Badge time.png   The Paragon Wiki Archive documents the state of City of Heroes/Villains as it existed on December 1, 2012.


From Paragon Wiki Archive
Revision as of 01:00, 7 June 2014 by Blondeshell (Talk | contribs) (Badges: templatize)

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Archetypeicon scrapper.png This user's main hero is a Scrapper.

V archetypeicon mastermind.png This user's main villain is a Mastermind.

CoX Game Icon.png This user plays both City of Heroes and Villains on the Virtue server.
CoH Game Icon.png This user plays City of Heroes on the Freedom server.
CoX Game Icon.png This user plays both City of Heroes and Villains on the Infinity server.

TO Training Attack Rate.png This user's time zone is Central.

Badge vr months 009.png This user is Dependable.
Power Missing.png This user's first edit to Paragon Wiki was on February 9, 2009


My name is Ran-san, that's @Ransan in game. I am a member of The Legendary, Henshin Force, and Citadel of Eternal Damnnation on Virtue, as well as The Freedom League, Dojo of the Immortal White Tigers, and The Village of Smurfs on Freedom. Virtue is my main server, and I spend most of my time there.

I am an avid Role Player, and tend to game in character. My characters in The Legendary are anime inspired, and based of my own fiction work, Neo City High.

I'm going to be only an occaisional editor, making more grammatical changes than content.


Badge Year 10 Veteran.png Who's Counting?

It's been at least ten years since your first edit at Paragon Wiki, and, like fine vintage items, any more anniversaries are just numbers. This'll do.

Badge anniversary 4.png Transition Maker

You've helped welcome Paragon Wiki to its new home by adding more information about City of Heroes. (Awarded to everyone who made an edit in the year prior to September 1, 2009.)

Badge anniversary 5.png Data Hound

You've left no stone unturned in the search for more content to add to Paragon Wiki. (Awarded to everyone who made an edit in the year prior to September 1, 2010.)

Badge anniversary 6.png Archivist

An archive doesn't just happen on its own. It takes people like you. Thank you. (Awarded to everyone who made an edit in the year prior to September 1, 2011.)

Badge anniversary 7.png Knowledgebase

With your help, Paragon Wiki has become an even more expansive repository of knowledge. (Awarded to everyone who made an edit in the year prior to September 1, 2012.)