From Paragon Wiki Archive
- should be able to replace cellpadding="0" with any CSS for creating tables
- top (optional)
- This actually defines the valign option. On badge badges, it's best to have it valign=top, but some pages are better suited to valign=center
- icon=
- image name resized to 20px by default. Do not include the brackets and Image:. i.e. icon=Badge_villain_council.png not icon=[[Image:Badge_villain_council.png|size=20px]]
- size=(optional)
- For the Mission Accomplishment badges, use 27px

- For the extra wide Task force Accomplishment badges, use 53px

- badge=
- Name of badge, use full name
- type=
- Accomplishment, Achievement, Exploration, History, etc
- howto=
- VERY brief description
- Exploration
- Zone name, general location, and exact /loc coordinates
- History
- Currently using an indented numbered list.
- :# [[zone name]] (x, z, y,)
- :# [[zone name2]] (x, z, y,)
- Accomplishment
- Mission name or who gives it.
- Achievment
- Who and/or how many to defeat.