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User:Tidbit Jr./NPCs

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Revision as of 12:58, 16 October 2008 by Tidbit Jr. (Talk | contribs) (S.P.I.D.E.R.)

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Much like my Dark Control page, this page is more of a suggestions & ideas as well as sandbox, though this page is specifically for NPCs and enemy groups.



Praetorian Earth's counterpart to Arachnos. S.P.I.D.E.R. is a an underground super hero resistance to the Praetorians.

Notes to self:

  • Lord Recluse --> ???
  • Ghost Widow --> Arachne
  • Black Scorpion --> Horseshoe Crab
  • Captain Mako --> ???
  • Scirocco --> ???
  • Wretch -->
  • Silver Mantis --> Praying Mantis
  • Barracuda --> ???
  • Ice Mistral --> ???

Urban Empire

A new dimension and its inhabitants recently found by the Portal Corporation was aptly named after the ruling government that exists there: the Urban Empire. It is a ... less cultured world, being little more than a medieval system applied to a very unruly lot of thugs. Despite their anarchic-looking lifestyles, the citizens of this world seem to adhere closely to an almost worship of their ruling power, favoring order over street brawls with any outsiders they find.

The Portal Corporation of their world seems to know little more than minor teleportation, which evidence points to their lack of a Rikti invasion (assumedly meaning they never recovered technologies such as medicom teleporters and the like). The empire itself, however, still poses a threat in the sheer number of "active citizens" it recruits.

Heroes visiting this zone for information collection or other tasks should always exercize caution, as any natives encountered could be armed to the teeth.

NOTE: This idea is not only a villain group itself, but rather a (co-op) zone idea, accessed through both Portal Corps and Arachnos. I know, I know, co-op isn't always that great, but personally I didn't want to give it to either heroes or villains only. The above text was a hero briefing on the zone.



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These young hotheads are not the brightest bunch, but they are extremely loyal to their 'rightful' leader. This makes them a valuable asset to the Urban Empire which is smart enough, and strong enough, to utilize their talents. The punks' gang-related activities have taught them well, and they are pretty good shots with their pistols.

Weapon: Dual Pistols
Inherent Brawl.png Brawl (Melee) Foe Minor Damage(Smashing)
When all else fails, you only have your two fists to depend on.
Thugs TargetedRangedMinorDmg.png Pistols (Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage(Lethal)
Small caliber sidearm.
Thugs TargetedRangedHeavyDmg.png Dual Wield (Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage(Lethal), Knockdown
You have been knocked down by the dual wield.
Thugs ConeRangedModerateDmg.png Empty Clips (Ranged Cone) Foe Moderate Damage(Lethal), Knockdown
Good at close range. Fires a cone of bullets and can knock some foes down.


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The arsonists probably suffer from some form of pyromania. They likely hide some deep-seeded trauma or have some background of family dysfunction. None of that matters now, as their only pleasure is to burn things, and people, to the ground.

Inherent BlasterDesperation.png Scourge (Auto) Self +Damage(Special)
The arsonist is a dastardly villain indeed. As an arsonist's foe's health wanes, the arsonist can start to land scourge hits with his attack powers for up to double damage. The weaker the target is, the greater chance the arsonist has of landing scourge. Once a foe is weak enough, there is no escaping the arsonist's wrath. An arsonist shows no mercy.
FireBlast FireBall.png Molotov Cocktail (TAoE) Foe Moderate DoT(Heat)
The arsonist has set you on fire with his molotov cocktail!
FireBlast ArcOfFire.png Spit Fire (Ranged Cone) Foe Moderate DoT(Heat)
The arsonist has set you on fire with his spit fire!
AssaultWeapons ARM30grenade.png Spit Fire (TAoE) Foe Superior DoT(Heat)
The arsonist has set you on fire with his petrol bomb!



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A natural leader. In another life, the enforcer could have amounted to something. Never-the-less, younger thugs can learn a lot from him, and are more effective fighters when he is around. He has seen his share of gang wars, and his experience with street weapons is invaluable.

Weapon: Dual Uzis
Leadership Defense.png Maneuvers (Auto)(PBAoE) Ally / Self +Defense(All)
This thug's defense to all attacks is improved due to good leadership in maneuvers from a lieutenant.
Leadership Tactics.png Tactics (Auto)(PBAoE) Ally / Self +ToHit, +Resistance(Confuse), +Perception
This thug's accuracy and perception are imrpoved due to good leadership in tactics from a lieutenant.
Leadership Assault.png Assault (Auto)(PBAoE) Ally / Self +Damage
This thug's damage is imrpoved due to good leadership in assault from a lieutenant.
AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Uzi Burst (Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage(Lethal), -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by fire from the uzi.
AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Uzi Heavy Burst (Ranged) Foe High Damage(Lethal), -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by fire from the uzi.
AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Uzi Cone Blast (Ranged Cone) Foe Moderate Damage(Lethal), -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by fire from the uzi.
AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Dual Uzis (Ranged Cone) Foe Moderate Damage(Lethal), -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by fire from the uzi.
AssaultWeapons ARM30grenade.png Blast Clip (TAoE) Foe Moderate Damage(Lethal)
You are getting pelted by an exploding clip of ammo.



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These thugs are massive brutes. The bruisers have worked their way through the ranks and have nothing left to prove. They are strong, tough, and have mean tempers.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Resistance (Auto) Self +Resistance(Smashing, Lethal, Heat, Cold), +Protection(Confuse, Fear, Placate)
The bruiser is a brute. He has good resistance to lethal and smashing damage and some resistance to heat and cold damage. He is street wise and his training makes him resistant to confusion, fear, and placation. His experience in the elements makes him slightly resistant to toxic damage.
Inherent BlasterDesperation.png Fury (Auto) Self +Damage(Special)
As a brute engages in combat, he unleashes his fury. The longer he remains in combat, attacking and being attacked, the more damage he deals.
SuperStrength Jab.png Jab (Melee) Foe Minor Damage(Smashing), Disorient(Chance)
The bruiser has disoriented you with his jab.
SuperStrength Punch.png Punch (Melee) Foe Moderate Damage(Smashing), Knockdown(Chance)
A super strength punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
SuperStrength HandClap.png Hand Clap (PBAoE) Foe Disorient, Knockback(Chance)
The bruiser has disoriented you with his hand clap.
SuperStrength Haymaker.png Haymaker (Melee) Foe High Damage(Smashing), Knockdown(Chance)
The haymaker is a slow attack, but it makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of knockback.
SuperStrength KnockoutBlow.png Knockout Blow (Melee) Foe Superior Damage(Smashing), Knockup, Hold
The bruiser has hit you with a knockout blow. You are held.
SuperStrength Hurl.png Hurl (Ranged) Foe High Damage(Smashing), Knockback
You are able to tear up a chunk of ground beneath your feet and hurl it at an enemy. This attack is close ranged, deals heavy damage and can knock foes back.
SuperStrength FootStomp.png Foot Stomp (PBAoE) Foe High Damage(Smashing), Knockdown
The foot stomp has damaged you.

Elite Bosses

Arch Villains

Urban Legend

The leader?


Tacked on to existing groups, generally.

Cobalt (Praetorians)

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The fearless Cobalt was Marauder's harsh trainer as well as the closest thing that he had to a father figure. Unlike his protege, Cobalt has always been completely loyal to Tyrant, following him for more than just the thrill of battle. That's not to say he wouldn't enjoy a good fight, though.

Weapon: Shield
ShieldDefense AgainstAllOdds.png Against All Odds (Auto)(PBAoE) Self +Damage(Per Foe)
The harder pressed Cobalt is in battle, the stronger his offensive abilities become.
EnergyManipulation EnergyPunch.png Bash (Melee) Foe Moderate Damage(Smashing), Disorient, Knockdown(Chance)
You have been disoriented.
EnergyManipulation BoneSmasher.png Clobber (Melee) Foe High Damage(Smashing), Knockdown(Chance), Disorient
You have been disoriented.
EnergyManipulation PowerThrust.png Push Back (Melee) Foe Superior Damage(Smashing), Knockback(Chance), Disorient
You have been disoriented.
EnergyManipulation Stun.png Shatter (Melee Cone) Foe Extreme Damage(Smashing), Knockback
You have been knocked down.
ShieldDefense ShieldCharge.png Shield Charge (Ranged Cone) Foe Superior Damage(Smashing), Knockdown; (Ranged) Self Teleport
You have been knocked down.