Talk:Submariner Janus
From Paragon Wiki Archive
Revision as of 19:23, 7 May 2010 by Eternalgentleman (Talk | contribs)
My apologies if this page breaks guidelines. While there's obviously some speculation here about this NPC's function, it's a safe bet that he is intended to be part of the Going Rogue expansion, most probably to ferry characters between Paragon City and the Rogue Isles once their alignments have been changed to Vigilante or Rogue. Unfortunately, since this NPC exists in both City of Heroes and City Villains, the Paragon Wiki template has trouble dealing with his dual role. If wiki veterans need to edit this page appropriately, it would be most appreciated.--Eternalgentleman 18:33, 7 May 2010 (UTC)
- As long as a NPC can actually be seen in-game, there's no problem documenting them. We just need to be very careful as beta testing approaches that any info contained in the article is restricted to info available outside of the closed beta. (Once open beta starts, all info is fair game.) What else needs to be captured here that isn't currently showing? If the templates need to be modified, we can probably find a way to accommodate the new info without breaking existing articles that use the template. --Eabrace
19:10, 7 May 2010 (UTC)
- This NPC is currently available in game, so I'm working on the assumption he's legitimately there (to tantalize us), rather than because of an accidental leak from the beta. He presents a challenge to the wiki in that he's a contact for both sides, so he needs two sets of contact categories, neighborhoods, coordinates, etc. Speaking of which I'll grab his other set of coordinates this evening, along with a character screenshot. Thank you for all the help on the wiki.Eternalgentleman 19:23, 7 May 2010 (UTC)