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Difference between revisions of "User:GuyPerfect/Tsoo"

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Latest revision as of 20:58, 8 March 2012


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Enemy Types


Dragon Blue Ink Man

The enchanted inks used in Tsoo tattoos grant these soldiers special powers. The blue ink empowers the Tsoo with the ability to drain the strength and energy from a victim and add it to his own. Blue Ink Men are masters of using an opponent's strengths against him.


Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee Smash
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.

Quills Lunge.png Poison Dart Poison: DoT(Toxic), -Regeneration, -SPD
You have been hit by a Poison Dart. You cannot Regenerate you wounds while you take damage from this poison and your movement and attack speed have been slowed.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Shuriken Ranged Lethal, Low Dam
Small throwing weapon.

Katana Slash.png Slash -DEF
Your Defense has been reduced by the Katana attack.

KineticBoost SiphonPower.png Siphon Power -DMG
The Tsoo Ink Man has Siphoned your power and reduced your damage potential to strengthen his own.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

Eagle Blue Ink Man

The enchanted inks used in Tsoo tattoos grant these soldiers special powers. The blue ink empowers the Tsoo with the ability to drain the strength and energy from a victim and add it to his own. Blue Ink Men are masters of using an opponent's strengths against him.


Claws ClawsStrike.png Kama -ACC
Your Accuracy has been reduced by the Kama attack.

Quills Lunge.png Poison Dart Poison: DoT(Toxic), -Regeneration, -SPD
You have been hit by a Poison Dart. You cannot Regenerate you wounds while you take damage from this poison and your movement and attack speed have been slowed.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Shuriken Ranged Lethal, Low Dam
Small throwing weapon.

MartialArts ThunderKick.png Thunder Kick Disorient
You are Disoriented

KineticBoost SiphonPower.png Siphon Power -DMG
The Tsoo Ink Man has Siphoned your power and reduced your damage potential to strengthen his own.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

Far Fire

The Far Fire style utilizes the Tsoo's internal energy to burn the very air. Far Fire masters can hurl flame at enemies to burn, blind, or entrap them.


Katana Hack.png Fire Katana Hack DoT(Fire)
The Fire Katana has set you on fire.

Katana Slash.png Fire Katana Slash DoT(Fire)
The Fire Katana has set you on fire.

FireBlast Flare.png Flares DoT(Fire)
You are on fire and taking damage over time.

FireTrap RingOfFire.png Ring of Fire Immobilize, DoT(Fire)
You are Immobilized by a Ring of Fire and are taking damage over time.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

Serpent Blue Ink Man

The enchanted inks used in Tsoo tattoos grant these soldiers special powers. The blue ink empowers the Tsoo with the ability to drain the strength and energy from a victim and add it to his own. Blue Ink Men are masters of using an opponent's strengths against him.


Quills Lunge.png Poison Dart Poison: DoT(Toxic), -Regeneration, -SPD
You have been hit by a Poison Dart. You cannot Regenerate you wounds while you take damage from this poison and your movement and attack speed have been slowed.

Claws Feint.png Sai Melee Lethal, Self +Def
Successful hits with this elegant weapon can increase your own defense to melee attacks.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Shuriken Ranged Lethal, Low Dam
Small throwing weapon.

MartialArts ThunderKick.png Thunder Kick Disorient
You are Disoriented

KineticBoost SiphonSpeed.png Siphon Speed -SPD
The Tsoo Ink Man has Siphoned your speed to increase his own.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

Tiger Blue Ink Man

The enchanted inks used in Tsoo tattoos grant these soldiers special powers. The blue ink empowers the Tsoo with the ability to drain the strength and energy from a victim and add it to his own. Blue Ink Men are masters of using an opponent's strengths against him.


Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee Smash
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.

Claws ClawsSwipe.png Claws Melee Lethal
Claw Strike is a standard claw attack against a targeted foe.

Quills Lunge.png Poison Dart Poison: DoT(Toxic), -Regeneration, -SPD
You have been hit by a Poison Dart. You cannot Regenerate you wounds while you take damage from this poison and your movement and attack speed have been slowed.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Shuriken Ranged Lethal, Low Dam
Small throwing weapon.

KineticBoost SiphonSpeed.png Siphon Speed -SPD
The Tsoo Ink Man has Siphoned your speed to increase his own.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.


Ancestor Spirit

The monstrous Ancestor Spirits are physical manifestations of the long-dead Tsoo progenitors. They're incredibly strong and tough in combat, but they're also wily. They have the ability to become intangible at will, making them slippery opponents to pin down in a fight.


SuperStrength HandClap.png Hand Clap Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

SuperStrength Haymaker.png Haymaker Melee Smash, Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.

SuperStrength Punch.png Punch Melee Smash, Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Shuriken Ranged Lethal, Low Dam
Small throwing weapon.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

Invisibility PhaseShift.png Ethereal Self Invisible, Invulnerable
The Tsoo Ancestor Spirits can make themselves Ethereal and shift out of the material plane. Ethereal Spectres are invisible, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto Res Sleep, Fear, Immobilize, Slow
Tsoo Ancestor Spirits are resistant to Sleep, Fear, Sow and Immobilize

Flight TravelFlight.png Fly Self Travel
Tsoo Ancestor Spirits can Fly!


Masters of the Crescent style have learned to tap into the very power of the universe itself and focus it through their own bodies. This power enhances their strength and allows them to alter reality around their foes.


MartialArts CobraStrike.png Cobra Strike Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

MartialArts CraneKick.png Crane Kick Melee Smash, High DMG, Knockback
A slow, high damage kick that can send your target flying!

GravityControl Crush.png Crush Immobilize, -Fly
You are crushed to the ground and Immobilized. You cannot fly.

MartialArts EaglesClaw.png Eagles Claw Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

GravityControl GravityDistortion.png Gravity Distortion Hold
You are being Held by a localized Gravity Distortion.

GravityControl Propel.png Propel Ranged Smash, Knockback
Crescent can open up a portal and pull in a heavy object that her can then levitate and propel at foes!

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.


The masters called Heralds have sharpened their mental focus to a deadly weapon. They can use the power of their will to render their enemies helpless before their weapons.


MentalControl Command.png Dominate Hold
You are being Held.

MentalControl Hypnotize.png Enrapture High DMG(Psionic)
You enrapture the mind of your target, causing psionic damage.

Claws ClawsStrike.png Kama Melee, High DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Lethal), -ToHit(Foe)
You attack your opponent with a Sai, causing lethal damage and bleeding wounds. The target also suffers a reduced chance to hit.

Claws Feint.png Sai Melee, High DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Lethal), +DEF(Self, Melee)
Successful hits with this elegant weapon can increase your own defense to melee attacks.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.


The Tsoo sorcerers are the most in touch with the Ancestor Spirits that provide the Tsoo their magic and power. They have a wide variety of powers that allow them to either attack whole groups of enemies or aid large numbers of friends, making them potent support players in any fight.


Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee Smash
Tsoo Sorcerer Spirits brawling attacks

DarkMiasma ChillOfTheNight.png Chill of the Night DoT(Negative), -ACC
The Chill of the Night is chilling you. Your Accuracy is reduced and you are taking damage over time.

DarkMiasma DarkestNight.png Darkest Night -DMG, -ACC
Darkest Night has robbed you of Accuracy and Damage potential.

StormSummoning Hurricane.png Hurricane -Range, -ACC
The Hurricane restricts your vision. Your attack Range and Accuracy are reduced.

DarkMiasma PetrifyingGaze.png Petrifying Gaze Moderate DMG(Negative Energy), Hold
You are petrified and cannot move or attack!

SuperStrength Punch.png Punch Melee Smash, Knockback
You punch your target, causing smashing damage.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

StormSummoning O2Boost.png O2 Boost Ally Heal +Res(Effects)
Saturates the air around a targeted ally with rich oxygen, to heal his wounds. The O2 boost can also protect a targeted ally from Sleep, Immobilize, Confuse and Stun effects.

Teleportation Teleport.png Teleport Self Travel
The Tsoo Sorcerer can Teleport long distances.


The Tsoo sorceresses are the most in touch with the Ancestor Spirits that provide the Tsoo their magic and power. They have a wide variety of powers that allow them to either attack whole groups of enemies or aid large numbers of friends, making them potent support players in any fight.


Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee Smash
Tsoo Sorcerer Spirits brawling attacks

DarkMiasma ChillOfTheNight.png Chill of the Night DoT(Negative), -ACC
The Chill of the Night is chilling you. Your Accuracy is reduced and you are taking damage over time.

DarkMiasma DarkestNight.png Darkest Night -DMG, -ACC
Darkest Night has robbed you of Accuracy and Damage potential.

StormSummoning Hurricane.png Hurricane -Range, -ACC
The Hurricane restricts your vision. Your attack Range and Accuracy are reduced.

DarkMiasma PetrifyingGaze.png Petrifying Gaze Moderate DMG(Negative Energy), Hold
You are petrified and cannot move or attack!

SuperStrength Punch.png Punch Melee Smash, Knockback
You punch your target, causing smashing damage.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

StormSummoning O2Boost.png O2 Boost Ally Heal +Res(Effects)
Saturates the air around a targeted ally with rich oxygen, to heal his wounds. The O2 boost can also protect a targeted ally from Sleep, Immobilize, Confuse and Stun effects.

Teleportation Teleport.png Teleport Self Travel
The Tsoo Sorcerer can Teleport long distances.

Spirit Ink Archer

The enchanted inks used in Tsoo tattoos grant these soldiers special powers. The spirit ink empowers the Tsoo with the ability to bring the strength and power of an Ancestral Spirit into their bodies, merging the two. However, this member has only begin to prepare the rituals for such a merger, and so is not adorned in the glow which graces those who have completed the task. She relies on a bow as her primary weapon.


Tsoo Bow AimedShot.png Aimed Shot Ranged, High DMG(Lethal)
You take a moment to properly line up your shot before releasing the arrow. This causes heavy lethal damage to your target.

Tsoo Bow EntanglingArrow.png Entangling Arrow Ranged, Immobilize(Foe), -Fly(Foe), -Speed(Foe, All)
Upon impact, the Entangling Arrow releases a strong net that can Immobilize most targets. This non-lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking. The Entangling Arrow can bring down flying entities, halts jumping and slows all of your actions. Entangle Arrow has a fairly low Endurance cost and a bonus to its Accuracy. Recharge: Fast

Tsoo Bow FistfulOfArrows.png Fistful of Arrows Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Lethal)
You fire a fistful of arrows at foes in a cone in front of you, causing moderate lethal damage.

Tsoo Bow PoisonGasArrow.png Poison Gas Arrow TAoE, -DMG(Foe, All), Chance for Hold(Foe)
This arrow carries a capsule of poisonous gas, which explodes on impact and weakens all foes in its vicinity, reducing their damage potential. Some foes will react badly to the poison and choke for a time, freezing them in place.

Tsoo Bow SnapShot.png Snap Shot Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal)
An attack that fires an arrow at your foe after only minimal aiming, this fast attack does light lethal damage.

Tsoo Bow Aim.png Aim Self +To-hit, +DMG
Greatly increases the chance to hit of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage. Recharge: Long

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

Spirit Ink Warrior

The enchanted inks used in Tsoo tattoos grant these soldiers special powers. The spirit ink empowers the Tsoo with the ability to bring the strength and power of an Ancestral Spirit into their bodies, merging the two. However, this member has only begin to prepare the rituals for such a merger, and so is not adorned in the glow which graces those who have completed the task. She relies on a katana as her primary weapon.


Tsoo Blade BlindingVision.png Blinding Vision PBAoE, Placate(Foe)
You manipulate the mind those around you with but a wave of your hand, placating them for a brief period of time.

Tsoo Blade DivineAvalanche.png Divine Avalanche Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Self +DEF (Melee, Lethal)
You use your katana to parry incoming melee attacks and then quickly counter, causing lethal damage and boosting your defense against lethal and melee attacks for a brief period.

Tsoo Blade GamblersCut.png Gambler's Cut Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), -DEF(Foe, All)
You slice at your target with a strong, direct cut, causing a bleeding wound that causes lethal damage over time and reducing your enemy's defenses.

Tsoo Blade Shuriken.png Shuriken Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
You throw a shuriken at your target, causing lethal damage. The target also develops a bleeding wound, which causes additional damage over time.

Tsoo Blade StingOfTheWasp.png Sting of the Wasp Melee, Minor DMG(Lethal), -DEF(Foe, All)
You slash at your target with a precise, light attack that deals minor lethal damage and reduces your enemy's defenses.

Tsoo Blade TheLotusDrops.png The Lotus Drops PBAoE Melee, High DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT (Lethal), -DEF(Foe,All)
You perform a specialized maneuver which strikes all foes in melee range. This attack wounds your opponents, causing them to take moderate damage over time and reduces their defense.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.


Ancestral Guardian

This Tsoo master has completed the rituals necessary to accept an Ancestral Spirit into their bodies. This manifests as an otherworldly glow that seems to emerge from their tattoos. An Ancestral Ink master is a formidable combatant, acquiring expertise in arts which lesser members struggle to learn. This warrior has mastered the art of staff fighting.


Tsoo Staff EyeOfTheStorm.png Eye of the Storm PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Smashing), -RES(Foe,All), Chance for Knockdown, Critical DMG
You strike all nearby foes with a lightning fast series of blows with your staff. Each foe is dealt moderate smashing damage and has a chance to be knocked down. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

Tsoo Staff GuardedSpin.png Guarded Spin Melee (Cone), Moderate DMG (Smashing), +DEF(Self, Melee, Lethal), Chance for Critical DMG
You spin your staff like a propeller in front of you dealing Light Smashing damage to enemies in your frontal arc and deflecting any incoming attacks, thus boosting your Melee and Lethal damage briefly. While a form is active, this power will build one level of Perfection. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate

Tsoo Staff InnocuousStrikes.png Innocuous Strike Melee (Cone), High DMG(Smashing), -Speed(Foe,All), Chance for Immobilize(Foe), Critical DMG
You repeatedly batter your foes' feet and legs with a flurry strikes from your staff. This attack deals moderate smashing damage to all foes within its cone, also reducing movement speeds. Each target also has a chance to be immobilized briefly. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

Tsoo Staff MercurialBlow.png Mercurial Blow Melee, Light DMG(Smashing), -DEF(Foe,All), Chance for Critical DMG
You strike your foe with a lightning fast blow from your staff, dealing light smashing damage and reducing defenses. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

Tsoo Staff PreciseStrike.png Precise Strike Melee, Moderate DMG(Smashing), Chance for Stun(Foe), Critical DMG
You attempt to daze your foe with a heavy staff blow to their head. The target is dealt moderate smashing damage and may be stunned by the blow. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

Tsoo Staff SerpentsReach.png Serpent's Reach Ranged, High DMG(Smashing), Chance for Knockdown, Critical Hit
You fully extend your staff and release a burst of energy to lash out at a distant target. This deals high smashing damage and has a good chance of knocking your target down. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

Tsoo Staff SkySplitter.png Sky Splitter Melee, Extreme DMG(Smashing), +RES(Self,All), +ToHit(Self), +Regen(Self), +Rec(Self), Knockdown(Foe), Stun(Foe), Chance for Critical DMG
You leap into the air and hammer your foe with an overhead bash from your staff. Sky Splitter deals extreme smashing damage, knocks the target off their feet and potentially leaves them stunned, while you enjoy boosts to your Regen, Recovery, Damage and ToHit. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

Tsoo Staff MasteryOfForm.png Mastery of Form +DMG(Self), +ToHit(Self)
You achieve a state of physical attunement with your body and mind. All of your attacks are more likely to hit and cause more damage for a brief time.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

Ancestral Sorcerer

This Tsoo sorcerer has completed the rituals necessary to accept an Ancestral Spirit into his body. This manifests as an otherworldly glow that seems to emerge from his tattoos. Becoming imbued with the power of an Ancestor grants a sorcerer unique powers, including the ability to call forth lightning from the sky and even control time itself. Additionally, he has been blessed by his ancestor spirit with greater combat ability, which manifests in the form of kinetic melee fighting.


Tsoo Sorcery LightningBolt.png Ancestral Bolt Ranged, High DMG(Energy), -End (Foe), -Rec (Foe)
You strike your target with a powerful lightning bolt from the sky, dealing energy damage and draining some Endurance. Some of this Endurance may transfer back to you.

Tsoo Sorcery TimeStop.png Ancestral Grasp Ranged, Hold(Foe), -Regen(Foe), -Heal(Foe)
You trap your target within the flow of time causing them to be held helpless. Even those resistant to the effects of Time Stop's hold will still have their regeneration rate and healing effects reduced for a brief period.

Tsoo Sorcery TimeCrawl.png Curse of Sluggishness Ranged, -Speed(Foe, All), -Recharge, -Regen
You're able to dramatically slow the time around a single enemy, reducing their movement speed and attack rate. Time is slowed to such an extreme that their wounds will take longer to heal, reducing their regeneration rate. Time Crawl applies the Delayed effect on its target. Debuff and control effects from other Time Manipulation powers are increased on targets affected by Delayed. Recharge: Long.

Tsoo Sorcery Shuriken.png Shuriken Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Lethal)
You throw a shuriken at your target, causing lethal damage. The target also develops a bleeding wound, which causes additional damage over time.

Tsoo Sorcery QuickStrike.png Spirit Strike Melee, Light DMG(Smashing/Energy), -DMG(Foe, All), Chance for Knockdown(Foe)
A quick attack that deals smashing and energy damage. This attack also has a chance to knock the target down.

Tsoo Sorcery RepulsingTorrent.png Torrent of Spirit Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Smashing/Energy), Chance for Knockback(Foe)
This attack unleashes a powerful cone of energy that can smash foes. It has a high chance of knocking them back.

Tsoo Sorcery SlowedResponse.png Curse of Weariness TAoE, -DEF(Foe,All), -RES(Foe,All)
You manipulate time around a targeted foe causing their reflexes to become slowed and sluggish. This causes them to have decreased defense and damage resistance.

Tsoo Sorcery TemporalMending.png Ancestral Blessing PBAoE, Heal (Self and Allies), HoT (Self and Allies), +RES(Slow, Regen Debuff)
You mend the wounds of yourself and nearby allies by placing your bodies in a past or future state where they are far less injured. Temporal Mending will immediately heal its targets and continue to heal them for an equal amount over the next 6 seconds. Additionally, affected allies will gain some resistance to slow effects and regeneration debuffs. Allies affected by the Accelerated effect will receive additional healing from this power. Temporal Mending will apply a regeneration bonus instead of heal over time for a short while if the user is in a PvP zone. Recharge: Long

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

Ancestral Sorceress

This Tsoo sorceress has completed the rituals necessary to accept an Ancestral Spirit into her body. This manifests as an otherworldly glow that seems to emerge from her tattoos. Becoming imbued with the power of an Ancestor grants a sorceress unique powers, including the ability to call forth lightning from the sky and even control time itself. Additionally, she has been blessed by her ancestor spirit with greater combat ability, which manifests in the form of kinetic melee fighting.


Tsoo Sorcery LightningBolt.png Ancestral Bolt Ranged, High DMG(Energy), -End (Foe), -Rec (Foe)
You strike your target with a powerful lightning bolt from the sky, dealing energy damage and draining some Endurance. Some of this Endurance may transfer back to you.

Tsoo Sorcery TimeStop.png Ancestral Grasp Ranged, Hold(Foe), -Regen(Foe), -Heal(Foe)
You trap your target within the flow of time causing them to be held helpless. Even those resistant to the effects of Time Stop's hold will still have their regeneration rate and healing effects reduced for a brief period.

Tsoo Sorcery TimeCrawl.png Curse of Sluggishness Ranged, -Speed(Foe, All), -Recharge, -Regen
You're able to dramatically slow the time around a single enemy, reducing their movement speed and attack rate. Time is slowed to such an extreme that their wounds will take longer to heal, reducing their regeneration rate. Time Crawl applies the Delayed effect on its target. Debuff and control effects from other Time Manipulation powers are increased on targets affected by Delayed. Recharge: Long.

Tsoo Sorcery Shuriken.png Shuriken Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Lethal)
You throw a shuriken at your target, causing lethal damage. The target also develops a bleeding wound, which causes additional damage over time.

Tsoo Sorcery QuickStrike.png Spirit Strike Melee, Light DMG(Smashing/Energy), -DMG(Foe, All), Chance for Knockdown(Foe)
A quick attack that deals smashing and energy damage. This attack also has a chance to knock the target down.

Tsoo Sorcery RepulsingTorrent.png Torrent of Spirit Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Smashing/Energy), Chance for Knockback(Foe)
This attack unleashes a powerful cone of energy that can smash foes. It has a high chance of knocking them back.

Tsoo Sorcery SlowedResponse.png Curse of Weariness TAoE, -DEF(Foe,All), -RES(Foe,All)
You manipulate time around a targeted foe causing their reflexes to become slowed and sluggish. This causes them to have decreased defense and damage resistance.

Tsoo Sorcery TemporalMending.png Ancestral Blessing PBAoE, Heal (Self and Allies), HoT (Self and Allies), +RES(Slow, Regen Debuff)
You mend the wounds of yourself and nearby allies by placing your bodies in a past or future state where they are far less injured. Temporal Mending will immediately heal its targets and continue to heal them for an equal amount over the next 6 seconds. Additionally, affected allies will gain some resistance to slow effects and regeneration debuffs. Allies affected by the Accelerated effect will receive additional healing from this power. Temporal Mending will apply a regeneration bonus instead of heal over time for a short while if the user is in a PvP zone. Recharge: Long

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

Ancestral Warden

This Tsoo master has completed the rituals necessary to accept an Ancestral Spirit into their bodies. This manifests as an otherworldly glow that seems to emerge from their tattoos. An Ancestral Ink master is a formidable combatant, acquiring expertise in arts which lesser members struggle to learn. This warrior has mastered the art of kinetic melee fighting.


Tsoo Kinetic BodyBlow.png Body Blow Melee, Moderate DMG(Smashing/Energy), -DMG(Foe,All), Chance to Stun(Foe)
A more powerful attack, this blow strikes the target for smashing and energy damage and reduces the damage potential. It also has a chance to stun the target.

Tsoo Kinetic Burst.png Burst PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Energy), -DMG(Foe,All), Chance for Knockdown(Foe)
By focusing your energy into the muscles in your arms, you can launch a dizzying flurry of attacks against every foe in melee range, striking them for smashing and energy damage. Some foes may be hit hard enough to be knocked down.

Tsoo Kinetic FocusedBurst.png Focused Burst Ranged, High DMG(Smash/Energy), Knockdown
Projects a burst of focused power over a short distance, causing smashing and energy damage and reducing damage potential. This attack may also knock down your foe.

Tsoo Kinetic PowerSiphon.png Power Siphon Self: +To Hit, +Special
Power Siphon adds a small bonus to hit and modifies your other powers. These powers are now capable of draining the strength of your enemies and adding that strength to you. This effect will stack up to 5 times.

Tsoo Kinetic QuickStrike.png Quick Strike Melee, Light DMG(Smashing/Energy), Chance for Knockdown(Foe)
A quick attack that deals smashing and energy damage. This attack also has a chance to knock the target down.

Tsoo Kinetic RepulsingTorrent.png Repulsing Torrent Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Smashing/Energy), Chance for Knockback(Foe)
This attack unleashes a powerful cone of energy that can smash foes. It has a high chance of knocking them back.

Tsoo Kinetic SmashingBlow.png Smashing Blow Melee, High DMG(Smashing/Energy), -DMG(Foe, All), Chance to Stun(Foe)
This forceful blow deals a good amount of smashing and energy damage and reduces the target's damage potential. It has a higher chance to stun the target than Body Blow.

Tsoo Kinetic TotalFocus.png Total Focus Melee, Extreme DMG(Smashing/Energy), -DMG(Foe,All), Chance to Stun(Foe)
This powerful attack focuses all the energy in your body into a single strike, causing smashing and energy damage. The attack also reduces a target's damage potential and has a chance to stun them.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.

Sky Fall

The Sky Fall technique requires incredible internal power to master. Those who have attained it become elemental forces empowered with the might of the storm.


Temporary PieceOfTheWheel.png Bow Ranged Lethal, Med Dam
Typical Long Bow. Long range and deadly.

Katana Hack.png Katana Hack -DEF
The Tsoo's Katana reduced your Defense.

Katana Slash.png Katana Slash -DEF
The Tsoo's Katana reduced your Defense.

Katana Slice.png Katana Slice -DEF
The Tsoo's Katana reduced your Defense.

ElectricityManipulation LightningClap.png Lightning Clap Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

StormSummoning SnowStorm.png Snow Storm -Speed, -Recharge
The Snow Storm is reducing your Run Speed and your Attack Speed.

ElectricityManipulation ThunderStrike.png Thunder Strike Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

Katana WhirlingSword.png Whirling Katana -DEF
The Tsoo's Katana reduced your Defense.

TalonsOfVengeance Resistance.png Damage Resistance Resistance
The highest ranking members of the Tsoo are naturally resistant to smashing and energy damage, but have a weakness to cold attacks.


Tub Ci

The Leader of the Tsoo, Tub Ci developed the magic tattoos the Tsoo use to channel their power.


Archery MediumArrow.png Aimed Shot Ranged, High DMG(Lethal)
Though it takes longer to execute, your Aimed Shot deals greater damage than the Talon Snap Shot. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

Archery FlamingArrow.png Blazing Arrow Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal), Moderate DoT(Fire)
You fire a Blazing Arrow at your foe, dealing some Lethal damage and causing him to catch on fire and burn. Slightly less accurate than other Archery attacks. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Slow

MartialArts CobraStrike.png Cobra Strike Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
Using intense martial arts focus, you can perform a Cobra Strike that deals minor damage, but has a great chance of Disorienting your target. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Slow

MartialArts CraneKick.png Crane Kick Melee Smash, High DMG, Knockback
A slow, high damage kick that can send your target flying!

MartialArts CripplingHookKick.png Crippling Axe Kick Immobilize, -SPD
You are Immobilized and your movement speed is reduced.

MartialArts EaglesClaw.png Eagles Claw Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

Archery ExplodingArrow.png Explosive Arrow Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Lethal/Smash), Knockback
You fire a grenade-tipped arrow at long range. This explosion affects all within the blast radius, and can knock them back. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

Archery ConeArrow.png Fistful of Arrows Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal)
You fire a fistful of arrows at foes in a cone in front of you. Good at close range. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate

MartialArts StormKick.png Storm Kick Melee Smash
Unleashes a flurry of quick kicks to pummel your foe.

MartialArts ThunderKick.png Thunder Kick Disorient
You are Disoriented

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Archvillain's Might Resistance
Arch-villains are very powerful individuals, and as such have significant resistance to many status effects. They are not immune, however, and can be vulnerable for brief windows of opportunity.

Flight TravelFlight.png Fly Flight
Some members of the Talons of Vengeance have grown wings and are capable of flight.