Tip Mission |
Type |
Alignment |
Place |
Paragon City |
Available to |
Heroes and Vigilantes |
Level range |
40–50 |
Choice |
Hero or Vigilante |
Out Of The Corner Of Your Eye
You see a shadowy shape leaping from rooftop to rooftop above you.
Mid-leap a scroll falls from the shadowy form. You take the scroll after and after a quick glance, you're able to determine that this is an assassination contract on the lives of Paragon Police Officers who made a number of shady deals with groups like the Family and even the Council. The officers got greedy and didn't follow through with their end of the deal. Evidently the Whispered Hand has been hired to take these guys out. These two Officers managed to bribe the Carnival of Shadows to take them in and protect them. These men must have been desperate indeed to seek asylum with those insane harlequins.
You've heard of this Whispered Hand before. It's a very small band of assassins consisting of many unsavory characters from all over the Rogue Isles and Paragon City. It has attracted a large number of rogue Knives of Artemis seeking asylum from their vengeful sisters. The big news is that they're now hunting their once leader Silent Blade.
You could stop the police officers from being assassinated.
Alternatively, you could follow the Whispered Hand agents and see if they lead you to one of the world's most notorious assassins, Silent Blade.
Hero Acceptance
The Whispered Hand is known for their subtlety. Even in the company of the Carnival of Shadows, these rogue police officers won't see their killers coming before it's too late! It's up to you to stop the Whispered Hand assassins and rescue the police officers so they can stand trial for their crimes. However, the Carnies are not likely to appreciate your presence there.
Stop the Whispered Hand assassins!
Those men have broken the trust of those that they serve, and must face justice. You take note of the location where the Carnies are keeping the police officers and head off. Hopefully you can beat the Whispered Hand assassins there.
Mission Objective(s)
This is where those rogue police officers are holed up. Sounds like the Carnies have given them a warm welcome.
- Stop the assassinations
- Recruit Overdrive's help (Optional)
- 2 Rogue Officers to Rescue
You saved the two rogue police officers from the assassins.
Carnival of Shadows
Knives of Artemis
Notable NPCs
Carnival of Shadows Minion Dialogue
Before Combat:
- Carnival of Shadows Minion 1: So, they just came asking the mistress for help?
- Carnival of Shadows Minion 2: Indeed. Not sure what they were thinking, but I bet they have some juicy gossip to share with her.
Combat Start:
- Carnival of Shadows Minion 2: Oh, hello darling. You weren't invited, but I suppose there's always room for you.
Overdrive and Mistress Kira Dialogue
Combat Start:
- Overdrive: I don't have time for you clowns. I've got a job to do.
- Mistress Kira: Look what the cat dragged in.
- Overdrive: Hey, Character! Over here!
- Mistress Kira: My my my! What a lovely little party we've got here.
Once Freed:
- Overdrive: A thousand thanks, Character! If I'm not mistaken, we share a similar goal. Shall we?
Left Behind:
- Overdrive: You're too quick for me, Character. I don't see where you went.
- Overdrive: Let's get going.
Officer Nemitz and Mistress Nadine Dialogue
Combat Start:
- Officer Nemitz: Hey, I thought you said you were gonna help us! Look, I've got money. We just need someone to bail us out of this mess.
- Mistress Nadine: Oh, we'll help you. I just wants what's in your head first. You might not survive the process, granted, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.
- Officer Nemitz: Oh no. They found me. Oh, it's you, Character...well better in jail than dead I suppose.
- Mistress Nadine: Character, you never call, you never write and now you show up unannounced. For shame!
Once Rescued:
- Officer Nemitz: Okay, let's make a deal, Character. What? No deals? Okay okay....
Left Behind:
- Officer Nemitz: I can't keep up!
- Officer Nemitz: I thought I lost you.
At Mission Exit:
- Officer Nemitz: Well, I prefer handcuffs to embalming fluid. Thanks, I guess...
Ambush! After freeing Officer Nemitz, a Whispered Hand Assassin will ambush you.
Whispered Hand Assassin: Target in sight, take out Character, then Nemitz!
Officer Franco and Whispered Hand Assassin Dialogue
Combat Start:
- Officer Franco: Whoa whoa whoa. Whatever they're paying you, I'll pay double. No, triple!
- Whispered Hand Assassin: I have no interest in your money. Just fulfilling the contract.
- Officer Franco: Oh no...a hero. I'll pay quadruple! No? What comes after quadruple? I'll pay that.
- Whispered Hand Assassin: A hero. Lovely. Kill the hero, then we'll deal with Franco.
Once Rescued:
- Officer Franco: Oh gosh, please don't turn me in. I can't bear to look into their eyes.
Left Behind:
- Officer Franco: Now to make my getaway.
- Officer Franco: Oh, it's you again. Goodie.
At Mission Exit:
- Officer Franco: What have I done? How did it come to this?
Ambush! After freeing Officer Franco, two waves of Carnival of Shadows will ambush.
Carnival of Shadows Ambush Minion: They're getting away! Quickly, after them!
You prevented the Whispered Hand assassins from killing the two rogue police officers. Even though they were going to be taken into custody by those who were previously their colleagues, they seemed to be happy to leave the company of the Carnies.
Vigilante Acceptance
Those rogue cops are scum and deserve whatever they get. You're here after the big game: Silent Blade. You know that if you follow the Whispered Hand assassins long enough, that they'll lead you right to her. This will be a big win for you, taking down several of the Whispered Hand assassins and their target, Silent Blade, all in one fell swoop. With Silent Blade forever removed from the face of this world, a powerful lesson will be sent to all those with criminal intent - break the law and it will break YOU!
Follow the assassins who are on Silent Blade's trail.
You follow the Whispered Hand assassin without being noticed and see her enter an old abandoned warehouse in Peregrine Island. That must be where they believe Silent Blade is.
Mission Objective(s)
You're pretty sure this is the place the Whispered Hand assassin went.
- Capture all the assassins
- Defeat the Whispered Hand Assassin, Trap Silent Blade in her own lair!
- Capture all the Assassins
You've put a serious dent in the operations of both the Whispering Hand and Arachnos!
Knives of Artemis
Notable NPCs
Knives of Artemis Minion Dialogue
Before Combat:
- Knives of Artemis Minion 1: Leaving the Knives was the best thing I ever did.
- Knives of Artemis Minion 2: Right, now we get to hunt worthy prey like Silent Blade.
Combat Start:
- Knives of Artemis Minion 1: Character!
- Knives of Artemis Minion 2: I normally don't kill unless I'm paid, but I'll make an exception for you.
Whispered Hand Assassin Dialogue
Before Combat:
- Whispered Hand Assassin: Job well done, my friends. As usual, they didn't see us coming.
Combat Start:
- Whispered Hand Assassin: Someone followed me here. Take them down!
Before Combat:
- Silent Blade: I can hear you panting and heaving as you approach me, whelp.
- Silent Blade: You are not one of my former novices, Character.
- Silent Blade: I wonder what drives you to pull the tiger's tail.
- Silent Blade: Or are you on a crusade to right all the wrongs in the world?
- Silent Blade: Perhaps you did not truly believe in your 'cause'...
Combat Dialog:
At 75% Life:
- Silent Blade: Perhaps you still believe in good and evil?
- Silent Blade: Is this what drives you, Character?
- Silent Blade: There IS no difference, Character.
- Silent Blade: All that matters is who walks away from the fight.
- Silent Blade: Nothing more.
At 25% Life:
- Silent Blade: And perhaps...
- Silent Blade: Perhaps this is where my fight...
- Silent Blade: My fight finally ends...
- Silent Blade: You have defeated me, Character. I submit to the justice you intend to mete out.
Speaking with Silent Blade
Speaking with Silent Blade
- Silent Blade: I am ready to accept your 'justice' you wish to deliver. What is it that you feel you must do?
- I'm putting an end to you once and for all, Silent Blade!
- Silent blade: Ah I see. Very well...then I am caught and at your mercy. Bring down upon my head your most righteous justi--
- Sounds of commotion come from down the halls. In the distance you hear your name being called out:
- We have you trapped, Character! Submit yourself before the might of Arachnos and be judged!
- What manner of trick is this, Silent Blade?
- Silent Blade: It would seem that the predator has become the prey. As you sought to tree your quarry, so too were you being hounded as well. There is beauty within that irony.
- I will deal with Arachnos, and then with you.
Ambush! After finishing the conversation with Silent Blade, an Arachnos Punisher will ambush you.
Silent Blade & Arachnos Punisher Dialogue
Before Combat:
- Silent Blade: Why do you not submit to them, Character? Do you believe yourself the only one with the right to execute justice?
- Arachnos Punisher: You walked into our trap too easily, Character.
- Arachnos Punisher: Surrender and you will be given a fair trial!
At 75% Life:
- Arachnos Punisher: Your resistance proves your guilt.
- Arachnos Punisher: You are hereby sentenced to death!
Arachnos Punisher Defeat:
- Silent Blade: I see from your own actions that one does not need to submit to ANYONE'S justice...
- Silent Blade: Just so long as you believe you are in the 'right'?.
- Silent Blade: Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye, Character.
You were able to stop the Whispering Hand assassins hunting down Silent Blade. However, the trap you laid for Silent Blade turned out to be a trap laid for you by Arachnos.
Unfortunately, Silent Blade was able to get away in the aftermath of the battle. But her parting words were quite true - The justice YOU believe in is the ONLY justice that's important. And one day, you may be given a chance to prove it to her.