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| == Story Arc == | | == Story Arc == |
| ===A Woman's Scorn=== | | ===A Woman's Scorn=== |
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| '''Souvenir:''' Cerulean's Spirit Guard | | '''Souvenir:''' Cerulean's Spirit Guard |
Revision as of 16:17, 25 August 2012
Cerulean is a Praetorian contact in the Mercyview neighborhood of First Ward at coordinates (-2292, 84, -154). His level range is 20-29.
Contact Introduced By
Contact Introduces
Prior to Introduction
People rarely seek out a wizard without cause. Find a cause worthy of me and then we will speak, until then you should not meddle with the affairs of wizards.
Initial Contact
There are few things more terrible to behold than a wizard prepared for war, Character, and believe me, this is a war we are in. Whether DeVore and the rest of the Carnival wishes to acknowledge it or not, our enemies are many and will do unspeakable evil to destroy us. But I do not worry. Despite all of their ferocious power our adversaries lack one critical element...
Missing At Least One Greeting Dialogue
Too Busy
Missing Too Busy Dialogue
Too Low Level
Missing Too Low Level Dialogue
No More Missions
The evil that the Carnival of Light hoped to contain has been freed, Character, and now I must prepare the Carnival for war.
Missing Store Unlock Dialogue
Story Arc
A Woman's Scorn
Souvenir: Cerulean's Spirit Guard
Cerulean gave you this stone, etched with spidery writing, as a ward to protect your soul from Diabolique. As it turns out, she was the one who would need its protections from
A Woman's Scorn
It all began with Blind Makwa's spirit sight being stolen. Cerulean, the de facto leader of the Carnival of War, had a theory. He believed that Diabolique, his old student, was the witch responsible for not only stealing Blind Makwa's spirit sight, but also for the Apparitions attacking the people of First Ward. With your presence he decided that summoning a shadow of her power and interrogating her was the best choice in order to put an end to this evil. The reunion between master and apprentice, however, was not pleasant. In a display of her tremendous power, Diabolique broke free of the magical wardings and attacked. Though you drove her off she offered you an invitation to speak with her, cordially, at the top of the Westerman Building in the center of the Sunken City.
When you arrived atop the building Diabolique seemed amused at Cerulean's allegations that she was behind the Apparitions and their attacks. She resolved to show you exactly what the Apparitions were and who was truly behind their anguish fueled rampage. You entered the memories of an Apparition where you witnessed it's origin; the Apparitions were created by Mother Mayhem during the process of transforming a psychic into a Seer. With this information you asked for Katie Douglas's help in infiltrating the Asylum and getting hard evidence to use against Mother Mayhem. You returned to Diabolique with the evidence where she informed you that there was more to it than just Mayhem's meddling. Her curiosity was focused on a magic spell cleverly woven into each Apparition, a magic spell that was familiar to her, somehow. You presented the evidence to Cerulean and he was horrified and concerned that Diabolique had discovered something more powerful than herself at work in First Ward.
Cerulean stressed the importance of aiding Diabolique and then was overcome with a wave of distress. The magic on the Apparitions was activating and Diabolique was in grave danger. As you raced to Diabolique's rescue she was met by an old adversary of hers; Sorceress Serene. Serene revealed that she was the one behind the spell on the Apparitions and that Diabolique had fallen into her carefully prepared trap. Serene captured Diabolique and then revealed that this was just the first step in her plan for revenge, revenge, it would seem, that was backed up by a group of monstrous women known only as the Talons of Vengeance.
Shadowy Negotiations
At first I was unsure, but now it is painfully clear. Our enemy is not the Apparitions, Character, it is Cole's witch who is behind this. Diabolique.
It was she who must have stolen Blind Makwa's spirit sight, and with it she is directing the Apparitions to attack the living.
It all stinks of Diabolique's doing, and some totemic wards will not stop her from carrying out her plans. We must strike before she does, but to confront her risks a fate worse than death. Any who have tried have had their soul ripped from their body and enslaved to her will. There must be another way...
I'll go talk to her.
Mission Acceptance
Talk to her?! Are you mad...?
She is not one for idle chitchat and revealing our hand to her is borderline suicide.
Still... she and I know one another... from a long time ago. That may give us enough of an edge to take advantage of her short comings. She may be a soul stealing witch, but she's still the power hungry pupil I knew years ago.
I'll summon a shadow of her power in a summoning circle so we may converse with her under our terms. This will be the safest way.
Click on Cerulean to Begin Mission
Diabolique is a spirit trapped in this world, she must obey the same rules as any other spirit, but there is a problem. Magic breaks rules, and Diabolique is a powerful magician. Once I've summoned a shadow of her power into the summoning circle she will do her best to break free. If she breaks free we'll have to destroy her shadow quickly, else she may manifest fully in our presence, and that would be disastrous.
Make every possible preparation before we proceed. If Diabolique attacks us we must defend ourselves with every bit of strength we have.
Mission Objective(s)
Cerulean draws out a summoning circle and then calls you over to participate in the ritual.
- Meet with Diabolique's shadow
- Participate in the summoning ritual
Summon Diabolique
Defeat Diabolique's Shadow
Dfeat Diabolique's minions!
You drove off Diabolique's shadow, but now the evil ghost has cordially invited you to meet her face to face at the Westerman Building in the middle of Sunken City.
Notable NPCs
- Cerulean (Boss Ally)
- Shadow of Diabolique (Elite Boss)
Before Ritual:
- Cerulean: Character, come, the ritual has begun.
Ritual Start:
- Cerulean: Sha-na-to-re-ma-tu-na.
- Cerulean: Vo-ku-ra-te-la-sha-ra.
- Cerulean: Su-ver-na Ta-may Ar-ka-nus.
Cerulean and Diabolique
Shadow of Diabolique: Who
Shadow of Diabolique: DARES
Shadow of Diabolique: Summon me?!
Cerulean: I dare, Diabolique.
Shadow of Diabolique: Cerulean!
Shadow of Diabolique: It has been far, far too long... lover.
Cerulean: That was a long time ago, Tammy...
Shadow of Diabolique: Not so long ago for you to forget my name, I see.
Shadow of Diabolique: Or my affections?
Cerulean: Not long enough ago for me to forget how you murdered your father and abandoned the Midnight Squad.
Shadow of Diabolique: Ah yes, father and the Midnighters.
Shadow of Diabolique: They didn't fare too well after I left.
Shadow of Diabolique: I had wondered if that insect, Master Midnight, had killed you.
Cerulean: Midnight is another matter!
Cerulean: Tell me why you're summoning the Apparitions now or I'll be forced to...
Shadow of Diabolique: Or you'll be forced to WHAT?
Shadow of Diabolique: Destroy me?
Shadow of Diabolique: By all means, Cerulean.
Shadow of Diabolique: If you aren't going to speak civilly with me then I see no reason to keep up this charade of powerlessness...
Cerulean: Charade?!
Cerulean: Oh no!
Cerulean: Character, the ward has no power over her!
Shadow of Diabolique: Your feeble magic can't even contain a splinter of my power, Cerulean.
Cerulean: She's been free this entire time!
Shadow of Diabolique: And to think, I was once your naive, affectionate pupil.
Shadow of Diabolique: It would seem that now it is you who are in need of a master.
Shadow of Diabolique: Let us see how much power you possess.
Shadow of Diabolique: Impressive.
Shadow of Diabolique: Most impressive.
Shadow of Diabolique: Let's see how you fare against others I've taken.
Dispersed Impression: The mistress calls!
Shadow of Diabolique: Very good, Furball's SatanSpawn.
Shadow of Diabolique: You are powerful. I must have you.
Shadow of Diabolique: Perhaps it is you who I should enslave to my will.
Shadow of Diabolique: It would seem that Character is not without her uses.
Shadow of Diabolique: If you wish to speak about the Apparitions, civilly, then meet me in person atop the Westerman Building in the center of the Sunken City.
Shadow of Diabolique: And don't bring Cerulean, he is no longer of any use, or interest, to me.
My apologies, Character, I lost my poise.
Seeing Tammy again drudged up some dark memories.
That creature may have once been Tammy Arcanus, a woman I loved very much, but now she is just Diabolique. I see that now.
I feel I can trust in you, Character. Take this bead. If you ever need to talk to me, just think of me and we can share our thoughts. Across space, across time, even across dimensions.
The Tower And The Devil
Tammy... I mean, Diabolique, wants to talk to you in person. If she is indeed behind these Apparitions, which she has yet to convince me of otherwise, then I see no other way to get answers out of her than to do as she wishes and meet with her.
Be cordial, but be careful. Find out as much as you can and then get out of there, even the smallest detail could hint at a greater magical secret.
She seems reasonable when not threatened.
Mission Acceptance
Don't mistake your demeanor as a threat to her, the awful truth is she isn't threatened by anyone, and that's what concerns me.
If she is at the Westerman Building then she must be on the roof. Back before the Devouring Earth destroyed the city I discovered that the building was built at a major magical leyline nexus. The nexus point resides precisely at the top of the building and what's more, that building lies directly beneath the magical vortex over the Sunken City.
Whatever Diabolique is up to, that vortex and the Westerman Building are certainly part of it. All you need to do is find out what the connection is and then get out of there.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Diabolique has the answers we need. Meet her at the Westerman Building, it's the massive sky scraper in the middle of the Sunken City. But remember, she cares only about gaining more power and will do it by any means necessary. If you threaten her aspirations then she will seek to not only eliminate you, but enslave you to her will.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Diabolique atop the Westerman Building
Notable NPCs
Diabolique: Character. I'm surprised to see someone of your power working for a fool like Cerulean. You easily eclipse his might and yet you take his orders like he is some great mentor and you are his dotting pupil...
I didn't come here to get my ego stroked.
- Missing Dialogue Tree Text
Cerulean is but a means to an end, nothing more
- Diabolique: Of course, Cerulean is not why you came here...
Ah yes, that's right. The Apparitions. You want to know all about them, don't you?
They come from this vortex; a portal into the spiritual mirror of our own world. Something has ripped through the fabric between our worlds and the Apparitions have come pouring forth.<>br><brFirst they came in trickles, but now they come in droves, and like a spider and her web, I have positioned myself in the perfect place to snatch these spirits up and enslave them to my power. But even I cannot catch them all.
A few go free and cause mayhem and mischief. The rest... well, I have never had so much power as I do now.
- So you aren't commanding the Apparitions to attack First Ward?
- Diabolique: What use would I have for attacking the miserable denizens of First Ward? The only reason I'm here is to discover the source of this vortex and the origin of the Apparitions that come forth from it.
Diabolique emits a hallow and sickening laugh that echoes from beyond the grave.
You thought I was responsible for the Apparitions? Oh no... but I have learned their true origin.
If you want to see who is behind such a masterpiece of suffering, then I'll let you peer into the memories of one of them. I think you'll find what you experience most unsettling.
- Show me these memories.
Forgotten Souls
Remember, Character. What you will see cannot be unseen, and that even a dream can kill.
Are you ready to witness the last vivid memories of a tortured soul?
Mission Objective(s)
Unfamiliar sights and sounds take shape and then feel frighteningly familiar. The memory of disinfectant pulls disconnected thoughts together and you recall that this is a hospital.
- Relive the memory of an Apparition
- Click on the doctor to see the next memory
Click on the prisoner to see the next memory
Click on the apparition to see the next memory
Click on the apparition to see the next memory
Defeat Apparitions!
You experienced the horrific memories of this Apparition's tortured creation at the hands of Mother Mayhem.
Upon Exiting, Speak with Diabolique about the Apparition's memories
Nice Doctor I Never Met Again: Well, well, well. It looks like I have a new patient, and so pretty too.
Nice Doctor I Never Met Again: What's your name sweetheart?
Nice Doctor I Never Met Again: Hmmm, not very talkative, huh?
Nice Doctor I Never Met Again: That's okay, you don't have to talk unless you want to.
Nice Doctor I Never Met Again: How about you come with me while I show you to your room and I'll talk while you listen.
Nice Doctor I Never Met Again: Does that sound ok?
Doctor Kind: Come now dear, we're all here to help you.
Doctor Kind: Nobody is going to hurt you.
I Am Me: I want to go back to my family.
I Am Me: Why are you doing this to me? I didn't do anything wrong!
Doctor Kind: Do you know who Praetor Tilman is?
Doctor Kind: She wants to meet you. She wants to help you too.
Praetor Crazy: Shhh, swallow those tears little one, Mother loves you.
Praetor Crazy: All the pain, the sorrow, Mother will make it go away.
Who am I?: What is going on?
Doctor Serious: Heart rate falling back into normal parameters.
Doctor Serious: You can continue the psychic surgery, Mother.
Who am I?: Why can I see myself on that operating table?
Who am I?: Why won't anyone TALK TO ME!?
Praetor Crazy: Thank you, -Doctor Serious-, but Mother knows exactly what she's doing.
Praetor Crazy: Mother is making all this precious little girl's fears just... disappear.
Praetor Tilman: All of Mother's daughters, sleeping soundly in their beds.
Praetor Tilman: So precious. Their dreams filled with happiness.
Doctor Scary: Mother. When do you wish to begin network integration on this one?
Praetor Tilman: Patience, -Doctor Scary-, patience.
What am I?: What have you DONE TO ME!?!
What am I?: I HATE you! I hate you ALL!
Praetor Tilman: Some thoughts of rebellion still exist in this one, and Mother strongly dislikes disobedient children.
What am I?: GIVE.
Praetor Tilman: Prepare her for another session of psychic surgery. No trace of this malcontent can be allowed to linger.
What am I?: ME.
Doctor Scary: My pleasure.
What am I?: BACK.
What am I?: MY!
What am I?: BODY!
Memory of Mother: She is ready.
Memory of Mother: Move her to the Network and integrate her immediately.
Memory of Mother: It's time she met her sisters...
Doctor William Sigmund Bryce Jr.: Praetor, I'm detecting minor fluctuations in the fourth and seventh sectors.
Doctor William Sigmund Bryce Jr.: They're high, but within parameters. Are you sure you...
Memory of Mother: It sounds like you doubt Mother, Doctor Bryce.
Memory of Mother: Mother does not need unruly little children questioning her judgement.
Doctor William Sigmund Bryce Jr.: N... No, Mother, I, I didn't mean to...
Memory of Mother: Shhh.
Memory of Mother: Doctor, it's okay.
Memory of Mother: I know you don't mean to hurt Mother's feelings...
Memory of Mother: But Character does!
Memory of Mother: Welcome to the nightmare, Character! The Nightmare from which there is no waking up!
Before Combat:
- Ripped Spectre: What are you doing here, Character?!
Combat Begins
- Ripped Spectre: There's no room for you here. No room for anything or anyone anymore!
- Ripped Spectre: No room for Mother's love!
- Ripped Spectre: Nothing but fear! Nothing but anger!
Upon Defeat
- Ripped Spectre: What would you do to escape this?! What would you do to survive?
Where Even Devils Dare Not Go
As you can see, Character, there are horrors in this world that are much, much worse than me.
The sad truth is that these Apparitions aren't souls at all, they're just fragments of a person's psyche, cut off and discarded like the trimmings of a well pruned rose bush. I find it poetic that the pile of carelessly discarded thorns would make Tilman bleed the moment she took a misstep.
Sounds like you dont much like the Praetor
Seeing Tilman fall would do me more good than harm.
If you wish to take advantage of the situation then I won't hinder you.
Will you help?
Not directly. There are still too many questions left unanswered for my taste...
But, if you were to gain access to the Asylum and its computers I'm sure you would find all the answers you desire.
That's assuming you could even breach the Asylum's security. Getting past that is the biggest challenge. So, if you know of a way to avoid being detected by a hundred telepaths and can pass through dozens of meters of rock, concrete, and steel, then I think you'll be fine.
Just be aware... there's magic at work here. Powerful magic...
I just might... (Find Katie Douglas)
Part 1
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Katie Douglas and Infiltrate the Asylum
Katie rolls her eyes dramatically as you approach
Oh god... what now?
Before you can answer Katie blanches. Having read your surface thoughts she has already discovered what you have learned from your experience inside the memories of the apparition.
No... No no no. That can't be right, Character! Praetor Tilman couldn't be doing that...
No! I feel fine, this must be some sort of trick! What are you trying to do to me? Ruin EVERYTHING in my life?
No... you can't be lying... it's right there in your thoughts... those memories are true...
Why was this done to me? Why can't people just leave me alone for once?!
I... I can't believe that part of my psyche... part of ME... was cut out like... like... some sort of cancer.
Diabolique must be lying! She said it herself, she doesn't like her, right? This must all be some kind of lie!
Theres only one way to find out for sure, Katie.
Katie fumes and kicks a rock into the water
You're crazy thinking I'm going to transport you into the Asylum. Just because you have the memories you experienced from that poor woman and her...
Katie pauses, obviously upset at the implications that these memories you experienced suggest.
Do you understand what this means, Character? If this is true, that Praetor Tilman is cutting pieces of our psyche out, then it means every girl like me who is turned into a Seer, every one of them that I've removed from the Seer Network, isn't really saved. Part of them is wandering the world as one of these damned Apparitions!
What if we can't put them back together? What if they can never be made whole ever again?!
What if... what if I'll never be whole again...?
Katie, we won't know for sure until I get into the Asylum.
Katie blinks rapidly as she fights off tears and regains her composure.
This sucks!
All I wanted to do was get my life back. All I wanted to do is help these other girls from being Seers and have a chance to live a normal life, and here we are, hiding out in downtown Apocalypse-ville, tired, hungry, and now told we aren't even right in the head anymore!
I... I give up Character. Just... tell me what you want me to do.
Teleport me into the Asylum.
Katie looks at you for a moment in silence.
Sure, fine. I'll do my best to block you from the Seers, but no guarantees that I can keep it up forever.
I'm ready to go die if you are...
Katie lets a small smile form.
Who knows... maybe we won't die, and maybe you'll find something in the Asylum that can make me and the other girls whole again. So, are you ready to go or what?
I'm ready to go, but neither of us is going to die
Part 2
Mission Objective(s)
The strong smell of disinfectant triggers a familiar memory which is not your own. This is definitely the right place.
- Talk to Katie Douglas and Infiltrate the Asylum
- Download secrets from the Asylum Archives
Get back to Katie (Click on Katie to exit)
You downloaded secret data from the Asylum computers involving the Seer Program and Praetor Tilman's questionable practices during their transformation from unstable psychic to obedient seer.
Imperial Defense Force
Notable NPCs
Katie Douglas Dialogue 1
Upon entry:
- Katie Douglas: Alright, we're here.
- Katie Douglas: If you need to leave, just talk to me and I can teleport you back out.
- Katie Douglas: I can only mask you from the Seers for so long, so hurry up and stuff.
- Katie Douglas: You should be able to walk right by the Seers without them noticing, anyone else, though, well, you know what to do to them.
Before visual range:
- Awakened Psychotic: Where is my daughter?
- Awakened Psychotic: My daughter is missing!
Enter Visual Range
- Awakened Psychotic: You!
- Awakened Psychotic: You've seen my daughter!
- Awakened Psychotic: Where is my Anna!?
- Awakened Psychotic: Where is she!?
- Awakened Psychotic: Help! Help! she won't tell me where my daughter is!
Katie Douglas Dialogue 2
Katie Douglas: Oooooooooh. Craaaaaaaaap.
Katie Douglas: Um, Character.
Katie Douglas: Every single Seer in the building just heard that dude's crazy screaming.
Katie Douglas: They know we're here, time for you to do what you do best, killer.
Asylum Staff: ...and so then I tell him, 'The TR-7 is a superior machine by transmission speed alone' and he has the gall to say I don't know what I'm talking about.
Asylum Staff: Can you believe that guy?
Asylum Staff: What a jerk. I just don't understand that guy.
Asylum Staff: I bet even our Seers have a hard time understanding what's going on in his head.
Upon entering one of the wards:
- Asylum Staff: Hey, who are you?
- Asylum Staff: Aiieee!
- Asylum Staff: Don't hurt me!
- Asylum Staff: Aiiiiee!
- Asylum Staff: Look out!
- Asylum Staff: Run!
- Asylum Staff: Get out of here!
- Asylum Staff: Run for it!
- Asylum Staff: Ahhhh!
- Asylum Staff: Help! Help!
- Asylum Staff: She/He's crazy!
- Asylum Staff: Please! Don't hurt me!
- Asylum Staff: Wait...
- Asylum Staff: Sound the alarm, we have an intruder!
Seeker: Code: Blue emergency.
Seeker: Emergency in medical ward.
Seeker: Threat detected!
Seeker: Responding.
Seeker: Requesting assistance from Imperial Defense Forces.
Seeker: Emergency identified.
Seeker: Warning: Intruder in medical ward.
Seer: You can run but you cannot hide.
Seeker: Intrusion detected in medical ward.
Seeker: Responding.
Seeker: Intruder has been found.
Seeker: Identifying... Identifying...
Seer: The intruder is here!
Diviner: Emergency in medical ward has been upgraded to Code: Violet.
Seer: Over here!
Diviner: Responding to intruder in medical ward.
Diviner: Identifying... Identifying...
Before Combat:
- Doctor Kindly: Seriously?
- Doctor Kindly: What in the world is going on?
- Doctor Kindly: We're in the middle of a delicate surgery here.
- Doctor Kindly: Somebody find out if this is another drill.
Combat Begins:
- Doctor Kindly: Hey, you aren't authorized to be down here!
- Doctor Kindly: Stop her!
Ambush! After being called out by the Awakened you will be ambushed by Seers
Ambush! Responding.
After accessing the archives you will be ambushed by Imperial Defense Forces
Ambush! Threat detected.
After accessing the archives you will be ambushed by Seers
Part 3
Mission Objective(s)
- Discuss with Diabolique what you have discovered
Found what you were looking for, Character?
I have.
So tell me, what did your foray into Praetor Tilman's house of secrets reveal? What nastiness is dear old Mother really up to?
(explain your findings.)
I see, so the Apparitions are the emotions and personality that would rebel against Tilman's control, cut out of the patient during her psychic surgery and cast away like dirty linens. They are neither dead nor wholly alive either.
Is Tilman even aware that her trimmings have found a way to manifest themselves and possess new host bodies?
Ask her yourself. I'm not here to satisfy your curiosities.
I know.
You're here to learn what I know about the sorceries I discovered on the Apparitions.
There is something familiar about this magic. Something old and... kindred...
Kindred? Like your father?
No... It's different than that. Stronger.
Whatever it is it is lying dormant, as if it were incomplete somehow. The magic does nothing, and yet, it is so strong...
You sound almost afraid of this magic.
Far from it, Character. As your research shows, the Apparitions are merely emotions and memories run amok, they cannot harm me.
Now, go and inform Cerulean of what you've learned like a good little pet. Tell him that if he wants to learn more then he is welcome to... join me...
I'll do just that.
The Apparitions are created by the Seer Program!?
This is horrifying!
Tilman is cutting out the strongest emotional parts of people's personalities and discarding them like trash. The result is an obedient seer, loyal to Mother and willing to obey her every command.
I thought what Diabolique did was bad, but at least she has the decency to kill you before enslaving your eternal soul, Tilman is butchering people's psyches and keeping them alive in a living hell!
You show courage in the face of death. I could ask nothing more than to have such a brave friend to stand at my side.
The Devil Is In The Details
From the sound of it, Diabolique has discovered that there is more than Mother Mayhem's psychotic powers at work here, that there's magic as well and she is uncertain of the source. Her... offer for me to join her was just a masked cry for help for her old teacher. Tell her thanks for the offer, but no thanks. I'll look into this kindred magic on my own, meanwhile I think whatever it is that is going on has Diabolique concerned enough that she isn't looking to make more enemies. This might be the best chance we have of getting close to her. See if you can gain her trust before the winds change and she turns on you.
I'll do what I can.
Mission Acceptance
One more thing, Character. Diabolique isn't easily put on the defensive. If this magic that she's discovered is making her cautious, understand that the source of it probably isn't friendly to you either.
Right now the best chance we have is to work together with Diabolique and eliminate the greater of two evils. Just be ready for the backlash once the greater threat is eliminated or you may find yourself enslaved to her will for the rest of eternity.
Click on Cerulean to begin mission
Cerulean seems to lose consciousness for the briefest of moments and then recovers his balance.
Ugh... What was THAT?
Cerulean concentrates for a moment before looking to you with his blazing blue eyes, concern in his voice.
Something... something is happening with the Apparitions. It's the enchantment on them, it's activating!
What do you need me to do?
It's powerful!
Character, you must get to Tammy, I fear she is in grave danger!
You want me to save her?!
This is no time for foolish quarrels over past deeds, there is a great evil moving and I fear that I cannot oppose it alone!
Get to Tammy and bring her here before it is too late!
Mission Objective(s)
Meanwhile, as you race to the rooftop of the Westerman Building...
You have discovered the true origin of the magic that ensorcels the apparitions, but there are worse things than ghosts now stalking the streets of First Ward.
Upon exiting, Speak with Master Midnight, which begins with his initial contact and into his story arc.
Talons of Vengeance
Notable NPCs
- Master Midnight (Boss Ally)
Diabolique: I can feel your presence, Sorcerer... show yourself!
Sorceress Serene: Tammy Arcanus...
Sorceress Serene: ...it's been a long, long time...
Diabolique: Clarissa...!?!
Diabolique: I knew the enchantments upon the Apparitions were familiar...
Diabolique: Tell me, when the Emperor ordered me to destroy your Cabal, how long did you weep for them?
Sorceress Serene: The name is Serene now, Tammy.
Sorceress Serene: And the fact that the enchantments were familiar should have been the first sign for you to be cautious...
Sorceress Serene: But I knew that you would ignore the warning in your mind.
Sorceress Serene: I knew that your arrogance would prevent you from recognizing that the spell of binding placed upon the
Apparitions was the very same you used to enslave MY coven...
Sorceress Serene: ...AND your own father!
Diabolique: They're mine, 'Serene'.
Diabolique: ALL mine. Forever.
Diabolique: And soon you will be too.
Diabolique: Your spell is a failure. It isn't even complete.
Sorceress Serene: If that is true...
Sorceress Serene: Then why is it that the Apparitions obey my commands and not your own?
Diabolique: They are bound to MY will, 'Serene', completely and eternally. And soon, so shall you!
Diabolique: I'm overjoyed. The destruction of the Ravenwing Cabal is finally complete!
Diabolique: Minions! Bring her soul to me!
Sorceress Serene: I'm afraid your pride has blinded you, Tammy Arcanus. My trap is already sprung...
Scattered Spirit: Obey Serene!
Scattered Spirit: Obey Serene!
Scattered Spirit: Obey Serene!
Scattered Spirit: Obey Serene!
Scattered Spirit: Obey Serene!
Scattered Spirit: Obey Serene!
Scattered Spirit: Obey Serene!
Diabolique: What!?
Diabolique: No!
Diabolique: Destroy her...Destroy Serene!
Diabolique: No! How can this be!?
Diabolique: No! Nooooo!
Sorceress Serene: Tammy Arcanus...
Sorceress Serene: Your soul is now MINE!
Diabolique: Noooooooooooooooo!
Sorceress Serene: When oaths are broken and evil left unpunished...
Sorceress Serene: Then blood will be spilt 'til the Furies be sated...
Sorceress Serene: The Talons of Vengeance descend upon you all!
Sorceress Serene: Now...
Sorceress Serene: AH HA HA HA HA HA!
Talons of Vengeance Dialogue
Before Combat:
- Oracle: Vengeance!
Begin Combat:
- Oracle: Let the bodies pile and the world rot!
- Oracle: Until the false god be slain there will be only death!
- Oracle: We are your doom, mortal!
- Oracle: We are the doom of all!
- Oracle: Behold the final days of man!
Upon Defeat:
- Oracle: Ah ha ha haha!
- Oracle: Even in death our work is done!