User:Fleeting Whisper/Help Menu/User
[hide]Hero (help.txt)
Default Key Binding
The following are the default Key binds.
w +forward
a +left
s +backward
d +right
q +turnleft
e +turnright
r ++autorun
f follow
space +up
x +down
right button +mouse_look
pageup +camrotate
mbutton +camrotate
pagedown camreset
b ++third
mousewheel +camdistadjust
enter "show chat$$startchat"
/ "show chat$$slashchat"
; "show chat$$slashchat"
Backspace autoreply
, "show chat$$beginchat /tell $target, " (Starts /tell to target)
' quickchat
z powexec_abort
1 "powexec_slot 1"
2 "powexec_slot 2"
3 "powexec_slot 3"
4 "powexec_slot 4"
5 "powexec_slot 5"
6 "powexec_slot 6"
7 "powexec_slot 7"
8 "powexec_slot 8"
9 "powexec_slot 9"
0 "powexec_slot 10"
lalt+1 "powexec_altslot 1"
lalt+2 "powexec_altslot 2"
lalt+3 "powexec_altslot 3"
lalt+4 "powexec_altslot 4"
lalt+5 "powexec_altslot 5"
lalt+6 "powexec_altslot 6"
lalt+7 "powexec_altslot 7"
lalt+8 "powexec_altslot 8"
lalt+9 "powexec_altslot 9"
lalt+0 "powexec_altslot 10"
f1 "inspexec_slot 1"
f2 "inspexec_slot 2"
f3 "inspexec_slot 3"
f4 "inspexec_slot 4"
f5 "inspexec_slot 5"
home "powexec_name Sprint"
end "powexec_name Rest"
lalt +alttray
ralt alttraysticky
{{{2}}} next_tray
- prev_tray
{{{2}}} next_tray_alt
lalt+- prev_tray_alt
lcontrol+1 "goto_tray 1"
lcontrol+2 "goto_tray 2"
lcontrol+3 "goto_tray 3"
lcontrol+4 "goto_tray 4"
lcontrol+5 "goto_tray 5"
lcontrol+6 "goto_tray 6"
lcontrol+7 "goto_tray 7"
lcontrol+8 "goto_tray 8"
lcontrol+9 "goto_tray 9"
lcontrol+0 "goto_tray 10"
lshift+1 "team_select 1"
lshift+2 "team_select 2"
lshift+3 "team_select 3"
lshift+4 "team_select 4"
lshift+5 "team_select 5"
lshift+6 "team_select 6"
lshift+7 "team_select 7"
lshift+8 "team_select 8"
m "map"
n "nav"
p "powers"
\ "menu"
t "target"
c "chat"
tab toggle_enemy
lshift+tab toggle_enemy_prev
{{color|pink>rshift+tab</color> toggle_enemy_prev
esc unselect
sysrq screenshot
f6 "local RUN!"
f7 "say $$ emote thumbsup"
f8 "local HELP! $$ emote whistle"
f9 "local level $level $archetype$$local Looking for team"
f10 "say ATTACK! $$ emote attack"
f11 "emote hi$$local Hi, My name is $name, and I'm a $origin $archetype and a Libra. I believe in justice and long evening walks on rooftops."
Emotes are animations that convey a feeling. A player can have his hero execute the emote by typing /em EMOTENAME. A player can also bind an emote to a key (see Keybinding). The following are some of the emote names used and their description:
Attack - points straight ahead
BigWave - Over the head wave.
Bow - hands together in a reverent bow
Burp - burps and then wipes mouth
Cheer - chanting cheer “Go! Go! Go!…”
Clap - claps hands
CoinToss - flips a coin (either heads or tails)
CrossArms - crosses arms in front of you
Dice - rolls a dice (random dice 1 - 6)
Disagree - shakes head at bad idea, then suggests an alternate idea.
DontAttack - waves arms in front in a refusal sort of way
Explain - persuades and angry person to calm down and see possibilities.
Flex1 - muscleman flexing
Flex2 - muscleman flexing
Flex3 - muscleman flexing
Hi - waves
JumpingJacks - exercising
Warm up - practicing martial arts moves
Laugh - hand on hips, throws head back and laughs
Lecture - waving arms giving a speech
Newspaper - reading newspaper (more for AFK)
No - waves arms in front in a refusal sort of way
OverHere - Over the head wave.
Paper - casts paper for Rock,paper,scissors game
Point - points straight ahead
Praise - falls on knees and bows
RaiseHand - raises your hand and leaves it there
Roar - roars and paws in air (more for animal types) w/ sound FX
Rock - casts rock for Rock,paper,scissors game
Salute - military salute
Scissors - casts scissors for Rock,paper,scissors game
Shrug - can be used for 'what?' or 'huh?'
Stop - raises your hand and leaves it there
Tarzan - beats chest w/ sound FX
ThumbsUp - Puts your thumb up. Ayyyyyy!
Wave - waves
WaveFist - this is really a cheer, waves arm then claps
Whistle - whistles. Use this sparingly or people will /ignore you. :-)
Yes - Puts your thumb up.
Yoga - sits down in the lotus position
A player can customize some default keybindings by clicking on Menu in the Status Window, then Options.
For other commands, a player must use the command “/bind.” /bind can be used to create new keybindings which aren't already built into the game. The general format of the command is:
/bind keyname "command"
Keynames are listed under Default Keybindings. Commands are listed under Slash Commands. When creating a new keybinding, players should not type the / that normally precedes these commands.
A player can perform multiple commands in sequence by putting “$$” between the commands. For example:
/bind enter "show chat $$ startchat"
This forces the chat window to be visible and then moves your cursor to the chat window to start chatting.
Words beginning with $ are special. They are variables which are replaced. The currently supported variables are:
If a player wanted to make the "P" key that notified other people that he was about to attack a specific villain and attract its attention:
/bind P "say PULLING!$target $$ emote point"
If a player wants to return to the Default keybindings, he clicks on Menu, then Options, then Controls. Finally, he clicks on Reset Keybinds.
Slash Commands
The following is a list of Slash Commands that a player can execute from the Chat Window.
/afk Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message)
/alttray Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
/alttraysticky Toggle the secondary tray
/auction Send message to request channel
/autoreplay Start a reply for client
/b Send message to entire map
/beginchat starts chat-entry mode with given string
/bind binds a key to a command - 'bind k ++forward' will set k to toggle runningforward.
/bind_load reads a list of keybinds from c:\ProgramFiles\CityOfHeroes\keybinds.txt.
/bind_load_file reads a list of keybinds from a file
/bind_save saves all keybinds to c:\ProgramFiles\CityOfHeroes\keybinds.txt.
/broadcast Send message to entire map
/buffs Toggle looking for group status
/bug Report a bug. Enter a short description of any length.
/chat Toggles the chat window
/copychat_b Copy the last X lines from bottom chat window into the clipboard
/copychat_t Copy the last X lines from top chat window into the clipboard
/copydebuginfo Gather a bunch of debug info, print it, and copy it to the clipboard
/demodump stop demo record/play
/demofps set demo playback frames per second
/demopause point to stop and loop same frame (in msec)
/demoplay name of demo to play back
/demorecord name of demo to record
/demostop stop demo record/play
/demote demote supergroup member one rank
/disable2d disables 2D sprite drawing
/e Emotes a text string
/em Emotes a text string
/emaildelete Delete message
/emailheaders request email headers
/emailread Request message
/emailsend send message
/emote Emotes a text string
/estrange Remove player from friend list
/f talk to friends
/findmember Display list of players looking for a team
/fl Display friend list
/follow set follow mode, 1 = follow selected target, 0 = stop following
/friend Add player to friend list
/friendlist Display friend list
/fullscreen sets video mode to fullscreen
/g Send message to group channel
/goto_tray Go to specified tray number
/group Send message to group channel
/i Invite player to join team
/ignore Ignore User
/ignorelist Displays a list of ignored users
/inspexec_name Activate an inspiration by name
/inspexec_slot Activate an inspiration slot in the first row
/inspexec_tray Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column
/inspirationslot Activate an inspiration slot
/invite Invite player to join team
/k Kick player from team
/kick Kick player from team
/l Send message to your area
/leaveteam Leave your current team up
/lfg Toggle looking for group status
/local Send message to your area
/macro add a macro to first empty slot
/macroslot add a macro to provided slot
/manage Go to the enhancement management screen
/map Toggles the map window
/maximize maximizes window
/me Emotes a text string
/menu Toggles the menu
/mouse_look command key for mouselook
/mousepitchmode set pitch mode
/namecaptain Renames the 'Captain' supergroup rank
/nameleader Renames the 'Leader' supergroup rank
/namemember Renames the 'Member' supergroup rank
/nav Toggles the navigation window
/netgraph displays network connection information
/next_tray Go to next tray
/next_tray_alt Go to next secondary tray
/noreport do not default to error reporting window on crash
/p Send a message to only one player
/petition add user petition (stuck, cheated, etc) to the database
/powers Toggles the power inventory
/powexec_abort Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power.
/powexec_altslot Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray.
/powexec_auto Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already).
/powexec_name Executes a power with the given name.
/powexec_slot Executes the given power slot from the current tray.
/powexec_tray Executes a power in the given tray and slot.
/powexec_unqueue Cancels the queued power.
/prev_tray Go to previous tray
/prev_tray_alt Go to previous secondary tray
/private Send a message to only one player
/promote promote supergroup member one rank
/quickchat pops up the quickchat menu
/quit quits game
/release Respawn if player is dead
/release_pets Unsummons any pets you have.
/req Send message to request channel
/request Send message to request channel
/requestexitmission leave mission map once completed
/s Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
/say Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
/screenshot save a .tga format screenshot
/screenshotui enables or disables the ui for screenshots (1=ui on, 0=ui off)
/sell Send message to request channel
/sg Send message to super group channel
/sg_accept Receives a supergroup accept
/sg_decline Receives a supergroup decline
/sgi Invite player to join supergroup
/sginvitev Invite player to join supergroup
/sgk Kick player from join supergroup
/sgkick Kick player from join supergroup
/sgleave Leave your current supergroup up
/sgsetmotd sets supergroup MOTD
/sgsetmotto sets supergroup motto
/sgstats display supergroup info in chat window
/showfps show current framerate
/sidekick Invite player to be your sidekick
/sidekick_accept Accept an invitation to be a sidekick
/sidekick_decline Decline an invitation to be a sidekick
/sk Invite player to be your sidekick
/slashchat starts chat-entry mode with slash
/startchat starts chat-entry mode
/stuck try to get player unstuck
/supergroup Send message to super group channel
/t Send a message to only one player
/target Toggles the target window
/team Send message to group channel
/team_accept Receives a team accept
/team_decline Receives a team decline
/team_kick_internal Kicks player without warnings
/team_quit_internal Quits player without warnings
/team_select Select Team member
/teamtask Give the user the specified souvenir clue
/tell Send a message to only one player
/toggle_enemy cycles through targetable enemies
/toggle_enemy_prev cycles through targetable enemies (in reverse)
/trade Invite player to trade
/trade_accept Receives a trade accept
/trade_decline Receives a trade decline
/tray Toggles the tray window
/unfriend Remove player from friend list
/unignore Unignore User
/unselect unselects currently selected thing
/unsidekick No longer mentor (or be a sidekick)
/unsk No longer mentor (or be a sidekick)
/whisper Send a message to only one player
/whoall print who's on this map
/window_color Changes the window colors
/windowcolor Changes the window colors
/y Send message to entire map
/yell Send message to entire map
Window Management
All windows dock in the Main Status Window that contains a hero's Hit Points, Endurance and Experience. A player can open or close any of the Main Windows (Chat, Tray, Target, and Nav) by clicking their names in the Main Status Window.
The Menu Button in the Status Window brings down a list of options.
A player can open or close the Main Windows (Chat, Tray, Target, and Nav) by clicking their names. Main Windows can also be closed by clicking the red button.
Main Windows can be detached from their associated window by clicking the blue button. A player can left click on a Main Windows's tab to drag that window wherever he likes.
Villain (v_help.txt)
Default Key Binding
- Change 'hero' to 'villain'.
- Change 'a dice' to 'a die'.
Slash Commands
- Add '/lk Invite target as your Lackey' after 'Send message to your area'.
- Add '/lackey Invite target as your Lackey' after 'Send message to your area'.
- Add '/unlackey No longer be a Boss (or be a lackey)' after 'Unignore User'.
- Add '/unlk No longer be a Boss (or be a lackey)' after 'Unignore User'.
Window Management
- Change 'hero' to 'villain'.