Base Workshop Items
All information on this page is current as of Issue 13.
Workshop items come in three categories. Storage items store enhancements, salvage and inspirations. Crafting items allow the crafting of enhancements or base items. Empowerment stations create a short-term buff from salvage.
Storage items come in both Arcane and Tech styles but have identical names. Storage items do not consume Control and Energy.
Arcane Name | Price | Stores | Capacity |
Enhancement Table | 95,000 prestige | Enhancements | 100 |
Salvage Racks | 15,000 prestige | All Salvage | 30 |
Inspiration Collector | 75,000 prestige | Inspirations | 100 |
Personal Storage Vault | 100,000 prestige | Vault Access | 3-50 |
A note on Salvage Racks: Their storage capacity was reduced in Issue 13. Salvage Racks with more than thirty items cannot have items added to them. Salvage Racks also continue to hold Base Salvage, even though no more base salvage can be earned after it was removed in Issue 13.
Different base items are crafted at different base item crafting tables. Which items are crafted at which worktable are detailed on each worktable's page.
Name | Price | Energy Consumed | Control Consumed | Crafts |
Basic Worktable | 25,000 prestige | 20 | 10 | Base Items |
Advanced Worktable | 50,000 prestige | 50 | 25 | Base Items |
Expert Worktable | 100,000 prestige | 200 | 100 | Base Items |
Invention Worktable | 25,000 prestige | None | None | Invention-Origin Enhancements |
Empowerment Stations consume salvage and provide the character with an immediate buff. This is like an inspiration that is activated immediately. The exact details on which buff can be obtained from what station, and what ingredients are required, are specified on the Station's own page.
Arcane/Tech Name | Price | Order |
Enchanting Crucible/Radiation Emulator | 15,000 prestige | 1 |
Arcane Crucible/Linear Accelerator | 30,000 prestige | 2 |
Mystic Crucible/Supercollider | 60,000 prestige | 3 |