Mission:Corp Wars - Part Two: The Chain of Command
[hide]Part Two: The Chain of Command
I told my boss, Richard Jones, that I know who is responsible for that strike, and he wants to meet you.
Talk to Jones and do whatever he asks, even if he orders you to kill me. He's simply testing your loyalty.
Remember that, loyalty and honor are a big deal for the Syndicate, or at least, were. That's partly what this whole schism in their organization is about, honor.
- Talk to Richard Jones.
Jones is high up in the Syndicate, as high up as I could make contact at any rate. I have no clue how far from the top he actually is, but trying to find information about anyone above him is like shining a light into a black hole. There's just nothing.
Remember, Character, you're acting as a Resistance sympathizer in Powers Division. Act the part or we'll both end up like Noble.
James Noble went deep undercover into the Resistance. He was easily the best cop on the force, but all his training, skill, and let's face it, luck, didn't matter a lick. Word has it he slipped up with their lingo, totally gave himself away. They never found his body.
Talk to Richard Jones
Unnecessary Solicitation
Jones is waiting for you. I'm not sure keeping him waiting is a good idea, but maybe you are trying to work another angle. I leave it up to you.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Richard Jones
Ah, Character. McKnight told me about you over the phone. That was quite a piece of work you did for us, taking down Wade like that. I'm sure Octavian is still reeling from that.
- What can I do for you, Mr. Jones?
- Straight to business, huh? I can appreciate that.
- You're a great boon in these trying times, Character. A surprise asset during this struggle and I wish to utilize you as often and as quickly as I can to maintain momentum towards victory.
- I am at your disposal.
- McKnight came to me after his boss, Tatsuri, and most of the forces under his control, were destroyed by Masamoto.
- I knew Tatsuri well, he was a dear friend. I promised McKnight that I would help him avenge Tatsuri's death if he joined us. That promise has been, until now, a lie.
- You, Character, are the instrument by which my honor bound oath to McKnight will be fulfilled.
- I see.
- Masamoto is strong, but he is not invincible. I want you to attack one of his chemical labs.
- You are worth a dozen or more of my go-gangers or adepts, so by the time they realize how large of a threat you are it will be too late.
- Eliminate everyone in the lab and then leave. Our objective here is to cripple Masamoto's manpower, not destroy his infrastructure. That is still of use to the true Syndicate.
- It shall be done.
- I accept your praise, but that is not why I am here.
- You are humble. That is good. That is excellent.
- Tell me, why are you here?
- Our goals are aligned. To not cooperate would be foolish.
- You are wise as well. That also is good.
- I made an oath to McKnight to avenge his fallen master. Until now I have been incapable of fulfilling that oath. Will you aid me in restoring my own honor and that of McKnight?
- I will.
- Masamoto is strong, but he is not invincible. I want you to attack one of his chemical labs.
- You are worth a dozen or more of my go-gangers or adepts, so by the time they realize how large of a threat you are it will be too late.
- Eliminate everyone in the lab and then leave. Our objective here is to cripple Masamoto's manpower, not destroy his infrastructure. That is still of use to the true Syndicate.
- It shall be done.
- What of Masamoto?
- Masamoto's fate will come in time, Character. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I have other oaths to uphold as well as that which I made to McKnight. Patience will see us rewarded.
- I understand.
- Wade was a thorn in our side as well, I was inclined to remove him.
- You have initiative. That is good. But be careful, Character. The Syndicate has structure. Work within it and you will thrive. Thrash against it and you will be put down.
- I understand, how can I be of service?
- I require your assistance in eliminating one of our mutual rivals.
- Octavian?
- Not Octavian, yet. No, the man I need you to help me with is Masamoto.
- Masamoto is strong, but he is not invincible. I want you to attack one of his chemical labs.
- You are worth a dozen or more of my go-gangers or adepts, so by the time they realize how large of a threat you are it will be too late.
- Eliminate everyone in the lab and then leave. Our objective here is to cripple Masamoto's manpower, not destroy his infrastructure. That is still of use to the true Syndicate.
- No problem.
Raid Masamoto's Chemical Lab
Unnecessary Solicitation
Do as Jones instructed or you'll make both of us look bad.
Mission Objective(s)
The facility looks fairly legit, on the surface.
- Raid Masamoto's Chemical Lab
- Eliminate Everyone in the Lab
You eliminated all the Syndicate personnel in one of Masamoto's labs. That should put a significant dent in his man-power.
Praetorian Clockwork
Notable NPCs
- Anderson (Syndicate Suit) (Boss)
Talk to Richard Jones
Unnecessary Solicitation
Jones wants to talk to you.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Richard Jones
Superb work. Anderson was eliminated, Masamoto's forces are crippled, and his operation in shambles.
McKnight will soon have his vengeance against Masamoto and the true Syndicate will be poised to strike down Octavian and restore order and honor to those who remained loyal.
- Leave
Jones called me and let me know that his first impression of you was good. Buzz in the Syndicate ranks say that Masamoto was delivered a crippling blow. I assume that was what Jones had you doing.
Just a heads up, Jones mentioned that I'll soon get my chance at vengeance against Masamoto. I'm not sure if he mentioned it, but Jones brought in most of Tatsuri's men after we were made road ronin by Tatsuri's untimely assassination. It's part of what sparked this whole war in the first place.
I have a feeling I'm going to get tapped by Jones to lead a direct attack on Masamoto himself, you're likely to get called in on that as well.
You cracked this case wide open, Character. Once this is over, I'm out of undercover and I get to see my wife and kids again. I'll invite you over sometime for dinner and to meet the misses. I'm glad we got the opportunity to work together.