City of Heroes Collectible Card Game/Secret Origins Cards
From Paragon Wiki Archive
Base Deck
The Secret Origins Base Expansion Deck consists of 180 cards in the following distributions:
- Rarity Distribution
- 44 Battle Pack-exclusive cards
- 45 Common cards
- 45 Uncommon cards
- 45 Rare cards in both regular and foil versions
(Only 179 cards total are actually available.)
- Type Distribution
- 22 Hero cards
- 6 Sidekick cards
- 32 Edge cards
- 8 Enhancement cards
- 79 Power cards
- 22 Signature Power cards
- 10 Mission cards
- Battle Pack Card Distribution
- 13 random common/uncommon cards (could be Arena cards -- not all cards are available in Battle Packs)
- 1 random rare card (3 foils per box)
- 1 Hero card
- 1 Signature Power card
- 8 fixed Power cards (could be Arena cards)
- 1 fixed Enhancement card (could be an Arena card)
- Booster Pack Card Distribution
- 3 uncommon cards
- 1 rare card (up to 4 foils per box, could be a Hero foil)
- 7 common cards
# | Name | Type | Power Set | Inspiration | Rarity |
1 | Armory | Hero • Blaster | Assault Rifle • Devices • Jump | N/A | Battle Pack |
2 | Recoilless | Hero • Blaster | Assault Rifle • Electrical Manipulation • Speed | N/A | Battle Pack |
3 | The Brass Man | Hero • Blaster | Electrical Blast • Energy Manipulation • Teleport | N/A | Battle Pack |
4 | Incandescent | Hero • Blaster | Fire Blast • Energy Manipulation • Flight | N/A | Battle Pack |
5 | Gravitas | Hero • Controller | Gravity Control • Empathy • Flight | N/A | Battle Pack |
6 | Numina | Hero • Controller | Mind Control • Empathy • Flight | N/A | Battle Pack |
7 | The Dark Watcher | Hero • Controller | Illusion Control • Force Field • Teleport | N/A | Battle Pack |
8 | Heartseeker | Hero • Defender | Empathy • Archery • Teleport | N/A | Battle Pack |
9 | Remedy | Hero • Defender | Empathy • Psychic Blast • Flight | N/A | Battle Pack |
10 | Capacitor | Hero • Defender | Empathy • Electrical Blast • Speed | N/A | Battle Pack |
11 | Jacklight | Hero • Defender | Radiation Emission • Psychic Blast • Jump | N/A | Battle Pack |
12 | Swan | Hero • Defender | Force Field • Psychic Blast • Flight | N/A | Battle Pack |
13 | Ockham | Hero • Scrapper | Claws • Invulnerability • Speed | N/A | Battle Pack |
14 | Levantera | Hero • Scrapper | Katana • Dark Armor • Teleport | N/A | Battle Pack |
15 | Borea | Hero • Scrapper | Katana • Super Reflexes • Flight | N/A | Battle Pack |
16 | Maiden Justice | Hero • Scrapper | Martial Arts • Super Reflexes • Jump | N/A | Battle Pack |
17 | Back Alley Brawler | Hero • Tanker | Invulnerability • Super Strength • Jump | N/A | Battle Pack |
18 | Crystal Flame | Hero • Tanker | Ice Armor • Fiery Melee • Teleport | N/A | Battle Pack |
19 | The Magmite | Hero • Tanker | Stone Armor • Fiery Melee • Teleport | N/A | Battle Pack |
20 | Ahnek Rah-Zul | Hero • Tanker | Stone Armor • Super Strength • Speed | N/A | Battle Pack |
21 | Blast Furnace | Hero • Tanker | Fiery Aura • Fiery Melee • Speed | N/A | Battle Pack |
22 | Gaussian | Sidekick • Blaster | Assault Rifle • Energy Manipulation • Flight | Break Free | Rare |
23 | Spirit Healer | Sidekick • Controller | Illusion Control • Empathy • Teleport | Break Free | Rare |
24 | Mundunugu | Sidekick • Defender | Empathy • Psychic Blast • Flight | Break Free | Rare |
25 | Tiger Eye | Sidekick • Scrapper | Katana • Super Reflexes • Teleport | Break Free | Rare |
26 | Thermopylae | Sidekick • Tanker | Invulnerability • Fiery Melee • Teleport | Break Free | Rare |
27 | Alberich | Sidekick • Tanker | Stone Armor • Battle Axe • Speed | Break Free | Rare |
28 | Evasive Flight | Edge | N/A | Insight | Uncommon |
29 | Speed Boost | Edge | N/A | Insight | Uncommon |
30 | Pounce | Edge | N/A | Insight | Uncommon |
31 | Teleport Foe | Edge | N/A | Insight | Uncommon |
32 | Unstoppable Force | Edge | N/A | Respite | Common |
33 | Parried Attack | Edge | N/A | Enrage | Common |
34 | Total Control | Edge | N/A | Catch a Breath | Rare |
35 | Full Power | Edge | N/A | Luck | Rare |
36 | Furious Attack | Edge | N/A | Enrage | Rare |
37 | Victory Run | Edge | N/A | Catch a Breath | Rare |
38 | Boss | Edge | N/A | Insight | Rare |
39 | Precise Attack | Edge | N/A | Catch a Breath | Rare |
40 | Tough Customer | Edge | N/A | Insight | Common |
41 | Palladium Gauntlets | Edge | N/A | Catch a Breath | Uncommon |
42 | Experimental Serum | Edge | N/A | Insight | Rare |
43 | Power Crash | Edge | N/A | Insight | Rare |
44 | Mano-a-Mano | Edge | N/A | Respite | Uncommon |
45 | Blindside | Edge | N/A | Insight | Rare |
46 | Unstoppable Attack | Edge | N/A | Insight | Common |
47 | Vital Clue | Edge | N/A | Catch a Breath | Uncommon |
48 | Resurgence | Edge | N/A | Insight | Common |
49 | Combat Instincts | Edge | N/A | Catch a Breath | Common |
50 | Uncanny Aim | Edge | N/A | Respite | Common |
51 | Righteous Rage | Edge | N/A | Catch a Breath | Common |
52 | Second Wind | Edge | N/A | Insight | Rare |
53 | Delayed Attack | Edge | N/A | Insight | Rare |
54 | Jump Back | Edge | N/A | Insight | Uncommon |
55 | Evasive Roll | Edge | N/A | Luck | Uncommon |
56 | Bust Free | Edge | N/A | Insight | Rare |
57 | Stay Outta This! | Edge | N/A | Insight | Rare |
58 | Interception Shield | Edge | N/A | Insight | Uncommon |
59 | Interrupted Rest | Edge | N/A | Break Free | Common |
60 | Quick Accuracy | Enhancement | N/A | Insight | Common |
61 | Quick Damage | Enhancement | N/A | Insight | Common |
62 | Damage Training | Enhancement | N/A | Insight | Common |
63 | Powered Down | Enhancement | N/A | Insight | Rare |
64 | Powered Up | Enhancement | N/A | Insight | Common |
65 | Optimum Damage | Enhancement | N/A | Insight | Rare |
66 | Shield of Zeus | Enhancement | N/A | Insight | Rare |
67 | Completed Mission | Enhancement | N/A | Insight | Rare |
68 | Strike | Power | Claws | Enrage | Uncommon |
69 | Beanbag | Power | Assault Rifle 2 | Insight | Uncommon |
70 | Buckshot | Power | Assault Rifle | Insight | Common |
71 | Flamethrower | Power | Assault Rifle 2 | Enrage | Rare |
72 | Full Auto | Power | Assault Rifle 3 | Insight | Rare |
73 | M30 Grenade | Power | Assault Rifle 1 | Enrage | Common |
74 | Slug | Power | Assault Rifle | Enrage | Common |
75 | Electrical Aim | Power | Electrical Blast 1 | Catch a Breath | Uncommon |
76 | Fiery Aim | Power | Fire Blast 2 | Enrage | Uncommon |
77 | Cloaking Device | Power | Devices 1 | Luck | Uncommon |
78 | Conserve Power | Power | Energy Manipulation 2 | Catch a Breath | Rare |
79 | Energy Build Up | Power | Energy Manipulation 1 | Enrage | Common |
80 | Energy Fist | Power | Energy Manipulation | Catch a Breath | Common |
81 | Power Thrust | Power | Energy Manipulation | Enrage | Common |
82 | Energy Stun | Power | Energy Manipulation 2 | Catch a Breath | Uncommon |
83 | Total Energy Focus | Power | Energy Manipulation 3 | Enrage | Rare |
84 | Lightning Clap | Power | Electrical Manipulation 1 | Catch a Breath | Uncommon |
85 | Ice Patch | Power | Ice Manipulation 2 | Luck | Uncommon |
86 | Dimension Shift | Power | Gravity Control 1 | Insight | Uncommon |
87 | Arctic Air | Power | Ice Control 1 | Luck | Uncommon |
88 | Blind | Power | Illusion Control | Luck | Common |
89 | Deceive | Power | Illusion Control 1 | Insight | Common |
90 | Flash | Power | Illusion Control 2 | Enrage | Rare |
91 | Phantasm | Power | Illusion Control 3 | Insight | Rare |
92 | Phantom Army | Power | Illusion Control 2 | Enrage | Uncommon |
93 | Spectral Wounds | Power | Illusion Control | Enrage | Common |
94 | Terrify [1] | Power | Mind Control 3 | Enrage | Uncommon |
95 | Absorb Pain | Power | Empathy | Respite | Common |
96 | Fortitude | Power | Empathy 2 | Respite | Uncommon |
97 | Healing Aura | Power | Empathy | Respite | Common |
98 | Recovery Aura | Power | Empathy 2 | Respite | Rare |
99 | Regeneration Aura | Power | Empathy 3 | Respite | Rare |
100 | Resurrect | Power | Empathy 1 | Respite | Common |
101 | Force Bolt [2] | Power | Force Field | Luck | Uncommon |
102 | Mutation [3] | Power | Radiation Emission 2 | N/A | N/A |
103 | Midnight Grasp | Power | Dark Melee 3 | Luck | Uncommon |
104 | Mental Blast | Power | Psychic Blast | Enrage | Common |
105 | Psionic Lance | Power | Psychic Blast | Insight | Common |
106 | Psionic Tornado | Power | Psychic Blast 2 | Enrage | Rare |
107 | Psychic Scream | Power | Psychic Blast 1 | Enrage | Common |
108 | Scramble Thoughts | Power | Psychic Blast 3 | Break Free | Rare |
109 | Telekinetic Blast | Power | Psychic Blast 2 | Insight | Uncommon |
110 | Irradiate | Power | Radiation Blast | Insight | Uncommon |
111 | Raise the Spirit | Power | Katana 1 | Insight | Common |
112 | Soaring Dragon | Power | Katana 3 | Enrage | Rare |
113 | Sting of the Wasp | Power | Katana | Insight | Common |
114 | Divine Avalanche | Power | Katana 2 | Enrage | Uncommon |
115 | Flashing Steel | Power | Katana | Insight | Common |
116 | The Lotus Drops | Power | Katana 2 | Enrage | Rare |
117 | Crippling Axe Kick | Power | Martial Arts 2 | Enrage | Uncommon |
118 | Cloak of Darkness | Power | Dark Armor 2 | Luck | Uncommon |
119 | Moment of Glory | Power | Regeneration 3 | Respite | Uncommon |
120 | Elude | Power | Super Reflexes 3 | Luck | Rare |
121 | Focused Fighting | Power | Super Reflexes | Luck | Common |
122 | Focused Senses | Power | Super Reflexes | Luck | Common |
123 | Lucky | Power | Super Reflexes 2 | Luck | Uncommon |
124 | Practiced Brawler | Power | Super Reflexes 1 | Luck | Common |
125 | Quickness | Power | Super Reflexes 2 | Luck | Rare |
126 | Consume | Power | Fiery Aura 2 | Enrage | Uncommon |
127 | Permafrost | Power | Ice Armor 1 | Luck | Uncommon |
128 | Resist Energies | Power | Invulnerability 2 | Catch a Breath | Uncommon |
129 | Brimstone Armor | Power | Stone Armor 2 | Luck | Rare |
130 | Crystal Armor | Power | Stone Armor 3 | Respite | Rare |
131 | Earth's Embrace | Power | Stone Armor | Luck | Common |
132 | Mud Pots | Power | Stone Armor 1 | Luck | Common |
133 | Rooted | Power | Stone Armor 2 | Luck | Uncommon |
134 | Rock Armor | Power | Stone Armor | Respite | Common |
135 | Battleaxe Build Up | Power | Battle Axe 1 | Insight | Uncommon |
136 | Breath of Fire | Power | Fiery Melee 2 | Enrage | Uncommon |
137 | Combustion | Power | Fiery Melee 1 | Enrage | Common |
138 | Combustion Build Up | Power | Fiery Melee 2 | Insight | Rare |
139 | Fiery Sword | Power | Fiery Melee | Enrage | Common |
140 | Fiery Sword Circle | Power | Fiery Melee 3 | Insight | Rare |
141 | Scorch | Power | Fiery Melee | Enrage | Common |
142 | Bone Smasher | Power | Energy Melee 1 | Respite | Uncommon |
143 | Hand Clap | Power | Super Strength 1 | Insight | Uncommon |
144 | Stamina | Power | Common Pool 6 | Break Free | Rare |
145 | Ranged Shot | Power | Archery 2 | Insight | Uncommon |
146 | Flash Arrow | Power | Trick Arrow | Insight | Uncommon |
147 | Scattershot | Sig Power • Armory | Assault Rifle | Enrage | Battle Pack |
148 | Ricochet | Sig Power • Recoilless | Assault Rifle | Insight | Battle Pack |
149 | Street Fighting | Sig Power • Back Alley Brawler | Invulnerability | Catch a Breath | Battle Pack |
150 | Ockham's Razor | Sig Power • Ockham | Claws | Enrage | Battle Pack |
151 | Dimension Twist | Sig Power • The Dark Watcher | Illusion Control | Enrage | Battle Pack |
152 | Oscillation | Sig Power • Capacitor | Empathy | Respite | Battle Pack |
153 | Heart's Blood | Sig Power • Heartseeker | Empathy | Respite | Battle Pack |
154 | Painful Panacea | Sig Power • Remedy | Empathy | Respite | Battle Pack |
155 | Lambent Flame | Sig Power • Incandescent | Fire Blast | Enrage | Battle Pack |
156 | Bonds of Gravity | Sig Power • Gravitas | Gravity Control | Luck | Battle Pack |
157 | Lucent Fire | Sig Power • Crystal Flame | Ice Armor | Luck | Battle Pack |
158 | Cloud Strike | Sig Power • Levantera | Katana | Enrage | Battle Pack |
159 | Chill Wind | Sig Power • Borea | Katana | Insight | Battle Pack |
160 | Like Clockwork | Sig Power • The Brass Man | Electrical Blast | Catch a Breath | Battle Pack |
161 | Turning Point | Sig Power • Jacklight | Radiation Emission | Insight | Battle Pack |
162 | Justice Is Swift | Sig Power • Maiden Justice | Martial Arts | Break Free | Battle Pack |
163 | Portents | Sig Power • Numina | Mind Control | Insight | Battle Pack |
164 | Lava Armor | Sig Power • The Magmite | Stone Armor | Luck | Battle Pack |
165 | The Light of Ra | Sig Power • Ahnek Rah-Zul | Stone Armor | Luck | Battle Pack |
166 | Wings of Protection | Sig Power • Swan | Force Field | Luck | Battle Pack |
167 | Broil | Sig Power • Blast Furnace | Fiery Aura | Enrage | Battle Pack |
168 | The Arms Deal | Mission • The Mech Man 1 | N/A | Catch a Breath | Common |
169 | A Desparate Plea | Mission • Clockworkz 1 | N/A | Catch a Breath | Common |
170 | Mechanically Impossible | Mission • Clockworkz 2 | N/A | Catch a Breath | Uncommon |
171 | Lou's Garage | Mission • Clockworkz 3 | N/A | Catch a Breath | Rare |
172 | The Trap! | Mission • The Mech Man 2 | N/A | Catch a Breath | Common |
173 | The Prisoner | Mission • The Mech Man 3 | N/A | Catch a Breath | Uncommon |
174 | Into Burkholder's Lair | Mission • The Mech Man 4 | N/A | Catch a Breath | Uncommon |
175 | A New Fuel Source | Mission | N/A | Catch a Breath | Common |
176 | Nearing the Goal | Mission • The Mech Man 5 | N/A | Catch a Breath | Rare |
177 | The Mech Man Cometh | Mission • The Mech Man 6 | N/A | Catch a Breath | Rare |
178 | Health | Power | Common Pool | Respite | Common |
179 | Top Hat | Hero • Controlller | Illusion Control • Radiation Emission • Teleport | N/A | Battle Pack |
180 | Three Ring Circus | Sig Power • Top Hat | Illusion Control | Enrage | Battle Pack |
Battle Pack Distribution List
This chart lists the fixed cards that come with the Heroes of the Secret Origins Battle Packs. Underlined card numbers are from the original Arena base deck.
# | Hero | Signature Power | Fixed Cards |
1 | Armory | 147 • Scattershot | 187, 77, 183, 69, 73, 74, 74, 70, 68 |
2 | Recoilless | 148 • Ricochet | 195, 197, 84, 196, 69, 73, 74, 70, 68 |
3 | The Brass Man | 160 • Like Clockwork | 80, 79, 81, 82, 188, 75, 190, 189, 61 |
4 | Incandescent | 155 • Lambent Flame | 81, 82, 79, 80, 76, 214, 217, 215, 61 |
5 | Gravitas | 156 • Bonds of Gravity | 97, 100, 229, 86, 228, 228, 226, 226, 61 |
6 | Numina | 163 • Portents | 97, 100, 94, 263, 266, 266, 264, 264, 61 |
7 | The Dark Watcher | 151 • Dimension Twist | 224, 101, 101, 221, 92, 89, 93, 88, 58 |
8 | Heartseeker | 153 • Heart's Blood | 156, 97, 97, 145, 154, 154, 153, 153, 68 |
9 | Remedy | 154 • Painful Panacea | 104, 97, 97, 109, 107, 105, 107, 105, 61 |
10 | Capacitor | 152 • Oscillation | 190, 97, 97, 188, 75, 190, 189, 189, 61 |
11 | Jacklight | 161 • Turning Point | 104, 284, 290, 289, 109, 107, 105, 105, 68 |
12 | Swan | 166 • Wings of Protection | 105, 101, 101, 109, 107, 107, 104, 104, 61 |
13 | Ockham | 150 • Ockham's Razor | 249, 252, 253, 168, 68, 169, 68, 167, 61 |
14 | Levantera | 158 • Cloud Strike | 171, 174, 171, 111, 114, 115, 113, 113, 61 |
15 | Borea | 159 • Chill Wind | 121, 124, 122, 114, 111, 113, 115, 113, 61 |
16 | Maiden Justice | 162 • Justice is Swift | 121, 122, 124, 117, 260, 261, 261, 256, 61 |
17 | Back Alley Brawler | 149 • Street Fighting | 301, 252, 253, 249, 143, 298, 299, 299, 68 |
18 | Crystal Flame | 157 • Lucent Fire | 139, 127, 233, 231, 136, 137, 141, 141, 61 |
19 | The Magmite | 164 • Lava Armor | 141, 132, 134, 131, 136, 137, 139, 139, 61 |
20 | Ahnek Rah-Zul | 165 • The Light of Ra | 299, 132, 134, 131, 143, 298, 301, 301, 61 |
21 | Blast Furnace | 167 • Broil | 141, 205, 204, 126, 136, 137, 139, 139, 61 |
179 | Top Hat | 180 • Three Ring Circus | 289, 284, 290, 92, 89, 93, 93, 88, 61 |
- Jump up ↑ (94) Although marked as Uncommon, Terrify is actually only available in Numina's Battle Pack
- Jump up ↑ (101) Although marked as Uncommon, Force Bolt is actually only available in The Dark Watcher's and Swan's Battle Packs
- Jump up ↑ (102) Mutation was inadvertently omitted from the card sheet by the publisher, so no printed version exists. The linked page is an entry in the fan-created Hamidon expansion set.