Template:StoryArc The Freaklympics
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Merit Rewards: This activity awards 34 Reward Merits. |
[hide]- 1 The Freaklympics (25-29)
- 1.1 Souvenir
- 1.2 Stop the office rampages
- 1.3 Stop the Freakshow thefts
- 1.4 Rescue the city councilmen from the Freakshow
- 1.5 Catch the Kerner
- 1.6 Prevent the Freakshow tech thefts
- 1.7 Save the warehouse before the Freakshow torch it
- 1.8 Stop the bombing
- 1.9 Crash the Freaklympics awards ceremony and arrest Mistah Static
The Freaklympics (25-29)
Freaklympics gold medal
You've kept this crude metal disk as a reminder of the time you put a stop to:
The Freaklympics
It started when your contact told you about a series of Freakshow office invasions. While fighting the Freakshow, you found out that these invasions were part of a competition.
It wasn't long before the next event started, with a wave of Freakshow thefts across town. You did your part to stop the thefts, and found a flyer for the Freaklympics.
The next Freaklympic event involved the kidnapping of city councilmen. Fortunately, you were able to rescue all the officials before any harm was done to them.
You got a break in your investigation when you learned that the Kerner, the Freak who arranged the Freaklympic event schedule, was going to be on a scavenger raid in a Council base. You fought through both the Freaks and the Council to capture him. Your efforts were rewarded, for the Kerner had a copy of the full event schedule.
You were able to stop the next event in its tracks and prevent the Freakshow's Upstart Faction from steealing technology from the local lab. You also learned that some of the Freaks hoped to break their leader, Upstart, out of prison.
Before you could investigate the Upstart Faction's plan, you had to stop another group of Freaks from destroying a shipment of school computers with firebombs.
You then found out that the Upstart Faction was planning to plant explosives and sonic destabilizers under Brickstown to blow the Brick House open and free Upstart. When you arrived to stop them, you found the faction fighting another group of Freaks who had orders to stop the prison break
With Brickstown saved, you went to the final event of the Freaklympics, the award ceremony. There you captured Mistah Static, one of Dreck's right hand men. From him you learned that Dreck's word had sent Upstart to jail in the first place, though Mistah Static was unable to give a reason for Dreck's betrayal.
There are still some unanswered questions in your mind, but at least you know that you put an end to the Freaklympics and the Freakshow's wave of crime.
Stop the office rampages
Freakshow have been rampaging from business office to business office non-stop today! They're terrorizing everyone inside. Here's the strange part: The Freaks are organized into half a dozen raiding parties. When the Freaks show this much organization, I get worried. Can you help stop the office rampages?
See if you can find some clue to what the Freakshow are up to. It might help us stop them.
Mission Objective(s)
Terrified office workers flee the building or hide under desks.
- Bust Freak leader and his crew
- 3 hostages to rescue
- Lead each hostage out
On the Freaks' leader, you found an interesting score sheet.
Score sheet | |
This crumpled piece of paper chronicles the recent attacks made by the group of Freaks you defeated. It lists the attacks' locations and their times, as well as an estimate of the damage done to the buildings. At the bottom of the list is the scribbled comment, 'The other groups are racking up a lot of points. We gotta step up the pace!' |
Notable NPCs
- Office worker x3 (NPC Hostages)
- Tanker Joe (Freakshow Tank Smasher)
You did a great job stopping those Freaks. Here's something you might want to know: I've talked to several other heroes who've fought the Freakshow recently, and some of them have also discovered score sheets like the one you found, listing Freaks' recent attacks. I think this might be part of some competition among the Freakshow factions.
Stop the Freakshow thefts
From what I hear, the next event in this destructive Freakshow competition has begun. The Freakshow are on a rampage through the city, stealing anything alcoholic they can get their hands on. I've already sent some other heroes to stop a few of these raids, but we're going to need all the people we can to shut this down. Can you help stop the Freakshow thefts?
It looks like the Freak's actions are a lot more coordinated than ever before. This is definitely something big. I'm sending you to a neighborhood where several Freakshow teams have converged. I need you to locate each team leader and take them out. I'll call for an emergency force field to isolate the area.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Something about this Freakshow crime wave just doesn't add up. Keep an eye out for any clues to their plans.
Mission Objective(s)
The streets are slick with spilled liquor, and the whole neighborhood smells of alcohol.
- Defeat Freaks' team captains
- 4 captains to defeat
You contained the Freakshow violence.
Notable NPCs
- Enviro-life captain (Freakshow Tank Swiper)
- Free For All captain (Freakshow Tank Smasher)
- Mass Tech captain (Freakshow Tank Smasher)
- Radiophonic captain (Freakshow Tank Swiper)
Freaklympics charter | |
This glossy flyer announces the start of the first Freaklympics, a competition for fun, fame, and prizes among the Freakshow factions. competition categories include office invasions, mass thefts, and more. The flyer cautions competitions not to let anyone else know about the Freaklympics, especially heroes. |
The Freaklympics? I don't believe this. This is totally insane! They'll tear this city apart with this little competition of theirs, and they won't care a bit. This whole thing has to be stopped.
Rescue the city councilmen from the Freakshow
I just got word that several city councilmen have been kidnapped by the Freakshow. And get this: the original kidnappers were just attacked by another group of Freaks! This is so chaotic, it could only be another Freaklympics event. Can I count on you to rescue the city councilmen from the Freakshow?
Those freaks may be fighting each other, but I suspect they'll drop everything to attack you.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Freaklympics have gone full contact. You need to get those kidnapped city councilmen to safety, fast.
Mission Objective(s)
The floor of this old office building is littered with broken beer bottles and Excelsior ampoules.
- Save councilmen from Freakshow
- 5 city councilmen to save
You have rescued all of the kidnapped officials and ruined another Freaklympics event.
Notable NPCs
- Councilman Camden (hostage)
- Councilman Kendall (hostage)
- Councilman MacLaughlin (hostage)
- Councilwoman Mandisa (hostage)
- Councilwoman Savitari (hostage)
I've heard from the police; They have all those city councilmen in protective custody. The police tell me that the various Freakshow factions are looking at the Freaklympics as their big chance to win Dreck's favor. So they're going all out to win, no matter who gets hurt in the process. I have a feeling that this is far from over.
Catch the Kerner
We've had a lucky break in the Freaklympics. Seems like one of the Freaks you brought in cracked under police questioning and told us about the next event. You won't believe this, but it's a scavenger hunt for Council gear. It's supposed to take place in Council bases! But it gets better. The Freak responsible for scheduling events, a juicer called the Kerner, is going to be on one of those raids. If you can catch the Kerner, it may give us a shot at stopping the next events before they start. Can you do it?
Between the Freakshow and the Council, this could get nasty. Just remember that you're after the Kerner first and foremost.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Remember that your top priority is to find the Kerner.
Mission Objective(s)
The sounds of heavy fighting inside indicate that this Freaklympics event is far from over.
- Bust the Kerner and his crew
You found and defeated the Kerner, and found a list of upcoming events.
Freaklympics event list | |
This slick, stylish pamphlet contains a complete list of all the events in the Freaklympics. The list of events is at once audacious and suicidal, from the almost mundane 100-meter smash and grab, to the mind-boggling Rockman wrangling rodeo roundup. |
Notable NPCs
- The Kerner (Freakshow Juicer Freak)
That list of Freaklympic events is just what we need. Now we can start anticipating their attacks instead of just reacting to them. I'll get copies of this list to the police and my other contacts.
Prevent the Freakshow tech thefts
Thanks to that Freaklympics schedule you got, we should be able to stop the Freaks before they can do much more damage. Apparently, the next scheduled event involves breaking into research labs and stealing high tech equipment. Can you help us prevent those Freakshow tech thefts?
If we're lucky, you'll be able to stop this raid before it really starts.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I want that Freakshow theft stopped. We have to put an end to these crazy Freaklympics!
Mission Objective(s)
Smashed glass and twisted aluminum testify to the presence of the Freakshow.
- Defeat all Freaks in lab
- 3 technicians to rescue
You stopped the Freaks' lab theft. But something one of the Freaks said sticks in your mind.
Notable NPCs
- Lab technician x 3 (NPC Hostage)
The Upstart Faction | |
One of the Upstart Faction Freaks you defeated said:
'You heroes don't know nothing! Nobody knows nothing! We're gonna win this, and we're gonna be Dreck's new favorites. No one'll be able to stop us once Upstart's on the streets again.' |
It sounds like all of the Freaks at that lab were members of the Upstart Faction, a group of Freakshow dedicated to total anarchy and the end of all government. Their leader, a young Freak named Upstart, was like a living messiah to them. But he was captured several months ago. If they are planning on breaking him out of the Brick House, that could take these Freaklympics from bad to madness. I'll see if I can turn anything up.
Save the warehouse before the Freakshow torch it
We have another Freaklympic event about to go down, and this one is big. Apparently, Dreck's set a number of targets for arson, including a warehouse holding all of the new computers for Paragon City's elementary schools. That's low, even for them. With all the money budgeted for post-war reconstruction, I doubt the city can afford more computers for those kids. Can you save the warehouse before the Freakshow torch it?
Also, I've been looking into the plans of the Freakshow's Upstart Faction. I haven't learned anything concrete yet, but I'll keep digging.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You've got to find all of their incendiary devices.
Mission Objective(s)
You're surprised even the Freakshow could sink low enough to destroy school computer, especially in tough times like these.
- Stop Freaks torching warehouse
- 10 firebombs to defuse
You've defused the last of the firebombs and saved the new school computers.
Good work at the warehouse. Paragon's kids will have some decent computers to learn on, thanks to you.
Stop the bombing
I've been looking into the activities of that Freakshow faction commanded by Upstart, and I think I know what they're planning. They found a section of sewers that pass directly under the Brick House, the big prison in Brickstown, and they're planning to pack it full of explosives. If they set off that charge, it'll collapse about half of the Brick House and take out a major chunk of Brickstown itself. And then they figure they can grab Upstart in the middle of the chaos. You've got to stop that bombing.
You can access the sewers through an entrance in Skyway City. That way you can surprise the Freaks.
Unnecessary Solicitation
If the Freaks set off those bombs, a lot of people are going to suffer.
Mission Objective(s)
The somber gloom of these caverns is at odds with the Freaks' raucous laughter.
- Bust Freak leader and his crew
- 3 bombs to defuse
You prevented this Freakshow faction from freeing their imprisoned leader, Upstart. Something you overheard during the fight sticks in your mind.
The Bootsquad Faction | |
You overheard the Bootsquad Faction Freaks say:
'Upstart ain't ever gettin' out, and that's straight from Dreck!' |
Strange. It seems the leader of the Freakshow doesn't want Upstart freed. I'd like to know more about this, but first we have to shut the Freaklympics down once and for all.
Crash the Freaklympics awards ceremony and arrest Mistah Static
According to that event schedule you found, the Freaklympics are nearly over. All that's left on the schedule is their award ceremony. One of Dreck's own top men, a Tank Freak called Mistah Static, will be giving out the medals. If we could arrest him, it could help solve dozens of different investigations. Will you crash the Freaklympics awards ceremony and arrest Mistah Static?
Let's blow out the torch on this one. I know you can do it.
Unnecesary Solicitation
Mistah Static will probably be well protected. You should be prepared for a fight.
Mission Objective(s)
This is where the Freaklympics end.
- Bust Mistah Static, his crew
You've captured Mistah Static and put an end to the Freaklympics.
Notable NPCs
- Mistah Static (Freakshow Tank) (Boss)
Freaklympic medals | |
These crude metal disks have been punched out of a manhole cover and painted bronze, silver and gold. They are each suspended from a ragged scrap of computer cord. |
That's about it for the Freaklympics. You sure gave them a closing ceremony that won't forget anytime soon. I just hope that they don't try something like this again for another four years.
Mistah Static's testimony is something. If it's true, then Dreck is responsible for Upstart's jailing. I sure wish I knew what Upstart found out to make his leader betray him like that.