Hello everyone, my In Game Name is Savron (nickname "Sav"). You can find me on the Protector server for Heroes, and the Guardian server for Villains. As you can guess by my name, my main character's name is Savron. I'll get to my characters later, though.
I'm seventeen years old, and I live in southern USA. My birthday is June 14. I created my account on February 16, 2005, but I had been playing sooner at my friend's house. Sadly, when I created my account I discovered that my computer could not handle City of Heroes, so I had to cancel it. About a year and a half later (Summer of '06), I decided to pick it up again since our "better" computer had internet access (it previously did not). I loved it. About three months later the computer I use for City of Heroes got upgraded, and I've used the same computer ever since.
I play CoX on a custom-built 3.2ghz computer, using a Radeon x1600 PRO PCI-e, 1g RAM, on Windows XP Professional SP2. It works well, and allows me to play Villains (I previously could not, I was playing on a computer that barely supported Heroes). My Super Group is called Circle of Champions. I wouldn't leave it for the world.
If you want to say Hi or friend me sometime, my Global Handle is @Savron. Thanks!
Nickname: Sav
Click here for build info
Level: 50
Server: Protector
Archetype: Controller
Origin: Mutation
Primary Power: Illusion
Secondary Power: Empathy
Travel Power: Super Jump
Nickname: Zel
Click here for build info
Level: 7
Server: Protector
Archetype: Peacebringer
Origin: Natural
Primary Power: Luminous Blast
Secondary Power: Luminous Aura
Travel Power: Energy Flight
Nickname: Zel
Click here for build info
Level: 2
Server: Protector
Archetype: Peacebringer
Origin: Natural
Primary Power: Luminous Blast
Secondary Power: Luminous Aura
Travel Power: Energy Flight
Nickname: Kolo
Click here for build info
Level: 11
Archetype: Brute
Origin: Mutation
Primary Power: Electric Melee
Secondary Power: Electric Armor
Travel Power: Super Jump
Nickname: Lam
Level: 16
Archetype: Stalker
Origin: Mutation
Primary Power: Spines
Secondary Power: Energy Aura
Travel Power: Super Jump