The Outcasts are a Paragon City street gang composed of Mutants possesing elemental powers. Partially street thugs and partially supervillains, they can be quite dangerous. This enemy group can be fought in City of Heroes between levels 5 to 20. They are very rare (but still possible) to find in City of Villains , since they can't be found anywhere in the Rogue Isles.
Outcasts official info ( Copied from the City of Heroes official website [1] )
One of Paragon City’s most infamous street gangs is the Outcasts. A small but dangerous group, the Outcasts have a strong grip on many of the neighborhoods in Steel Canyon, although their long-standing enemies, the Trolls and the Tsoo, constantly threaten to upset the status quo. Gang wars are vicious, bloody, and all too common.
On the surface, the Outcasts are one of the most diverse gangs in appearance. It has a strong attraction for many lower-powered criminals who do not feel they have the raw power to go it on their own. These junior members fall into the life searching for a way to make a name for themselves despite their minor abilities. The initiates are thus more diversified in make-up and background than in some gangs. The members are unified, however, as they all have elemental-based, super-powered abilities. They tend to subdivide into smaller gang lines, or chapters, based on their particular affinity, such as stone (Bricks), air (Shockers), ice (Freezers), and fire (Scorchers). Each chapter has its own colors and modus operandi, although the lowest ranked members are most similar as their powers are unremarkable as a rule. As they climb the ranks, they become more fiercely loyal to their particular line, and their now lethal elemental powers distinguish them by name and reputation.
Although small, this gang is especially dangerous because all of its members have some modicum of power – minions perhaps only a tiny spark, but the leaders of the gang are super-powered villains to be reckoned with.
The Outcasts have plagued Paragon City for years, but in recent days have appeared to expand their power base. After the Trolls’ unleashed their devastating explosion under Eastgate, creating the Hollows, the Outcasts knew they couldn’t let the new territory fall into their enemies’ hands, and so a splinter group moved into the caverns. Due to stubbornness and selfishness, each chapter pretty much goes its own way with little central leadership. Occasionally the leaders of the chapters agree on a particular tactic, but there is little overarching strategy directing the group. While rivalries between the different factions are not uncommon, these petty squabbles fall by the wayside when the gang is threatened by an outsider, whether Troll or cape. Outcasts tend to identify by line and personal reputation for internal matters, but quickly fall into rank when dealing with the greater world.
Villain types
Outcast Initiate Chopper
Unlike the higher ranked members of the Outcasts, these thugs seldom have elemental powers strong enough to warm their morning coffee. They are limited to hand weapons and firearms, like any other common gangster.
Revolver Ranged, Lethal, Med Damage
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.
Fireman Axe Melee, Lethal, Moderate Damage, Foe -Defense
The Fireman Axe deals moderate damage and can decrease a target's defense when it hits.
Outcast Initiate Slammer
Unlike the higher ranked members of the Outcasts, these thugs seldom have elemental powers strong enough to warm their morning coffee. They are limited to hand weapons and firearms, like any other common gangster.
Revolver Ranged, Lethal, Med Damage
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.
Sledgehammer Melee, Smash, High Damage, Foe Knockdown
This heavy, but unwieldy and slow Sledgehammer can knock down foes.
Outcast Initiate Slicer
Unlike the higher ranked members of the Outcasts, these thugs seldom have elemental powers strong enough to warm their morning coffee. They are limited to hand weapons and firearms, like any other common gangster.
Revolver Ranged, Lethal, Med Damage
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.
Knife Melee, Lethal, Low Damage
Basic stabbing and cutting blade.
Outcast Initiate Slugger
Unlike the higher ranked members of the Outcasts, these thugs seldom have elemental powers strong enough to warm their morning coffee. They are limited to hand weapons and firearms, like any other common gangster.
Revolver Ranged, Lethal, Med Damage
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.
Baseball Bat Melee, Smash, Moderate Damage
There is nothing like slugging someone in the head with this baseball bat.
Outcast Charger
Unlike the higher ranked members of the Outcasts, these thugs' elemental powers are only beginning to manifest. Nevertheless, they are much more powerful than your typical thug.
Charged Bolts Ranged, Energy, Foe -Endurance
The Outcast can quickly hurl small bolts of electricity at foes. Charged Bolts deals light damage and also drains some endurance.
Charged Brawl (Melee, Smash/Energy) Foe -Recovery
The Outcast has electrocuted you and temporarily halted your Endurance Recovery with Charged Brawl.
Outcast Cooler
Unlike the higher ranked members of the Outcasts, these thugs' elemental powers are only beginning to manifest. Nevertheless, they are much more powerful than your typical thug.
Ice Bolt (Ranged, Cold/Smash) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
The Ice Bolt attack has left you frozen. Your movement speed and attack speed is reduced.
Frozen Fists Melee, Minor Damage Cold/Smash, Foe -Rechage -Speed
Frozen Fists encrust your hands in ice, giving them the ability to quickly inflict minor damage on villains. The foe's attack and movement speed is slowed, due to the chills caused by the cold blows. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Fast.
Outcast Crusher
Unlike the higher ranked members of the Outcasts, these thugs' elemental powers are only beginning to manifest. Nevertheless, they are much more powerful than your typical thug.
Submachine Gun Ranged, Lethal, Low Damage, Foe -Defense
Rapid fire rifle. Can reduce target's defense.
Stone Fist Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient
The Outcast punches his foes with mighty Fists of Stone. Stone Fist is a fairly swift attack that may Disorient your opponent.
Outcast Torch
Unlike the higher ranked members of the Outcasts, these thugs' elemental powers are only beginning to manifest. Nevertheless, they are much more powerful than your typical thug.
Flares Ranged, Fire, Damage over Time, Fire
A quick attack that throws Flares at the target. Little damage, but very fast.
Scorch Melee, Fire, Damage over Time, Fire
The Outcast hands are engulfed in flames, igniting the target.
Outcast Initiates who show potential are avaluable commodities amongst the Outcasts, and are quickly elevated up the ranks. Blocks are just learning how to harden their bodies into stone, and control the primal forces of earth and rock.
Shotgun (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.
Stone Fist Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient
The Outcast punches his foes with mighty Fists of Stone. Stone Fist is a fairly swift attackthat may Disorient your opponent.
The Bricks are one with the earth, altough not in a hippie kind of way. Instead they use stone and rock to smash their rivals, hurling boulders or conjuring up mallets with which to maul anyone who gets in their way
Hurl Boulder Ranged, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Outcast can rip up a boulder out of the ground and Hurl it a short distance. The Hurled Boulder deals medium damage and can Knockback foes.
Stone Fist Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient
The Outcast punches his foes with mighty Fists of Stone. Stone Fist is a fairly swift attackthat may Disorient your opponent.
Outcast Initiates who show potential are avaluable commodities amongst the Outcasts, and are quickly elevated up the ranks. Chillers have grown beyond the ability to keep a drink cool.
Shotgun (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.
Frozen Fists Melee, Minor Damage Cold/Smash, Foe -Rechage -Speed
Frozen Fists encrust your hands in ice, giving them the ability to quickly inflict minor damage on villains. The foe's attack and movement speed is slowed, due to the chills caused by the cold blows. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Fast.
Not just an appliance anymore, the Freezers have mastery over cold and ice. As their name suggests, they are cold as ice and calm under pressure, even as they cast bolts of jagged ice that pierce flesh and bone alike.
Ice Blast (Ranged, Cold/Smash) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
The Outcast has slowed your movement speed and attack rate with his Ice Blast.
Frozen Fists Melee, Minor Damage Cold/Smash, Foe -Rechage -Speed
Frozen Fists encrust your hands in ice, giving them the ability to quickly inflict minor damage on villains. The foe's attack and movement speed is slowed, due to the chills caused by the cold blows. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Fast.
Outcast Initiates who show potential are avaluable commodities amongst the Outcasts, and are quickly elevated up the ranks. An Outcast Match has started to demonstrate his fire starting abilities.
Submachine Gun Ranged, Lethal, Low Damage, Foe -Defense
Rapid fire rifle. Can reduce target's defense.
Scorch Melee, Fire, Damage over Time, Fire
The Outcast hands are engulfed in flames, igniting the target.
Rivals to the city´s title of premiere arsonists, these Outcasts can conjure up a variety of flame-based attacks to scorch their enemies. Manipulating fire requires concentration and determination, two traits common in all Scorchers.
Fire Blast Ranged, Fire, Damage over Time, Fire
Sends a blast of fire at a targeted foe and sets the target on fire for a short period of time. Slower recharge rate than Flares, but more damage.
Scorch Melee, Fire, Damage over Time, Fire
The Outcast hands are engulfed in flames, igniting the target.
Outcast Initiates who show potential are valuable commodities amongst the Outcasts, and are quickly elevated up the ranks. Volts have shown promise in manipulating and controlling their Electrical powers.
Submachine Gun Ranged, Lethal, Low Damage, Foe -Defense
Rapid fire rifle. Can reduce target's defense.
Charged Brawl (Melee, Smash/Energy) Foe -Recovery
The Outcast has electrocuted you and temporarily halted your Endurance Recovery with Charged Brawl.
Masters of the air, the shockers can fly and call forth blasts of lightning. They are without a doubt the flashiest of the Outcasts, and enjoy flamboyant displays of their power.
Flight Self fly
Shockers can Fly!
Lightning Bolt Ranged, Energy, Foe -Endurance
The Outcast can send a large blast of electrical energy at a foe. Lightning Bolt deals good damage and also drains some endurance.
Charged Brawl (Melee, Smash/Energy) Foe Sleep, -Recovery
The Outcast has electrocuted you and temporarily halted your Endurance Recovery with Charged Brawl.
Lead Brick
The biggest, baddiest Bricks on the block have complete control over the earth beneath their feet. They can turn soil into quicksand, cause stalagmites erupt at the snap of a finger, and generally make life miserable for anyone they don´t like who happens to be standing on the ground.
Hurl Boulder Ranged, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Outcast can rip up a boulder out of the ground and Hurl it a short distance. The Hurled Boulder deals medium damage and can Knockback foes.
Stone Fist Melee, Smash, Foe Disorient
The Outcast punches his foes with mighty Fists of Stone. Stone Fist is a fairly swift attack that may Disorient your opponent.
Stone Mallet Melee, Smash, Foe Knockdown
The Outcast summons a stone mallet of the very earth. Stone Mallet deals moderate damage end can knock down foes.
Stone Spears Ranged, Area of Effect, Lethal
The Outcast can cause Stone Spears to erupt around an enemy target and all nearby foes. The Stone Spears deal moderate Lethal damage.
Rock Armor Self Toggle, +Resistance (Lethal, Smashing)
While this power is active, the Outcast's skin becomes Stone. Rock Armor make the Outcast highly resistant to Smashing and Lethal based attacks. They are less likely to land and affect the Outcast.
Lead Freezer
The top-dog Freezers are constantly surrounded by an area of cold, even on the hottest summer´s day. They can create a host of different cold-based effects, from frost armor for themselves to freezing prisons for their foes.
Ice Blast (Ranged, Moderate Damage (Cold/Smash), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Ice Blast hurls shards of ice at foes and Slows their attacks and movement for a time. Slower recharge than Ice Bolt, but more damage. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate.
Ice Sword Melee, Moderate Damage(Cold/Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
You create a blade of solid ice that deals good damage. Being hit by this Ice Sword will Slow a target's movement and attack speed, due to the intense chill. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate.
Freezing Touch (Melee, Damage over Time, Cold) Foe Hold
You are Held, frozen in a block of ice.
Frozen Armor Self, +Defense (Smash, Lethal), +Resistance (Cold)
While this power is active, you coat yourself in rock hard Frozen Armor. The hardness of the Frozen Armor offers good defense to Smashing and Lethal attack as well as reduces Cold damage. Also, Fire attacks deal slightly less damage. Recharge: Very Fast.
Lead Scorcher
These are the pinnacle pyros of the Outcasts, masters of the element of fire. They can perform a myriad of fiery marvels, one of the flashiest of which is the creation of Fire Imps: malevolent humanoids of pure fire who pounce upon the Scorcher´s foes.
Fire Blast Ranged, Fire, Damage over Time, Fire
Sends a blast of fire at a targeted foe and sets the target on fire for a short period of time. Slower recharge rate than Flares, but more damage.
Fire Ball (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Fire
A Fireball consumes a targeted foe, and any other enemy in a tight radius. Anyone in that area is burned and damaged over a short period of time.
Scorch Melee, Fire, Damage over Time, Fire
The Outcast hands are engulfed in flames, igniting the target.
Fire Shield Toggle: Self +Resistances (Fire, Lethal, Smash, Cold)
While this power is active, you get a good resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Fire Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage. Recharge: Very Fast.
Summon Fire Imps Summon 4 Imps
Summons 3 to 6 small Fire Imps to a targeted location. Fire Imps will viciously attack any nearby foes, but they only posses the most rudimentary instincts. Be sure to summon Fire Imps near the enemies you wish them to attack.
Lead Shocker
Experienced Shockers are masters of their chosen element. They soar with the expertise of veteran flyers and can make electricity dance at their commands. They are especially fond of entrapping their rivals in fields of lightning.
Flight Self fly
Shockers can Fly!
Lightning Bolt Ranged, Energy, Foe -Endurance
The Outcast can send a large blast of electrical energy at a foe. Lightning Bolt deals good damage and also drains some endurance.
Ball Lightning (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Energy, Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area and also drains some endurance from each target it hits.
Havoc Punch (Melee) Foe Sleep
The Outcast has electrocuted you and temporarily halted your Endurance Recovery with Charged Brawl.
Charged Brawl (Melee, Smash/Energy) Foe Sleep, -Recovery
The Outcast has electrocuted you and temporarily halted your Endurance Recovery with Charged Brawl.
Lightning Field (Self, Point Blank Area of Effect)
While active, the Outcast emits a storm of electricity around himself that constantly damages all nearby foes.
Named Enemies
Outcast Quantum Gunner (Minion)
Unlike the higher ranked members of the Outcasts, these thugs seldom have elemental powers strong enough to warm their morning cofee. They are limited to hand weapons and firearms, like any other common gangster.
Quantum Array Gun (Ranged, Negative) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Your attack and Movement rate have been slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.
Elite Bosses
Main Article: Frostfire
Leonard Calhoun used to imagine life as a hero. His strong elemental powers seemed to be just what the job required. Leonard made himself a costume and took up the name Frostfire, but he soon found that saving people wasn´t nearly as appealing as picking their pockets. Frostfire descended into a life of crime and began to gather together other misguided mutants such as himself. Thus, the Outcasts were born.
Ice Blast Ranged, Moderate Damage (Cold/Smash), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Ice Blast hurls shards of ice at foes and Slows their attacks and movement for a time. Slower recharge than Ice Bolt, but more damage. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate.
Fire Ball (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Fire
A Fireball consumes a targeted foe, and any other enemy in a tight radius. Anyone in that area is burned and damaged over a short period of time.
Freeze Ray (Ranged) Damage over Time, Cold, Foe Hold
Frostfire has Held you frozen in a block of ice
Chilblain Ranged, Low Cold Damage over Time, Foe Immobilize
Immobilize your target in an icy trap. Deals some damage over time and slightly slows the target movement and attack speed.
Incinerate Melee, Damage over Time, Fire
This concentrated attack violently sets a foe on fire and deals lots of damage over time.
Flashfire Area of Effect Disorient, Low Damage over Time (Fire)
Frostfire casts forth Flashfire at a group of foes to Disorient them and deal some damage over time.
Freezing Touch (Melee, Damage over Time, Cold) Foe Hold
Frostfire has Held you frozen in a block of ice.
Chilling Embrace (Self, Point Blank Area of Effect) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
You are slowed from Frostfire's Chilling Embrace.
Blazing Aura (Point Blank Area of Effect, Damage over Time)
You are taking fire damage from FrostFire's Blazing Aura.
Summon Fire Imps Summon 2 Imps and Jack Frost
Summon 2 Imps and Jack Frost.
Named bosses
- Bedrock (Lead Brick)
- Brimstone (Lead Scorcher)
- Broken Storm (Lead Shocker)
- Electric Eel (Lead Shocker)
- Fade (Shocker Lieutenant)
- Flash (Brick Lieutenant) [COH]
- Greased Lightning (Lead Shocker)
- Hurricane (Lead Shocker)
- Keystone (Lead Brick)
- Lightning Strike (Lead Shocker)
- Loner (Brick Lieutenant)
- Night Strike (Lead Brick)
- Night Strike (Lead Freezer)[COH]
- Snow-Pac (Lead Freezer)
- Stryke (Lead Shocker)
- Tempest (Lead Shocker)
Related Badges
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Outcast Slugger The Outcasts are in awe of you. |
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Weatherman You have calmed the storm by ridding the streets of the Outcasts' leaders. |