch, Sorceress, Crone
Buster: Spirit
Hunter: Vampire
Shifter: Werewolf
Dead Head: Zombie
Christmas Mystery Gifts: gift
Cold warrior: Frostling, Blight, Snow, Winter (for Baby new year missions )
Bladegrass: Bladegrass/Razorvine/Blackrose
Coralax Blue Hybrid: Blue (Lt.), Red (boss)
Fortunata Seer: Fortunata
Raider Engineer: Generator
Serpent Red Ink Man: Blue Ink Man
Hordeling Lasher: Hordeling
Ember Legacy of Flame: Pledged, Lambent, Ember, Kaolin
Lucent Legacy of Light: Adamant,Lucent, Blaze, Terran
Mob Specialist: Prisoner Bosses
Mu Guardian: Guardian
Crey Power Tank: Tank
Swift Steel: Ancestor or Spirit
Giant Monster "finders":
Jack, Irons
Construction (for the badge)
Paladin (for the GM afterwards)
Master At Arms: kon
Note: I've ignored badges in cases like goldbrickers (Fort Knox) or Longbow(Villainous/reformed) where the entire faction is badge-worthy. Not directly for a badge: pylon
To hunt Banished Pantheon Spirits you would use:
"/target_custom_next Spirit" or "/target_next Spirit".
Other uses:
This started with the following setup:
/bind g "targetcustomnext alive enemy$$targetcustomnext alive void$$targetcustomnext alive quantum$$targetcustomnext alive cyst"
What it does is:
Targets any Shadow Cyst Crystals (my top priority in any situation, puffballs can be ignored).
Then Quantums of any type.
Then Voids of any type.
Then cycles through any remaining alive targets.
The reason for the "alive" in it is because of another quirk of the /targetcustomnext command: it will target defeated sappers/cysts/quantums/voids and get stuck until they "fade out".
The Target_custom_next command has a few other interesting uses:
To cycle through enemies "on screen":
/bind <key> "targetcustomnext alive enemy"
To target a friendly pet (on screen one) and speed boost it:
/bind <key> "powexecname Speed Boost$$targetcustomnext friend notteammate notmypet"
To find everything not on your team (including doors, and glowies):
/bind <key> "targetcustomnext notteammate notmypet"
--Snow Globe 05:17, 2 July 2009 (UTC)