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Welcome to the Paragon Wiki!

Welcome to City of Heroes and City of Villains, the online world that's home to an entire universe of heroes and villains, where you and thousands of other players take on the roles of super powered heroes and villains in a stunning, 3D graphical world.
This wiki is intended to be a central repository of all things that have to do with NCSoft's two MMORPG's, City of Heroes and City of Villains. This wiki is a community effort. If you cannot find the information you are searching for, please add it to the wiki for other users to see.
To find information, use the search box on the left, or feel free to browse the available categories or view the table of contents.
This wiki is provided by the Paragon City Free Press, a fansite dedicated to the enjoyment of City of Heroes and City of Villains by providing more depth to the game.
Please see the Editing User's Guide for information about how to write and create articles for this wiki.
Tuesday May 2, 2007
Issue 9 has been released to the live servers. Get inventing, folks. :)
Thursday April 26, 2007
A Season of Growth
Well, first the good news: The Paragon Wiki continues to enjoy astounding growth. Now, the bad news: The Paragon Wiki continues to enjoy astounding growth. We are now seeing well over 1,300,000 page hits a month and have increased traffic and visitors by around 35% in the first quarter of 2007. As a result, the Wiki has officially outgrown its shared host and needs to be moved to a location that can handle the amount of resource load placed on its server.
We are currently in the process of acquiring a virtual private host to be the Paragon Wiki's new home, and this week, perhaps extending into the weekend, we will be setting up the new server and moving everything over. Ideally, this process will be completely transparent, and no one will be any the wiser until the yellow banner at the top of this page goes away.
In reality, there will be at least a little bit of downtime while the transfer is in process, and depending on how well the move goes, that downtime may extend to longer than "a little bit." We'll certainly do our best to keep at least some sort of notice posted on the progress.
We're sorry in advance for any prolonged outage, but rest assured that we are working diligently to make this transition as quick and painless as possible.
Sunday April 22, 2007
Caching Enabled!
I won't make any bones about it—the wiki has gotten very busy lately. We are serving up well over a million pages every month to players looking for information (45,993 pages yesterday alone!), and as a result, the wiki is putting a pretty good beating on the server where it's installed.
To try to increase performance and reduce the load on the server's CPU, a few changes have been implemented. Ideally, these changes will be completely transparent to all of the wiki's visitors. Of course, whenever any type of major changes take place, though, things sometimes go awry. If you notice any weirdness or errors, please feel free to post a message in the Site Issues forum, or if you can't reach the forums, e-mail me at and let me know.
To anyone who's curious, the exact changes I've made are:
- Installed my own (hopefully!) optimized copy of php 5.2.1
- Installed and configured FastCGI in php
- Built and installed eAccelerator, a compiled php caching system
Hopefully, these changes will not only make my hosting provider happier, but speed up access to the wiki as well.
Friday April 6, 2007
Massive Information Upload of Issue 9
Since Issue 9 was released to public beta without that pesky non-disclosure agreement to get in the way, massive amounts of information about Issue 9 have been added to the Paragon Wiki. Some of the highlights include articles on:
- The Abyss, a new villain zone with Hamidon, the most powerful of enemies.
- Statesman's Task Force, a new challenge for heroes.
- The Invention System, one of the biggest changes to hit City of Heroes since the game's launch.
- An article specifically about the new badges coming with Issue 9.
- Much, much more, as covered in the Patch_Watchlist category.
In short, be sure to check in frequently with the Paragon Wiki for the latest and greatest information on this major new feature release to City of Heroes and City of Villains. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to drop by our forums, and as always, be sure to edit any articles that are unclear, incorrect, or incomplete. Remember, you are what makes the wiki work so well!
Wanted: Your Mad Writing Skillz (with a Z)
Want to contribute to the Paragon Wiki but don't know where to start? One good place to start is by editing articles that are designated as Stub articles and Work in Progress articles. These articles need anything from minor tweaks to major overhauls, and anything you have to add would be appreciated!
If you want to dive into writing some highly needed articles from scratch, check out the list of Wanted Pages. These are pages that are linked to from other pages but that have no articles associated with them. They are sorted by the number of links that point to them, so by filling in the articles towards the top of the list, you will be giving the most bang for your temporal buck.
Contact Info
TonyV is the administrator of this wiki. If you need to contact him, please send an e-mail to Please see the Administrators page for more information about the administrators of the Paragon Wiki.
Legal Information
City of Heroes is ©2004 NCsoft Corporation and Cryptic Studios, Inc. All rights reserved.
City of Villains is ©2005 NCsoft Corporation and Cryptic Studios, Inc. All rights reserved.
City of Heroes, City of Villains, game content, logos, and materials are trademarks and copyrights of NCsoft Corporation and its Licensors and used with permission.
Please see the General Disclaimer for more information.