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Battlerock X

Real Name: Colonel John Helix Battlerock (retired)

Archetype: Tanker

Origin: Natural

City of Operations: Paragon City

Current Affiliation: Omega 2

Former Affiliations: US Government, Paragon City Superhuman Oversight Division, Omega Team

Related Information: The Battlerock X Chronicles

Brief History:

Colonel Battlerock served for many years with military intelligence in covert operations known only as "Soldier X". On rare occasions he would have to work alongside many hero organizations including the Freedom Phalanx. One such operation was in 1979 when he aided Statesman, Positron, and the original Luminary in rescuing members of the American Embassy in Tehran that were being held hostage. That operation cemented his friendship with Luminary and with members of Freedom Corps' Longbow Division.

In 1988 he married Brittany Ross, an operative for Longbow. He retired from active military service in 1989 prior to the birth of his daughter Joan.

In 1995, he successfully petitioned the United States Congress to adopt a public resolution recognizing the Battlerock Tribe as a legitimate Indian Tribe that was unjustly driven to near-extinction in the 16th century. The resolution lists the Battlerock family, the descendants of Proud Hawk, as the last surviving members of that tribe. That same year he published a book called "The Tribe That Vanished", which spelled out the tragic history of the Battlerock Tribe. This was followed in 1996 with an even more controversial book called "The Real Legend of the Western Ranger", which showed how the "Western Ranger" of radio, TV, and movies differed from its real-life counterpart.

In 1999, following the destruction of Hero Corps' branch office in Paragon City, John Battlerock was recruited by Lady Grey to be the first superhuman member of the Paragon City Superhuman Oversight Division; an organization dedicated to look into the activities of other registered supergroups and investigate misconduct. (This organization would serve as the precursor to Vanguard.) To that end he became the first publicly-recognized Battlerock Warrior known as "Battlerock X".

In 2002, during the Rikti Invasion, Battlerock X was part of the Omega Team of heroes that were to go into the Rikti home portal. Battlerock's role was to serve as support for Hero 1 to make sure the rest of the team makes it through. He was declared either missing or killed in battle.

In 2007, a visibly-damaged street derelict discovered that he was in fact Battlerock X; his memories apparently returning with the return of the Rikti. The extent of his injuries forced him to return to square one in terms of his skills and experience. He had since been operating on his own, trying to piece together the missing parts of his life, including what happened five years since the Omega Team.