Katie Douglas
Katie Douglas | |
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Zone | First Ward |
Coordinates | (355, 18, -1572) |
Level Range | 20-29 |
Introduced By | Noble Savage |
Introduces | Blind Makwa |
Katie Douglas is a Praetorian contact in the Sunken City neighborhood of First Ward at coordinates (355, 18, -1572). Her level range is 20-29.
Contact Introduced By
Contact Introduces
Prior to Introduction
Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue
Initial Contact
Character, guess what? A package arrived in the mail today. It's all the intel you gathered on the Awakened and the Apparitions from D.U.S.T. Oh, and by 'mail', I meant I recently read your mind and downloaded the bits I needed. Cool? Cool.
So what we know is that the Asylum sent a D.U.S.T. cell to retrieve some of 'her special children' from the Sunken City. We don't know how these 'special childen' AKA 'the Awakened' got there in the first place. But they were recovered and brought to ARCLIGHT, and that's when things lost the plot. The Awakened went crazy, some of them mind-controlling the D.U.S.T. Rangers inside, and others fleeing to other parts of the Free-Fire Zone - and almost always accompanied by the Apparitions. And then there's some hogwash about medical records at BETTERMOUSETRAP that got you nowhere. Sound about right? Whatever, it's close enough and I'm tired of talking. Moving on.
- Spit it out already.
- *sigh*
What's up?
Too Busy
Missing Too Busy Dialogue
Too Low Level
Missing Too Low Level Dialogue
No More Missions
Missing No More Missions Dialogue
Story Arc
Black Channel Protocols
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Merit Rewards: This activity awards 2 Reward Merits. |
‘’’Souvenir:’’’ Black Channel Protocols
Colonel Vargas, CO D-SEC HQ, to all uncompromised COs of Special Operations in First Ward
Of course you're compromised. Transmissions are down everywhere. The Seer Network itself is full of those ghosts, spreading them across the Free-Fire Zone like crows. I have little hope that the IDF Battle Orb I sent to shut down the Network will succeed, even with a full cell behind him. Most likely, that task will fall on others. If there are any others out there.
Something is wrong with my mind. It itches three inches behind my head. That would be them, so time is short: this is what I suspect happened, for those of you who may be able to read this. Praetor Tilman's Awakened didn't escape the Asylum. They were somehow stolen. Who could pull off such an exfiltration right out from under Mother's nose? I certainly have no id-- CROWS no no no it's waking up ins--
[transmission ends after the sound of a sidearm firing]
Top Men
First things first: this is going to be pretty morbid. I won't speak for you, but I don't much like it.
Each one of the possessed D.U.S.T. Rangers in the FFZ had some kind of persona defense training, right? Right. And we both know that particularly strong individuals that are possessed retain a bit of their personalities even when they're serving as a host body to an Apparition. Soooo...
...it stands to reason that any given possessed D.U.S.T. Ranger retains, at the very least, some idea of where he was at, what he was doing, what his orders he had at the time were, et cetera et cetera, just before he was all bodysnatched. If we collate enough of this data, we could make a good estimation of where to go next. Following me? Good. Now. Here's the tricky bit.
I need to scan the minds of a few D.U.S.T. Rangers at the moment you separate their host body from the Apparition. You're going to have to get your hands bloody, because there's only one surefire cure for possession. You know what I'm asking. Deal with your conscience in whatever way fits you best afterwards, but I'm going to have to scan a few before I can start building us the Big Picture. You up for this, killer?
I'll only go after the officers. It's doubtful that the grunts will know enough. (Accept)
Mission Acceptance
Huh, I didn't think of that. Good idea.
Get me into enough of their minds and I can triangulate our next likely step.
And, yeah, I just said 'triangulate' without blinking. So sue me. Won't happen again.
Get moving. We'll hook back up when I've got us a location.
Unnecessary Solicitation
What's up with you? I need you to separate possessed D.U.S.T. officers from the Apparitions inside them. Mission Objective(s)
- Find possessed D.U.S.T. officers
- Defeat 3 Peculiar Leader
Katie Douglas has discovered the location of the D.U.S.T. fallback position. She will meet you there.
Investigate Fallback Position
Unnecessary Solicitation
I’m not sure why we left our investigation.
Mission Objective(s)
Katie is putting up a subliminal psychic safety measure. D.U.S.T. hasn’t been alerted to your presence yet.
- Investigate Fallback Position
- Lead Katie to the Fallback Commander
Speak to Officer Orb
- Lead Katie to the Fallback Commander
The D.U.S.T. cell that had retreated to the fallback position had failed their previous mission: to shut down the Seer Network. It has evidently been overrun by the Awakened and the Apparitions.
Notable NPCs
- D.U.S.T. Officer (Lieutenant)
- Corporal Garret (Lieutenant)
- Officer Orb (Ally)
- Katie Douglas (Ally)
Well, I didn't see that one coming. I can't often say that, being a psychic and all. It looks like we're going to have to work with a machine who takes orders from a D.U.S.T. head-honcho who take orders from the Asylum...and who's on loan from the IDF. That's just...great. And, yeah, I guess I'm going to have to get over working with said ugh-inducing 'Officer Orb', since he has the Network's bypass codes.
Look, killer, I know I come across as a bit...well, you know, but I can't have my sisters in the Seer Network threatened like this. They're innocent. And they need our help. So we're helping, you get me?
This is gonna be a long road for us, killer. And I really don't want to be seen tagging along with you. Not physically, anyway. But if you need to reach me, just scream my name really loud in your head. Really, really loud. It'll be annoying enough that I'll probably answer.
Shut It All Down
The Awakened have taken control of the Seer Network in First Ward. That's how they were able to take down those D.U.S.T. facilities so easily—every Seer connected to the Network started working for them. I'm not sure how the Awakened did it, but we have to shut the local Seer Network down.
I'm not going to get all shot up again like last time, so I'll teleport in when you and 'Officer Orb' clear a safe passage to the Seer Network controls. Then we'll see if his bypass codes will let us access them.
Sounds like a plan, but he mentioned that the facility was full of Apparitions, too.
Mission Acceptance
Yeah, I’m still trying to make that connection. Maybe the Apparitions are the ghosts of dead psychics…? But we can table all the speculation until after we shut the Seer Network down.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Why did we leave?
Mission Objective(s)
Officer Orb is waiting for you with the Seer Network access key.
- Get Katie to the Seer Network
- Rendezvous with Officer Orb
Lead Officer Orb to the Seer Network Controls
Destroy Apparitions
Speak to Katie
- Rendezvous with Officer Orb
Accompanied by Katie Douglas and Officer Orb, you shut down the Seer Network. The Awakened were using it to turn D.U.S.T.'s own Seers against them across the whole Ward. It turned out that the entire Network was infected with Apparitions. How they got inside it, and why, is still unknown, but it's obvious that Colonel Vargas (the head of D.U.S.T. special operations in First Ward) is the likeliest person to know how all of this started.
Notable NPCs
- Officer Orb (Ally)
- Katie Douglas (Ally)
- Enraged Spectre (Lieutenant)
Okay, so we should talk about how things went twenty kinds of crazy then you drew all those Apparitions to my house and all my friends got killed…but I totally don’t feel like it.
But now I know what being possessed can do to someone, and it’s…not cool.
Look. I’ll stop calling you ‘killer’ from here on out. Fair? Fair. And that’s about as good as its ever going to get between us, Character.
D.U.S.T. to D.U.S.T.
Everything we've learned about the Apparitions, the Awakened, and the Black Channel Protocols leads to one man: Colonel Vargas, head of D.U.S.T.'s special operations. If anyone knows how all of this started, it would be him. You need to break into D.U.S.T.'s spec-ops station, D-SEC, and find out what Colonel Vargas knows. The Asylum and Mother Mayhem decided that his knowledge of the threat was enough to shut down all communications between him, his men, and the whole of the outside world. And that means First Ward has a crisis on its hands.
Considering my experience at the Seer Network, I wouldn't call this next bit exactly lucky...but I had enough Apparitions swimming around in my head that I've narrowed down a location for D-SEC.
Good. Learn anything else?
Mission Acceptance Yeah, and it throws another weird spanner into the works. I felt a...magical element to the Apparitions in the Network. Which pretty much pokes all kinds of holes into my theory of them being the ghosts of dead psychics.
Yeah, so...
...so, listen, Character, I'm still pretty shaken up by what happened back there, so I'll just tag along in your head for this outing. This one is too important to risk me wigging out on you again.
Unnecessary Solicitation
We still need to know what Colonel Vargas knows, Character. Get back to D-SEC.
Mission Objective(s)
The reports about D-SEC were true. Via Katie's psychic senses, you can feel the Apparitions running rampant throughout the facility.
- Investigate D-SEC
- Find Colonel Vargas
Find Colonel Vargas’ Files
Scan files on the D-SEC Comm Array
Defeat Officer Orb
2 data archives to download
You successfully recovered the Black Channel Incident data files from D-SEC, fending off an IDF attack along the way.
The Awakened
The Possessed
Imperial Defense Force
Notable NPCs
- Officer Orb (I.D.F. Minion)
- Colonel Duray (I.D.F. Lieutenant)
Whenever you’re ready to find the blind guy, I’ll telesend you his location.