Repeatable Mission Boss Names
From Paragon Wiki Archive
(Redirected from Police Radio Villain Bosses)
[hide]- 1 Overview
- 2 Villain Bosses (Sorted by Enemy Group)
- 2.1 Arachnos
- 2.2 Banished Pantheon
- 2.3 Carnival of Shadows (Carnies)
- 2.4 Circle of Thorns
- 2.5 Clockwork
- 2.6 The Council
- 2.7 Mooks
- 2.8 Freakshow
- 2.9 Goldbrickers
- 2.10 Hellions
- 2.11 The Lost
- 2.12 Malta Group
- 2.13 Nemesis
- 2.14 Outcasts
- 2.15 Rikti
- 2.16 Skulls
- 2.17 Sky Raiders
- 2.18 Trolls
- 2.19 Tsoo
- 2.20 Vahzilok
- 2.21 Warriors
There are several sources of Repeatable Missions in City of Heroes. Most of these sources us randomly generated groups and boss names. Below is a list of potential boss names as it stood at the game's shutdown.
Villain Bosses (Sorted by Enemy Group)
Arachnos boss names always begin with "Operative".
- Operative Barrow
- Operative Greench
- Operative Gruber
- Operative Kurgan
- Operative Lizardo
- Operative Lo Pan
- Operative Moriart
- Operative Scorpio
Banished Pantheon
- Baako
- Chinwendu
- Fumnanya
- Gwandoya
- Manyara
- Ramla
- Unathi
- Yewande
Carnival of Shadows (Carnies)
Carnival bosses are usually women.
- Amandala
- Elsbeth
- Gizelle
Circle of Thorns
- Arista
- Clemalion
- Dilanis
- Domi
- Dretch
- Faculus
- Galan
- Modesa
- Orestes
- Paralis
- Pharason
- Regalion
- Terramis
- Ursis
- Veratzu
- Bolt
- ClangClangClang
- Clank
- Differential
- Eyebolt
- Greaseball
- Gears
- I-beam
- Kitbash
- P'Ting
- Ratchet
- Rebar
- Screwdriver
- Whammer
- Wrench
- Spares
- Rattle
The Council
Council boss names always begin with "Archon".
- Archon Alberto
- Archon Assunta
- Archon Belaggi
- Archon Ippolita
- Archon Leery
- Archon Lucretia
- Archon Manuela
- Archon Morena
- Archon Morricone
- Archon Roget
- Archon Romano
- Bobby Ears
- All0id
- Abrams
- Crunch
- Cutter
- Cybork
- Flechette
- Fuse
- Jag
- Junker
- Mekanik
- teh Oiler
- Splice
- teh Welder
- The Turk
- Easton
- Baphomet
- Barbadan
- Batzelbub
- Crysp
- Hades
- Hellstorm
- Salamander
- Singe
- White Phosphorous
The Lost
- Alvin
- Baldorf
- Connor
- Faizan
- Floyd
- Gregor
- Howard
- Lincoln
- Lou
- Mark
- Pace
- Raoul
- Shannon
- Thomas
- Zeb
- Zeke
- Shawn
Malta Group
Malta boss names usually contain numbers (i.e. #-#-#).
- After Image
- Buzz
- Cage
- Fade
- Flash
- Loner
- Night Strike
- Razor
- Slash
- Storm
- Timothy
- Howard
- Brittle Bones
- Crypt Killer
- Death's Head
- Rattles
- Skull Cracker
- Skelter
- Thanoxemos
- Tombstone
- Totenkopf
- Vault
Sky Raiders
Sky Raiders boss names always begin with "Officer".
- Officer Benatar
- Officer Crowe/Crow
- Officer Emmert
- Officer Evans
- Officer Nader
- Officer Waynewright
- Baltor
- Barton
- Big Nose
- Crank
- Dregor
- Ennis
- Frump
- Grimme
- Pumm
- Rong
- Smash
- Tatu
- Tonk
- Tragor
- Urk
- Womp
- Worg
- Zonk
- Death Walker
- Flying Dragon
- Golden Fist
- Jackal
- Katana
- Lion Mane
- Red Mist
- Steel Rain
- Terrible Wind
- The Terror
- Yellow Eyes
- Boneshear
- Carver
- Flenser, the
- Ganglia
- Hacksaw
- Medical Waste
- Needles
- Sterilizer
- The Flayed
- Transfusion
- Achilles
- Alexander
- Andreas
- Bronze
- Calistes
- Orestes
- Paris
- Tindalaos