Finale: One Way Out
Mission Briefing
The Council and Calvin Scott clearly see you as the main threat here, Character. They want you out of the picture. They've warned me that if you do not comply, they will kill the New Praetorians. They claim to have disabled their medi-porters and that they have their prisons rigged with an electric charge powerful enough to fry the metal off of a War Walker.
They're doing all this to try to stop you, Character. What are you going to do?
- If they want me, Marchand, then they'll have me.
You're going to hand yourself over, Character?
You can't take the chance that Calvin Scott is bluffing. However, you know that the members of the New Praetorians are all capable of taking care of themselves. You're going to put your faith that one of them will think of a way out of the prison, or at least give you a method to rescue them. If not, then you'll have to figure out a way out once the Council releases them - if the group keeps their word.
... Alright, Character. I believe in you. I won't be able to give you much support, so you'll be on your own with this. Make sure you're prepared for whatever is going to be in there, it won't be easy, handing yourself over, and it'll be even harder to get out. You'll want to be ready for whatever comes your way.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Good luck, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
The Council liason is waiting to take you to Calvin Scott.
- Hand yourself over to the UPA
- Speak with the Council Liaison
- 5 New Praetorians to rescue
- Track down Calvin Scott
- 2 generators to destroy to weaken the War Walker
- Defeat the Council War Walker
- 4 computers to hack to overload the War Walkers
You rescued the New Praetorians and destroyed a Council facility producing War Walkers!
Notable NPCs
- Council War Walker (Elite Boss)
Council Liaison
Don't try anything funny, Character. We have the place covered with cameras. We'll activate the devices to fry your little friends if the cameras spot something suspicious.
Calvin Scott: You had a chance to walk away, but you just couldn't do it.
Calvin Scott: Allow me to introduce a man who knows what has to be done.
Marauder: Character. You think I'd refuse the offer to get my power back?
Marauder: The plan is blown, it's time to retreat, Scott! You can't take on Character.
Calvin Scott: All UPA troops, make your way to kill the New Praetorians! This isn't over, Character!
Commando: What's the status on Refugee Island?
Defected Trooper: They won't be able to use it again. Not as long as we keep up the pressure.
Defected Soldier: I told you already, we had to attack the island. The explosions didn't kill anyone, just gave them a nasty surprise.
Commando: It was too close, we're -lucky- no one was killed.
Commando: We have to fulfill Scott's vision, or else this place will become just like Praetoria.
Defected Trooper: I know. I didn't want it to be true, but seeing the war walls...
Defected Soldier: Where are these generals of the Council? Shouldn't they be here?
Heavy Brawler: Calvin Scott says we're handling this one. The generals are spreading out through Paragon as we speak.
Defected Soldier: I can't believe what I saw. Will it work?
Commando: It does, I saw it in action. We can win the war with more of them.
Commando: How did they manage to put another one of those together?
Cannoneer: It seems they had moles in Praetoria working on schematics the entire time.
New Praetorian Dialogue
Upon Breaking out of Cells:
- Aurora Pena: Thank you, Character. We're all in your debt.
- Riptide: I'm ready to tear apart these fools, Character.
- Grant Creston: Cheers, Character. Let's get moving.
- Alec Parson: Let it be said, Alec Parson can crack ANY piece of technology, even in the face of death! H-hah hah... I don't really want to do that again.
- Pendragon: Thank goodness for Parson, and for you, Character. I'm ready for some vengeance.
During Battle with Council:
- Council War Walker: Scanning for targets...
- Council War Walker: Target acquired.
- Alec Parson: You... you want me to help fight THAT?!
- Aurora Pena: A War Walker?!
- Riptide: Fighting a War Walker? Could be a change of pace.
- Grant Creston: It's being reinforced by those generators, take them down!
- Pendragon: Come then, we'll take this monstrosity down!
Upon Defeat:
- Pendragon: Hrmph... I need a moment...!
- Aurora Pena: Urgh...
- Riptide: Mmmph...
- Alec Parson: Ow... ow ow ow ow!
- Grant Creston: Shouldn't take these people lightly...!
Upon Resting and Returning to Battle:
- Pendragon: The New Praetorians shall not falter!
- Aurora Pena: Calvin Scott... I will not rest until you're stopped!
- Riptide: You people have nothing on the New Praetorians!
- Alec Parson: I'm OK, I'm OK!
Upon Defeat of War Walker:
- Grant Creston: Down it goes!
- Riptide: That's how you do it.
- Aurora Pena: They're mad... is this the length that Primal villains go to?
- Alec Parson: Ah... ah... ahaha... if you can hack those computers... we can bring the remaining robots down...!
- Pendragon: They never stood a chance against Character and the New Praetorians.
- Grant Creston: Former IDF and Resistance... everyone wants a cause.
Upon Hacking Computers:
- Grant Creston: We're in trouble if they have more of these facilities.
- Alec Parson: I'll see if I can work on... well... I don't know WHAT, but something to fight this.
- Aurora Pena: Calvin... you were willing to kill us for your vision. I don't think there's any hope left for you...
- Riptide: Let them roll out their toys, we'll destroy all of them, right?
- Pendragon: Don't worry, Aurora. There's a chance for everyone to turn around, even Calvin Scott.
Upon completing the mission, you will be awarded the Brickstown's Keeper Badge.
Brickstown's Keeper
You worked with the New Praetorians to stop the biggest breakout that Brickstown has ever seen.
Character, you truly are amazing. You pulled us through the brink of defeat and even destroyed a War Walker facility.
Marauder... I'm responsible for this, Character. I put my faith in him to make the right choice, that he would put aside his desire for power... but he didn't. I gambled against the Center, and I lost. I'm afraid that it may come down to facing off against him once more before this is over.
Our efforts haven't been for nothing, however. The majority of the escaped convicts have been brought back to the Zig, thanks to you and the New Praetorians. All we have left to deal with are the Council and Calvin Scott's new army.
If there's anything that I know now, however, it's that these forces don't stand a chance against you and the New Praetorians.