City of Villains (Box Set)
From Paragon Wiki Archive
North American Version
Product Title:
City of Villains |
Release Date:
October 31, 2005 |
North America |
$49.99 USD |
8 92566 00090 3 (GameStop) 8 92566 00098 9 (Walmart) |
NCsoft SKU #:
FG-XP-00090-1 (GameStop) FG-XP-00098-9 (Walmart) |
Game Version:
Issue 6 |
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium III 800 Mhz or AMD Athlon 800 Mhz 512 MB RAM CD-ROM Drive 4GB Available HDD Space NVIDIA GeForce 2 Series, ATI Radeon 8500 or Intel i865 Series Video Card 16-bit Sound Card 56k modem DirectX 9.0 Keyboard and mouse |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1 GB RAM 16X CD-ROM Drive 4 GB Available HDD Space NVIDIA GeForce 6200 16-bit Sound Card Broadband Internet Connection DirectX 9.0 Keyboard and mouse |
Package | |||||
Sleeve | |||
Discs |
- Other Contents
On-Disc Extras
- City of Villains Trailer from E3 2005
- 2005 Film Festival Winner
- PDF version of the game manual
In-Game Extras
- 30 days of game time
North American Version (French Canadian)
Product Title:
City of Villains |
Release Date:
October 31, 2005 |
North America (Canada) |
$39.99 CAN |
8 92566 00047 7 |
NCsoft SKU #:
FG-XP-00047-7 |
Game Version:
Issue 6 |
Configuration minimale | Configuration recommandée |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium III 800 Mhz ou AMD Athlon 800 Mhz 256 Mo de RAM Lecteur DVD-ROM 4 Go d'espace disque Carte graphique NVIDIA GeForce, ATI Radeon 7500 ou Intel i810G Carte son 16 bits Modem 56k DirectX 9.0c Clavier et souris |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium 4 2GHz ou AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1 Go de RAM Lecteur DVD-ROM 4 Go d'espace disque Carte graphizue NVIDIA GeForce 6200 ou ATI Radeon 9500 Carte son 16 bits Connexion Internet haut-débit DirectX 9.0c Clavier et souris |
Package |
Disc |
- Other Contents
On-Disc Extras
- City of Heroes Trailer
- City of Villains Preview Trailer
- City of Villains Trailer from E3 2005
- 2005 Film Festival Winner
In-Game Extras
- 30 days of game time
European Version (English)
Product Title:
City of Villains |
Release Date:
October 31, 2005 |
Europe (UK) |
£29.99 |
5 060094 440415 |
NCsoft SKU #:
FG-XP-000??-? |
Game Version:
Issue 6 |
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium III 800 Mhz or AMD Athlon 800 Mhz 256MB RAM DVD Drive 4GB Available HDD Space NVIDIA GeForce 2 Series, ATI Radeon 7500 or Intel i810G Series Video Card 16-bit Sound Card 56k modem DirectX 9.0 Keyboard and mouse |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium 4 2GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1GB RAM DVD Drive 4GB Available HDD Space NVIDIA GeForce 6200 or ATI Radeon 9500 Video Card 16-bit Sound Card Broadband Internet Connection DirectX 9.0c Keyboard and mouse |
Package |
Disc |
- Other Contents
On-Disc Extras
- City of Heroes Trailer
- City of Villains Preview Trailer
- City of Villains Trailer from E3 2005
- 2005 Film Festival Winner
In-Game Extras
- 30 days of game time
European Version (French)
Product Title:
City of Villains |
Release Date:
October 31, 2005 |
Europe (France) |
€39,99 |
5 060094 440422 |
NCsoft SKU #:
N/A |
Game Version:
Issue 6 |
Configuration minimale | Configuration recommandée |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium III 800 Mhz ou AMD Athlon 800 Mhz 256 Mo de RAM Lecteur DVD-ROM 4 Go d'espace disque Carte graphique NVIDIA GeForce, ATI Radeon 7500 ou Intel i810G Carte son 16 bits Modem 56k DirectX 9.0c Clavier et souris |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium 4 2GHz ou AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1 Go de RAM Lecteur DVD-ROM 4 Go d'espace disque Carte graphizue NVIDIA GeForce 6200 ou ATI Radeon 9500 Carte son 16 bits Connexion Internet haut-débit DirectX 9.0c Clavier et souris |
Package |
Disc |
- Other Contents
On-Disc Extras
- City of Heroes Trailer
- City of Villains Preview Trailer
- City of Villains Trailer from E3 2005
- 2005 Film Festival Winner
In-Game Extras
- 30 days of game time
European Version (German)
Product Title:
City of Villains |
Release Date:
October 31, 2005 |
Europe (Germany) |
€39,99 |
5 060094 440439 |
NCsoft SKU #:
N/A |
Game Version:
Issue 6 |
Mindest-Systemvoraussetzungen | Empfohlene Systemvoraussetzungen |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium III 800 Mhz oder AMD Athlon 800 Mhz 256 MB RAM DVD-ROM-Laufwerk 4 GB freier HDD-Speicherplatz NVIDIA GeForce 2 Series, Grafikkarte der ATI Radeon 7500 oder Intel i810G Serie 16-bit Soundkarte 56k Modem DirectX 9.0c Keyboard und Maus |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz oder AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1 GB RAM DVD-ROM-Laufwerk 4 GB freier HDD-Speicherplatz NVIDIA GeForce 6200 oder ATI Radeon 9500 Grafikkarte 16-bit Soundkarte Breitband-Internetverbindung DirectX 9.0c Keyboard und Maus |
Slipcover | ||||
Package |
Disc |
- Other Contents
On-Disc Extras
- City of Heroes Trailer
- City of Villains Preview Trailer
- City of Villains Trailer from E3 2005
- 2005 Film Festival Winner
In-Game Extras
- 30 days of game time
European Version (Italian)
Product Title:
City of Villains |
Release Date:
October 31, 2005 |
Europe (Italy) |
€39,99 |
5 060094 440453 |
NCsoft SKU #:
N/A |
Game Version:
Issue 6 |
Requisiti di sistema (minimi) | Requisiti di sistema (consigliati) |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium III 800 Mhz o AMD Athlon 800 Mhz 256 MB di RAM Unità DVD-ROM 4 GB di spazio libero su disco rigido Scheda grafica GeForce 2, ATI Radeon 7500 o Intel i810G Scheda audio a 16-bit Modem 56k DirectX 9.0c Tastiera e mouse |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz o AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1 GB di RAM Unità DVD-ROM 4 GB di spazio libero su disco rigido Scheda video GeForce FX 6200 o ATI Radeon 9500 Scheda audio a 16-bit Connessione Internet a banda larga DirectX 9.0c Tastiera e mouse |
Package |
Disc |
- Other Contents
On-Disc Extras
- City of Heroes Trailer
- City of Villains Preview Trailer
- City of Villains Trailer from E3 2005
- 2005 Film Festival Winner
In-Game Extras
- 30 days of game time
European Version (Spanish)
Product Title:
City of Villains |
Release Date:
October 31, 2005 |
Europe (Spain) |
€39,99 |
5 060094 440446 |
NCsoft SKU #:
N/A |
Game Version:
Issue 6 |
Requisitos minimos del sistema | Especificaciones recomendadas |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium III 800 Mhz o AMD Athlon 800 Mhz 256 MB de RAM Lector de DVD 4 GB de espacio disponible en el disco duro Tarjeta de video NVIDIA GeForce 2 Series, ATI Radeon 7500 o Intel i810G Series Tarjeta de sonido de 16 bits Módem de 56k DirectX 9.0c Ratón y taclado |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz o AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1 GB de RAM Lector de DVD 4 GB de espacio disponible en el disco duro Tarjeta de video NVIDIA GeForce 6200 o ATI Radeon 9500 Tarjeta de sonido de 16 bits Conexión a Internet de banda ancha DirectX 9.0c Ratón y teclado |
Package |
Disc |
- Other Contents
On-Disc Extras
- City of Heroes Trailer
- City of Villains Preview Trailer
- City of Villains Trailer from E3 2005
- 2005 Film Festival Winner
In-Game Extras
- 30 days of game time