Going Rogue (Box Set)
From Paragon Wiki Archive
Revision as of 13:13, 14 February 2012 by Aggelakis (Talk | contribs) (not available in the Paragon Market, removing category)
Going Rogue was released on August 17, 2010, with a one-day preview for those who pre-purchased the expansion. This is a special release to accompany Issue 18:Shades of Grey's release.
The package contains:
- An installation DVD containing all updates through Issue 18
- $5 off Razer Store coupon insert
- A two-sided map, first side with smaller but new versions of the Paragon and Rogue Isles maps, the opposite side, a new map of Praetoria
- A Quick Reference Card, with the following:
- Installation information
- Support information
- Game Serial Code
- Mouse control guide
- List of a few common emotes
- List of common slash commands
- Basic GUI interface guide
- A "quick start guide", with the following:
- Installation guide for Mac and Windows
- Launching the game, playing with a single-button mouse on the Mac, account registration, and customer service
- Overview of the ten basic archetypes
- Layout of Windows default keyboard/mouse commands
- Layout of Mac default keyboard/mouse commands
- List of a few common emotes
In All versions:
- Access to Praetoria
- Access to Going Rogue costumes and unique content (not to be confused with the basic issue 18 content)
- Access to *Dual Pistols, Demon Summoning, Electric Control and Kinetic Melee powersets
- 2 Additional Character Slots (Note: while these are awarded, no where on either edition are they listed as coming with the product)
City of Heroes® Going Rogue™: Complete Collection
- Full versions of City of Heroes and City of Villains
- one month of account time
- City of Heroes® Going Rogue™: Complete Collection Item Pack
City of Heroes® Going Rogue™: Expansion
- early access to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning powersets
- The Game Serial Code in this boxset was not located on the disc or traditional NCsoft scratch off insert, but on page 2 of the Quick Reference Card.
- A pre-sale version of Going Rogue was available from the NCsoft store on March 2, 2010. Purchasing this would result in immediate charge for the basic expansion (not the Complete Collection) instead of when it came out, but allowed access to the following powersets early:
- Dual Pistols immediately upon purchase
- Demon Summoning alongside the release of Issue 17