B.O.T.L.E.R. is a hero contact in Fort Trident at coordinates (-67.5, 18.1, -4.3). B.O.T.L.E.R. is a Store contact.
General Information
He was created by Positron, who says this about B.O.T.L.E.R. when you click on him:
Oh, Character! How do you like the place we've set up? I mean, it'll be a while before the place looks up to what the Freedom Phalanx should be working from - but hey... It's a start. And did you meet my little robotic creation, B.O.T.L.E.R.? Get it? The name's a pun... B.O.T.L.E.R. sounds liiiiiiikkkeee... Butler! Get it??........ Why are you looking at me like that?
Store Information
B.O.T.L.E.R. is available just inside the main room, to your left after exiting the submarine. He will convert Reward Merits to Hero Alignment Merits at a rate of 50 Reward Merits plus 20,000,000 Influence for one Alignment Merit. This can be done once every twenty hours.
You must click on the actual trash can behind B.O.T.L.E.R. to enter the store.
- IO recipes can be had for 1-2 Hero Merits each.
- "Purple" (Very rare) IO recipes can be had for Hero Merits.
- PVP IO recipes can run from 25 to 35 Hero Merits.
- Respec Recipes run 10 Hero Merits.
- Costume Piece recipes run for 1 Hero Merit.
- Random Rare Recipe Rolls will provide 5 random rare recipes of a given range for 1 Hero Merit.
- Rare Salvage recipe rolls will provide 8 random pieces of Rare Salvage of a given range and type for 1 Hero Merit.