This is where I'm putting ideas for a SuperGroup Base addition to the wiki.
PAGE: Super Groups
Super Groups are a collection of player characters that come together usualy with common goals. Super Groups provide a connection to other players so you can more easily find groups, get help, and do special things only a Super Group can help you do.
Making a Super Group
Registrars, example of the creation screen. What the different settings do (Can deposit items/Can take items/Can change MOTD/etc). Super Group Uniform, Icon, etc.
Managing a Super Group
Forming ranks, promoting the group (not spamming), encouraging working together, positions of leadership, coalitions, etc.
Super Group Commands
Chat channels and important /commands. Link to list of all commands.
What they are, why they can help you.
What raiding is in terms of coalition/SG vs. coalition/SG. Lead in to bases. Link to base page.
PAGE: Super Group Bases
What they are and what they can do for you.
This is where the bulk of the work will go...