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Welcome to the City of Heroes / City of Villains Wiki

Welcome to City of Heroes and City of Villains, the online world that's home to an entire universe of heroes and villains, where you and thousands of other players take on the roles of super powered heroes and villains in a stunning, 3D graphical world.
This wiki is intended to be a central repository of all things that have to do with NCSoft's two MMORPG's, City of Heroes and City of Villains. This wiki is a community effort. If you cannot find the information you are searching for, please add it to the wiki for other users to see.
To find information, use the search box on the left, or feel free to browse the available categories.
This wiki is provided by the Paragon City Free Press, a fansite dedicated to the enjoyment of City of Heroes and City of Villains by providing more depth to the game.
Please see the Editing User's Guide for information about how to write and create articles for this wiki.
Recent Updates
- I have created a discussion page for anyone who wants to to post comments, ideas, etc. to the wiki. If it starts getting too big, I might consider just setting up a real forum instead. Until then, I guess we'll see how just a discussion page works. I'll be adding some things that I'm really tossed up about on there soon.
- I owe StarGeek a HUGE thanks for updating a ton of powers icons that I had screwed up the category for. He corrected a whole bunch, and I've since gone in via SQL directly and updated the rest so that the category is now correct and browsable. Again, thank you!
- At long last! The article on Inspirations has been added. Special inspirations for the Winter Event 2005 are included, as are obsolete inspirations that have been retired from the game.
- A work-in-progress article about Bounty has been added to document what you can get in Siren's Call for defeating enemies. So far, I only know of two bounty levels (1,000 and 6,000). If there are more, please add them!
- A new format for powerset documentation has been developed, as seen in the Energy Melee article. Compare this with the format used for powersets such as Dark Armor, and it has a lot more information. The powersets will take a long time to document, so any help would be appreciated!
January 22, 2006
New Administrator
I've added another person as an administrator of the site, StarGeek. If you've seen the Recent Changes log lately, you'll know that his additions to the wiki have been invaluable, and spread across several areas such as enemy articles, powersets, error corrections, and more. With administrator privileges, he will now have even more access to change protected pages and perform user administration as well.
Thanks for your contributions, StarGeek, and I'm looking forward to seeing what's next!
Server Outage
Well, not exactly. The DNS servers for this site went kaput sometime yesterday (Saturday) afternoon Eastern time, which had the same effect: For hours, the site was inaccessible. It was, unfortunately, completely beyond my control other than logging a couple of tickets with my web hosting provider to try to have the matter resolved. Sometime between around 11:00pm EST Saturday night and 5:30am EST this morning, the problem was resolved and normal service restored. I apologize for any inconvenience this caused, and hope that the service provider takes steps to keep from having such a long outage again.
January 15, 2006
Spam Filter
Well, if you've been checking the Recent Changes page, you may have noticed that the Paragon Wiki has lately been the victim of some vandals who are, no doubt, trying to increase their sites' link counts by posting hidden links to sites of, shall we say, questionable repute, in articles.
If you're thinking about doing this (or have done this), I'd like to remind you of three things. First, this site is a purely volunteer effort, which basically means that you're going to hell, have a nice day! Second, this wiki is configured with rel=nofollow links that do not get followed by search engines, so your site is not getting credit for links from this site and you're wasting your time. Third, I do check this site for changes at least once a day (usually more), and your links are taken down before any search engines really have a chance to see them.
Nevertheless, I resigned myself a long time ago to the old Internet adage that if you build it, they will attack. I guess that I should take it as a kind of backhanded compliment that my site is important enough now to be spammed! Anyway, to alleviate the issue, I've implemented the wiki spam filter that the Wikipedia uses. Thanks, Taxibot Yellow for pointing me to it!
If you have trouble editing or posting a legitimate article, please let me know by e-mailing me at, and I apologize in advance.
January 6, 2006
E-Mail Snafu
First of all, I apologize for a mistake I made when I moved the site over to a different server. In the process, I forgot to set up the email forwarder which forwards e-mail to to the web mail client I use. The end result is that any e-mail that has been sent to me in the past couple of weeks was sent out to the Shadow Shard somewhere, never to be seen again. I apologize profusely if you sent me something and I did not respond. Please send it again, and I assure you that it will be read by me now.
Happy New Year!
That said, I hope that everyone is having a wonderful 2006 so far. The Winter Event 2005 was a raving success in Paragon City, and most heroes (and villains!) seem to still be thoroughly enjoying their rocket packs. Don't forget, they only last for thirty days from the time you got them, not from the end of the event!
Game of the Year
How did NCsoft start off the new year? How about by winning Game of the Year from! Congratulations and kudos to the developers, and it's a great way to start what I am certain will be another fantastic year of fighting crime—or causing it—in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. I promise that Paragon Wiki will continue to follow all changes and updates and become even bigger and better with tons of new information during the year!
External Links
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If you want your site listed here, please send an e-mail to the site manager at for review.
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- Support the Electronic Frontier Foundation, defending your digital rights
- Graphics on this site have been created and/or edited with The Gimp, a powerful and 100% free image editor.
Contact Info
TonyV is the administrator of this wiki. If you need to contact him, please send an e-mail to
Legal Information
City of Heroes is ©2004 NCsoft Corporation and Cryptic Studios, Inc. All rights reserved.
City of Villains is ©2005 NCsoft Corporation and Cryptic Studios, Inc. All rights reserved.
City of Heroes, City of Villains, game content, logos, and materials are trademarks and copyrights of NCsoft Corporation and its Licensors and used with permission.